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Taste systems of the petrosal ganglion of the rat glossopharyngeal nerve   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Single unit recordings were taken from sensory ganglion cellsin the petrosal ganglion (PG) of the glossopharyngeal nerveof the rat. These taste units were examined with respect tospontaneous and evoked discharge patterns and responsivenessto a wide variety of chemical compounds, most of natural occurrence.Spontaneous activity patterns, with few exceptions, tended tobe extremely irregular with both bursting (clusters of 2–3spikes) and grouping (large groups of spikes as in evoked discharges).Most interspike interval histograms of spontaneous activitywere multimodal, similar to rat geniculate ganglion (GG) units.Evoked discharges usually displayed grouping of spikes, andlong latencies of onset and persistence of discharge after rinsewere sometimes seen. Little response was shown to nucleotidesor salts. Units responsive to amino acids tended to show largedischarge to only one or two amino acids; and the most responsiveamino acid usually varied from cell to cell. Units responsiveto alkaloids only responded to a few alkaloids with atropineand quinine being the most stimulatory. Units responsive toacids only discharged to a few of the acids tested and oftenacids of low pH elicited no discharge. Saccharin activated unitsresponsive to both sugar and alkaloids. A few units highly responsiveto both sugar and alkaloids were seen. The units were placedinto four clusters on the basis of chemicals activating themand certain neurophysiological characteristics: PG salt units,PG acid units and, tentatively, amino acid (sugar) units andX (alkaloid and alkaloid plus) units. The PG salt units didnot show the exclusive sensitivity to sodium and lithium compoundsas did the GG salt units. The PG acid units could also be differentiatedfrom the GG acid units. The petrosal amino acid and X units,on the other hand, could not be differentiated from similarunits in the rat GG.  相似文献   
We have synthesized and studied by proton NMR a duplex heptaoligonucleotide containing a 5-bromouracil (brU)-adenine base pair. This represents the first structural characterization of a B-form DNA containing brU. The brU.A base pair is Watson-Crick rather than Hoogsteen as seen for the monomers in the crystalline state. From analysis of the NOESY sepctra at very short mixing times evidence is presented that substitution of brU for T induces significant conformational changes from that of a normal B DNA. The helix twist between brU4.A11 and G3.C12 is ca. 15 degrees and for both brU4 and G3 the glycosyl torsion angles are significantly changed. The imino proton of the bru.A base pair shows a pH insensitive line with which shows that the pK of brU in this base pair is very much higher than that of the monomer.  相似文献   
H+ conductance in de-energized cells of Clostridium thermoaceticum and Clostridium acetobutylicum was determined from the rate of realkalinization of the medium after an acid pulse. In both organisms, cell membrane proton permeability was increased by fermentation end products and ionophores. In C. thermoaceticum, H+ conductance was increased by Na+ ions compared with K+ as counterions. In these cells, addition of Na+, but not K+, elicited efflux of H+; H+ efflux was stimulated by SCN and decreased by various ionophores. We concluded that C. thermoaceticum possesses an electrogenic Na+/H+ antiporter. In contrast, C. acetobutylicum cells did not have an electrogenic Na+/H+ antiporter.  相似文献   
Epithelial impedance analysis was used to measure the alterations in resistance of the large bowel in a murine model of large bowel cancer. The technique was able to resolve the epithelial resistance from the total resistance of the bowel wall. A progressive decrease in resistance of the bowel epithelium occurs during carcinogenesis induced with dimethyhydrazine. About a 21% decrease in epithelial resistance from 22.0 +/- 1.3 omega.cm-2 to 17.5 +/- 1.1 omega cm-2 (p less than 0.025) was observed after 20 wk of carcinogen administration. The sensitivity of the technique in detecting altered epithelial resistance in premalignant bowel mucosa was improved by examining the impedance profile in a sodium-free Ringer's solution where the epithelium of control colons had a resistance of 24.4 +/- 1.8 omega.cm-2 compared with 19.0 +/- 1.1 omega.cm-2 (p less than 0.02) in colons from animals treated for only 4 wk with the carcinogen. Epithelial impedance analysis would seem to be a sensitive technique capable of identifying changes in the electrical properties or the large bowel early in disease states.  相似文献   
An inbred line of the M' strain Muller-5 Birmingham was studied for its abilities to affect P-M hybrid dysgenesis. This strain possesses 57 P elements, all of which are apparently defective in the production of the P transposase. In combination with transposase-producing elements, these nonautonomous elements can enhance or diminish the incidence of hybrid dysgenesis, depending on the trait that is studied. Dysgenic flies that have one or more paternally-derived chromosomes with these elements partially repress the instability of the P element insertion mutation, snw; however, such flies have elevated frequencies of another dysgenic trait, GD sterility, and also show distorted segregation ratios. An explanation is presented in which all of these phenomena are unified as manifestations of the kinetics of P element activation in the germ line. The progeny of Muller-5 Birmingham females exhibit partial repression of both snw instability and GD sterility. This repression appears to involve a factor that can be transmitted maternally through at least two generations. This mode of repression therefore conforms to the pattern of inheritance of the P cytotype, the condition that brings about nearly total repression of P element activity in some strains. Models in which this repression could arise from the nonautonomous P elements of Muller-5 Birmingham are discussed.  相似文献   
