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25-hydroxycholesterol (25-HC) is one of the oxysterols, which are oxidized derivatives of cholesterol, and has been reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. In lung, the possible involvement of 25-HC in airway diseases has been revealed. In the present study, we examined whether 25-HC affects the release of cytokines and also modulates the responses of toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) in airway epithelial cells.


The effect of 25-HC on the release of cytokines from primary human bronchial epithelial cells after stimulation with or without polyinosine-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], a ligand for TLR3, and the signal transduction were examined.


25-HC significantly potentiated the release of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and IL-6 from the cells. This effect was more potent compared with that of other oxysterols, 22-HC and 27-HC. GW3965 and TO901317, synthetic agonists of liver X receptors that are receptors for oxysterols, did not augment the IL-8 release. 25-HC enhanced the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) DNA binding activity and translocation of phosphorylated c-Jun into the nucleus. The release of IL-8 was inhibited by the NF-κB inhibitor, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B alpha (IκBα) inhibitor, BAY 11–7085, and an inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase-2 (IKK-2) inhibitor, SC-514, but not by a c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitory peptide, L-JNKi1. 25-HC significantly potentiated IL-8 release in poly(I:C)-treated cells and the augmentation was inhibited by CAPE, BAY 11–7085, and SC-514. Furthermore, 25-HC potentiated the translocation of interferon regulatory factor 3 into the nucleus and the release of interferon-beta (IFN-β) in poly(I:C)-treated cells.


These data demonstrated that 25-HC augments the release of IL-8 and IL-6 via NF-κB signalling pathway and enhances the release of IL-8 and IFN-β after stimulation of TLR3 in airway epithelial cells. 25-HC may be involved in the neutrophilic airway inflammation through the stimulant effect of IL-8 and IL-6 release and also potentiate the TLR3-mediated innate immunity in airway diseases.  相似文献   
Regulation of cytotrophoblast differentiation toward extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) is critical for establishing successful pregnancy. Previous studies have focused primarily on the factors promoting the differentiation, while inhibitory regulators except hypoxia have been less documented. In this study, to test our hypothesis that angiotensin II (Ang II) would inhibit EVT differentiation, we investigated the effects of Ang II on trophoblast outgrowth and the expression of molecules associated with the proliferation and invasion of trophoblasts using human first trimester villous explant cultures. Ang II increased EVT outgrowth and the number of cells in cell columns. Moreover, Ang II-treated explants exhibited increased Ki67 and integrin alpha5 immunoreactivity in EVTs as well as matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity in the conditioned media, and decreased alpha1 integrin immunoreactivity, which are compatible with the features of the proliferative phenotype EVTs. These effects of Ang II were similar to those of hypoxia (3% O(2)). Ang II stimulated the expression of hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha at both mRNA and protein levels, and also enhanced the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Data presented herein suggest a possible role for Ang II in impairing trophoblast differentiation toward an invasive phenotype, which might be associated with shallow invasion in preeclamptic placentas.  相似文献   
Irreversible airflow limitation in asthma is associated with airway remodeling in which the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts plays a pivotal role. In asthmatic airways, excessive production of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) has been observed. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether peroxynitrite, one of the RNS, can affect the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. Human fetal lung fibroblasts were treated with various concentrations of authentic peroxynitrite or a peroxynitrite donor 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1), and the expressions of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and desmin, markers of myofibroblast differentiation, were evaluated. The releases of transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) and ECM proteins including fibronectin and collagen I were assessed. To clarify the mechanism in this differentiation, the effect of anti-TGF-beta antibody or NF-kappaB inhibitors on the alpha-SMA expression and ECM production was assessed. Peroxynitrite and SIN-1 significantly augmented the alpha-SMA expression compared with control in a concentration-dependent manner (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). Peroxynitrite significantly increased desmin and TGF-beta(1) production (P < 0.01). Peroxynitrite enhanced the translocation of NF-kappaB into the nucleus confirmed by immunocytostaining and immunoblotting. Peroxynitrite-augmented alpha-SMA expression was blocked by NF-kappaB inhibitors, MG132 and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), and anti-TGF-beta antibody. CAPE completely inhibited the peroxynitrite-augmented TGF-beta(1) release. The production of fibronectin and collagen I was significantly increased by peroxynitrite (P < 0.01) and inhibited by anti-TGF-beta antibody. These results suggest that RNS can affect the differentiation to myofibroblasts and excessive ECM production via a NF-kappaB-TGF-beta(1)-dependent pathway.  相似文献   
