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Cells of Coccolithus huxleyi which fail to deposit CaCO3 and form coccoliths often occur as unwanted components in cultures used for studies of calcification. Non-calcified cells generally cannot be made to recalcify, but they can be removed from cultures by treatment at elevated pH or by a method based on faster sinking of calcified cells. Lowering the concentrations of nitrate, phosphate, or trace metals in the medium did not restore calcifying ability of non-calcified cells. However, addition of strontium did promote recalcification of decalcified Cricosphaera carterae grown under calcium limitation. Strontium seemed to promote coccolith attachment to cells rather than to affect calcium uptake or coccolith formation itself.  相似文献   
The nucleo-free erythrocyte is presented as the simplest differentiated cell whose energy-exchange has the single purpose of preserving the cell structure; this structure is based on the regular quasi-crystalline state of intracellular water, which is expressed by the negative entropy(-S W )and the temperature T W which is higher than the temperature of the extracellular water T. The information content of intracellular water, J W is proportional to the temperature difference: J W T=T W -T. The regular state of intracellular water is maintained by the basal metabolism that takes place in the membrane of the differentiated cell. The energy exchange, i.e., the absorption of free energy and the liberation of an equivalent amount of heat, occurs in the form of work cycles of the enzym-water-complexes in the cell membrane. The differentiated cell of the multicellular animal organism is the result of embryogenetic processes accompanied by heat-liberation. The specific heat-liberation, i.e., the heat produced by a single cell, begins with a quasi-zero value of the fertilized egg cell and grows with acceleration to a maximum value at the end of embryogenesis. This process of acceleration of heat-liberation is caused by the entrance of the water from the outer medium into the embryonic cell; the water undergoes the phasechange fluid crystal with heat-liberation. The intracellular water within the embryonic cell becomes structurated; this is also accompanied by growing heatliberation. The thermodynamic characteristic of embryo genetic development is expressed by the principle of the maximum of velocity of entropy production of the cell at the end state of the process of differentiation. This principle applied to phylogenetics, leads to the formulation of the principle of accumulation of biological information: J(t). In the course of evolution living systems are able not only to store information of past generations, but also to create information: J(t)eIntl where t is the time of phylogenesis.  相似文献   
An enzyme that hydrolyzes the fluorogenic chymotrypsin substrate glutaryl-Gly-Gly-Phe-β-naphthylamide has been partially purified from extracts of bovine anterior pituitaries. Like chymotrypsin, this enzyme hydrolyzes the neuropeptide Luliberin (LH-RF, <Glu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2) at the carboxyl-side of Trp and Tyr, but it differs from the pancreatic protease by its high molecular weight, insensitivity towards OH-reactive agents and other enzymechemical parameters. It seems, however, to be identical to the “cation-sensitive neutral endopeptidase”. In the course of this study evidence has also been obtained that LH-RF is not degraded by the cystinyl-arylamidase.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf Jamaika brüten 4 Kolibriarten, wobei die beiden congenerischen ArtenTrochilus polytmus undTrochilus scitulus allopatrisch leben. Jede Art weist jeweils eine eindeutige Präferenz bezüglich Meereshöhe und Vegetationshöhe auf.T. polytmus undT. scitulus stimmen in diesen beiden Parametern ihrer ökologischen Nische überein. Da sich beide Arten auch gewichtsmäßig entsprechen, nehmen sie in der nektarivoren Nahrungsgemeinschaft homologe Planstellen ein.Bei den auf Jamaika untersuchten ornithophilen Blütenpflanzen wurden Zuckerkonzentrationen von 15–22% gemessen, bei einigen auch von Insekten frequentierten Pflanzenarten solche bis 44%. Der Verlauf der Nektarsekretionsrate pro Stunde in Abhängigkeit von der Tageszeit entsprach bei Pflanzen, die ausschließlich von Kolibris bestäubt wurden, dem täglichen Aktivitätsrhythmus der Kolibris. Blütenpflanzen, die sowohl von Kolibris als auch von Insekten besucht wurden, zeigten hingegen eine weitgehend konstante stündliche Nektarproduktionsrate am Tage.Artspezifisch unterschiedliche Blütenpflanzen wurden als Nahrungsquelle ausgewählt. Diese nahrungsökologische Separation ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß die Kolibriarten aufgrund ihrer Gewichtsunterschiede jeweils nur bei bestimmten ornithophilen Blütenpflanzenarten einen Nettoenergiegewinn erzielen können (z. B. Nettoenergiegewinn bei der Nahrungsaufnahme im Schwirrflug aus einer Blüte vonAsclepias currassavica vonMellisuga minima: 0.308 cal,Anthracothorax mango: — 0.661 cal).
On the ecology of Jamaican hummingbirds
Summary On Jamaica 4 hummingbird species are resident. The congeneric speciesTrochilus polytmus andTrochilus scitulus are geographically separated (allospecies). Relative abundance depending on altitude and on height of vegetation (proportional occurence of each species in mist-netted samples s. Fig. 1,2) indicate a species-specific preference in both parameters.T. polytmus andT. scitulus correspond in both ecological parameters as well as in morphological characteristics. It is argued that both species occupy homologous niches in their range of distribution.Nectar of all studied ornithophilic plant species varied in sugar concentration from 15% to 22%. Flowering plants visited by insects and hummingbirds reached a sugar concentration in nectar of 44% (s. Tab. 1). The rate of daily nectar production per hour in plant species solely visited by hummingbirds varied according to the daily rhythm of activity of the birds (s. Fig. 3 B). Plant species visited by hummingbirds and insects showed little daily variation in nectar production per hour (s. Fig. 3 A).To gain energy benefits Jamaican hummingbirds selected flowering plants according to their weight-specific energy requirements (s. Tab. 3, 4).
By use of a relatively new mixed stationary phase, complete separation of the branched-chain α-keto acids as O-trimethylsilyl-quinoxalinol derivatives is achieved within 10 min by packed column gas chromatography. Precise quantification of less than 5 nmol of α-keto acids in biological samples is possible. In small aqueous samples the α-keto acids are directly derivatized without prior purification. Plasma need only be deproteinized by perchlorate and neutralized before derivatization. Average relative precision for determination of the three main branched-chain α-keto acids is ± 5.8%.  相似文献   
Spleen cells from rats immunized with the syngeneic (C58NT)D Gross virus induced lymphoma have previously been shown to differentiate into cytotoxic effector cells following restimulation with tumor cells in vitro. Previous work has also demonstrated that the addition of PPD-primed syngeneic spleen cells and PPD to cultures of (C58NT)D-primed spleen cells will potentiate the in vitro cytotoxic response to tumor antigens. In the studies presented here, the potentiating effect was found to be mediated by a soluble factor(s) released by nonadherent cells from BCG-primed rats. The release of this immunopotentiating factor(IPF) required the presence of PPD and varied with the concentration of PPD added. IPF was produced by BCG-primed spleen, lymph node, and thymus cells. Maximal production of IPF in PPD-stimulated cultures was obtained after 6–12 hr of incubation. Supernatants obtained after 30 hr of incubation lacked apparent IPF activity when tested initially, but activity was recovered after mild heat treatment. Recovery of IPF activity after heat exposure is best explained by the presence of a heat-labile inhibitor. IPF itself is stable to heat treatment to 56 °C for 40 min. IPF was also shown to be capable of enhancing immune responses to histocompatibility antigens in vitro.  相似文献   
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