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A streamlined method of subfragment one preparation from myosin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A rapid procedure for isolating subfragment one (SF1) from myosin was found. SF1 can be isolated specifically from proteolytic digests of myosin in the presence of a millimolar concentration of magnesium chloride. Under such ionic conditions all of the rod portion and undigested myosin is selectively precipitated. A nucleotide trapping experiment indicated how important quick preparation of SF1 is for maintaining the active site structure. This method can also be utilized in the preparation of heavy meromyosin.  相似文献   
Myosin has 2 mol of the most reactive thiol, named SH1. 1,2,4-Trinitrobenzene (TNB), a novel dinitrophenyl(DNP)ating reagent [Takahashi et al. (1983) Chem. Lett. 1445-1448], was found to react only with SH1 without any other amino acid residues in myosin under the conditions used. Its reaction with myosin SH1 was about 30 times faster than that with N-acetylcysteine (NAC). The reaction rate of TNB with SH1 was about twice compared with that of NEM, the most reactive selective reagent for SH1 so far found, although its rate with NAC was only one sixtieth that of NEM. As to the lambda max of the absorption spectrum of SH1-DNP-myosin, a large red shift of as much as 20 nm was observed compared with low molecular S-DNP derivatives. This red shift disappeared in 8 M urea. This outstanding feature of SH1 modification with TNB was discussed in terms of affinity labeling by interaction with an aromatic amino acid near SH1.  相似文献   
The gene (Gsl-5) controlling the expression of GL-Y (Gal beta 1-4(Fuc alpha 1-3)GlcNAc beta 1-6(Gal beta 1-3)Gb4Cer) in mouse kidney was suggested to be located near Ea-4 on mouse chromosome 19 by the results of glycolipid analysis of BXD/Ty recombinant inbred strains (Sekine et al. [1987] J. Biochem. 101, 563-568). In this study, Gsl-5 was mapped on mouse chromosome 19. Among 133 backcross progeny produced on mating between DBA/2 mice and (WHT/Ht x DBA/2)F1 mice, 10 recombinants between Lyt-1 and Gsl-5 were detected, indicating that Gsl-5 is located at 7.5 +/- 2.3 centimorgans (cM) from Lyt-1. While among 154 backcross progeny produced on mating between DBA/2 and (DBA/2 x Mus musculus castaneus)F1 mice, 39 recombinants between Got-1 and Gsl-5 were obtained, indicating that the distance between Got-1 and Gsl-5 is 25.3 +/- 3.5 cM and that Gsl-5 is telomeric to Lyt-1. In the latter mating experiment, we detected 3 recombinants between Gsl-5 and the gene (Gsl-6) controlling the expression of the Z1 ganglioside (NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3Gb4Cer) among the 154 backcross mice. These results indicate that these two genes, Gsl-5 and Gsl-6, are closely linked to each other, being 1.9 +/- 1.1 cM apart. This is the report of evidence that two genes controlling the expression of carbohydrates in glycoconjugates are closely linked and the first to suggest that some genes controlling the expression of carbohydrates may be clustered.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The mechanisms that control the wound-induced expression of the prxC2 gene for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been investigated. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5′-deleted promoters showed that a positive element involved in the response to wounding was located between −307 and −99 bp from the site of initiation of translation. In in vitro binding assays of tobacco nuclear proteins and DNA fragments of prxC2 promoter, the binding site was the Box 1 from −296 to −283 containing the CACGTG motif. To identify the functional role of Box 1, the prxC2 promoter that has been digested from the 5′ end to −289 with a disrupted Box 1 was fused to a reporter gene for β-glucuronidase (GUS). No induction of GUS activity was observed in transgenic tobacco plants with the prxC2(−289)/GUS construct. These data indicated that the expression of prxC2 in response to wounding required the Box 1 sequence from −296 to −283. Furthermore, a tobacco cDNA expression library was screened and a cDNA clone for a protein, designated TFHP-1, that bound specifically to the Box 1 sequence was identified. The putative TFHP-1 protein contains a basic region and leucine zipper (bZip) motif and a helix—loop—helix (HLH) motif. The mRNA for TFHP-1 was abundant in roots and stems, and it was not induced by wounding in leaves. In tobacco protoplasts, antisense TFHP-1 suppressed the expression of prxC2 (−529)/GUS.  相似文献   
