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We used recombinant adenoviruses as a means of expressing exogenous genes in olfactory neurons in vivo. A replication incompetent adenovirus (type 5, Ad5) carrying the reporter gene lacZ, which codes for the enzyme β-galactosidase (β-Gal), was applied in solution to the olfactory epithelia of rats. The expression of lacZ was controlled by the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter/enhancer. β-Gal expression was observed 1 day postinfection and was maximal at 3–10 days, although it could be detected for at least 21 days postinfection. Expression patterns were heterogeneous, ranging from a few percent to over 25% of the cells in different regions of both turbinate and septal epithelium. Staining was stronger in the olfactory versus respiratory epithelia. In olfactory epithelium staining was almost entirely restricted to olfactory neurons. β-Gal staining was also observed in the olfactory axons so that nerve bundles could be traced to their targets in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Intense staining of some glomeruli was evident as long as 21 days postinfection. There was no evidence of cell loss or tissue damage due to viral infection. These results demonstrate that it is possible to use recombinant Ad5 for expressing foreign genes in olfactory neurons. This technique could be used in olfactory neurons to increase expression levels of olfactory specific genes, including the odor receptor, putative guidance and growth molecules, or elements of the transduction cascade, in order to elucidate their biological functions in vivo. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Two members of the CDK5 and ABL enzyme substrate (CABLES) family, CABLES1 and CABLES2, share a highly homologous C-terminus. They interact and associate with cyclin-dependent kinase 3 (CDK3), CDK5, and c-ABL. CABLES1 mediates tumor suppression, regulates cell proliferation, and prevents protein degradation. Although Cables2 is ubiquitously expressed in adult mouse tissues at RNA level, the role of CABLES2 in vivo remains unknown. Here, we generated bicistronic Cables2 knock-in reporter mice that expressed CABLES2 tagged with 3×FLAG and 2A-mediated fluorescent reporter tdTomato. Cables2-3×FLAG-2A-tdTomato (Cables2Tom) mice confirmed the expression of Cables2 in various mouse tissues. Interestingly, high intensity of tdTomato fluorescence was observed in the brain, testis and ovary, especially in the corpus luteum. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation analysis using the brain and testis in Cables2Tom/Tom revealed interaction of CABLES2 with CDK5. Collectively, our new Cables2 knock-in reporter model will enable the comprehensive analysis of in vivo CABLES2 function.  相似文献   
Microbial decomposition of allochthonous plant components imported into the aquatic environment is one of the vital steps of the carbon cycle on earth. To expand the knowledge of the biodegradation of complex plant materials in aquatic environments, we recovered a sunken wood from the bottom of Otsuchi Bay, situated in northeastern Japan in 2012. We isolated Sphingobium with high ferulic acid esterase activity. The strain, designated as OW59, grew on various aromatic compounds and sugars, occurring naturally in terrestrial plants. A genomic study of the strain suggested its role in degrading hemicelluloses. We identified a gene encoding a non-secretory tannase-family α/β hydrolase, which exhibited ferulic acid esterase activity. This enzyme shares the consensus catalytic triad (Ser-His-Asp) within the tannase family block X in the ESTHER database. The molecules, which had the same calculated elemental compositions, were produced consistently in both the enzymatic and microbial degradation of rice straw crude extracts. The non-secretory tannase-family α/β hydrolase activity may confer an important phenotypic feature on the strain to accelerate plant biomass degradation. Our study provides insights into the underlying biodegradation process of terrestrial plant polymers in aquatic environments.  相似文献   
As one of the oldest known human diseases, leprosy or Hansen''s disease remains a public health concern around the world with over 200 000 new cases in 2018. Most human leprosy cases are caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but a small number of cases are now known to be caused by Mycobacterium lepromatosis, a sister taxon of M. leprae. The global pattern of genomic variation in M. leprae is not well defined. Particularly, in the Pacific Islands, the origins of leprosy are disputed. Historically, it has been argued that leprosy arrived on the islands during nineteenth century colonialism, but some oral traditions and palaeopathological evidence suggest an older introduction. To address this, as well as investigate patterns of pathogen exchange across the Pacific Islands, we extracted DNA from 39 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy blocks dating to 1992–2016. Using whole-genome enrichment and next-generation sequencing, we produced nine M. leprae genomes dating to 1998–2015 and ranging from 4-63× depth of coverage. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these strains belong to basal lineages within the M. leprae phylogeny, specifically falling in branches 0 and 5. The phylogeographical patterning and evolutionary dating analysis of these strains support a pre-modern introduction of M. leprae into the Pacific Islands.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Insights into health and disease from ancient biomolecules’.  相似文献   
