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The unsustainable harvest of wildlife is a major threat to global biodiversity and to the millions of people who depend on wildlife for food and income. Past research has called attention to the fact that commonly used methods to evaluate the sustainability of wildlife hunting perform poorly, yet these methods remain in popular use today. Here, we conduct a systematic review of empirical sustainability assessments to quantify the use of sustainability indicators in the scientific literature and highlight associations between analytical methods and their outcomes. We find that indicator type, continent of study, species body mass, taxonomic group and socio‐economic status of study site are important predictors of the probability of reported sustainability. The most common measures of sustainability include population growth models, the Robinson & Redford (1991) model and population trends through time. Indicators relying on population‐specific biological data are most often used in North America and Europe, while cruder estimates are more often used in Africa, Latin America and Oceania. Our results highlight both the uncertainty and lack of uniformity in sustainability science. Given our urgent need to conserve both wildlife and the food security of rural peoples around the world, improvements in sustainability indicators are of utmost importance.  相似文献   
Hypolithic microbes, primarily cyanobacteria, inhabit the highly specialized microhabitats under translucent rocks in extreme environments. Here we report findings from hypolithic cyanobacteria found under three types of translucent rocks (quartz, prehnite, agate) in a semiarid region of tropical Australia. We investigated the photosynthetic responses of the cyanobacterial communities to light, temperature and moisture in the laboratory, and we measured the microclimatic variables of temperature and soil moisture under rocks in the field over an annual cycle. We also used molecular techniques to explore the diversity of hypolithic cyanobacteria in this community and their phylogenetic relationships within the context of hypolithic cyanobacteria from other continents. Based on the laboratory experiments, photosynthetic activity required a minimum soil moisture of 15% (by mass). Peak photosynthetic activity occurred between approximately 8°C and 42°C, though some photosynthesis occurred between ?1°C and 51°C. Maximum photosynthesis rates also occurred at light levels of approximately 150–550 μmol m?2 s?1. We used the field microclimatic data in conjunction with these measurements of photosynthetic efficiency to estimate the amount of time the hypolithic cyanobacteria could be photosynthetically active in the field. Based on these data, we estimated that conditions were appropriate for photosynthetic activity for approximately 942 h (~75 days) during the year. The hypolithic cyanobacteria community under quartz, prehnite and agate rocks was quite diverse both within and between rock types. We identified 115 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), with each rock hosting 8–24 OTUs. A third of the cyanobacteria OTUs from northern Australia grouped with Chroococcidiopsis, a genus that has been identified from hypolithic and endolithic communities from the Gobi, Mojave, Atacama and Antarctic deserts. Several OTUs identified from northern Australia have not been reported to be associated with hypolithic communities previously.  相似文献   
Mangrove forests are characterized by distinctive tree-height gradientsthat reflect complex spatial, within-stand differences in environmentalfactors,including nutrient dynamics, salinity, and tidal inundation, across narrowgradients. To determine patterns of nutrient limitation and the effects ofnutrient availability on plant growth and within-stand nutrient dynamics, weused a factorial experiment with three nutrient treatment levels (control, N,P)and three zones along a tree-height gradient (fringe, transition, dwarf) onoffshore islands in Belize. Transects were laid out perpendicular to theshoreline across a mangrove forest from a fringe stand along the seaward edge,through a stand of intermediate height, into a dwarf stand in the interior ofthe island. At three sites, three trees were fertilized per zone for 2yr. Although there was spatial variability in response, growth byR. mangle was generally nitrogen (N) -limited in thefringe zone;phosphorus (P) -limited in the dwarf zone; and, N- and/or P-limited in thetransition zone. Phosphorus-resorption efficiency decreased in all three zones,and N-resorption efficiency increased in the dwarf zone in response to Penrichment. The addition of N had no effect on either P or N resorptionefficiencies. Belowground decomposition was increased by P enrichment in allzones, whereas N enrichment had no effect. This study demonstrated thatessential nutrients are not uniformly distributed within mangrove ecosystems;that soil fertility can switch from conditions of N to P limitation acrossnarrow ecotonal gradients; and, that not all ecological processes respondsimilarly to, or are limited by, the same nutrient.  相似文献   
