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It has been observed that multiple sulfatase deficiency disorder (MSDD) fibroblasts contained from profoundly deficient to near normal amounts of arylsulfatase (ARS) A depending on the medium in which they were cultured. Our present findings show that the major factor determining the enzyme level is the pH of the medium during growth. In media which became acidic or was maintained at low pH (less than 7), the cells expressed the enzymopathy, while in high pH media (7.4), the cells produced enzyme. The high and low enzyme states were reversible. The ARS A deficiency in MSDD must, therefore, be a secondary manifestation of a mutation in another system.  相似文献   
In the study of chemical modification of enzymes and other biologically active proteins, plots of fractional residual activity as a function of number of groups modified per enzyme molecule are often used to establish a correlation between the chemical modification and enzyme inactivation reactions and to determine the stoichiometry of the modification reaction. This paper presents a critical examination of the underlying theoretical framework of such graphs. Whereas these plots are usually presented as linear functions, it is shown here that the general equation describing the relationship between inactivation and modification contains an exponential term; therefore, in the general case, the plot is actually a curve. It is suggested that caution be exercised in the interpretation of such plots and that equations such as those derived in the text be used to fit theoretical curves to the data, in order to maximize the information gained from chemical modification experiments.  相似文献   
The addition of physiological concentrations of the arthropod molting hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone results in the cessation of cell division in the Kc cell line of Drosophila melanogaster. Fluorometric mononitoring of the cell cycle reveals that treatment of the cells with hormone for 12 hr causes a G2 arrest. The dose-response curves are in agreement with those obtained for other hormonal effects in both the Kc line and the intact animal. In the continual presence of hormone, cells remain G2-arrested for approximately 100 hr, resuming division by 120 hr. Cells which have responded once to ecdysteroids and subsequently reentered the cell cycle are insensitive to hormonal restimulation. This lack of response has been correlated with, and is probably due to, the loss of ecdysteroid receptors in stimulated cells.  相似文献   
The cholate and taurodeoxycholate activations of cerebroside sulphate sulphohydrolase (cerebroside-3-sulphate 3-sulphohydrolase, EC activity of arylsulphatase A (aryl-sulphate sulphohydrolase, EC were compared. Taurodeoxycholate caused a sharp peak of response at a concentration of 1.25 mg/ml (type-I activation). Cholate also showed type-I activation but, in addition, it evoked a second, higher, response plateau at concentrations between 5 and 10 mg/ml (type-II activation). At the pH of the reaction, cholate is converted largely to the sparingly soluble free aicd, so at the high concentrations associated with type-II activation, copious precipitates were formed. It was found that the precipitated material was essential for the type-II activation. Type-I activation appears to involve bile salt interaction with substrate, while type-II activation appears to involve enzyme interaction with solid-phase cholic acid. the putative mutant arylsulphatase A in an unusual form of metachromatic leukodystrophy hydolysed cerebroside sulphate only in the presence of high levels of cholate. The type-II activation may thus be simulating a physiological desulphation reaction.  相似文献   
Abstract— An enzyme with the specificity of a prolyl endopeptidase was purified about 880-fold from rabbit brain. The enzyme hydrolyzes peptidylprolyl-peptide and peptidylprolyl-amino acid bonds. Several biologically active peptides such as angiotensin, bradykinin, neurotensin. substance P and thyrotropin releasing hormone are degraded by hydrolysis of the bond between the carboxyl group of proline and the adjacent amino acid or ammonia respectively. The enzyme is activated by dithiothreitol and inhibited by heavy metals and thiol blocking agents. The serine protease inhibitor phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride has no effect on activity; however, inhibition was obtained with diisopropylfluorophosphate. Prolyl endopeptidase has a molecular weight of about 66,000 and a pH optimum of about 8.3. A new chromogenic substrate, N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-prolylsulfamethoxazole, was used for determination of enzyme activity. The substrate is hydrolyzed to N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-proline and free sulfamethoxazole which can be conveniently determined by a colorimetric procedure.  相似文献   
In vitro stimulation of incorporation of tritiated thymidine by human peripheral lymphocytes in response to two soluble antigens and three different intact but nonviable fungal forms of Coccidioides immitis was studied. Lymphocytes were obtained from three groups of subjects: healthy skin test positive, healthy skin test negative, and disseminated disease. Dose-response relationships to the intact forms (endospores, arthrospores, and spherules) were determined. Responses of lymphocytes from healthy skin test-positive subjects and subjects with disseminated disease were similar. Ranking of antigens by “potency” gave the following results: endospores = spherulin > mycelial filtrate > arthrospores = spherules. Endospores were the most potent of the intact forms in 10 of 11 subjects. The clear superiority of endospores over spherules is not due to differences in the total particle surface area available for presentation to the leukocytes. All antigens tested except spherules could discriminate between skin test-positive and skin test-negative subjects in this in vitro system. A T-cell-enriched, B-cell- and mono-cyte-depleted cell population demonstrated an active response to spherulin and to endospores. The variance of these finding with animal studies demonstrating spherules to be immunogenically superior when compared to endospores is discussed. This may have importance in future studies in humans of vaccines to C. immitis.  相似文献   
The monomer-dimer equilibria of the dimeric phospholipases A2 from Crotalus atrox and Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus venoms were examined chromatographically as a function of pH and in the presence versus absence of the essential cofactor, calcium ion. At neutral pH without calcium, the subunits of both enzymes reequilibrated sufficiently slowly that dimer and monomer were separated by size exclusion chromatography. At pH 4.2 and lower, the dimers underwent rapid dissociation and reassociation, eluting as single broad peaks whose position as a function of applied protein concentration could be analyzed to determine association constants using an algorithm that estimates these values based on elution positions. Lowering the pH from 7.0 to 4.2 increased the self-association constant of the C. atrox enzyme by 1 order of magnitude and that of the A. p. piscivorus dimer by a factor of 3. Calcium ion, an essential cofactor of phospholipase A2, converted the kinetic behavior of the dimers at neutral pH from slow to virtually instantaneous on the time scale of the chromatography runs, 40 min. Calcium ion also altered the thermodynamic stability of the enzymes; the association constant of A. p. piscivorus phospholipase A2 in neutral pH buffer was reduced by approximately 2 orders of magnitude, whereas that of C. atrox was increased by a factor of 6. The structural basis for the disparate effects of calcium ion on these two acidic, dimeric venom phospholipases A2 is uncertain. This study illustrates the importance of calcium ion and pH on the solution behavior of the dimeric members of this class of enzymes.  相似文献   
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