The expression and promoter activity of genes for isozymes ofhorseradish peroxidase, namely, prxCla, prxClb, prxC2 and prxC3,were studied. Organ-specific expression of these genes in horseradishplants was examined by Northern blot analysis. The group ofprxCl genes was expressed mostly in stems, while prxC2 and prxC3were expressed to a greater extent in roots. Hardly any expressionof any of the genes was detected in leaves. In transient-expressionassays with tobacco protoplasts, about 500 bp of the 5'-noncodingregions of each of the genes, ligated to the gene for ß-glucuronidase(GUS), exhibited significant promoter activity. In particular,the fragments extending from the initiation codon of the prxC2gene to –529 bp and –1 kbp supported high levelsof GUS activity, which were 4.4 and 11.4 times respectively,the activity observed under control of the 35S promoter fromcauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV). Conserved enhancer sequencesof human genes were found in the 5'-flanking region of prxC2,and deletion of the regions that contained the enhancer sequencesreduced the GUS activity. High levels of GUS activity were observedin transgenic tobacco plants that contained 1 kbp of the 5'flanking region of prxC2 fused to the GUS gene. GUS activitywas diminished when deletion from the 5' end extended as faras the CAAT box. No significant organ-specific expression ofGUS was observed with any such deletion. (Received April 15, 1992; Accepted September 11, 1992)  相似文献   
A technique Is described for rapid detection of S-pha?e cells of tumor tissues in smear specimens using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunostaining. Mouse NR-S1 tumors and human tumor specimens were prepared for smear cytology after incubation in RPMI 1640 culture medium containing 200 μM BrdU at 37 °C under 3 atm for 1 hr. Samples were fixed in 70% ethanol for 30 min and used immediately or air dried for 30 min. Samples were then denatured in either 4 N HC1 or 0.07 N NaOH to prepare partially single-stranded DMA. Fixation with air drying for 30 min followed by 30 min in 70% ethanol and 1 min denaturation with 0.07 N NaOH resulted in satisfactory staining quality. Cultured tumor specimens were processed for routine paraffin sections after smears were made for cytology. The labeling indices of the smear specimens and of the paraffin sections gave similar results. This technique should be useful in evaluating the cell proliferative potential of tumor tissue in smear cytology without processing paraffin sections.  相似文献   
In the search for the photoreceptor in photocontrolled phycoerythrinformation, photoreversible absorption changes of chromoproteinsin vivo and in vitro were studied with the blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis. Neither intact cells nor crude extracts of soluble proteinsshowed any significant absorption changes which were reversiblyinduced by green and red light. However, the photoresponse wasobservable when the crude protein extracts were treated withthe chaotropic reagent guanidine-HCl (0.4 M, for 1 hr in thedark). Isolated phycocyanin and allophycocyanin also showedthe same photoresponse after the guanidine-HCl treatment. Thedifference spectrum (green minus red) of guanidine-HCl-treatedphycocyanin was almost identical with that shown by phycochromea of Bj?rn and Bj?rn (3), and the allophycocyanin showed thesame difference spectrum as those of phycochrome c of Bj?rnand Bj?rn and the photoreversible pigment isolated by Scheibe(7). Urea at a concentration higher than 1 M or alkaline incubation(pH 8.5) also showed the same effect. The results were interpretedas indicating that phycocyanin and allophycocyanin obtain theability for photoresponsiveness when their protein conformation,probably around the chromophore site, is modified. (Received October 30, 1978; )  相似文献   
Tryptic digestion of gizzard myosin resulted in the degradation of the 20K light chain (G1) to its 17K fragment, which could not be phosphorylated. The rapid loss of Ca2+-dependent activation of actomyosin ATPase activity accompanied the degradation of G1. Increase in the Ca2+-ATPase activity and decrease in the EDTA-ATPase activity of myosin accompanied the degradation of myosin heavy chain, but not the cleavage of G1.  相似文献   
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