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Previous experiments with a geometrid species, Ascotis selenaria cretacea, have suggested that a pheromonal C19 3,4-epoxy-6,9-diene is biosynthesized from the corresponding 3,6,9-triene produced outside a pheromone gland and transported to it via hemolymph after association with lipophorin. In order to clarify this transport, high-density lipophorin (HDLp) in the female moths showing two bands (apoLp I with ca. 250 kDa and apoLp II with ca. 80 kDa) on an SDS-PAGE was purified by KBr equilibrium density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and the association of the triene was confirmed by GC-MS analysis of a solvent extract from the isolated protein. Next, the role of HDLp was revealed by a topical application of the deuterated trienyl precursor to the abdomens of the females. The trienyl precursor was associated with HDLp. In their pheromone glands, the triene and the deuterated epoxy pheromone were detected, indicating movement of the triene via the hemolymph. Experiments with male moths of A. s. cretacea and female moths of Bombyx mori showed the same association of HDLp with the triene topically applied. This result suggested that the adult females of A. s. cretacea did not develop HDLp specialized in the triene transport. Furthermore, the topical application of a mixture including the trienyl precursor and two other related hydrocarbons showed equal amounts of association by HDLp but selective delivery of the precursor to pheromone glands in the A. s. cretacea females.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder with fairly high level of heritability. Dystrobrevin binding protein 1, a gene encoding dysbindin protein, is a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia that was identified by family-based association analysis. Recent studies revealed that dysbindin is involved in the exocytosis and/or formation of synaptic vesicles. However, the molecular function of dysbindin in synaptic transmission is largely unknown. To investigate the signaling pathway in which dysbindin is involved, we isolated dysbindin-interacting molecules from rat brain lysate by combining ammonium sulfate precipitation and dysbindin-affinity column chromatography, and identified dysbindin-interacting proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Proteins involved in protein localization process, including Munc18-1, were identified as dysbindin-interacting proteins. Munc18-1 was co-immunoprecipitated with dysbindin from rat brain lysate, and directly interacted with dysbindin in vitro . In primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons, a part of dysbindin was co-localized with Munc18-1 at pre-synaptic terminals. Our result suggests a role for dysbindin in synaptic vesicle exocytosis via interaction with Munc18-1.  相似文献   
The mutually exclusive relationship between ARP and KNOX1 genes in the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia in simple leaved plants such as Arabidopsis has been well characterized. Overlapping expression domains of these genes in leaf primordia have been described for many compound leaved plants such as Solanum lycopersicum and Cardamine hirsuta and are regarded as a characteristic of compound leaved plants. Here, we present several datasets illustrating the co-expression of ARP and KNOX1 genes in the shoot apical meristem, leaf primordia, and developing leaves in plants with simple leaves and simple primordia. Streptocarpus plants produce unequal cotyledons due to the continued activity of a basal meristem and produce foliar leaves termed “phyllomorphs” from the groove meristem in the acaulescent species Streptocarpus rexii and leaves from a shoot apical meristem in the caulescent Streptocarpus glandulosissimus. We demonstrate that the simple leaves in both species possess a greatly extended basal meristematic activity that persists over most of the leaf’s growth. The area of basal meristem activity coincides with the co-expression domain of ARP and KNOX1 genes. We suggest that the co-expression of ARP and KNOX1 genes is not exclusive to compound leaved plants but is associated with foci of meristematic activity in leaves.  相似文献   
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Nocardithiocin is a thiopeptide compound produced by the pathogenic actinomycete Nocardia pseudobrasiliensis that displays activity...  相似文献   
We aimed to identify antibodies that can recognize the Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr(NXS/T) N-glycosylation site that guides oligosaccharyltransferase (OT) activity. We used synthetic Asn-Cys-Ser/Thr(NCS/T) tripeptides conjugated to bovine serum albumin to isolate single chain antibody fragments of a variable region (scFv) from the Griffin 1 phage antibody library. Although Ser and Thr have different side chains, the scFv proteins thus isolated bound to both NCS and NCT with Kd values of the order of 10(-6) M and accepted the substitution of the Cys residue with various amino acids, including Ala, Gly, and Val. However, these proteins recognized neither Asn-Pro-Ser/Thr nor non-NXS/T tripeptides. The scFv proteins recognized NCS/T and N-glycosylation site of mutant yeast protein disulfide isomerase when they were in their native but not denatured state. These results indicate that antibody recognition of the NXS/T motif is conformation dependent and suggest that NXS/T spontaneously adopts a specific conformation that is necessary for antibody recognition. These features are likely to correlate with the known binding specificity of OT.  相似文献   
A wide range of environmental stress and human disorders involves inappropriate regulation of NF-kappaB, including cancers and numerous inflammatory conditions. We have developed transgenic mice that express luciferase under the control of NF-kappaB, enabling real-time non-invasive imaging of NF-kappaB activity in intact animals. We show that, in the absence of stimulation, strong, intrinsic luminescence is evident in lymph nodes in the neck region, thymus, and Peyer's patches. Treating mice with stressors, such as TNF-alpha, IL-1alpha, or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increases the luminescence in a tissue-specific manner, with the strongest activity observable in the skin, lungs, spleen, Peyer's patches, and the wall of the small intestine. Liver, kidney, heart, muscle, and adipose tissue exhibit less intense activities. Exposure of the skin to a low dose of UV-B radiation increases luminescence in the exposed areas. In ocular experiments, LPS- and TNF-alpha injected NF-kappaB-luciferase transgenic mice exhibit a 20-40-fold