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Summary The degree of association between cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) and cattle was studied during one summer on Saint Catherines Island, Georgia, USA. Previous work by Grubb (1976) and others indicated that cattle egrets foraging with cattle require fewer steps and less time to catch prey than egrets foraging without cattle and single egrets catch prey at a higher rate than egrets foraging in groups of two or more with cattle. Accordingly, we predicted that when given a choice egrets should forage with cattle rather than alone, egrets should prefer to associate with standing rather than sitting cattle, and single egrets associated with cattle should be more common than expected by chance.In excess of two-thirds of the egrets accompanied cattle. Neither time of day nor month influenced the degree of association, but egrets in forest were more likely to be associated with cattle than egrets in pasture. Standing cattle were more likely to be accompanied by egrets than were sitting cattle. Single egrets occurred more frequently than expected by chance when accompanying standing cattle but not when associated with sitting cattle. Thus, cattle egrets usually distributed themselves among cattle in the way predicted by optimal foraging theory.We dedicate this paper to the memory of Michael D. Sabath  相似文献   
The use of spectrofluorimeter coupled to a reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography column permits selective detection of indole-3-acetic acid at the low picogram level. The value of the technique is demonstrated by the analysis of endogenous IAA in elongating shoots, xylem sap and callus of Douglas-fir. The data are also used to illustrate a procedure whereby the accuracy of chromatographic analyses can be verified within definable probability limits.Abbreviations GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - SEC steric exclusion chromatography - SICM selected ion current monitoring Technical Paper No. 5379 from the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
Summary A laboratory study of the interaction of H2O frost with samples of the minerals olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and pyroxene (Mg,Fe)SiO3 at –11°C to –22°C revealed that an acidic oxidant was produced. Exposure of the frost-treated minerals to liquid H2O produced a sudden drop in pH and resulted in the production of copious O2(g) (as much as ~ 1020 molecules g–1). Exposure of frost-treated samples to 5 ml of 0.1M HCOONa solution resulted in the rapid oxidation of up to 43% of the formate to CO2(g). These reactions were qualitatively similar to the chemical activity observed during the active cycles of the Viking lander Gas Exchange and Labeled Release Biology experiments. Attempts to identify the oxidant by chemical indicators were inconclusive, but they tentatively suggested that chemisorbed hydrogen peroxide may have formed. The formation of chemisorbed peroxide could be explained as a byproduct of the chemical reduction of the mineral. The following model was proposed. Hc was incorporated into the mineral from surface frost. This would have left behind a residual of excess OH (ads) (relative to surface H+). Electrons were then stripped from the surface OH (ads) (due to the large repulsive potential between neighboring OH (ads)) and incorporated into the crystal to restore charge balance and produce a chemical reduction of the mineral. The resultant surface hydroxyl radicals could then have combined to form the more stable chemisorbed hydrogen peroxide species. While the chemisorbed peroxide should be relatively stable at low temperatures, it should tend to decay to O(ads) + H2O(g) at higher temperatures with an activation energy of 34 kcal mole–1. This is consistent with the long-term storage and sterilization behavior of the Viking soil oxidants. It is possible that as little as 0.1–1% frost-weathered material in the Martian soil could have produced the unusual chemical activity that occurred during the Viking Gas Exchange and Labeled Release experiments.This paper contains the material given in invited presentations at the COSPAR Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, 5–7 June 1978 and at the Second Conference on Simulation of Mars Surface Properties, NASA Ames Research Center, 17–18 August 1978  相似文献   
Summary The effects of GABA-elevating agents were examined with respect to the cellular compartments in which GABA increases occurred and the brain region(s) that mediate the anticonvulsant activity of these compounds. Changes in GABA occurring in the presence and absence of GABAergic nerve terminals were estimated in vivo using rats in which the GABA projection to the substantia nigra (SN) was destroyed on one side of the brain. One week post-operatively, the GABA concentration in the denervated SN was 10–20% of control. The net increase in GABA content of the denervated SN was compared to that of the intact SN after intraperitoneal injection of amino-oxacetic acid (AOAA), di-n-propylacetate (DPA) and -vinyl GABA (GVG). In the intact SN, all drugs produced significant increases in GABA. In the denervated SN, both AOAA and GVG produced marked increases in GABA (nearly equivalent to those obtained in the intact SN) whereas DPA was without effect. It therefore appears that the DPA-induced elevation of GABA depends upon the presence of GABAergic nerve terminals whereas AOAA and GVG primarily elevate GABA in non-nerve terminal compartments. An increase in GABA associated with nerve terminals was obtained with GVG only after a latency of more than 12 h following a single injection. The time course of elevation of nerve terminal-associated GABA coincided with the time course of anticonvulsant action of GVG; both effects were maximal at 60 h after a single injection. Taken together, our results indicate that the ability of DPA, AOAA