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Chaudhary AA  Hemant  Mohsin M  Ahmad A 《Protoplasma》2012,249(2):417-422
In this study, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-based molecular marker was developed for authentication of Catharanthus roseus, a medicinal plant. Samples of this plant were collected from different geographical locations in India. Random amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis of collected samples was carried out with 25 random primers. A 610-bp DNA fragment, common to all accessions, was eluted, cloned, and sequenced. Four LAMP primers were designed on the basis of sequence of 610 bp DNA fragment. LAMP reaction, containing 10× Bst DNA polymerase reaction buffer, Bst DNA polymerase, four in-house designed primers, dNTPs, MgSO4, and betaine, was incubated at 65°C for 1 h. The resulting amplicon was visualized by adding SYBR Green I to the reaction tube. The data showed confirmatory results. Since the assay method is simple, sensitive, and cost-effective, it is a feasible method for identifying and authentication of C. roseus.  相似文献   
The present study investigated drought-induced responses of non-enzymatic antioxidants in four diverse mulberry genotypes (Morus indica L. S-36, M-5, MR-2 and V-1). Inside the glasshouse, potted plants were subjected to four water regimes for 75 days: (a) control: pots maintained at 100% pot water holding capacity (PC) (b) low water stress: 75% PC (c) medium water stress: 50% PC and (d) high water stress: 25% PC. Photosynthetic leaf gas exchange and non-enzymatic antioxidants including α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid (AA), glutathione, proline and total carotenoids were measured in leaves at regular intervals. Amongst all, V-1 was relatively drought tolerant and showed exceeded accumulation of α-tocopherol and AA-glutathione pool in association with higher carotenoids and proline contents. Susceptible S-36, M-5 and MR-2 could not induce any significant up-regulation in AA-glutathione pool leading to endogenous loss of α-tocopherol and more lipid peroxidation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2 · ?) showed apparent accumulation in water-stressed leaves and significantly contributed to lipid peroxidation in susceptible genotypes when compared to V-1. Our study demonstrated that proline, AA and glutathione were the major non-enzymatic antioxidants in mulberry with α-tocopherol and carotenoids as good additional indicators for drought stress tolerance. These non-enzymatic antioxidants can cumulatively render effective protection against oxidative damage and can be considered as reliable markers for screening drought-tolerant mulberry genotypes.  相似文献   


Variation in early nutrition is known to play an important role in shaping the behavioural development of individuals. Parental prey selection may have long-lasting behavioural influences. In birds foraging on arthropods, for instance, the specific prey types, e.g. spiders and caterpillars, matter as they have different levels of taurine which may have an effect on personality development. Here we investigated how naturally occurring variation in the amounts of spiders and caterpillars, provisioned to nestlings at day 4 and 8 after hatching, is related to the response to handling stress in a wild passerine, the great tit (Parus major). Broods were cross-fostered in a split-brood design allowing us to separate maternal and genetic effects from early rearing effects. Adult provisioning behaviour was monitored on day four and day eight after hatching using video recordings. Individual nestlings were subjected to a handling stress test at an age of 14 days, which is a validated proxy for exploratory behaviour as an adult.


Variation in handling stress was mainly determined by the rearing environment. We show that, contrary to our predictions, not the amount of spider biomass, but the amount of caterpillar biomass delivered per nestling significantly affected individual performance in the stress test. Chicks provisioned with lower amounts of caterpillars exhibited a stronger stress response, reflecting faster exploratory behaviour later on in life, than individuals who received larger amounts of caterpillars.


