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To target the nucleus of specific cells, trifunctional radiopharmaceuticals are required. We have synthesized acridine orange derivatives which comprise an imidazole-2-carbaldehyde function for coordination to the [Re(CO)?](+) or [(99m)Tc(CO)?](+) core. Upon coordination, this aldehyde is activated and rapidly forms imines with amines from biological molecules. This metal-mediated imine formation allows for the conjugation of a nuclear targeting portion with a specific cell receptor binding function directly on the metal. With this concept, we have conjugated the acridine orange part to a bombesin peptide directly on the (99m)Tc core and in one step. In addition, a linker containing an integrated disulfide has been coupled to bombesin. LC/MS study showed that the disulfide was reductively cleaved with a 60 min half-life time. This concept enables the combination of a nucleus targeting agent with a specific cell receptor molecule directly on the metal without the need of separate conjugation prior to labeling, thus, a modular approach. High uptake of the BBN conjugate into PC-3 cells was detected by fluorescence microscopy, whereas uptake into B16BL6 cells was negligible.  相似文献   
Mouse NKR-P1C(B6) receptor corresponding to NK1.1 alloantigen is one of the most widespread surface markers of mouse NK and NKT cells in C57BL/6 mice detected by monoclonal antibody PK136. Although functional studies revealed the ability of this receptor to activate both natural killing and production of cytokines upon antibody crosslinking, the ligand for NKR-P1C(B6) remains unknown. In order to initiate ligand identification, structural studies, and epitope mapping experiments, we developed a simple and efficient expression and purification protocol allowing to produce large amounts of pure soluble monomeric mouse NKR-P1C(B6). Our protein encompassed approximately half of the stalk region and the entire C-terminal globular ligand binding domain. The identity of protein that was devoid of N-terminal initiation methionine and had all three expected disulfides closed was confirmed using high resolution ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Protein produced into inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli was efficiently refolded into a unique three dimensional structure as confirmed by NMR using (1)H-(15)N-HSQC spectra of uniformly labeled protein. The exceptional purity of the protein should allow its crystallization and detailed structural investigations, and is a prerequisite for its use as a probe in ligand identification and antibody epitope mapping experiments.  相似文献   
We have designed, synthesized, and characterized peptides containing four repeats of the sequences VAALEKE (peptide E) or VAALKEK (peptide K). While the peptides alone adopt in aqueous solutions a random coil conformation, their equimolar mixture forms heterodimeric coiled coils as confirmed by CD spectroscopy. 5-Azidopentanoic acid was connected to the N-terminus of peptide E via a short poly(ethylene glycol) spacer. The terminal azide group enabled conjugation of the peptide with a synthetic drug carrier based on the N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymer containing propargyl groups using "click" chemistry. When incorporated into the polymer drug carrier, peptide E formed a stable noncovalent complex with peptide K belonging to a recombinant single-chain fragment (scFv) of the M75 antibody. The complex thereby mediates a noncovalent linkage between the polymer drug carrier and the protein. The recombinant scFv antibody fragment was selected as a targeting ligand against carbonic anhydrase IX-a marker overexpressed by tumor cells of various human carcinomas. The antigen binding affinity of the polymer-scFv complex was confirmed by ELISA. This approach offers a well-defined, specific, and nondestructive universal method for the preparation of protein (antibody)-targeted polymer drug and gene carriers designed for cell-specific delivery.  相似文献   
Rodents move their whiskers to locate and identify objects. Cortical areas involved in vibrissal somatosensation and sensorimotor integration include the vibrissal area of the primary motor cortex (vM1), primary somatosensory cortex (vS1; barrel cortex), and secondary somatosensory cortex (S2). We mapped local excitatory pathways in each area across all cortical layers using glutamate uncaging and laser scanning photostimulation. We analyzed these maps to derive laminar connectivity matrices describing the average strengths of pathways between individual neurons in different layers and between entire cortical layers. In vM1, the strongest projection was L2/3→L5. In vS1, strong projections were L2/3→L5 and L4→L3. L6 input and output were weak in both areas. In S2, L2/3→L5 exceeded the strength of the ascending L4→L3 projection, and local input to L6 was prominent. The most conserved pathways were L2/3→L5, and the most variable were L4→L2/3 and pathways involving L6. Local excitatory circuits in different cortical areas are organized around a prominent descending pathway from L2/3→L5, suggesting that sensory cortices are elaborations on a basic motor cortex-like plan.  相似文献   