To elucidate the relationships among Diospyros kaki and species closely related in previous studies, the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequence and the chloroplast matK gene were sequenced and compared with those of nine Diospyros species from Thailand, four species from temperate regions, and one species of southern Africa, D. lycioides. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor joining analyses of the matK and ITS data sets revealed that D. kaki is closely related to two diploid species, D. oleifera and D. glandulosa. D. kaki, D. glandulosa, and D. oleifera were placed differently in the trees obtained from ITS and matK data sets, suggesting that hybridization and/or introgression may have occurred during the development of these species. D. kaki was not found to be closely related to D. ehretioides, a diploid species from Thailand. These results differed from a prior analysis of this genus performed with chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site mutations in 3.2- and 2.1-kb amplified sequences. The results supported Ng’s hypothesis that D. glandulosa and D. kaki may share a common ancestor. D. oleifera was also closely associated with D. kaki.  相似文献   
While the introduction of off-pump myocardial revascularization (OPCAB) has initially shown promise in reducing respiratory complications inherent to conventional coronary surgery, it has failed to eradicate them. Our study focused on quantifying the lactate release from the lungs and the dysfunction at the level of the alveolar-capillary membrane precipitated by OPCAB at different time points after the insult. Furthermore, we aimed to determine the impact of pulmonary lactate production on systemic lactic acid concentrations. The study was conducted in a prospective observational fashion. Forty consecutive patients undergoing OPCAB were analyzed. The mean patient age was 60 +/- 10 years. The mean EUROScore was 3.8 +/- 2.9. The alveolar-arterial O2 gradient increased from 19 [range 9 to 30] to 26 [range 20 to 34] kPa (P < 0.001) and remained elevated up to 6 hours after surgery. It rapidly declined again by 18 hours postoperatively. The observed increase in the pulmonary lactate release (PLR) from a baseline value of 0.022 [range -0.074 to 0.066] to 0.089 [range 0.016 to 0.209] mmol/min/m2 at six hours postoperatively did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.105). The systemic arterial lactate (Ls) concentration increased from 0.94 [range 0.78 to 1.06] to 1.39 [range 0.97 to 2.81] mmol/L (P < 0.001). The venoarterial pCO2 difference showed no significant change in comparison to baseline values. The mortality in the studied group was 2.5% (1/40). The pulmonary lactate production showed a statistically significant correlation with the systemic lactate concentration (R = 0.46; P = 0.003). Pulmonary injury following off pump myocardial revascularization was evidenced by a prompt increase in the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient. The alveolar-arterial O2 gradient correlated with the duration of mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Phosphatases are involved in regulation of MAP kinase (MAPK). A431 cells migrate on collagen after EGF stimulation using MAPK. To clarify the involvement of PP2A in this MAPK-dependent migration, the expression of an isoform of the B regulatory subunit was inhibited. METHODS: An antisense sequence corresponding to Bbeta cDNA was transfected into A431 cells. Their migratory activity on collagen was examined using Transwell, and MAPK phosphorylation and phosphatase activity were measured, and the results were compared with those obtained with mock-transfected cells. RESULTS: Antisense-transfected cells showed less Bbeta protein and phosphatase activity than mock-transfected controls. Migration of antisense-transfected cells showed a low response to EGF. The response of MAPK phosphorylation of antisense-transfected cells to EGF stimulation and adhesion to collagen in the presence or absence of EGF were markedly decreased. Phosphatase activity of PP2A-Bbeta also did not respond to EGF, collagen or EGF plus collagen, and remained at low levels. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that PP2A-Bbeta promotes cell migration through the MAPK cascade.  相似文献   
