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Mammalian brain contains high levels of d-serine, an endogenous co-agonist of N-methyl D-aspartate type of glutamate receptors. D-Serine is synthesized by serine racemase, a brain enriched enzyme converting L- to D-serine. Degradation of D-serine is achieved by D-amino acid oxidase, but this enzyme is not present in forebrain areas that are highly enriched in D-serine. We now report that serine racemase catalyzes the degradation of cellular D-serine itself, through the alpha,beta-elimination of water. The enzyme also catalyzes water alpha,beta-elimination with L-serine and L-threonine. alpha,beta-Elimination with these substrates is observed both in vitro and in vivo. To investigate further the role of alpha,beta-elimination in regulating cellular D-serine, we generated a serine racemase mutant displaying selective impairment of alpha,beta-elimination activity (Q155D). Levels of D-serine synthesized by the Q155D mutant are several-fold higher than the wild-type both in vitro and in vivo. This suggests that the alpha,beta-elimination reaction limits the achievable D-serine concentration in vivo. Additional mutants in vicinal residues (H152S, P153S, and N154F) similarly altered the partition between the alpha,beta-elimination and racemization reactions. alpha,beta-Elimination also competes with the reverse serine racemase reaction in vivo. Although the formation of L- from D-serine is readily detected in Q155D mutant-expressing cells incubated with physiological D-serine concentrations, reversal with wild-type serine racemase-expressing cells required much higher D-serine concentration. We propose that alpha,beta-elimination provides a novel mechanism for regulating intracellular D-serine levels, especially in brain areas that do not possess D-amino acid oxidase activity. Extracellular D-serine is more stable toward alpha,beta-elimination, likely due to physical separation from serine racemase and its elimination activity.  相似文献   
The present study provides the first evidence that the abundance of catalytic alpha1-subunit of Na,K-ATPase increases in the course of T cell blast transformation. Immunodepressant cyclosporin A at anti-proliferative doses diminished the induction of alpha1 protein in activated lymphocytes. Furthermore, in competent T cells, IL-2 increases both the transport activity of Na/K pump and the content of Na,K-ATPase alpha1 protein in a time-dependent manner. A correlation was found between the long-term elevation in ouabain-sensitive Rb influxes and the increase in alpha1 protein content in late activated T cells. These results suggest that (1) the increased expression of Na,K-ATPase proteins underlie the cell cycle-dependent upregulation of ion pump during T cell transformation, and (2) IL-2 is involved in the regulated expression of Na,K-ATPase in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Methoxyflurane (Metofane) has been widely used as an open-circuit anaesthetic in small laboratory animals for several decades. Its low vapour pressure and high blood solubility have permitted its use in convenient and simple drop-chamber/nose-cone setups. Recently, following the decision by the primary manufacturer to discontinue production, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain methoxyflurane. We describe here a simple and effective adaptation of isoflurane, an excellent inhalation anaesthetic, to open-circuit drop-chamber/nose-cone anaesthesia. It was found that the vapour concentration of isoflurane could be continuously varied by dissolving the anaesthetic in propylene glycol and that a 20% solution produced effective anaesthesia such that in adult mice, 2 ml of 20% isoflurane in propylene glycol induced anaesthesia within 2 min in a one-litre drop chamber. Furthermore, anaesthesia maintenance with 20% isoflurane was tested in two sets of mice. In one set, surgical plane anaesthesia was maintained for 10 min in a head chamber. After removal of the chamber, the animals awoke within one minute and recovered without any indication of post-anaesthetic distress. The second set contained pregnant mice; here anaesthesia was maintained for between 10 and 12 min, during which laparotomy, exposure of one uterine horn, intrauterine injection and wound closure were completed. The recovery from anaesthesia was also within a minute and with no signs of distress. Healthy litters were delivered after a normal gestation. This isoflurane/propylene glycol procedure is simple, effective and humane, and is a good substitute for methoxyflurane.  相似文献   
