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Summary The ultrastructure of the thread-like hairs (sensilla) on the tibia of the front leg ofAcheta domesticus (Gryllidae) Saltatoria was examined by serial sectioning. The presence of a tubular body indicates that these sensilla are mechanosensitive; electrophysiological measurements also confirmed this. The opposing forces on the articulating apparatus of single hairs and the sensitivity of the single receptor cell were measured after deflection of the hair in different directions. The articulating apparatus is characterized by three cuticular elements: a joint membrane, suspension fibers, and a socket septum. These elements form the basis for a structural bilateral symmetry along whose plane of symmetry the direction line of both the minimum receptor sensitivity and the minimum opposing forces lie. The tubular body embedded in the tip of the socket septum is attached to the base of the hair shaft. The hair provides the leverage for displacing the tubular body and the socket septum limits the extent to which it may be laterally displaced.These investigations have been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
Mass spectra of underivatized hexa- and heptapeptide amides related to Substance P have been obtained with a conventional electron ionization mass spectrometer using sample vaporization from a tungsten wire by the technique of rapid heating, proton transfer ionization using ammonia, and photoplate recording of spectra. These spectra exhibit little evidence of sample pyrolysis and are readily interpreted to yield amino acid sequences.  相似文献   
The sequential copolypeptides (Lys-Phe-Lys)n and (Lys2-Phe-Lys)n and a series of related random copolypeptides were investigated with respect of their ability to adopt the α-helix or β-conformation. Conformational transitions were induced by increasing the pH or by addition of NaClO4 or methanol and were observed by recording the CD spectra. In contrast to the respective alternating copolypeptide (Phe-Lys)n with its strong tendency for the β-structure reported previously, (Lys-Phe-Lys)n can adopt either secondary structure, whereas (Lys2-Phe-Lys)n strongly favors the α-helix. Together with the random copolypeptides, whose composition varied from 20 to 50 mol % phenylalanine and whose average molecular weights ranged from 10,000 to 90,000, the influence of the phenylalanine content and of the chain length on conformational stability and the rotatory strength of the respective secondary structures were elaborated.  相似文献   
Summary In this report we show by hybridization of restriction fragments and by Miller spreads that the unit repeat of the fly Sciara coprophila is only 8.4 kb which is the smallest known for a multicellular eukaryote. The 8.4 kb EcoR1 fragment containing a complete unit of Sciara rDNA was cloned in pBR322, and mapped by the method of Parker (1977) and also by double digestion. The coding regions for 28S, 18S, and 5.8S RNA were localized by the method of Berk and Sharp (1977). From these data we conclude that the nontranscribed spacer, external transcribed spacer, and internal transcribed spacer are all shorter than in other organisms, thereby giving rise to the shorter overall rDNA repeat unit of Sciara.At least 90% of the Sciara rDNA repeats are homogeneous, with a length of 8.4 kb, but a 700 bp ladder of minor bands can also be found in digestions of total genome DNA. This profile of major and minor bands is identical between the X and X chromosomes, as seen by a comparison of several genotypes.There are only 45 rRNA genes per X chromosome of Sciara (Gerbi and Crouse, 1976). These can easily be counted by low magnification Miller speads which show that virtually all gene copies are actively being transcribed in the stage of spermatogenesis examined. This is the first demonstration for any reiterated gene family where all copies are shown to be simultaneously active.Present address same as last author  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Die Zellen des Ventralepithels bilden keine Mikrovilli, sondern ein schwammartiges Maschenwerk gefensterter Leisten und Falten, welches bei der Haftung des Tieres an der Unterlage und/oder bei der extrasomatischen Vorverdauung der Nahrung eine Rolle spielen dürfte.2. Während der Zellteilungen treten typische Centriole an den Spindelpolen auf.3. Die wachsenden Eizellen phagocytieren Fortsätze der Faserzellen, die als Trophocyten fungieren.4. Unter den gleichen Bedingungen, die zur Eibildung führen, können sogen. S-Zellen auftreten. Einige ultrastrukturelle Befunde sprechen dafür, daß es sich um Spermien handelt.
Additional investigations on the ultrastructure of Trichoplax adhaerens F.E. Schulze (Placozoa)
Summary 1. The cells of the ventral epithelium form no microvilli but a spongy meshwork of fenestrated ledges and folds which may play a rôle in the adhesion of the animal to the substratum and/or in the extrasomatic predigestion of the food. 2. During cell division typical centrioles occur at the spindle poles. 3. The growing egg cells phagocytize projections of the fiber cells which function as trophocytes. 4. Under the same conditions leading to egg formation so-called S-cells may occur. Some ultrastructural data suggest that they are sperm cells.