increase in lens NF-kappaB activity, similar to other LPS- and TNF-alpha-responsive organs. Peak NF-kappaB activity occurs 6h after injection of TNF-alpha and 12h after injection of LPS. Peak activities occur, respectively, 3 and 6h later than that in other tissues. Mice exposed to 360J/m(2) of UV-B exhibit a 16-fold increase in NF-kappaB activity 6h after exposure, characteristically similar to TNF-alpha-exposed mice. Thus, in NF-kappaB-luciferase transgenic mice, NF-kappaB activity also occurs in lens epithelial tissue and is activated when the intact mouse is exposed to classical stressors. Furthermore, as revealed by real-time non-invasive imaging, induction of chronic inflammation resembling rheumatoid arthritis produces strong NF-kappaB activity in the affected joints. Finally, we have used the model to demonstrate NF-kappaB regulation by manipulating the Vitamin A status in mice. NF-kappaB activity is elevated in mice fed a Vitamin A deficient (VAD) diet, and suppressed by surplus doses of retinoic acid (RA). We thus demonstrate the development and use of a versatile model for monitoring NF-kappaB activation both in tissue homogenates and in intact animals after the use of classical activators, during disease progression and after dietary intervention.  相似文献   
In Japan, there are some problems with fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of the breast, such as insufficient smeared cells, air-drying artefact and excessive erythrocytes. Liquid-based cytology has been found to solve these problems. Equipment for such preparations has been developed, but can be expensive to purchase and operate. We developed Auto Cyto Fix 1000 (ACF), which is inexpensive and automatically smears and fixes cells. The purpose of this study was to compare the various cytological features of conventional and ACF specimens. We evaluated whether the ACF method would be able to replace the conventional method. Forty-eight FNA specimens of breast were studied. All specimens were prepared by the direct smeared (DS) and ACF methods and evaluated for unsatisfactory cell collection, air-drying artefacts, background findings and epithelial cell findings. Although ACF specimens were prepared using the cells remaining in the needle and syringe after preparing DS specimens, the cellularity of two of the ACF specimens was better than that of the corresponding DS specimens. ACF specimens never showed air-drying artefact. Unlike DS specimens, which have many erythrocytes in the background, erythrocytes were filtered out and the background of ACF specimens was clean. We believe that many problems attributable to conventional FNA specimen preparation have been solved in this study. Preparation using the ACF apparatus can reduce running costs and can be used to prepare FNA specimens of the breast for cytological examination as an alternative to the conventional method.  相似文献   
Creatine kinase (CK) plays a central role in energy homeostasis in cells that display high and variable rates of energy turnover. A number of CK genes exist, each being targeted to particular intracellular compartments. In the vertebrates, two genes code for proteins which form homo- and heterodimers targeted to the cytoplasm, while two additional genes code for primarily octameric proteins targeted to the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Yet another gene is present in certain groups which codes for three fused, complete CK domains and is typically targeted to the flagellar membrane of primitive-type spermatozoa. CK is widely distributed in protochordates and both protostome and deuterostome invertebrate groups. The evolutionary relationships of these CK genes have not been fully elucidated. The present communication reports new cDNA-derived deduced amino acid sequences for four cytoplasmic and three mitochondrial CKs and one flagellar CK from lophotrochozoan, protostome invertebrates as well as a new cytoplasmic CK sequence from a protochordate tunicate. These new sequences, coupled with available sequences in the databases and sequences extracted from genome sequencing projects, provide revealing insights into the evolution and divergence of CK genes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that single cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and flagellar CK genes were present prior to the divergence of the protostomes and deuterostomes. The flagellar CK gene may have evolved within the cytoplasmic gene clade, although the evidence is somewhat equivocal. The two cytoplasmic genes in the vertebrates, and most likely the two mitochondrial genes, evolved after the divergence of the craniates from the protochordates. Comparison of the structure of the genes for selected cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and flagellar CKs revealed two identical intron boundaries, further reinforcing the notion of a common evolutionary origin, but also showed patterns of changes in structure consistent with each gene type. These studies show that the cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and flagellar CK genes are rather ancient and that there has been a systematic pattern of duplication and divergence consistent with changing nature of energy demands and physicochemical environment in the cells where they are expressed.[Reviewing Editor: Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   
Wnts stimulate cell migration, although the mechanisms responsible for this effect are not fully understood. To investigate the pathways that mediate Wnt-dependent cell motility, we treated Chinese hamster ovary cells with Wnt-3a-conditioned medium and monitored changes in cell shape and movement. Wnt-3a induced cell spreading, formation of protrusive structures, reorganization of stress fibers and migration. Although Wnt-3a stabilized beta-catenin, two inhibitors of the beta-catenin/canonical pathway, Dickkopf-1 and a dominant-negative T cell factor construct, did not reduce motility. The small GTPase RhoA also was activated by Wnt-3a. In contrast to beta-catenin signaling, inhibition of Rho kinase partially blocked motility. Because Dishevelled (Dvl) proteins are effectors of both canonical and noncanonical Wnt signaling, we used immunofluorescent analysis and small interference RNA technology to evaluate the role of Dvl in cell motility. Specific knock-down of Dvl-2 expression markedly reduced Wnt-3a-dependent changes in cell shape and movement, suggesting that this Dvl isoform had a predominant role in mediating Wnt-3a-dependent motility in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   
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