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Different cultural norms and standards for appropriate female body size might contribute to the disparity in obesity rates between black and white adult females (46.0% and 24.6% respectively). The purpose of this study was to measure adolescents' perceptions of ideal size and social norms regarding female body size as well as adolescents' perceptions of significant others' evaluation and expectations of the adolescents' body size. Subjects included 437 adolescent girls (247 white and 190 black) aged 13 to 19 (x=44.9, SD=.979) from six randomly selected public schools. The subjects, heights and weights were measured. Responses to a body image questionnaire and a series of nine female body drawings (arranged ordinally, 1 to 9, from thinnest to heaviest) were analyzed using the General Linear Model and Logistic Regression. The female body size considered ideal by black females was significantly larger than the size selected as ideal by white females (x= 3.47 and x= 3.13 respectively, p< 0.001). Black females were two times more likely than white females to describe themselves as thinner than other girls their age (O.R. = 2.01, 95% C.I.1.34, 3.01) and seven times as likely to say that they were not overweight (O.R. = 7.08, 95% C.I. 3.72, 13.45). White females wanted to be a smaller size than they currently were and felt encouraged by significant others to lose weight or reduce their size. Black females did not indicate as great a desire as whites to be smaller and they tended to feel that their size was considered satisfactory by significant others. Only subjects from the low SES group perceived that significant others wanted them to gain weight. The differences between black and white subjects' beliefs and perceptions about body size norms may explain, in part, why heavier body weights persist in some cultural groups.  相似文献   
The acrosome of marsupial spermatozoa is a robust structure which, unlike its placental counterpart, resists disruption by detergent or freeze/thawing and does not undergo a calcium ionophore induced acrosome reaction. In this study specific fluorescent thiol labels, bromobimanes, were used to detect reactive thiols in the intact marsupial spermatozoon and examine whether disulfides play a role in the stability of the acrosome. Ejaculated brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) spermatozoa were washed by swim up and incubated with or without dithiothreitol (DTT) in order to reduce disulfides to reactive thiols. Spermatozoa were then washed by centrifugation and treated with monobromobimane (mBBr), a membranepermeable bromobimane, or with monobromotrimethylammoniobimane (qBBr), a membrane-impermeable bromobimane. Labelled spermatozoa were examined by fluorescence microscopy and sperm proteins (whole sperm proteins and basic nuclear proteins) were analysed by gel electrophoresis. The membrane-permeable agent mBBr lightly labelled the perimeter of the acrosome of non-DTT-treated possum and wallaby spermatozoa, indicating the presence of peri-acrosomal thiol groups. After reduction of sperm disulfides by DTT, mBBr labelled the entire acrosome of both species. The membrane-impermeable agent qBBr did not label any part of the acrosome in non-DTT or DTT-treated wallaby or possum spermatozoa. Thiols and disulfides are thus associated with the marsupial acrosome. They are not found on the overlying plasma membrane but are either in the acrosomal membranes and/or matrix. The sperm midpiece and tail were labelled by mBBr, with increased fluorescence observed in DTT-treated spermatozoa. The nucleus was not labelled in non-DTT or DTT-treated spermatozoa. Electrophoretic analysis confirmed the microscopic observations: Basic nuclear protein (protamines) lacked thiols or disulfide groups. Based on these findings, the stability of the marsupial acrosome may be due in part to disulfide stabilization of the acrosomal membranes and/or acrosomal matrix. In common with placental mammals, thiol and disulfide containing proteins appear to play a role in the stability of sperm tail structures. It was confirmed that the fragile marsupial sperm nucleus lacked thiols and disulfides. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This article describes the use of three reporter enzymes used to study promoter activity in transgenic animals. Chloramphenicol acetyl transferase may be assayed by a nonchromatographic method that is rapid and sensitive. β-Galactosidase is measured by a photometric assay and luciferase is assayed by measuring the emission of light using a luminometer. The relative merits of each enzyme is discussed. Ths use of reporter enzymes provides a rapid and sensitive method for analysis of transgene expression.  相似文献   
Summary All modern mammals contain a distinctive, highly repeated (⩾50,000 members) family of long interspersed repeated DNA called the L1 (LINE 1) family. While the modern L1 families were derived from a common ancestor that predated the mammalian radiation ∼80 million years ago, most of the members of these families were generated within the last 5 million years. However, recently we demonstrated that modern murine (Old World rats and mice) genomes share an older long interspersed repeated DNA family that we called Lx. Here we report our analysis of the DNA sequence of Lx family members and the relationship of this family to the modern L1 families in mouse and rat. The extent of DNA sequence divergence between Lx members indicates that the Lx amplification occurred about 12 million years ago, around the time of the murine radiation. Parsimony analysis revealed that Lx elements were ancestral to both the modern rat and mouse L1 families. However, we found that few if any of the evolutionary intermediates between the Lx and the modern L1 families were extensively amplified. Because the modern L1 families have evolved under selective pressure, the evolutionary intermediates must have been capable of replication. Therefore, replicationcompetent L1 elements can reside in genomes without undergoing extensive amplification. We discuss the bearing of our findings on the evolution of L1 DNA elements and the mammalian genome.  相似文献   
