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Two forms of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), coded by allelic genes, have been purified to homogeneity from Peromyscus. Monospecific antisera to the purified enzymes have been raised in rabbits. These antisera fail to detect cross-reacting material in the liver of ADH-negative animals on Ouchterlony plates. Immuno-titration of anti-ADH antiserum with ADH in liver extracts from AdhS/AdhS and AdhS/AdhN animals results in identical equivalence points, again suggesting the absence of cross-reacting material coded by the AdhN allele. Over a wide range of anti-ADH antiserum dilutions, radiolabeled protein was not immunoprecipitable from liver extracts of AdhN/AdhN animals. These immunochemical tests, in conjunction with previous studies, suggest that the AdhN allele in Peromyscus does not produce inactive polypeptide in normal levels that bears immunological determinants similar to those of the fast and slow ADH isozymes.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization of Drosophila melanogaster somatic chromosomes has been used to demonstrate the near exact correspondence between the location of highly repetitious DNA and classically defined constitutive heterochromatin. The Y chromosome, in particular, is heavily labeled even by cRNA transcribed from female (XX) DNA templates (i.e., DNA from female Drosophila with 2 Xs and 2 sets of autosomes). This observation confirms earlier reports that the Y chromosome contains repeated DNA sequences that are shared by other chromosomes. In grain counting experiments the Y chromosome shows significantly heavier label than any other chromosome when hybridized with cRNA from XY DNA templates (i.e., DNA from male Drosophila with 1 X and 1 Y plus 2 sets of autosomes). However, the preferential labeling of the Y is abolished if the cRNA is derived from XX DNA. We interpret these results as indicating the presence of a class of Y chromosome specific repeated DNA in D. melanogaster. The relative inefficiency of the X chromosome in binding cRNA from XY and XYY DNA templates, coupled with its ability to bind XX derived cRNA, may also indicate the presence of an X chromosome specific repeated DNA.  相似文献   
To determine the feasibility of the micronuclie procedure for cytogenetic studies, a comparatively weak chromosome breaking agent, trimethylphosphate (TMP) and the potent alkylating agent, triethylenemelamine (TEM) were evaluated. The procedure followed was that of Matter and Schmid with the following modifications: (a) direct flushing of bone marrow with 0.2 ml calf fetal serum, (b) air drying slides for a period of only 1 h, and (c) the use of pH 6.0 phosphate buffer to dilute both the Wright and Giemsa stains.With this technique a dose-response curve was generated for both TMP and TEM, using mice as the experimental animal. With TMP, a doubling over background was found when a concentration of 0.5 g/kg per day for five days was administered. To establish a statistically significant doubling dose over the control, a minimum of five animals must be used woth 2000 polychromatic cells being analyzed per animal.Of the two antischistosomal agents tested, hycanthone yielded an increase of 20-fold in the number of mircronuclei over control at 40 mg/kg administered i.p. for five days, while with niridazole no increase in micronuclei at several concentrations tested both by single and multiple injection was found.The results obtained with these compounds compare favorably woth what has been reported for the standard in vivo metaphase analysis.  相似文献   
Genes involved in plant defences against herbivores and pathogens are often highly polymorphic. This is a putative sign that balancing selection may have operated reciprocally on the hosts and their herbivores. Spatial and temporal variations (for example, in soil nutrients and the plants'' ontogenetic development) may also modulate resistance traits, and thus selection pressures, but have been largely overlooked in theories of plant defences. Important elements of defences in Populus tremula (hereafter aspen) are phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins (CTs). Concentrations of CTs vary considerably with both variations in external factors and time, but they are also believed to provide genotype‐dependent resistance, mainly against chewing herbivores and pathogens. However, evidence of their contributions to resistance is sparse. Detailed studies of co‐evolved plant–herbivore associations could provide valuable insights into these contributions. Therefore, we examined correlations between CT levels in aspen leaves and both the feeding behavior and reproduction of the specialist aspen leaf aphid (Chaitophorus tremulae) in varied conditions. We found that xylem sap intake and probing difficulties were higher on genotypes with high‐CT concentrations. However, aphids engaged in more nonprobing activities on low‐CT genotypes, indicating that CTs were not the only defence traits involved. Thus, high‐CT genotypes were not necessarily more resistant than low‐CT genotypes, but aphid reproduction was generally negatively correlated with local CT accumulation. Genotype‐specific resistance ranking also depended on the experimental conditions. These results support the hypothesis that growth conditions may affect selection pressures mediated by aphids in accordance with balancing selection theory.  相似文献   
