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Summary The composition of the carotenoids in 18 strains of photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria has been investigated.Chlorobactene predominates in all strains; this pigment seems to be characteristic for all photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria. This main carotenoid is accompanied by various amounts of precursors and the hydroxy compounds of all appearing pigments.  相似文献   
A complete procedure for the synthesis of 1-14C-glucosamine-labeled UDP-N-acetylglucosamine is described. Glucosamine is first phosphorylated with ATP and hexokinase to form glucosamine 6-phosphate. This is N-acetylated with acetic anhydride, and the product is converted to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine by incubation with a crude yeast extract. The sugar nucleotide is isolated from the incubation mixture by paper electrophoresis, and purified by paper chromatography.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Nebennierenmark von adulten Wildmeerschweinchen (Cavia aperea tschudii) und Hausmeerschweinchen (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) werden bisher unbekannte intrazelluläre Fibrillenstrukturen nachgewiesen. Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Befunde zeigen, daß in bestimmten Markzellen Filamentbündel in Gruppen auftreten, die durch das Perikaryon bis zur Zellperipherie zu verfolgen sind. Sie fasern in der Nähe des Plasmalemms auf und bilden desmosomenähnliche Kontaktflächen. Die Einzelfilamente sind ca. 70–100 Å dick. Beim Chinchilla konnten im Mark keine Filamentstränge festgestellt werden, beim Haus- und Wildmeerschweinchen kommen sie in unterschiedlicher Häufigkeit vor.
Intracellular fibrils in the adrenal medulla of domesticated and wild guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus L. and Cavia aperea tschudii fitzinger)
Summary By light and electron microscopic observations intracellular fibrils were found in the adrenal medulla of adult wild (Cavia aperea tschudii) and domesticated guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus). In certain cells of the adrenal medulla bundles of filaments can be traced from the perinuclear region into the periphery of the cells. Near the plasma membrane they split apart and attach to the desmosome-like regions. The individual filaments are about 70–100 Å in diameter. In adrenal medullary cells of chinchilla no fibrillar strands were observed, in wild and domesticated guinea pigs they occur in different numbers.

Die Untersuchung wurde mit dankenswerter Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which extracellular alkalosis inhibits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is unknown. We investigated whether the inhibition was due to intrapulmonary production of a vasodilator prostaglandin such as prostacyclin (PGI2). Hypoxic vasoconstriction in isolated salt-solution-perfused rat lungs was blunted by both hypocapnic and NaHCO3_induced alkalosis (perfusate pH increased from 7.3 to 7.7). The NaHCO3-induced alkalosis was accompanied by a significant increase in the perfusate level of 6-keto-prostaglandin F (6-keto-PGF), an hydrolysis product of PGI1. Meclofenamate, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, counteracted both the blunting of hypoxic vasoconstriction and the increased level of 6-keto-PGF. In intact anesthetized dogs, hypocapnic alkalosis (blood pH increased from 7.4 to 7.5) blunted hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction before but not after administration of meclofenamate. In separate cultures of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial and smooth muscle cells stimulated by bradykinin, the incubation medium levels of 6-keto-PGF were increased by both hypocapnia and NaHCO3-induced alkalosis (medium pH increased from 7.4 to 7.7). These results suggest that inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by alkalosis is mediated at least partly by PGI2.  相似文献   
Summary The lung of the deep diving Weddell Seal is characterized by an unusually well developed periacinar dense collagenous connective tissue, and a thick coat of smooth musculature particularly in the distal bronchioli. Both, collagen and smooth musculature appear to be functionally interrelated, the first serving presumably as site of origin or attachment for the latter. The orientation of the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells is complex: there exists a basic pattern of two crisscrossing helical bundles that wind in opposite direction. In addition, longitudinal bundles are frequent both at the inside and the outside of the muscular coat. Furthermore, more or less complete ringshaped bundles occur as well as groups of muscle fibres running radially into the collagenous tissue of the surroundings of a bronchiolus. This complex architecture presumably allows active adjustment to various physiological needs of the Weddell Seal including as extremes both closing and widening of the bronchiolar lumen. Isometric contractions of the smooth musculature may stiffen the wall of the distal airways while diving. In the Crabeater Seal which dives for shorter durations and by far less deeply than the Weddell Seal, both periacinar collagen and bronchiolar smooth musculature are of similar arrangement, however, occur in considerably reduced amounts. A rich supply of autonomie nerve fibres with abundant varicosities controls the smooth muscle cells, which are interconnected by gap junctions and receive their innervation par distance (visceral type of smooth musculature). The majority of varicosities contains small clear vesicles, as is typical for cholinergic nerves, suggesting a strong parasympathetic influence. Other varicosities are presumably of peptidergic type. Mast cells and epithelial endocrine cells may exert additional influence on the musculature.  相似文献   
The genetically engineered human manganese superoxide dismutase crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2 with a = 75.51 A, b = 79.00 A, c = 67.95 A. At room temperature the crystals are not stable against radiation, so we cooled them to 90 K and collected a data set to 3 A resolution at this temperature.  相似文献   
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