Soil microorganisms play a pivotal role in soil organic matter (SOM) turn-over and their diversity is discussed as a key to the function of soil ecosystems. However, the extent to which SOM dynamics may be linked to changes in soil microbial diversity remains largely unknown. We characterized SOM degradation along a microbial diversity gradient in a two month incubation experiment under controlled laboratory conditions. A microbial diversity gradient was created by diluting soil suspension of a silty grassland soil. Microcosms containing the same sterilized soil were re-inoculated with one of the created microbial diversities, and were amended with 13C labeled wheat in order to assess whether SOM decomposition is linked to soil microbial diversity or not. Structural composition of wheat was assessed by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, sugar and lignin content was quantified and labeled wheat contribution was determined by 13C compound specific analyses. Results showed decreased wheat O-alkyl-C with increasing microbial diversity. Total non-cellulosic sugar-C derived from wheat was not significantly influenced by microbial diversity. Carbon from wheat sugars (arabinose-C and xylose-C), however, was highest when microbial diversity was low, indicating reduced wheat sugar decomposition at low microbial diversity. Xylose-C was significantly correlated with the Shannon diversity index of the bacterial community. Soil lignin-C decreased irrespective of microbial diversity. At low microbial diversity the oxidation state of vanillyl–lignin units was significantly reduced. We conclude that microbial diversity alters bulk chemical structure, the decomposition of plant litter sugars and influences the microbial oxidation of total vanillyl–lignins, thus changing SOM composition.  相似文献   
Cultivated peanut is grown worldwide as richsource of oil and protein. A broad genetic base is needed for cultivar improvement. The objectives of this study were to develop highly informative simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers and to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of peanut cultivars and breeding lines from different breeding programs in China, India and the US. A total of 111 SSR markers were selected for this study, resulting in a total of 472 alleles. The mean values of gene diversity and polymorphic information content(PIC) were 0.480 and 0.429, respectively.Country-wise analysis revealed that alleles per locus in three countries were similar. The mean gene diversity in the US,China and India was 0.363, 0.489 and 0.47 with an average PIC of 0.323, 0.43 and 0.412, respectively. Genetic analysis using the STRUCTURE divided these peanut lines into two populations(P_1, P_2), which was consistent with the dendrogram based on genetic distance(G_1, G_2) and the clustering of principal component analysis. The groupings were related to peanut market types and the geographic origin with a few admixtures. The results could be used by breeding programs to assess the genetic diversity of breeding materials to broaden the genetic base and for molecular genetics studies.  相似文献   
A locus for von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis (NF1) has recently been mapped near the chromosome 17 centromere. We have extended these linkage studies by genotyping 45 NF1 families with three DNA probes known to be linked to the chromosome 17 centromeric region. Of 34 families informative for NF1 and at least one of the three probes, 28 families show no recombinants with the disease gene. These data provide additional support for genetic homogeneity of NF1 and for a primary NF1 locus linked to the chromosome 17 centromere. Among the informative families were 7 families with apparent new NF1 mutations. Our data suggest that these mutations are probably at the chromosome 17 NF1 locus.  相似文献   
Soil salinity and fluctuations in soil matric potential are stressors for soil microorganisms which, in turn, may affect soil organic matter turnover. In response to salinity and low soil water content, many microorganisms accumulate osmolytes. Therefore, it is conceivable that microorganisms in saline soils are more tolerant to drying and rewetting (DRW) stress than those in non-saline soils. An experiment was carried out with three different salinity levels: electrical conductivity (EC1:5) 0, 2 and 4 dS m?1 (EC0, EC2, EC4), and two water treatments: a constantly moist control or two DRW cycles. Respiration as an indicator of microbial activity was measured throughout the 59 days of incubation. At the end of the second dry period (day 35) and at the end of the following moist incubation (day 59), microbial biomass and microbial