and GVG to protect against chemically- and electrically-induced seizures is directly correlated with increases in nerve terminal GABA and not related to increases in other GABA compartments.Localization of the anatomical site that mediates anticonvulsant activity was examined using intracerebral injections of GVG into fore-, mid-and hindbrain areas. Blockade of tonic hindlimb extension in the maximal electroshock test and blockade of tonic and clonic seizures produced by pentylenetetrazol and bicuculline was obtained by microinjection of GVG (10 µg) into the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain. Injections of GVG (10–40 µg) into forebrain areas (striatum, thalamus) or into hindbrain (pontine tegmentum) were without anticonvulsant activity. Anticonvulsant effects of midbrain GVG were correlated with GABA elevation (3–4 fold) within a 1.5 mm radius of the injection site; these effects were obtained within 6 h and lasted three to four days after a single treatment. After four days seizure activity returned to control. No changes in spontaneous motor activity or reflexes accompanied the GVG injections. Similar but shorter lasting anticonvulsant effects were obtained with the direct GABA receptor agonist muscimol (50 ng) injected into the midbrain site. On the other hand, doses of muscimol up to 500 ng placed in the rostral pontine tegmentum were without anticonvulsant effect, despite the appearance of marked sedation.The time to peak anticonvulsant activity after midbrain microinjection of GVG (6 h) was considerably more rapid than that after intraperitoneal injection (60 h). Compartmental analysis revealed that nerve terminal associated GABA was elevated by 6 h after GVG when the direct microinjection route was used. These results suggest that GABAergic synapses in the midbrain may be critically involved in the control of seizure propagation.  相似文献   
Gymnodimium breve Davis, an unarmored marine dinoflagellate has a cell covering (theca) composed of four membranes. The inner two membranes represent a vesicular layer and in tangential section, the theca appears composed of polygonal areas. Unusual threat ridges are located in the cingular region between the epi- and hypocone. This osmotically sensitive species is extremely vesiculate with dispersed areas of cytoplasm containing typical eukaryotic organelles as well as other organelles found only in dinoflagellates. The non-vesiculated cytoplasm is continuous in serial sections. The chloroplasts can contain either quasi-radial or parallel lamellae typically consisting of three thylakoids each. The pyrenoid is multiple-stalked and lacks a starch cap. The dinophycean pusule is simple and similar to those found in several unarmored marine species. The nucleus is typically dinophycean but the chromosomes appear to lack nonfibrillar material.  相似文献   
Summary An enrichment procedure which facilitates the isolation of conditional respiratory-deficient mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is reported. Detailed genetic analysis of one mutant which exhibits a respiratory deficient phenotype at low temperature (18°C) is also presented. The phenotype is due to a single lesion at a new locus, tsr1, located on the mitochondrial DNA. By analysis of locus retention patterns in a set of physically characterized petite strains, the tsr1 mutation has been mapped within the segment 0–5 map units on the physical map of the yeast mitochondrial genome. This segment of the mitochondrial DNA also contains the cap1 and ery1 loci and the cistron for the mitochondrial 21S rRNA. Studies of the frequencies of co-retention of markers in petite populations, and of the frequencies of recombination of markers in non-polar crosses (+ × +), demonstrate linkage of the tsr1 locus to both the cap1 and ery1 loci. The degree of linkage indicates that tsr1 is closer to the ery1 locus. Comparison of pairwise recombination frequencies for these three markers indicate the order cap1-tsr1-ery1. The tsr1 locus lies within the segment of the mitochondrial genome which is influenced by the polarity locus , and analysis of transmission and recombination frequencies and polarities in a polar (+ × -) cross show that the behaviour of the tsr1 locus is similar to that of ery1. However striking features of this cross are that the recombination frequency between tsr1 and ery1 is comparable to that observed in non-polar crosses, and that the polarity for recombination between tsr1 and cap1 or ery1 is extremely low.  相似文献   
Mutator mutations mutL25, mutR34, and mutU4 had similar effects on the reversion of 4 trp frameshift mutations of known sequence. The mutation trpE9777, which resulted from the addition of an A–T base-pair to a run of 5 A–T base-pairs, was most strongly reverted by the 4 mutators. Reversion of trpE9777 was also increased by mutation polA1 (DNA polymerase I) and dnaE486 and dnaE511 (DNA polymerase III). No effect was found with the ligase mutations, lig-4 or lig-ts7. Mutations polAex1 and polA107, both deficient in the 5′ → 3′ exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I, had different mutator effects; the factor increase in reversion of trpE9777 was 28-fold for polAex1, 6-fold for polA107, and 21-fold for polA1. The trpE9777 mutation is a useful indicator of frameshift mutator activity.  相似文献   
Serological studies relating F9 antigen of embryonal carcinoma cells to at the murineT/t complex have been extended and confirm that only the lethal haplotype t12- and none of the other five lethal haplotypes-affects the quantitative expression of F9 antigen on sperm. Cytotoxicity tests on preimplantation embryos show that t12 homozygotes are less susceptible to antiF9 serum than tw5 homozygotes, and that using specific antimutant haplotype antisera prepared against sperm, t12 antigen is detectable on morulae, whereas tw5 antigen is not.  相似文献   
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