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Zusammenfassung An durch Perfusion mit Glutaraldehyd fixierten Rattengehirnen wurde das Erscheinungsbild der Mikropinozytose in Elementen der Meso- und Neuroglia sowie an den Perikarya und synaptischen Endformationen der Nervenzellen elektronenmikroskopisch dargestellt.Die bei der Mikropinozytose von der Zellmembran invaginierten Caveolen und Tubuli können einfache Verzweigungen zeigen. Ihre Oberfläche und die der mikropinozytotischen Bläschen zeigen an der gegen das Zytoplasma gerichteten Membranseite einen Stachelsaum. Diese Membrandifferenzierung dürfte mit der Resorption besonderer, zum Teil makromolekularer Substanzen zusammenhängen.Im Bereich großer Synapsen, z.B. in den Moosfasertelodendren der Glomerula cerebellaria oder in der Zona glomerulosa des Bulbus olfactorius sind mikropinozytotische Invaginationen und Bläschen sehr häufig. Möglicherweise übernehmen sie von den postsynaptischen Dendriten, die dünne Zytoplasmaprotrusionen in die Invaginationen hineinsenden, Stoffe. Es wird vermutet, daß es sich hierbei um inaktivierte Transmittersubstanz handelt, die auf diesem Wege dem präsynaptischen Abschnitt wieder zugeführt wird. Die zurückresorbierten Abbauprodukte der Transmittersubstanz werden in einem präsynaptischen Golgi-Komplex resynthetisiert und in synaptischen Bläschen angereichert. Dieses morphologische Bild ergänzt die biochemische Hypothese eines Acetylcholin-Kreislaufes im Bereich von Nervenendigungen.Entsprechende mikropinozytotische Erscheinungen wurden in caudalen Abdominalganglien von Leucophaea maderae beobachtet. Es wird angenommen, daß die Mikropinozytose ein allgemein verbreiteter Resorptionsmechanismus im Zentralnervensystem ist.Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Wassermann zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
The treatment of gas gangrene has been revolutionized by oxygen drenching of tissues infected with Clostridia. This was used in a massive infection of the abdominal wall following a traumatic abortion attempt. The clostridial infection was controlled, but the patient almost succumbed to a secondary infection of gram-negative organisms. This responded to drainage, antibiotics and general supportive measures. In the course of treatment, the value of a team approach to complicated special problems was documented.  相似文献   
Summary The pictures of isolated mitochondrial membranes, as seen on the electron-microscope, depend very much on the method of specimen preparation. Subunits of linear dimensions of about 25 m, (electron transport particles) are observed in carbon-replicas of the membranes and in specimens treated with trypsin or pepsin (0.02% for 30 mins) and shadowed with platinum. A three-layered structure of the unit membrane is seen in sections of specimens fixed with osmium tetroxide or formalin followed by post-fixation with osmium tetroxide. But fixation with potassium permanganate or with formalin, followed by post-fixation with potassium permanganate reveals an electron-dense globular structural element in the unit membrane. An electron-transparent ultrastructural element of the unit membrane is observed after treatment with trypsin (0.2% for 5 mins) and fixation with osmium tetroxide. Unsectioned specimens treated with 0.02% trypsin for 30 mins show a honeycomb-like structure of the membrane. Thus, part of the results appear to support the concept of a mosaic-like structure of the unit membrane, whereas other results are in agreement with the classical concept of a three-layered structure.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Sina Rosenthal, Department of Physiological Chemistry, Humboldt University, Berlin, who prepared the isolated membranes, to Mr. E. Fischer, Head Technician of the Department of Electron Microscopy, Greifswald University, who took most of the electron micrographs, to Mr. G. Bartsch, Department of Electron Microscopy, Greifswald University, and especially to Prof. W. Bargmann and to Doz. E. Lindner, Department of Anatomy, Kiel University, for many valuable suggestions.  相似文献   
Details of crystal growth in the calcitostracum of Crassostrea virginica have been studied with the purpose of analyzing the formation of the overlapping rows of oriented tabular crystals characteristic of this part of the shell. Crystal elongation, orientation, and dendritic growth suggest the presence of strong concentration gradients in a thin layer of solution in which crystallization occurs. Formation of the overlapping rows can be explained by three processes observed in the shell: a two-dimensional tree-like dendritic growth in which one set of crystal branchings creeps over an adjacent set of branchings; three-dimensional dendritic growth; and growth by dislocation of crystal surfaces. Multilayers of crystals may thus be formed at one time. This is favored by infrequent secretion of a covering organic matrix which would inhibit crystal growth. The transitional zone covering the outer part of the calcitostracum and the inner part of the prismatic region is generally characterized by aggregates of small crystals with definite orientation. Growth in this zone appears to take place in a relatively homogeneous state of solution without strong concentration gradients. Thin membranes and bands of organic matrix were commonly observed in the transitional zone bordering the prismatic region. The membrane showed a very fine oriented network pattern.  相似文献   
PNEUMONIC PLAGUE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Summary The adrenergic innervation of the major salivary glands in the rat has been studied by a specific histochemical method for the visualization of the adrenergic transmitter. Adrenergic varicose nerve fibres were found, located in a typical adrenergic ground plexus closely surrounding the serous acini of the submaxillary and parotid glands, but not the acini of the mainly mucous sublingual gland. The ducts were found to be completely devoid of adrenergic innervation. Arterioles and venules in the stroma of all three glands and certain very small vessels, possibly the sphincters of arterio-venous anastomoses, were also richly innervated by adrenergic vasomotor fibres. The relationship of the adrenergic nerve fibres to the different functional units of the gland parenchyma is discussed.The investigation has been supported by a research grant (B 66–257) from the Swedish Medical Research Council and by a Public Health Service Research Grant (NB 05236-01) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness.  相似文献   
Summary The kinetics of replication of the inactive (late replicating) X chromosome (LRX) were studied in karyotypically normal lymphocytes and human amniotic fluid cells. Both cell types were successively pulse labeled with 1-h or 1/2-h thymidine pulses in an otherwise BrdU-substituted S phase after partial synchronization of the cultures at G1/S. For the first time with this technique, the entire sequence of replication was analyzed for the LRX from the beginning to the end of the S phase, with special reference to mid S (R-band to G-band transition replication). The inactive X is the last chromosome of the metaphase to start replication, with a delay of 1 or 2h, after which time a thymidine pulse results in R-type patterns. In mid S, the inactive X is the first chromosome to switch to G-type replication (without overlapping of both types and without any detectable replication pause). Until the end of S, a thymidine pulse results in G-type patterns. To rule out artifacts that might arise by the synchronization of cultures in these experiments, controls were carried out with BrdU pulses and the BrdU antibody technique without synchronization. In the course of replication, no fundamental difference was seen between the two different cell types examined. In contrast to studies using continuos labeling, this study did not reveal an interindividual difference of replication kinetics in the LRXs of the seven individuals studied; thus it is concluded that the inactive X chromosome shows only one characteristic course of replication.  相似文献   
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