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After the intracisternal injection of three protease inhibitors which prevent the degradation of methionine enkephalin (amastatin, Des-Pro2-bradykinin, and phosphoramidon) and a mixture of these protease inhibitors, we investigated the effect on convulsive seizures in the seizure-susceptible El mouse. We also measured the cerebral methionine enkephalin content by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassay. Protease inhibitors significantly decreased both the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice in a dose-dependent manner. This anticonvulsant effect was reversed by naloxone (2 mg/kg, sc). The cerebral methionine enkephalin content increased significantly after the administration of protease inhibitors in comparison with saline injection. These findings suggest that it was not protease inhibitors but instead increase of endogenous methionine enkephalin that reduced the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice. Together with our previous data, the present findings support our hypothesis that a deficit in anticonvulsant endogenous methionine enkephalin is involved in the pathogenesis of seizures in the El mouse.  相似文献   
Despite intensive studies of muscular dystrophy of chicken, the responsible gene has not yet been identified. Our recent studies mapped the genetic locus for abnormal muscle (AM) of chicken with muscular dystrophy to chromosome 2q using the Kobe University (KU) resource family, and revealed the chromosome region where the AM gene is located has conserved synteny to human chromosome 8q11-24.3, where the beta-1 syntrophin (SNTB1), syndecan 2 (SDC2) and Gem GTPase (GEM) genes are located. It is reasonable to assume those genes might be candidates for the AM gene. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the chicken SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM genes, and identified sequence polymorphisms between parents of the resource family. The polymorphisms were genotyped to place these genes on the chicken linkage map. The AM gene of chromosome 2q was mapped 130 cM from the distal end, and closely linked to calbindin 1 (CALB1). SNTB1 and SDC2 genes were mapped 88.5 cM distal and 27.6 cM distal from the AM gene, while the GEM gene was mapped 18.5 cM distal from the AM gene and 9.1 cM proximal from SDC2. Orthologues of SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM were syntenic to human chromosome 8q. SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM did not correspond to the AM gene locus, suggesting it is unlikely they are related to chicken muscular dystrophy. However, this result also suggests that the genes located in the proximal region of the CALB1 gene on human chromosome 8q are possible candidates for this disease.  相似文献   
A genomic library was prepared from Populus kitakamiensis and screened with the cDNA for an anionic peroxidase from P. kitakamiensis. One genomic clone was isolated that contained two tandemly oriented genes for anionic peroxidases, prxA3a and prxA4a. Both genes consisted of four exons and three introns; the introns had consensus nucleotides, namely, GT and AG, at their 5 and 3 ends, respectively. The prxA3a and prxA4a genes encoded 347 and 343 amino acid residues, respectively, including putative signal sequences at the amino-termini. Putative promoters and polyadenylation signals were found in the flanking regions of both genes. The sequence of the coding region of prxA3a was completely identical to that of the cDNA clone pA3, whereas the sequence of the coding region of prxA4a was only 73% identical to that of the cDNA clone pA3. Northern blot analysis showed that the patterns of expression of the mRNAs that corresponded to prxA3a and prxA4a differed in stems of P. kitakamiensis.  相似文献   
Tsujii  T.  Akita  M.  Katayama  K.  Yamamoto  S.  Seno  S. 《Histochemistry and cell biology》1984,81(5):427-433
Summary In order to reveal the absorption process of elastase from the intestine, hog pancreatic elastase was injected into the ligated jejunum lumen of the rat, and the tissues were cytochemically observed at various times after injection. The peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) method using anti-hog-elastase rabbit antibody was used for light microscopy, and the anti-elastase Fab-peroxidase conjugate was used for electron microscopy. The tissues stained by the PAP method exhibited a dense deposition of reaction products on the luminal surface of epithelial cells and a moderate deposition in the blood and lymph capillaries of the intestinal villi. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the reaction product was deposited on the surface of the microvilli and in their pocketing; some was found in the pinocytotic vesicles in the terminal-web area and on the inner surface of the enlarged smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Round droplets which gave a positive reaction were found in the widened intercellular cleft and the thick basement membrane lining the blood capillaries and lymphatics. The jejunum retained its normal ultrastructure. The results indicate that the elastase molecules, which were introduced into the rat jejunum lumen, were absorbed without being decomposed through healthy intestinal epithelial cells by pinocytosis and translocated into blood and lymph capillaries.  相似文献   