Using standard hybridoma technology and hierarchical screening, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were obtained with specific reactivity against two developmental stages of Globodera pallida. The procedure was based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with homogenates prepared from second-stage juveniles, young adult females, and potato roots. Hybridomas were formed by fusing myelomas with splenocytes derived from mice immunized with either infective juveniles or females of G. pallida. About 600 hybridoma lines were screened from the fusion involving the mouse immunized with juveniles. Two MAbs (LJMAbl &2) were identified with high reactivity toward second-stage juveniles but no reactivity with either potato roots or females of G. pallida. A total of 630 cell lines was screened from the corresponding fusion involving the spleen of a mouse receiving immunogens from adult female nematodes. One MAb (LFMAbl) was obtained with the required specificity against only adult female G. pallida. This work extends the application of monoclonal antibodies in nematology from valuable probes for research and species identification to recognition of developmental stages. These specific MAbs have potential value in plant breeding programs for screening for resistant lines unable to support nematode development.  相似文献   
Dryas iulia appears to have undergone a mode of evolution different from that of other members of its subfamily (Heliconiinae). While other species constitute highly subdivided and inbred populations, those ofD. iulia are thought to be large and uniform. Analyzing six samples from Southern Brazil (state of Rio Grande do Sul) in relation to three enzyme systems (EST, LAP, and PGM) and their mtDNA RFLP patterns, we found that they are very similar at the molecular level. TheF statistics for enzyme polymorphism data revealed that inbreeding makes a great contribution to the population homozygosity, sinceF IS equals 0.1322 andF ST equals 0.0023. Since the chi-square test showed thatF ST is not significant, we conclude that all localities belong to the same population. The mtDNA differentiation was about 12 times greater than for nuclear genes;F ST was equivalent to 0.0265. We suggest that this difference is due to a higher dispersal of males, in relation to females.  相似文献   
Enzymatic activities catalysing the inter-conversion of L-methionine and its oxy analogue 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyric acid (2,4-KMB) were detected in the liver, skeletal muscle and heart of the laboratory rat and of sheep. In both species the highest activity of methionine transamination was found in the liver and was located in the cytoplasm and mitochondria. We propose that physiological and nutritional role of the cytoplasmic methionine transamination is amination of 2,4 KMB and formation of L-methionine while in mitochondria the activity is responsible for disposal of excess methionine is oxidised through oxidative decarboxylation of 2,4 KMB.  相似文献   
Recognizing the physiological diversity of different plant organs, studies were conducted to investigate the distribution of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in Brassica (canola or oilseed rape). GA1 and its biosynthetic precursors, GA20 and GA19, were extracted, chromatographically purified, and quantified by gas-chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM), using [2H2]GAs as internal standards. In young (vegetative) B. napus cv. Westar plants, GA concentrations were lowest in the roots, increased acropetally along the shoot axis, and were highest in the shoot tips. GA concentrations were high but variable in leaves. GA1 concentrations also increased acropetally along the plant axis in reproductive plants. During early silique filling, GA1 concentrations were highest in siliques and progressively lower in flowers, inflorescence stalks (peduncles plus pedicels), stem, leaves, and roots. Concentrations of GA19 and GA20 showed similar patterns of distribution except in leaves, in which concentrations were higher, but variable. Immature siliques were qualitatively rich in endogenous GAs and GA1, GA3, GA4, GA8, GA9, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA24, GA29, GA34, GA51, and GA53 were identified by GC-SIM. In whole siliques, GA19, GA20, GA1, and GA8 concentrations declined during maturation due to declining levels in the maturing seeds; their concentrations in the silique coats remained relatively constant and low. These studies demonstrate that GAs are differentially distributed in Brassica with a general pattern of acropetally increasing concentration in shoots and high concentration in actively growing and developing organs.  相似文献   
Environmentally cued hatching has been well-documented in amphibians in response to a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors. The hatching of terrestrial amphibian eggs in response to flooding may be basal within the group, but amphibian lineages in tropical Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have not received as much attention as their Neotropical counterparts. We investigated submergence-induced hatching in Feihyla hansenae, a Rhacophorid tree frog with terrestrial eggs. We quantified natural rates of clutch submergence at our study site in Thailand. Using submergence experiments, we found that embryos are capable of hatching early to escape flooding, and that failure to hatch results in mortality. Among the embryos that were able to hatch early, only the earliest, youngest hatchlings experienced a trade-off in body size that persisted for 6 days, while later, older hatchlings were not significantly smaller than spontaneous hatchlings under control conditions. By incorporating our natural and experimental data into Monte Carlo methods to simulate and compare survival probabilities with and without hatching plasticity, we found an overall 3.1% increase in submergence survival due to hatching plasticity. Our findings support the idea that flooding-induced hatching is widespread across amphibians with terrestrial eggs and highlight the importance of researching understudied tropical regions. As climate change is projected to affect rainfall patterns, the ability of embryos to escape abiotic egg-stage threats may be an indicator of species' ability to flexibly navigate a changing environment.  相似文献   
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