In adult Calliphora uric acid is excreted throughout the Malpighian tubules. Histochemical preparations for the light microscope show uric acid passing through the cells and forming crystalline spheres in immediate contact with the microvilli. Uric acid appears to be synthesized and discharged into the haemolymph by the fat body cells. In Rhodnius there is no visible uric acid in the cells or lumen of the upper segment of the tubule (two-thirds of the total length of the tubule) apart from occasional deposits in the basal lamina. All uric acid excretion depends on the lower segment. Electron micrographs after argentaffin staining show high concentration of uric acid in the cytoplasm below the basal lamina (which also contains uric acid deposits). Uric acid is visible throughout the cell, particularly aroand the mitochondria; it is absent from the infolded plasma membrane and from all vacuoles. At the lumen there is a concentrated deposit of uric acid immediately beyond the plasma membrane. The uric acid particles unite with particles of unstained matrix material to form crystalline spheres. The fat body shows active synthesis of uric acid which is discharged by the cells into the intercellular channels and so to the basal lamina through which it passes into the haemolymph. As judged by histochemical preparations the haemolymph contains a high concentration of uric acid, very variable in different sites. Likewise large variations in uric acid secretion occur in different parts of the fat body.  相似文献   
Adherence of intestinal pathogens, including Escherichia coli O157:H7, to human intestinal epithelial cells is a key step in pathogenesis. Probiotic bacteria, including Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 inhibit the adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 to epithelial cells, a process which may be related to specific components of the bacterial surface. Surface-layer proteins (Slps) are located in a paracrystalline layer outside the bacterial cell wall and are thought to play a role in tissue adherence. However, the ability of S-layer protein extract derived from probiotic bacteria to block adherence of enteric pathogens has not been investigated. Human epithelial (HEp-2 and T84) cells were treated with S-layer protein extract alone, infected with E. coli O157:H7, or pretreated with S-layer protein extract prior to infection to determine their importance in the inhibition of pathogen adherence. The effects of S-layer protein extracts were characterized by phase-contrast and immunofluorescence microscopy and measurement of the transepithelial electrical resistance of polarized monolayers. Pre-treatment of host epithelial cells with S-layer protein extracts prior to E. coli O157:H7 infection decreased pathogen adherence and attaching-effacing lesions in addition to preserving the barrier function of monolayers. These in vitro studies indicate that a non-viable constituent derived from a probiotic strain may prove effective in interrupting the infectious process of an intestinal pathogen.  相似文献   
RNase A protection analysis was used in the search for the cause of a non-lethal osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) phenotype (Sillence type III). Cleavage of the hybrid formed between a normal 2(I) sequence and RNA isolated from the patient indicated the presence of a mismatch. The position of the mismatch was determined and the corresponding area of COL1A2 was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. Sequencing of cloned amplified DNA revealed the deletion, which was not present in either parent, of the final three bases of exon 19 in one of the patient's two COL1A2 alleles. The deletion results in the loss of amino acid 255 (a valine encoded by the last codon of exon 19) of the triple helical region of half of the 2(I) collagen chains but does not disrupt the splicing of the heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA). This provides further evidence that OI type III may result from autosomal dominant mutations rather than only from autosomal recessive mutations as had previously been believed.  相似文献   
Laminin (LN), an extracellular matrix component, is a key factor in promoting axonal regeneration, coordinately regulating growth in conjunction with trophic signals provided by the neurotrophins, including nerve growth factor (NGF). This study investigated potential interactions between the LN and NGF-mediated signaling pathways in PC12 cells and primary neurons. Neurite outgrowth stimulated by NGF was enhanced on a LN substrate. Western blot analysis of pertinent signal transduction components revealed both enhanced phosphorylation of early signaling intermediates upon co-stimulation, and a LN-induced down-regulation of p75NTR which could be prevented by the addition of integrin inhibitory arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD) peptides. This p75NTR down-regulation was associated with a LN-mediated up-regulation of PTEN and resulted in a decrease in Rho activity. Studies using over-expression or siRNA-mediated knock-down of PTEN demonstrate a consistent inverse relationship with p75NTR, and the over-expression of p75NTR impaired neurite outgrowth on a LN substrate, as well as resulting in sustained activation of Rho which is inhibitory to neurite outgrowth. p75NTR is documented for its role in the transduction of inhibitory myelin-derived signals, and our results point to extracellular matrix regulation of p75NTR as a potential mechanism to ameliorate inhibitory signaling leading to optimized neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   
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