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Previous studies have found that keeping the room dark at night was associated with a decrease in manic symptoms for patients with bipolar disorder (BD). However, the association between light at night of real-life conditions and manic symptoms is unclear. We investigated the association between bedroom light exposure at night and manic symptoms in BD patients. One-hundred and eighty-four outpatients with BD participated in this cross-sectional study. The average light intensity at night during sleep was evaluated using a portable photometer for seven consecutive nights. Manic symptoms were assessed using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), and scores ≥5 were treated as a “hypomanic state.” The median (interquartile range) YMRS score was 2.0 (0–5.0), and 52 (28.2%) participants were in a hypomanic state. The prevalence of a hypomanic state was significantly higher in the participants with an average light intensity at night exposure of ≥3 lux than in those with <3 lux (36.7% versus 21.9%; P = .02). In multivariable logistic regression analysis adjusted for BD type, depressive symptoms, sleep duration, and daytime physical activity, the odds ratio (OR) for a hypomanic state was significantly higher for the participants with an average light intensity at night exposure of ≥3 lux than for those with <3 lux (OR: 2.15, 95% confidence interval: 1.09–4.22, P = .02). This association remained significant at the cutoff value of YMRS score ≥6 (OR: 2.51, 95% confidence interval: 1.15–5.46; P = .02). The findings of this study indicate bedroom light exposure at night is significantly associated with manic symptoms in BD patients. Although the results of this cross-sectional investigation do not necessarily imply causality, they may serve to inform beneficial nonpharmacological intervention and personalized treatment of BD patients.  相似文献   
Kinetics of the change of photosystem (PS) composition in cyanobacteriainduced by chromatic light were studied in relation to cellproliferation. The study was made for two unicellular strains,Synechococcus NIBB 1059 and Synechocystis (Aphanocapsa) PCC6714. We found that (1) the change to a higher or lower PS I/IIratio was due to acceleration or suppression of apparent PSI formation, and (2) it progressed on a similar time scale tothat of the cell proliferation. The apparent rate constant ofthe change in the PS I/II ratio was proportional to that ofcell proliferation, µ, when this was low, but at highvalues of µ the increase in the rate constant of the changein the PS I/II ratio became smaller, causing a deviation fromthe linear relationship. Results indicate that under autotrophicconditions, the photoregulated composition change occurs asa result of thylakoid development, which accompanies cell proliferation. (Received June 23, 1986; Accepted December 5, 1986)  相似文献   
Cells of the auxotrophic mutant, Ad1, of Datura innoxia requiredadenine, adenosine, or inosine for their growth on solid agarmedium which contained Murashige-Skoog salts, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyaceticacid, and sucrose. Thirteen purine and pyrimidine nucleotidesin extracts of wild-type and Ad1 cells were separated and quantifiedby HPLC. Levels of ADP-glucose and UMP were significantly higherin Ad1 than in wild-type cells, but those of other nucleotideswas found when Ad1 cells were transferred to fresh medium withoutadenine. The rate of the biosynthesis de novo of purines, asestimated from the rate of incorporation of 14C from [2-14C]-glycine and [14C]formate into adenine nucleotides, was reducedin Ad1 cells to 21 and 13% of the wild-type rate, respectively.The activities involved in the salvage of adenine and adenosinein Ad1 cells were similar to those in wild-type cells. Ad1 cellshad the capability to convert adenine to guanine nucleotidesand guanine to adenine nucleotides. 1 Part 27 of the series, "Metabolic Regulation in Plant CellCulture". (Received March 7, 1988; Accepted August 3, 1988)  相似文献   
The properties and application of l-methionine γ-lyase [methioninase, l-methionine methanethiol-lyase (deaminating), EC], a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate enzyme, purified from Pseudomonas putida and Aeromonas sp. are presented. The enzyme has multicatalytic functions: it catalyses α,γ-elimination and γ-replacement reactions of l-methionine and its analogues (e.g. ethionine, homocysteine, O-acetylhomoserine and selenomethionine), α,β-elimination and β-replacement reactions of l-cysteine and its analogues (e.g. S-methylcysteine, O-acetylserine and Se-methylselenocysteine), deamination and γ-addition of vinylglycine, and deuterium labelling at the α and β positions of l-methionine and other straight-chain l-amino acids. These reactions are applicable to the synthesis of various optically active sulphur and selenium amino acids, preparation of deuterium or tritium labelled l-amino acids, and determination of sulphur amino acids. In addition, the enzyme shows potent anti-neoplastic activity.  相似文献   
Purification of bacterial L-methionine gamma-lyase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A chromatographic procedure using sequential ion-exchange columns is described for separating choline, trimethylamine, trimethylamine oxide, and betaine extracted from marine fish tissues; added exogenous carnitine can also be separated by the system. Choline with its positive charge binds to the AG 50W-X8 (Na+, pH 9) column. The column is first eluted with 0.1 N NaOH to collect trimethylamine, trimethylamine oxide, and betaine; choline is then eluted with 0.5 N NaOH. The amines collected with 0.1 N NaOH are subsequently separated using an AG 50W-X8 (H+, pH 4) column eluted with a linear 0-1 M NaC1 gradient.  相似文献   