Summary A serum-free culture system supplemented with neural tissue extract for normal and tumor human esophagi was applied to the culture of mouse esophageal epithelium. Similar to mouse mesenchyme and skin epithelium, esophageal epithelial lines (MEE) emerged after serial culture. The cells had an apparent unlimited life span but retained morphology and other characteristics of normal epithelial cells. The cells formed a small cyst consisting of keratined squamous epithelium in syngenic hosts. A screen for growth factors that stimulated growth of the nonmalignant MEE cells in the absence of neural extract revealed that epidermal growth factor (EGF) and heparin-binding (fibroblast) growth factors (HBGF) were most effective. An HBGF-like activity was apparent in extracts of rapidly proliferating but not quiescent MEE cells at low or confluent densities. A cloned cell line (MEE/C8) was selected from MEE cell cultures in the absence of neural extract. MEE/C8 cells proliferated independent of either EGF or HBGF at rates equal to MEE cells, cell extracts exhibited HBGF-like activity at all stages of proliferation, and the cells formed large invasive tumors in syngenic hosts. The HBGF-like activity present in extracts of tumorigenic MEE/C8 and proliferating nonmalignant MEE cells had properties similar to HBGF-1 (acidic fibroblast growth factor). These results constitute a cultured mouse esophageal epithelial cell model for study of conversion of immortalized premalignant cells to malignant cells, and suggest that conversion from a state of cell cycle-dependent autocrine expression of one or more members of the HBGF family to a state of constitutive expression correlates with and may contribute to malignancy. The work was supported in part by grants CA37589 and DK35310 to Dr. McKeehan, from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1.9-kilobase fragment of Pseudomonas paucimobilis SYK6 chromosomal DNA that included genes encoding protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, the enzyme responsible for the aromatic ring fission of protocatechuate. Two open reading frames of 417 and 906 base pairs were found that had no homology with previously reported sequences, including those encoding protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase. Since both open reading frames were indispensable for the enzyme activity, they should encode the subunits of protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase. We named these genes ligA and ligB. Protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli with the aid of the lac promoter, and the polypeptides of the ligA and ligB gene products were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and amino acid sequencing.  相似文献   
Addition of concanavalin A (Con A) to mouse neuroblastoma N18TG2 cells cultured with dibutyryl-cAMP which can stimulate neurite outgrowth, stopped the neuritic processes effectively. The extended neurites showed a gradual retraction for at least 8 hrs after addition of Con A, while addition of colchicine caused rapid retraction of the neurites. Immunocytochemistry showed that the addition of Con A did not disorganize the microtubules but the addition of colchicine did. The increase in beta-tubulin mRNA expression which was observed after cell culture and after stimulation by dB-cAMP was suppressed by the addition of Con A. Con A did not affect the beta-tubulin mRNA expression when the cells had already been cultured, while colchicine drastically decreased it. Thus, Con A appeared to affect the beta-tubulin mRNA expression in a different manner from colchicine, probably through inhibition of cell movement.  相似文献   
: Guanidino compounds in the cobalt-induced epileptogenic cerebral cortex of cats were fluorometrically analysed by a JASCO G-520 guanidino compounds analyser, and an unknown high peak was observed in the chromatogram that was identical to the peak of authentic α-guanidinoglutaric acid. In another experiment, the substance was extracted from the cobalt focus tissue, converted into dimethylpyrimidyl derivative-butylester, and analysed by a GC/MS technique. The mass spectrum of the substance was identical to the dimethylpyrimidyl derivative of α-guanidinoglutaric acid butylester (M+= 365).  相似文献   
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