From the leaves of Myrica gale 2′,4′-dihydroxy-6′-methoxy-3′,5′-dimethylchalcone has been isolated. The fruits yielded 2′-hydroxy-4′,6′-dimethoxy-3′-methyldihydrochalcone. The constitutions were deduced from spectroscopic data and confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
The electron impact mass spectra of 19 trimethyl silylated flavonol mono-, di- and -triglycosides are reported for the first time. All spectra show wel  相似文献   
The intial phases of auxin-induced growth in coleoptile segments of Avena sativa L. were investigated using a high resolution growth recording technique, based on an angular position sensing transducer. The first response to the hormone is a slight, transient reduction of the growth rate lasting about 5 min. After this phase growth rate increases to a maximum. The duration of the increase and the maximum clearly depend on the concentration of the hormone. With increasing auxin concentration the duration of the growth rate increase is reduced from about 80 min in 10-9 M indoleacetic acid (IAA) to about 14 min in 10-4 M IAA. After the maximum the growth rate declines. Looking at the maximum of the growth rate, we obtained a dose-response curve with a sharp increase between 10-9 M and 10-6 M IAA and a slight decline between 10-6 M and 10-4 M IAA. This result is confirmed by growth rates measured one and two hours after the application of the hormone.Abbreviations IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   
The isolated intestinal mucosa of the flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, when bathed in a 20 mM HCO3-Ringer's solution bubbled with 1% CO2 in O2, generated a serosa-negative PD and, when short-circuited, absorbed Cl at almost 3 times the rate of Na. Reducing HCO3 to 5 mM decreased the net Cl flux by more than 60%. The following results suggest that, despite the PD, Na and Cl transport processes are nonelectrically coupled: replacing all Na with choline abolished both the PD and net Cl flux; replacing all Cl with SO4 and mannitol abolished the PD and the net Na flux; and adding ouabain (to 0.5 mM) abolished the PD and the net Cl flux. Nearly all of the unidirectional serosa-to-mucosa Cl flux (JClsm) seemed to be paracellular since it varied with PD and Cl concentration in a manner consistent with simple diffusion. JClsm was only about one-fourth of JNasm, suggesting that the paracellular pathway is highly cation-selective. The data can be explained by the following model: (i) Na and Cl uptake across the brush border are coupled 1 : 1; Na is pumped into the lateral space and Cl follows passively, elevating the salt concentration there; (ii) the tight junction is permeable to Na but relatively impermeable to Cl; and (iii) resistance to Na diffusion is greater in the lateral space (considered in its entirety) than in the tight junction. If these assumptions are correct, the serosa-negative transmural PD is due mainly to a salt diffusion potential across the tight junction and, under short-circuit condition, most of the Na pumped into the lateral space diffuses back into the luminal solution, whereas most of the Cl enters the serosal solution. Morphological features of the epithelium support this interpretation: the cells are unusually long (60 micrometer); there is little distension of the apical 12 micrometer of the lateral space during active fluid absorption; and distension distal to this region is intermittently constricted by desmosomes.  相似文献   
Fourier analysis of sequences along edges of the type I collagen molecule constructed from two α1(I) and one α2 chains shows that the molecule is two-sided if the supercoil pitch of the α chains along the molecular axis, P, is 39 residues (D6, where D = 234 residues or 67 nm). One side has alternating charged and hydrophobic regions with spacings of D6, while the other side has an excess of hydrophobic residues with a spacing of D11. These characteristics arise from sequence regularities in the α chains and the geometric relationship between the chains. The pattern is marginally strongest with α2 as chain 1. The D6 sides could form the inside of a helical microfibril where contacts between molecules would fall P apart along the α chains. The D11 sides could form the outside of the microfibril where contacts between microfibrils would be spaced apart by the α chain supercoil along the microfibril axis, P′. If the microfibril is a 54 helix of D-staggered collagen molecules with a left-handed supercoil of pitch 20D11, P′ is close to 2D11 (43 residues). 2D11 subsets in the α chains give rise to the D11 spacing along the molecule. The microfibril has 41 screw symmetry satisfying X-ray diffraction evidence that microfibrils pack in a tetragonal unit cell.This model is the same as proposed previously by us (Trus & Piez, 1976: Piez & Trus, 1977) except that P = 39 rather than 30 residues. Contrary to our earlier assumption, P = 39 residues is within the range allowed by X-ray diffraction measurements. The present results favor P = 39 since it relates regularities in the α chain sequences to helical parameters in a direct way. Furthermore, model studies show that geometric arguments which support P = 30 are equally strong at P = 39 residues.  相似文献   
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