Cultured neurons from rat embryo striatum were found to contain two structurally distinct forms of pp60c-src. The 60-kilodalton (kDa) form appeared similar to pp60c-src from cultured rat fibroblasts or astrocytes. The 61-kDa form was specific to neurons and differed in the NH2-terminal 18 kDa of the molecule. In undifferentiated neurons the predominant phosphorylated species of pp60c-src was the fibroblast form. Upon differentiation, a second phosphorylated form of pp60c-src was detected. This form had two or more additional sites of serine phosphorylation within the NH2-terminal 18-kDa region of the molecule, one of which was Ser-12. The specific protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the total pp60c-src population increased 14-fold, as measured by autophosphorylation, or 7-fold, as measured by phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate, as striatal neurons differentiated. This elevation in protein kinase activity occurred without a detectable decrease in Tyr-527 phosphorylation or increase in Tyr-416 phosphorylation. Our results support the idea that the expression of the neuron-specific form of pp60c-src and the increase in specific protein kinase activity may be important for neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
Acholeplasmas have been isolated from a variety of animals, insects, and plants, but onlyAcholeplasma laidlawii has previously been found in humans. We have isolatedAcholeplasma oculi in pure culture from the amniotic fluid of a woman at 19 weeks of gestation. The organism was positively identified by growth inhibition, epi-immunofluorescence, and arbutin hydrolysis. Demonstration of organisms directly in amniotic fluid by DNA fluorochrome and immunofluorescence staining provided additional evidence that the isolate was genuine and not a medium contaminant. The remainder of the pregnancy was unremarkable, and a full-term male infant was delivered without complications. Even though there is some evidence possibly associatingA. oculi with various diseases in livestock, the prevalence and significance ofA. oculi in humans has not been determined.  相似文献   
Summary We reported earlier the recovery of two classes of soybean urease mutants in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Williams). Class I mutants lack the embryo-specific urease while class II mutants lack the activities of both urease isozymes, the embryo-specific and the ubiquitous urease, the latter found in all tissues examined. We report here the recovery of a true-breeding mutant, aj3, which represents the third phenotypic class: normal levels of embryo-specific urease and little or no ubiquitous urease. Unlike class II mutant plants which lack urease in all tissue, aj3 lacks urease activity only in leaves (ca. 2% normal activity); its roots have near normal urease activity. Callus derived from leaves of aj3 has 14% to 40% the urease activity of Williams 82 callus. This partial reduction in urease activity in aj3 callus is sufficient to reduce growth with urea as sole nitrogen source and to confer resistance to 50 mM urea added to callus maintenance medium. Leaves of aj3 produce more than 40 times the urease antigen expected from their urease activity. The aj3 trait is due to a single recessive lesion which is not allelic with lesions at theEu2, Eu3 (class II) orEu1 (class I) loci. We designate the aj3 genotype aseu4/eu4.  相似文献   
Conditioned taste aversion was used to evaluate the behavioral toxicity of exposure to high-energy iron particles (56Fe, 600 MeV/amu) in comparison to that of gamma photons (60Co), high-energy electrons, or fission neutrons. Exposure to high-energy iron particles (5-500 cGy) produced a dose-dependent taste aversion with a maximal effect achieved with a dose of 30 cGy. Gamma photons and electrons were the least effective stimuli for producing a conditioned taste aversion, with a maximal aversion obtained only after exposure to 500 cGy, while the effectiveness of fission neutrons was intermediate to that of photons and iron particles, and a maximal aversion was obtained with a dose of 100 cGy. In the second experiment, rats with lesions of the area postrema were exposed to iron particles (30 cGy), but failed to acquire a taste aversion. The results indicate that (1) high-energy iron particles are more toxic than other qualities of radiation and (2) similar mechanisms mediate the behavioral toxicity of gamma photons and high-energy iron particles.  相似文献   
Fasted (48 h) rats were killed at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 h after they were refed on a high-carbohydrate diet. An increase in the maximal activity and quantity of cystolic acetyl-CoA carboxylase was found in liver of refed rats after a lag time of about 8 h. The increased quantity of cytosolic enzyme was attributable primarily to mobilization of mitochondrial storage forms and not to substantial increase in the rate of synthesis of acetyl-CoA carboxylase.  相似文献   
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