We present a morphological feature-based key for the genus Otostephanos and describe two new species, O. jolantae sp. nov. and O. ukrainicus sp. nov. For O. jolantae sp. nov. we analysed the intraspecific morphological variability and provided the barcodes of mtCOX1 mitochondrial gene. Further, we developed a method to standardize measurements for the Philodina type of corona and trophi measurements of bdelloids. Otostephanos jolantae sp. nov. is a large rotifer with a smooth cuticle and bright red-orange gut; it can be distinguished from the known species by a high triangular upper lip with a tongue-like tip not divided into lobes, spade-shaped swollen rump, and 6/6 dental formula. It is found in Sphagnum collected in Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. Otostephanos ukrainicus sp. nov. has a long body covered with coarse-grained cuticle on the last two neck segments, trunk and rump; it is distinguished by long narrow head and neck, saccular-like swollen trunk, spade-like rump, and a tiny foot. Unlike the other species of this genus, it has band-like upper lip with two narrow, sharp protrusions separated by an interspace, unusually small spurs and trophi with 5/5 major teeth. Thus far, it is only found in Ukraine, in pine and oak forest litter. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9FC484E3-67F5-43A9-8478-A7BE14FBE5E33  相似文献   
Bacteria of the genus Limnohabitans, more precisely the R-BT lineage, have a prominent role in freshwater bacterioplankton communities due to their high rates of substrate uptake and growth, growth on algal-derived substrates and high mortality rates from bacterivory. Moreover, due to their generally larger mean cell volume, compared to typical bacterioplankton cells, they contribute over-proportionally to total bacterioplankton biomass. Here we present genetic, morphological and ecophysiological properties of 35 bacterial strains affiliated with the Limnohabitans genus newly isolated from 11 non-acidic European freshwater habitats. The low genetic diversity indicated by the previous studies using the ribosomal SSU gene highly contrasted with the surprisingly rich morphologies and different patterns in substrate utilization of isolated strains. Therefore, the intergenic spacer between 16S and 23S rRNA genes was successfully tested as a fine-scale marker to delineate individual lineages and even genotypes. For further studies, we propose the division of the Limnohabitans genus into five lineages (provisionally named as LimA, LimB, LimC, LimD and LimE) and also additional sublineages within the most diversified lineage LimC. Such a delineation is supported by the morphology of isolated strains which predetermine large differences in their ecology.  相似文献   
Neurotrophins (NTs) are emerging as important mediators of angiogenesis and fibrosis. We investigated the expression of the NTs nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) and their receptors TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). As a comparison, we examined the expression of NTs and their receptors in the retinas of diabetic rats. Vitreous samples from 16 PDR and 15 nondiabetic patients were studied by Western blot analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Epiretinal membranes from 17 patients with PDR were studied by immunohistochemistry. Rats were made diabetic with a single high dose of streptozotocin and retinas of rats were examined by Western blot analysis. Western blot analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression of NT-3 and NT-4 and the shedding of receptors TrkA and TrkB in vitreous samples from PDR patients compared to nondiabetic controls, whereas NGF and BDNF and the receptor TrkC were not detected with the use of Western blot analysis and ELISA. In epiretinal membranes, vascular endothelial cells and myofibroblasts expressed NT-3 and the receptors TrkA, TrkB and TrkC in situ, whereas NT-4 was not detected. The expression levels of NT-3 and NT-4 and the receptors TrkA and TrkB, both in intact and solubilized forms, were upregulated in the retinas of diabetic rats, whereas the receptor TrkC was not detected. Co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed binding between NT-3 and the receptors TrkA and TrkB in the retinas of diabetic rats. Our findings in diabetic eyes from humans and rats suggest that the increased expression levels within the NT-3 and NT-4/Trk axis are associated with the progression of PDR.  相似文献   
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