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Commercial selective logging and the conversion of primary and degraded forests to agriculture are the biggest threats to tropical biodiversity. Our understanding of the impacts of these disturbances and the resulting local extinctions on the functional roles performed by the remaining species is limited. We address this issue by examining functional diversity (FD), which quantifies a range of traits that affect a species' ecological role in a community as a single continuous metric. We calculated FD for birds across a gradient of disturbance from primary forest through intensively logged forest to oil palm plantations on previously forested land in Borneo, Southeast Asia, a hotspot of imperilled biodiversity. Logged rainforest retained similar levels of FD to unlogged rainforest, even after two logging rotations, but the conversion of logged forest to oil palm resulted in dramatic reductions in FD. The few remaining species in oil palm filled a disproportionately wide range of functional roles but showed very little clustering in terms of functional traits, suggesting that any further extinctions from oil palm would reduce FD even further. Determining the extent to which the changes we recorded were due to under‐utilization of resources within oil palm or a reduction in the resources present is an important next step. Nonetheless our study improves our understanding of the stability and resilience of functional diversity in these ecosystems and of the implications of land‐use changes for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Zinc has been shown to effect--in vitro--a number of processes associated with neurotransmission. We have tested whether the rate of impulse conduction--in vivo--as measured from the latencies of auditory brainstem responses (ABR), is influenced by dietary zinc deficiency in the rat. Dietary zinc deficiency for up to 26 wk had no effect on the wave I-IV interval compared to zinc-adequate fed animals. The results are discussed in relation to the observed constancy of brain overall and extracellular fluid zinc concentrations under conditions of dietary zinc deficiency.  相似文献   


Depressive symptoms and physical performance are inversely associated, but it is unclear whether their association is bidirectional. We examined whether the association between depressive symptoms and physical performance measured using gait speed is bidirectional.


We used a national sample of 4,581 community-dwelling people aged 60 years and older from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (from 2002–03 to 2008-09). We fitted Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) regression models to analyse repeated measurements of gait speed (m/sec) and elevated depressive symptoms (defined as a score of ≥4 on the eight-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale).


Slower gait speed was associated with elevated depressive symptoms both concurrently and two years later. After adjustment for previous depressive symptoms and sociodemographic, clinical, lifestyle, psychosocial, and cognitive factors the concurrent association was partially explained (Odds Ratio [OR] 0.42, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.30 to 0.59, per 1m/sec increase in gait speed) and the two-year lagged association fully (OR 0.75, 95% CI, 0.56 to 1.00). Elevated depressive symptoms were associated with slower gait speed. Full adjustment for covariates (including previous gait speed) partially explained both the concurrent (β regression coefficient [β] -0.038, 95% CI, -0.050 to -0.026, for participants with elevated depressive symptoms compared with those with no or one symptom) and the two-year lagged associations (β -0.017, 95% CI, -0.030 to -0.005). Subthreshold depressive symptoms (defined as a score of two or three on the eight-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale) were also associated with slower gait speed. Full adjustment for covariates partially explained both the concurrent (β -0.029, 95% CI, -0.039 to -0.019, for participants with subthreshold symptoms compared with those with no or one symptom) and the two-year lagged associations (β -0.011, 95% CI, -0.021 to -0.001).


The inverse association between gait speed and depressive symptoms appears to be bidirectional.  相似文献   
The innate immune system is the first line of defense against pathogens, and it plays a fundamental role in coordinating a protective immune response in birds. Although many studies have evaluated avian immune responses in the laboratory, many fewer studies to date have done so in a field setting. To gain insight into interspecific differences in immune function in wild birds, we used a field-deployed in vitro microbicidal assay to measure constitutive innate immunity of whole blood collected from three common passerines in suburban Chicago, Illinois, in 2009. Data from one microbe, Escherichia coli 8739, revealed that American Robins (Turdus migratorius) had significantly lower bactericidal capacity than House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) or Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis). Bactericidal capacity for E. coli 8739 tended to be lower for birds infested with chewing lice than those without chewing lice, and male birds had lower microbicidal capacity than females in the case of Staphylococcus aureus. This study demonstrates the potential for field-deployable eco-immunologic tools to inform infectious disease ecology research.  相似文献   
In many taxa, environmental changes that alter resource availability and energetics, such as climate change and land use change, are associated with changes in body size. We use wing length as a proxy for overall structural body size to examine a paradoxical trend of declining wing length within a Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella population sampled over 21 years, in which it has been previously shown that longer wings are associated with higher survival rates. Higher temperatures during the previous winter (prior to the moult determining current wing length) explained 23% of wing length decrease within our population, but changes may also be correlated with non‐climatic environmental variation such as changes in farming mechanisms linked to food availability. We found no evidence for within‐individual wing length shrinkage with age, but our data suggested a progressive decline in the sizes of immature birds recruiting to the population. This trend was weaker, although not significantly so, among adults, suggesting that the decline in the sizes of recruits was offset by higher subsequent survival of larger birds post‐recruitment. These data suggest that ecological processes can contribute more than selection to observed phenotypic trends and highlight the importance of long‐term studies for providing longitudinal insights into population processes.  相似文献   
Ecological restoration is considered to play an important role in mitigating climate change, protecting biodiversity, and preventing environmental degradation. Yet, there are often multiple perspectives on what outcomes restoration should be aiming to achieve, and how we should get to that point. In this study we interview a range of policymakers, academics, and non‐governmental organization (NGO) representatives to explore the range of perspectives on the restoration of Indonesia's tropical peatlands—key global ecosystems that have undergone large‐scale degradation. Thematic analysis suggests that participants agreed about the importance of restoration, but had differing opinions on how effective restoration activities to date have been and what a restored peatland landscape should look like. These results exemplify how ecological restoration can mean different things to different people, but also highlight important areas of consensus for moving forward with peatland restoration strategies.  相似文献   
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