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Summary The thickness of the pre-epithelial mucus layer has been measured in different gut segments of rats kept under normal (ad libitum) feeding conditions, and after 48 h of fasting, using cryostat sections and celloidin stabilization from samples containing luminal contents. The mucus layer of the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, proximal colon, colon transversum, distal colon and rectum was studied in five groups of male rats (10, 40, 70 and 150 days of age, and older). Underad libitum feeding conditions, a distinct and continuous mucus layer, with a thickness of more than 3 μm, was only observed in the colon transversum, in the distal colon, in the rectum and in the stomach. No pre-epithelial mucus layer was observed in the duodenum and jejunum where the glycocalix from the apical membrane of the superficial cells appeared to be in a direct contact with the luminal ingesta. In the ileum, caecum and the proximal colon, the surface epithelium of the mucosa was only partly covered by a mucus layer of highly variable thickness. After 48 h of fasting, a mucus layer of 28.8 ± 25.6 μm and 93.3 ± 59.4 μm thickness, respectively, was found in the duodenum and jejunum of adult rats, but no increase in the thickness of the mucus layer was observed in the rat hind gut.  相似文献   
During the production by mammalian cells of recombinant factor VIII from which the B domain was deleted (rFVIII), proteolytic cleavages in the C-terminal part of the heavy chain were observed (Kjalke et al., 1995). By radioactive pulse labelling it was investigated whether the cleavages took place inside the cells during protein synthesis or after release in the medium. The rFVIII-producing CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells were cultured in the presence of 35S-methionine and then the cell lysate and the conditioned media were immunoprecipitated and analyzed by electrophoresis. By pulse labelling and chasing for various time periods, it was shown that the cleavages only took place after secretion of the protein from the cells. Adding cell lysate to uncleaved rFVIII caused cleavage of the heavy chain, as seen by loss of binding to a monoclonal antibody specific for intact rFVIII, indicating that the cleavage was performed by proteinase(s) released from the lysed cells. By incubating intact rFVIII with the multicatalytic proteinase (proteasome) present in cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells, loss of binding to the monoclonal antibody was observed. This indicates that the multicatalytic proteinase, released from lysed rFVIII producing cells, could be responsible for the cleavage of rFVIII. Among several protease inhibitors tested, only bacitracin was found to diminish the extent of cleavage. Phosphatidylserine also protected rFVIII against cleavage, probably by binding to rFVIII. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Ecological correlates of hind-limb length in the Carnivora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What determines the lengths and proportions of mammalian limbs? While the answer to this question is still largely unknown, a number of workers have recently begun analysing the selection of morphology in a rigorous framework, searching for quantitative links between structure, performance, and their ecological and behavioural context. The present study investigates a variety of ecological and behavioural variables to determine whether or not they are correlated with hind-limb length in the Carnivora. Data were analysed by using phylogenetically independent contrasts and phylogenetic analysis of covariance. We found that traditional perceptions of limb length are often inaccurate; some species widely regarded as relatively long-legged actually have limb lengths near those expected for their body size. Interestingly, relative hind-limb length is not a significant predictor of distance moved daily, home-range area, or prey size. Phylogenetic ANCOVA results, however, indicate a relationship between prey-capture behaviour and relative hind-limb length. These findings suggest that the evolution of carnivoran limb length has been most influenced by selection for prey-capture behaviour. These results, coupled with those of other studies, can be used to suggest which performance variables could most fruitfully be studied in the laboratory to understand the selection of the structure of the mammalian limb. We suggest that relevant performance variables might be: maximum jump height and/or length, the ability to generate outforces, and levels of stress tolerance in limb bones during prey pursuit/capture.  相似文献   
Retrofitting YACs for direct DNA transfer into plant cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The utility of plant YAC libraries prepared in conventional YAC vectors would be dramatically increased if these YACs could be used directly for plant transformation. A pair of vectors that allow clones from YAC libraries to be modified (retrofitted) for plant transformation by direct DNA transfer methods, such as particle bombardment or electroporation, has been developed. Modification of the YAC is achieved in two sequential yeast transformation steps by taking advantage of the homologous recombination system in yeast. Using this approach, two plant-selectable marker genes and DNA sequence elements required for copy number amplification in yeast can be introduced into YACs present in yeast strain AB1380. The utility of these vectors is demonstrated by retrofitting YACs that contain inserts ranging in size from 80 to 700 kb. The 6- to 12-fold increase in copy number of these modified YACs facilitates the isolation of YAC DNA for direct DNA transformation methods. Retrofitted YACs were used for particle bombardment to examine the efficiency with which their large DNA inserts are transferred into plant cells. The availability of these retrofitting vectors should facilitate the transfer of YAC DNA inserts into plant cells and thus help bridge the gap between existing mapping techniques and plant transformation procedures.  相似文献   
Posttetanic potentiation of human dorsiflexors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
O'Leary, Deborah D., Karen Hope, and Digby G. Sale.Posttetanic potentiation of human dorsiflexors.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):2131-2138, 1997.Twitch contractions of the ankle dorsiflexors were evoked before and after applied 7-s tetanic stimulation at 100 Hzin 20 young adults. Torque decreased 15% during the tetanus. At 5 safter tetanus, twitch peak torque had potentiated 45%. Potentiationdeclined to 28% after 1 min, rose slightly to 33% at 2 min, anddeclined slowly with potentiation still 25% after 5 min. There waslarge intersubject variation in the amount of potentiation(5-140%) and its persistence (5 to 20 min). The muscle compoundaction potential (M wave) did not change significantly (from pretetanicvalue) at 5 s after tetanus but increased sharply (26%) at 2 min andthen subsided. Twitch half relaxation time (23%) decreasedsignificantly more than twitch rise time (13%) 5 s after tetanus andrecovered more slowly. Twitch rates of torque development (75%) andrelaxation (71%) increased similarly 5 s after tetanus and were stillelevated (~25%) at 5 min. The extent of twitch torque potentiationwas significantly inversely correlated with pretetanic twitch rise time(r = 0.69), half relaxation time (r = 0.61), andtwitch-to-tetanus ratio (r = 0.66). The data indicate that posttetanic potentiation has agreater effect on twitch half relaxation time than on time to peaktorque and is more prominent in muscles with a short twitch time courseand small twitch-to-tetanus ratio.