Light and temperature affect state transitions through changes in the plastoquinone (PQ) redox state in photosynthetic organisms. We demonstrated that light and/or heat treatment induced preferential photosystem (PS) I excitation by binding light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins. The photosystem of wheat was in state 1 after dark overnight treatment, wherein PQ was oxidized and most of LHCII was not bound to PSI. At the onset of the light treatment [25 °C in the light (100 µmol photons m?2 s?1)], two major LHCIIs, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 were phosphorylated, and the PSI–LHCII supercomplex formed within 5 min, which coincided with an increase in the PQ oxidation rate. Heat treatment at 40 °C of light-adapted wheat led to further LHCII protein phosphorylation of, resultant cyclic electron flow promotion, which was accompanied by ultrafast excitation of PSI and structural changes of thylakoid membranes, thereby protecting PSII from heat damage. These results suggest that LHCIIs are required for the functionality of wheat plant PSI, as it keeps PQ oxidized by regulating photochemical electron flow, thereby helping acclimation to environmental changes.  相似文献   
In a previous study, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) diagnostic system named the SMart Amplification Process version 2 (SMAP 2) was reported, which enabled rapid gene diagnostics from crude samples such as whole blood. The asymmetric primer design and use of Taq MutS were reported as innovative background suppression technologies employed by SMAP 2, but Taq MutS is known to display differential affinities for various mismatch combinations, and hence may not be entirely effective for all possible applications. To address this issue we developed another approach using a competitive probe (CP) to enhance background suppression technology instead of Taq MutS. CP is a 3'-end aminated oligonucleotide that competes with 3'-end of a discrimination primer or the self-priming elongation site on intermediate product 2 (IM2) for non-target sequences, such as the alternative allele. The preferred hybridization kinetics for the full-match CP on the non-target sequence results in effective background suppression in SMAP 2 assays. By using a CP, we demonstrated the sensitive detection of EGFR gene mutations in purified genomic DNA from mixed cell populations. The CP approach is another tool enhancing the effectiveness and versatility of SMAP 2 assays, expanding its potential applications, and reinforcing its position as a highly effective technology for molecular diagnostics.  相似文献   
Streptococcus intermedius is a commensal associated with serious, deep-seated purulent infections in major organs, such as the brain and liver. Histone-like DNA binding protein (HLP) is an accessory architectural protein in a variety of bacterial cellular processes. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms of pro-inflammatory cytokine inductions in THP-1 cells by stimulation with recombinant HLP of S. intermedius (r Si -HLP). r Si -HLP stimulation-induced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α) occurred in a time- and dose-dependent manner. In contrast with the heat-stable activity of DNA binding, the induction activity of r Si -HLP was heat-unstable. In subsequent studies, r Si -HLP acted cooperatively with lipoteichoic acid, the synthetic Toll-like receptor 2 agonist, Pam3CSK4, and the cytosolic nucleotide binding oligomerization domain 2 receptor agonist, muramyldipeptide. Furthermore, Western blot and blocking assays with specific inhibitors showed that r Si -HLP stimulation induced the activation of cell signal transduction pathways, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). In addition to its physiological role in bacterial growth through DNA binding, these results indicate that Si -HLP can trigger a cascade of events that induce pro-inflammatory responses via ERK1/2 and JNK signal pathways, and suggest that bacterial HLP may contribute to the activation of host innate immunity during bacterial infection.  相似文献   
The CUG-binding protein 1 (CUG-BP1) is a member of the CUG-BP1 and ETR-like factors (CELF) family or the Bruno-like family and is involved in the control of splicing, translation and mRNA degradation. Several target RNA sequences of CUG-BP1 have been predicted, such as the CUG triplet repeat, the GU-rich sequences and the AU-rich element of nuclear pre-mRNAs and/or cytoplasmic mRNA. CUG-BP1 has three RNA-recognition motifs (RRMs), among which the third RRM (RRM3) can bind to the target RNAs on its own. In this study, we solved the solution structure of the CUG-BP1 RRM3 by hetero-nuclear NMR spectroscopy. The CUG-BP1 RRM3 exhibited a noncanonical RRM fold, with the four-stranded β-sheet surface tightly associated with the N-terminal extension. Furthermore, we determined the solution structure of the CUG-BP1 RRM3 in the complex with (UG)3 RNA, and discovered that the UGU trinucleotide is specifically recognized through extensive stacking interactions and hydrogen bonds within the pocket formed by the β-sheet surface and the N-terminal extension. This study revealed the unique mechanism that enables the CUG-BP1 RRM3 to discriminate the short RNA segment from other sequences, thus providing the molecular basis for the comprehension of the role of the RRM3s in the CELF/Bruno-like family.  相似文献   
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