These results suggest that natural variation in parental behaviour in wild birds modulates the developmental trajectories of their offspring's personality via food provisioning. Since parental provisioning behaviour might also reflect the local environmental conditions, provisioning behaviour may influence how nestlings respond to these local environmental conditions.
Recent studies have demonstrated that carotenoid-based traits are under the control of testosterone (T) by up-regulation of carotenoid carriers (lipoproteins) and/or tissue-specific uptake of carotenoids. T can be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2), and variation in conversion rate may partly explain some contradictory findings in the literature. Moreover, most studies on the effect of T on sexual signals have focused on the male sex only, while in many species females show the same signal, albeit to a lesser extent. We studied the effects of T, DHT, and E2 treatment in male and female diamond doves Geopelia cuneata in which both sexes have an enlarged red eye ring, which is more pronounced in males. We first showed that this periorbital ring contains very high concentration of carotenoids, of which most are lutein esters. Both T and DHT were effective in enhancing hue, UV-chroma and size in both sexes, while E2 was ineffective. However, E2 dramatically increased the concentration of circulating lipoproteins. We conclude that in both sexes both color and size of the secondary sexual trait are androgen dependent. The action of androgens is independent of lipoproteins regulation. Potential mechanisms and their consequences for trade-off are discussed.  相似文献   
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants have been wounded to induce the accumulation of proteinase-inhibitor proteins (PI proteins) at the local site of injury and systemically in unwounded tissues. To determine the range of genes affected in the wound-response, polysomal mRNA has been isolated from the damaged leaves and from systemically responding leaves over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after wounding. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicate that the events that occur at the local wound-site are different from those that occur systemically, both with respect to the number of genes that are regulated and the timing of their regulation. In order to compare the effects of wounding and an endogenous systemic signal generated at the wound-site with those of elicitor (proteinase-inhibitor-inducing factor, PIIF) treatment of excised plants, polysomal mRNA has also been isolated from leaves of plants over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after PIIF-treatment. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicates that the events induced by PIIF resemble those induced by mechanical injury, rather than those induced by the endogenous systemic signal.Abbreviations IFF isoelectric focussing - PI proteins proteinase inhibitor proteins - PIIF proteinase-inhibitor-inducing factor - ssRubisco small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   
The hypersaline environments and salterns present in the western Mediterranean region (including Italy, southern France, the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco) contain autochthonous forms of the brine shrimp Artemia, with parthenogenetic diploid and tetraploid strains coexisting with the bisexual species A. salina. Introduced populations of the American brine shrimp A. franciscana have also been recorded in these Mediterranean environments since the 1980s. Based on brine shrimp cyst samples collected in these countries from 1980 until 2002, we were able to establish the present distribution of autochthonous brine shrimps and of A. franciscana, which is shown to be an expanding invasive species. The results obtained show that A. franciscana is now the dominant Artemia species in Portuguese salterns, along the French Mediterranean coast and in Cadiz bay (Spain). Co-occurrence of autochthonous (parthenogenetic) and American brine shrimp populations was observed in Morocco (Mar Chica) and France (Aigues Mortes), whereas A. franciscana was not found in Italian cyst samples. The results suggest these exotic A. franciscana populations originate as intentional or non-intentional inoculations through aquacultural (hatchery effluents) or pet market activities, and suggest that the native species can be rapidly replaced by the exotic species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In this study, we have investigated the plant growth promoting effect of Bacillus mucilaginosus strain D4B1, a rhizosphere soil organism, and its transgenic strain NKTS-3 on tobacco planting. The transgenic strain contains a phytase expression cassette that can express high active phytase extracellularly and hydrolyze phytate in the soil to liberate inorganic phosphorus for the growth of tobacco plants. Greenhouse study and field experiments showed that both wild-type B. mucilaginosus and the transgenic strain could promote tobacco plant growth. Moreover, the transgenic strain promoted tobacco plant growth (235% more than control in pot experiments and 125% more than control in field experiments) was higher than the wild-type B. mucilaginosus (183% more than control in pot experiments and 108% more than control in field experiments). In addition, the inoculation with transgenic rhizobacteria could significantly improve root acquisition of phosphorus and increase the phosphorus content of the plant.  相似文献   
Food limitation was tested in the laboratory by individual growth and reproduction of two cladoceran species, Ceriodaphnia richardi and Daphnia gessneri, from the shallow tropical Brazilian Lake Monte Alegre. The cladocerans were fed cultivated green alga Scenedesmus spinosus in concentrations of 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, and 0.025 mg C l−1. Higher biomass and growth rates occurred in the two highest-food concentrations; the two lowest ones negatively affected clutch size and first reproduction. The threshold food concentration is lower than 0.025 mg C l−1 and the incipient limiting level is a value between 0.10 and 0.20 mg C l−1. The largest species, D. gessneri, was more sensitive to low food concentrations. The effects of low and high temperatures (19 and 27°C) were evaluated by life table experiments with three cladocerans from the lake—Daphnia ambigua, D. gessneri, and Moina micrura—with no food limitation (1 mg C l−1 of S. spinosus). Higher population growth rates for the three species were found at 27°C; better performance in most life table parameters was observed for the former two species at the highest temperature, D. gessneri being the most sensitive to the lowest temperature. There are indications that temperature is an important abiotic factor that constrains populations of cladocerans for a short period in winter in the lake, when temperature decreases to 18–19°C. However, its influence cannot be separated from a biotic factor such as food, whose effect is stronger in the cool season, when concentrations are lower and contribution of inedible algae is relatively higher.  相似文献   
The Standard Genetic Code is organized such that similar codons encode similar amino acids. One explanation suggested that the Standard Code is the result of natural selection to reduce the fitness ``load' that derives from the mutation and mistranslation of protein-coding genes. We review the arguments against the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis and argue that they need to be reassessed. We review recent analyses of the organization of the Standard Code and conclude that under cautious interpretation they support the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis. We then present a deterministic asexual model with which we study the mode of selection for load minimization. In this model, individual fitness is determined by a protein phenotype resulting from the translation of a mutable set of protein-coding genes. We show that an equilibrium fitness may be associated with a population with the same genetic code and that genetic codes that assign similar codons to similar amino acids have a higher fitness. We also show that the number of mutant codons in each individual at equilibrium, which determines the strength of selection for load minimization, reflects a long-term evolutionary balance between mutations in messages and selection on proteins, rather than the number of mutations that occur in a single generation, as has been assumed by previous authors. We thereby establish that selection for mutational load minimization acts at the level of an individual in a single generation. We conclude with comments on the shortcomings and advantages of load minimization over other hypotheses for the origin of the Standard Code. Received: 4 April 2001 / Accepted: 22 October 2001  相似文献   
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