Two kinds of layer silicate powder, Micromica and chlorite, were used to aid protein crystallization by the addition to hanging drops. Using appropriate crystallization buffers, Micromica powder facilitated crystal growth speed for most proteins tested in this study. Furthermore, the addition of Micromica powder to hanging drops allowed the successful crystallization of lysozyme, catalase, concanavalin A, and trypsin even at low protein concentrations and under buffer conditions that otherwise would not generate protein crystals. Except for threonine synthase and apoferritin, the presence of chlorite delayed crystallization but induced the formation of large crystals. X-ray analysis of thaumatin crystals generated by our novel procedure gave better quality data than did that of crystals obtained by a conventional hanging drop method. Our results suggest that the speed of crystal growth and the quality of the corresponding X-ray data may be inversely related, at least for the formation of thaumatin crystals. The effect of Micromica and chlorite powders and the application of layer silicate powder for protein crystallization are discussed.  相似文献   
The newly formed corpus luteum (CL) develops rapidly and has the features of active vascularization and mitosis of steroidogenic cells. Such local mechanisms must be strictly regulated by the complex relationship between angiogenic growth factors and vasoactive peptides such as angiotensin (Ang) II, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and endothelin (ET)-1. Thus, the objective of the present study was to determine 1) the changes in vasoactive peptides and progesterone (P) concentrations within the developing CL, along with the changes in concentration in ovarian venous plasma (OVP) and jugular venous plasma (JVP) in the cow, 2) the effects of CL exposure to vasoactive peptides on Ang II and P secretion, and 3) the expression of mRNA for ANP type C receptor in the bovine CL and endothelial cells (ETC) from bovine developing CL. A microdialysis system (MDS) was surgically implanted into multiple CL of six cows on Day 3 after a GnRH injection that induced superovulation, and a catheter was simultaneously inserted into the ovarian vein. The Ang II concentration in OVP was higher than that in JVP throughout the experiment, while the intraluteal release of Ang II was stable. During the experimental period, the concentrations of other vasoactive peptides (ANP and ET-1) showed no clear changes in plasma and were below detectable levels in the MDS perfusate. Exposure of CL to Ang II using the MDS stimulated P release, while exposure to ANP enhanced Ang II release within the developing CL. However, ET-1 had no effect on either P or Ang II release. The expression of mRNA for ANP type C receptor was mainly observed in early CL and ETC. The results suggest that the ET-Ang-ANP system in the preovulatory follicle switches to an Ang-ANP system to enhance both the angiogenesis and steroidogenesis that are actively occurring in developing CL.  相似文献   
Aucuba japonica , an evergreen broad-leaved shrub. The model is based on the allometry of plant organs and incorporates the processes of flowering, branching, and allocation of biomass among different organs. Growth of model plants was simulated under different values of annual gross production per leaf area (LGP) for 15 years. The tree form was mainly determined by the critical shoot size for initiating flowering (SF), but the average increase of new shoot mass (INM) for two successive years had marked effects on the growth pattern of A. japonica in addition to SF. Under small LGP conditions, plants with larger SF did not flower or postponed the initiation of flowering. With increasing LGP, plants with larger SF had a greater advantage because of their high efficiency for vertical growth. A smaller SF was observed in A. japonica var. borealis, which is distributed in heavy snowfall areas, and resulted in precocious flowering with a higher reproductive rate. The small plant size and shoot size of var. borealis may be the result of selection for preventing the delay of the year in which reproduction starts under smaller LGP conditions. On the other hand, the large SF of A. japonica var. japonica, which is distributed in light snowfall areas, suppresses flowering under small LGP conditions, and flowering occurs only after achieving a certain amount of vertical growth. Received 8 July 1999/ Accepted in revised form 21 December 2000  相似文献   
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a simple physiological lipid and exhibits a variety of cellular responses via the activation of G protein-coupled transmembrane LPA receptors (LPA receptor-1 (LPA1) to LPA6). The aim of our study was to investigate effects of LPA receptors on soft agar colony formation in colon cancer cells treated with anticancer drugs. DLD1 cells were treated with fluorouracil (5-FU) or cisplatin (CDDP) for at least six months (DLD-5FU and DLD-CDDP cells, respectively). LPAR1 gene expression was markedly elevated in DLD-5FU cells. In contrast, DLD-CDDP cells showed the high expression of LPAR6 gene. In colony formation assay, DLD-5FU cells formed markedly large-sized colonies, while no colony formation was observed in DLD1 and DLD-CDDP cells. The large-sized colonies formed in DLD-5FU cells were suppressed by LPA1 knockdown. In contrast, LPA6 knockdown increased the size of colonies. In addition, DLD-5FU cells were further treated with CDDP for three months (DLD-C-F cells). DLD-CDDP cells were also treated with 5-FU (DLD-F-C cells). DLD-C-F cells formed large-sized colonies, but not DLD-F-C cells, correlating with LPAR1 and LPAR6 gene expression levels. These results suggest that LPA1 and LPA6 may regulate the colony formation activity in DLD1 cells treated with anticancer drugs.  相似文献   
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