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Some species of Spirogyra anchor themselves to the substrate by differentiating rhizoids. A rhizoid is differentiated only from the terminal cell, suggesting that this cell can recognize its terminal position in a filament. In the present study, we have analyzed the mechanism for position sensing by the terminal cell. When a filament is cut, a new cell occupies the terminal position, and three phenomena are induced: (1) the cell wall of the cut cell detaches from the new terminal cell; (2) adhesive material is secreted by the terminal cell; and (3) the terminal cell begins to differentiate a rhizoid via tip growth. All of these phenomena were inhibited by adding sorbitol to the external medium, suggesting that turgor pressure is involved in position sensing by the terminal cell. The inhibition by sorbitol was reversible. Upon cutting a filament, the distal end of a new terminal cell became convex. However, when a filament was cut in the presence of sorbitol, the distal end of a new terminal cell became less convex. Either treatment with Gd(3+) or decrease in extracellular Ca(2+) resulted in inhibition of all these phenomena, suggesting possible involvement of stretch-activated ion channel in position sensing by terminal cells.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli RNase G, encoded by the rng gene, is involved in the processing of 16S rRNA and degradation of the adhE mRNA encoding a fermentative alcohol dehydrogenase. In a search for the intracellular target RNAs of RNase G other than the 16S rRNA precursor and adhE mRNA, total cellular proteins from rng+ and rng::cat cells were compared by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The amount of enolase encoded by the eno gene reproducibly increased two- to three-fold in the rng::cat mutant strain compared with the rng+ parent strain. Rifampicin chase experiments showed that the half-life of the eno mRNA was some 3 times longer in the rng::cat mutant than in the wild type. These results indicate that the eno mRNA was a substrate of RNase G in vivo, in addition to 16S rRNA precursor and adhE mRNA.  相似文献   
The effect of postprandial body posture on digestion and absorption of dietary carbohydrate were examined through breath hydrogen test on 6 female subjects. During the experiment, the participants either sat on a chair or lay on their backs for the first 4 hr (from 08:00 to 12:00) after eating the test breakfast meal. They then remained sedentary on a sofa for 6 hr (12:00 to 18:00). Participants' end alveolar breath samples were collected for 10 hr (every 15 min from 08:00 to 12:30, and then every 30 min until 18:00). The experiment was conducted on two consecutive days using a randomized, crossover study design. The results demonstrated that in the supine position orocecal transit time of the test meal was significantly slower than in the sitting position (260 +/- 21 min and 238 +/- 20 min, respectively, p < 0.01). In addition, afternoon breath hydrogen excretion due to a partial malabsorption of dietary carbohydrate and its fermentation in the colon was significantly larger in the sitting position (144.0 +/- 24.1 ppm.hr) than in the supine position (110.0 +/- 26.1 ppm.hr, p < 0.05). These results support the hypothesis that there was a marked effect of postprandial body posture on the function of the digestive system. The present findings suggest that the postprandial supine position is preferable to the sitting position for the digestion and absorption of dietary carbohydrate.  相似文献   
Escherichia blattae non-specific acid phosphatase (EB-NSAP) possesses a pyrophosphate-nucleoside phosphotransferase activity, which is C-5'-position selective. Current mutational and structural data were used to generate a mutant EB-NSAP for a potential industrial application as an effective and economical protein catalyst in synthesizing nucleotides from nucleosides. First, Gly74 and Ile153 were replaced by Asp and Thr, respectively, since the corresponding replacements in the homologous enzyme from Morganella morganii reduced the K(m) value for inosine and thus increased the productivity of 5'-IMP. We determined the crystal structure of G74D/I153T, which has a reduced K(m) value for inosine, as expected. The tertiary structure of G74D/I153T was virtually identical to that of the wild-type. In addition, neither of the introduced side chains of Asp74 and Thr153 is directly involved in the interaction with inosine in a hypothetical binding mode of inosine to EB-NSAP, although both residues are situated near a potential inosine-binding site. These findings suggested that a slight structural change caused by an amino acid replacement around the potential inosine-binding site could significantly reduce the K(m) value. Prompted by this hypothesis, we designed several mutations and introduced them to G74D/I153T, to decrease the K(m) value further. This strategy produced a S72F/G74D/I153T mutant with a 5.4-fold lower K(m) value and a 2.7-fold higher V(max) value as compared to the wild-type EB-NSAP.  相似文献   
To examine how a change in an individual's social status could influence its behavioural sex, we conducted male "removal-and-return" experiments in the polygynous wrasse, Halichoeres melanurus. This coral-reef fish is a protogynous hermaphrodite: the largest female (LF) living in a male's territory typically completes functional sex change within 2–3 weeks after the male's disappearance. In this experiment we removed males from their territories just prior to spawning time, about 1 h before sunset. In 12 of 30 trials, the resident LF spawned in the male role with smaller females, 21–98 min after male removal. Previous research suggests the LF should readily adopt male sexual behaviour to retain smaller females as future mates. However, the LFs of smaller body size were less likely to immediately perform male-role behaviour. This could be related to females' preference for larger mates: smaller LFs would be less likely to be chosen by other females, even if they could complete sex change and defend a territory. When a male was returned immediately after an occurrence of female–female spawning, the LF subsequently spawned in the female role with the returned male (6 of 12 trials). It could be adaptive for the LFs to accept a larger male as a mate rather than to fight against it. Thus, behavioural sex is reversible in H. melanurus, changing rapidly with social status. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Flowering activity and sex expression of Bischofia javanica Blume were investigated for 3 years. B. javanica is an invasive dioecious tree of subtropical forests on the Bonin Islands in the western Pacific of Japan. The sex ratio showed a significant male bias (1.25-2.33). Smaller trees were significantly male biased, whereas larger trees showed no significant difference in sex expression, suggesting that males tend to be more precocious in sexual reproduction. We found evidence for sex changes in B. javanica; these have not been reported previously. Most of the 1,653 census trees remained non-flowering (58.1 %); 3.7 % of them showed sex changes, and the percentage of trees repeatedly flowering as males and females was 10.5 and 3.4 %, respectively. Sex changes were observed in both directions but a larger percentage of male trees became female. Flowering frequency and sex expression were significantly related to tree size (i.e. diameter at breast height). Over the 3 years, trees that were consistent females were the largest; inconsistent trees (switching sex between years) were intermediate in size, whereas consistent males were the smallest. There were no significant differences in relative growth rate (RGR) among trees of different sex or flowering frequencies. These results suggest that the maintenance of female reproduction is not related to changes in RGR of diameter but to flowering frequency or the reversal to the male form, dependent upon the internal resource status of individual trees.  相似文献   
To investigate the biological activity of epithelial cells in view of host defense, we analyzed the mRNA expression of inducible NOS (iNOS) as well as NO production by human gingival epithelial cells (HGEC) stimulated with IL-15. RT-PCR analysis revealed that HGEC expressed IL-15 receptor alpha-chain mRNA. In addition, stimulation with IL-15 enhanced iNOS expression by HGEC through an increase of both mRNA and protein levels. Moreover, IL-15 up-regulated the production of NO(2)(-)/NO(3)(-), a NO-derived stable end product, from HGEC. The enhanced NO production by IL-15 was inhibited by AMT, an iNOS-specific inhibitor. These results suggest that IL-15 is a potent regulator of iNOS expression by HGEC and involved in innate immunity in the mucosal epithelium.  相似文献   
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