In the search for the photoreceptor in photocontrolled phycoerythrinformation, photoreversible absorption changes of chromoproteinsin vivo and in vitro were studied with the blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis. Neither intact cells nor crude extracts of soluble proteinsshowed any significant absorption changes which were reversiblyinduced by green and red light. However, the photoresponse wasobservable when the crude protein extracts were treated withthe chaotropic reagent guanidine-HCl (0.4 M, for 1 hr in thedark). Isolated phycocyanin and allophycocyanin also showedthe same photoresponse after the guanidine-HCl treatment. Thedifference spectrum (green minus red) of guanidine-HCl-treatedphycocyanin was almost identical with that shown by phycochromea of Bj?rn and Bj?rn (3), and the allophycocyanin showed thesame difference spectrum as those of phycochrome c of Bj?rnand Bj?rn and the photoreversible pigment isolated by Scheibe(7). Urea at a concentration higher than 1 M or alkaline incubation(pH 8.5) also showed the same effect. The results were interpretedas indicating that phycocyanin and allophycocyanin obtain theability for photoresponsiveness when their protein conformation,probably around the chromophore site, is modified. (Received October 30, 1978; )  相似文献   
Kinetics of the reconstitution of hemoglobin from semihemoglobins and with hemin dicyanide have been investigated using three kinds of stopped-flow technique (Soret absorption, fluorescence quenching of tryptophan, and Soret CD). The semihemoglobins and are occupied by heme in the and chains, respectively, the other chain being heme-free. Based on the kinetic results, the following scheme for the reconstitution is proposed; First, hemin dicyanide enters the pocket-like site of the apo chains. Second, in semihemoglobin , the CN-ligand in the fifth coordination position of iron is replaced by the imidazole ring of the proximal His immediately after the heme insertion. In contrast, semihemoglobin changes its conformation after the heme insertion, and this is followed by the ligand replacement. Finally, the partial structure changes induced by the ligand replacement propagate onto the whole molecule and the final conformation is attained. The results indicate that semihemoglobin retains a more rigid and organized structure, and more closely approaches its final structure than does semihemoglobin . Correspondence to: Y. Kawamura-Konishi  相似文献   
A fragment of the nifH gene was amplified from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. and cloned into a maltose-binding protein (MBP) expression vector. The peptide product of the amplified 359-bp fragment of nifH was cleaved from the fusion protein, purified, and used to generate a specific antibody to the Fe protein of nitrogenase. The antiserum recognized the MBP-nitrogenase fusion protein and the cleaved nif peptide product but not MBP. The antibody cross-reacted with nitrogenase from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. from the Caribbean Sea and with a cultured isolate from the Kuroshio waters (Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067). The same nifH fragment was amplified, cloned, and sequenced from Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and was found to be 98% identical at both the protein and DNA levels to nifH from the Caribbean populations. Three of the six nucleotide differences between the Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and the Trichodesmium spp. nifH sequence had also been found in a second sequence from the natural populations, indicating either that there is more than one strain of Trichodesmium sp. in natural assemblages or that there are multiple copies of nifH in the genome. This DNA fragment, which is easily amplified with the polymerase chain reaction, may provide a good indicator of species relatedness without requiring extensive cloning or sequencing. Furthermore, the use of the polymerase chain reaction in combination with a MBP protein fusion vector provides a rapid method for production of highly specific sera, starting with a small amount of DNA.  相似文献   
Homeotic transformation of stamens into pistil-like structures (pistillody) has been reported in cytoplasmic substitution (alloplasmic) lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that have the cytoplasm of a related wild species, Aegilops crassa. An ectopic ovule differentiates in the pistil-like stamen in the alloplasmic wheat. The SEEDSTICK (STK)—like class D MADS-box gene, wheat STK (WSTK), was expressed in the primordia of ectopic ovules in the pistil-like stamens as well as in the true pistil, suggesting that ectopic ovule formation results from WSTK expression in the pistil-like stamens of alloplasmic wheat. The ectopic ovule is abnormal as it fails to form complete integuments. Based on the expression pattern of WSTK and Bsister MADS-box gene, WBsis (wheat B sister ), we conclude that WSTK plays a role in determination of ovule identity in the pistil-like stamen, but complete ovule development fails due to aberrant expression of WBsis.  相似文献   
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