Impedance cardiography (ZCG), a noninvasive technique used to determine stroke volume and ventricular performance, is currently being utilized more extensively in psychophysiological research and may also prove a useful tool in the control of hypertension. To date, most studies employing ZCG have tested male subjects or patients. However, women and men differ on two important parameters used to calculate stroke volume: thoracic impedance (Zo), and the first derivative of change in impedance over time (dZ/dtmin). Examination of the clinical records of 19 females and 19 males, all nonmedicated, indicated that women had higher Zo levels (F(1, 36)=46.2,p<.0001) and higher dZ/dtmin levels (F(1, 36)=51.8, p<.0001), although calculated stroke volume indexes did not differ. A second sample of 10 women and 8 men, all healthy and nonmedicated, confirmed these findings. The differences in Zo are not due entirely to sex differences in height, weight, percent body fat, and subscapula skin-fold thickness, although these factors differ across sexes. It is important for researchers and clinicians utilizing ZCG with female subjects to be aware of these differences.  相似文献   
We have examined the shape and distribution of clathrin-coated pits in Swiss 3T3 cells at 4 or 37 degrees C using electron microscopy with serial sections and immunofluorescence light microscopy. Both groups were fixed in glutaraldehyde and preserved further using a membrane contrast enhancement technique consisting of sequential osmium-ferrocyanide, thiocarbohydrazide and osmium-ferrocyanide treatment in situ. Concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidase (conA-HRP) was used to identify these structures participating in endocytosis. Two hundred twenty-two clathrin-coated structures were analysed; 126 from cells fixed at 4 degrees C, and 96 from cells fixed after a 3 min warm-up to 37 degrees C. All coated structures labeled with conA-HRP had demonstrable connections to the plasma membrane. These coated structures were morphologically classified into three categories: (a) flat pits; (b) curved pits; and (c) pits with narrow-neck connections to the plasma membrane. At 37 degrees C, 27% of coated pits had narrow neck connections to the plasma membrane whereas at 4 degrees C only 1% had such connections. Receptosomes (endosomes) labeled with conA-HRP were found only after incubation at 37 degrees C, indicating that active endocytosis was occurring in cells at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C. Immunofluorescence with anti-clathrin antibody was used to quantitate the number of clathrin-coated pits in Swiss 3T3 cells incubated at 4 and 37 degrees C prior to fixation. No difference was detected. There were 426 +/- 122 pits per cell at 37 degrees C and 441 +/- 106 at 4 degrees C. These results support the hypothesis that formation of a narrow neck connected a coated pit to the cell surface is an early step in the mechanism of receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   
Photosynthate translocation into fruit segments was examinedin ‘Pineapple’ sweet orange Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck to determine whether previously reported patterns ofdistribution [Koch (1984) HortScience 19: 260] would changeover time or with alterations in balance between source leavesand sink fruit. In control plants, 14CO2 was supplied to a sourceleaf nearest the fruit for 1 h, followed by 5 h translocation.Over 89% of [14C]assimilates in the fruit were localized in4 segments directly aligned with the source and 73% of thesewere in the center 2 segments. Peel, pulp and seeds showed similarpatterns. Little or no lateral spreading of [14C]photosynthatesoccurred when an additional 7 days were allowed for translocation,but distribution was slightly broader when the source leaf was8 nodes farther from the fruit. Defoliation and girdling toreduce the source/sink ratio gave variable results if done 18h before experiments, but widened the area receiving [14C]assimilatesto approximately half the fruit if done 7 days earlier. Thisoccurred only when an entire fruit, was dependent upon a singlesource, leaving the opposite half fruit without an externalsupply of photosynthates. These data show an extreme degreeof preferential translocation and inflexibility which can occurin a transport path. 1Supported by United States Department of Agriculture CompetitiveResearch Grant 59-2121-1-1-752-0, Regional Project NC-142, andthe Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Universityof Florida. (Received January 12, 1984; Accepted May 14, 1984)  相似文献   
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