community structure were determined by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Increasing salinity decreased microbial activity but did not affect its resistance to DRW. On day 59, cumulative respiration decreased in the order EC0 > EC2 > EC4 with no differences between water treatments. Fungal biomass was negatively affected by salinity at the end of the experiment, while bacterial biomass was unaffected. Microbial community structure in moist treatments differed between salinity levels, with EC4 influencing microbial community structure earlier than EC2. The resistance of microbial communities to DRW stress was salt level dependent; only beyond a critical salinity level adaptation to salt stress was able to reduce the impact of water stress on microbial community structure.  相似文献   
Mutations in the S region of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) envelope gene are associated with immune escape, occult infection, and resistance to therapy. We previously identified naturally occurring mutations in the S gene that alter HBV virion secretion. Here we used transcomplementation assay to confirm that the I110M, G119E, and R169P mutations in the S domain of viral envelope proteins impair virion secretion and that an M133T mutation rescues virion secretion of the I110M and G119E mutants. The G119E mutation impaired detection of secreted hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), suggesting immune escape. The R169P mutant protein is defective in HBsAg secretion as well and has a dominant negative effect when it is coexpressed with wild-type envelope proteins. Although the S domain is present in all three envelope proteins, the I110M, G119E, and R169P mutations impair virion secretion through the small envelope protein. Conversely, coexpression of just the small envelope protein of the M133T mutant could rescue virion secretion. The M133T mutation could also overcome the secretion defect caused by the G145R immune-escape mutation or mutation at N146, the site of N-linked glycosylation. In fact, the M133T mutation creates a novel N-linked glycosylation site ((131)NST(133)). Destroying this site by N131Q/T mutation or preventing glycosylation by tunicamycin treatment of transfected cells abrogated the effect of the M133T mutation. Our findings demonstrate that N-linked glycosylation of HBV envelope proteins is critical for virion secretion and that the secretion defect caused by mutations in the S protein can be rescued by an extra glycosylation site.  相似文献   
Tissue banks routinely use a sterility test to determine the suitability of processed tissue prior to release. However, many tissue banks also accompany the sterility test with additional types of media to ensure detection of slower-growing or more fastidious organisms that may not be detected in the standard two media/two incubation temperature sterility test. This study was designed to determine if a standard sterility test is capable of detecting the wide variety of organisms that may be isolated from human tissue thereby making the additional plated media unnecessary. More than 100 isolates, representing more than 90 different species were tested. All isolates exhibited growth in at least one of the two standard sterility test media within the 14-day incubation period.  相似文献   
Two lactate/proton cotransporter isoforms (monocarboxylate transporters, MCT1 and MCT4) are present in the plasma (sarcolemmal) membranes of skeletal muscle. Both isoforms are symports and are involved in both muscle pH and lactate regulation. Accordingly, sarcolemmal MCT isoform expression may play an important role in exercise performance. Acute exercise alters human MCT content, within the first 24 h from the onset of exercise. The regulation of MCT protein expression is complex after acute exercise, since there is not a simple concordance between changes in mRNA abundance and protein levels. In general, exercise produces greater increases in MCT1 than in MCT4 content. Chronic exercise also affects MCT1 and MCT4 content, regardless of the initial fitness of subjects. On the basis of cross-sectional studies, intensity would appear to be the most important factor regulating exercise-induced changes in MCT content. Regulation of skeletal muscle MCT1 and MCT4 content by a variety of stimuli inducing an elevation of lactate level (exercise, hypoxia, nutrition, metabolic perturbations) has been demonstrated. Dissociation between the regulation of MCT content and lactate transport activity has been reported in a number of studies, and changes in MCT content are more common in response to contractile activity, whereas changes in lactate transport capacity typically occur in response to changes in metabolic pathways. Muscle MCT expression is involved in, but is not the sole determinant of, muscle H(+) and lactate anion exchange during physical activity.  相似文献   
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