The inner ear has fluid-filled compartments of different ionic compositions, including the endolymphatic and perilymphatic spaces of the organ of Corti; the separation from one another by epithelial barriers is required for normal hearing. TRIC encodes tricellulin, a recently discovered tight-junction (TJ) protein that contributes to the structure and function of tricellular contacts of neighboring cells in many epithelial tissues. We show that, in humans, four different recessive mutations of TRIC cause nonsyndromic deafness (DFNB49), a surprisingly limited phenotype, given the widespread tissue distribution of tricellulin in epithelial cells. In the inner ear, tricellulin is concentrated at the tricellular TJs in cochlear and vestibular epithelia, including the structurally complex and extensive junctions between supporting and hair cells. We also demonstrate that there are multiple alternatively spliced isoforms of TRIC in various tissues and that mutations of TRIC associated with hearing loss remove all or most of a conserved region in the cytosolic domain that binds to the cytosolic scaffolding protein ZO-1. A wild-type isoform of tricellulin, which lacks this conserved region, is unaffected by the mutant alleles and is hypothesized to be sufficient for structural and functional integrity of epithelial barriers outside the inner ear.  相似文献   
The centromeric histone H3 (CENH3) substitutes histone H3 within the nucleosomes of active centromeres in all eukaryotes. CENH3 deposition at centromeres is needed to assemble the kinetochore, a complex of conserved proteins responsible for correct chromosome segregation during nuclear division. Histones of regular nucleosomes are loaded during replication in S phase, while CENH3 deposition deviates from this pattern in yeast, human, and Drosophila melanogaster cells. Little is known about when and how CENH3 targets centromeric loci. Therefore, we determined the location and quantity of recombinant enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP)-CENH3 in mitotic root and endopolyploid leaf nuclei of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana cells. Our data indicate significant loading of A. thaliana CENH3 during G2 (before splitting into sister kinetochores) rather than during the S or M phase of the cell cycle. The histone fold domain of the C-terminal part of CENH3 is sufficient to target A. thaliana centromeres. A. thaliana EYFP-CENH3 can recognize and target three different centromeric repeats of Arabidopsis lyrata but not field bean (Vicia faba) centromeres.  相似文献   
Protealysin (PLN) belongs to the M4 family of peptidases that are commonly known as thermolysin-like proteases (TLPs). All TLPs are synthesized as precursors containing N-terminal propeptides. According to the primary structure of the N-terminal propeptides, the family is divided into two distinct groups. Representatives of the first group including thermolysin and all TLPs with known three-dimensional structures have long prosequences (∼200 amino acids). Enzymes of the second group, whose prototype is protealysin, have short (∼50 amino acids) propeptides. Here, we present the 1.8 Å crystal structure of PLN precursor (proPLN), which is the first three-dimensional structure of a TLP precursor. Whereas the structure of the catalytic domain of proPLN is similar overall to previously reported structures of mature TLPs, it has specific features, including the absence of calcium-binding sites, and different structures of the N-terminal region and substrate-binding site. PLN propeptide forms a separate domain in the precursor and likely acts as an inhibitor that blocks the substrate-binding site and fixes the “open” conformation of the active site, which is unfavorable for catalysis. Furthermore the conserved PPL motif identified in our previous studies directly interacts with the S′ subsites of the active center being a critical element of the propeptide-catalytic domain interface. Comparison of the primary structures of TLPs with short propeptides suggests that the specific features revealed in the proPLN crystal structure are typical for all protealysin-like enzymes. Thus, such proteins can be considered as a separate subfamily of TLPs.  相似文献   
The reduced lacunary polyoxotungstate, [PW11O39]8−, reacts with the .CH2CH(OH)CH3 and .CH2C(CH3)2OH radicals via a mechanism involving β-hydroxide elimination to yield propene and 2-methyl propene respectively, and [PW11O39]7−. [PW11O39]8− is also oxidized by methyl radicals in a reaction which yields methane as the major product. It is proposed that the reactions proceed via the formation of short lived transients with W-C σ bonds.  相似文献   
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