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Purα is a nucleic acid-binding protein with DNA-unwinding activity, which has recently been shown to have a role in the cellular response to DNA damage. We have investigated the function of Purα in Ultraviolet-C (UVC) radiation-induced DNA damage and nucleotide excision repair (NER). Mouse embryo fibroblasts from PURA-/- knockout mice, which lack Purα, showed enhanced sensitivity to UVC irradiation as assessed by assays for cell viability and clonogenicity compared to Purα positive control cultures. In reporter plasmid reactivation assays to measure the removal of DNA adducts induced in vitro by UVC, the Purα-negative cells were less efficient in DNA damage repair. Purα-negative cells were also more sensitive to UVC-induced DNA damage measured by Comet assay and showed a decreased ability to remove UVC-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. In wild-type mouse fibroblasts, expression of Purα is induced following S-phase checkpoint activation by UVC in a similar manner to the NER factor TFIIH. Moreover, co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that Purα physically associates with TFIIH. Thus, Purα has a role in NER and the repair of UVC-induced DNA damage.Key words: purα, ultraviolet radiation, DNA damage, DNA repair, nucleotide excision repair, TFIIH  相似文献   
Spotlight surveys for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can yield large presence-only datasets applicable to a variety of resource selection modeling procedures. By understanding how populations distribute according to a given resource for a reference area, density and abundance can be predicted across new areas assuming the relationship between habitat quality (measured by an index of selection) and species distribution are equivalent. Habitat-based density estimators have been applied to wildlife species and are useful for addressing conservation and management concerns. Although achieving reliable population estimates is a primary goal for spotlighting studies, presence-only models have yet to be applied to spotlight data for estimating habitat selection and abundance for deer. From 2012 to 2017, we conducted spring spotlight surveys in each of 99 counties in Iowa, USA, and collected spatial locations for 20,149 groups of deer (n = 71,323 individuals). We used a resource selection function (RSF) based on deer locations to predict the relative probability of use for deer at the population level and to estimate statewide abundance. The number of deer observed statewide increased significantly with increasing RSF value for all years and the mean RSF value along survey transects explained 59% of the variability in county-level deer counts, indicating that a functional response between habitat quality and deer distribution existed at landscape scales. We applied our RSF to a habitat-based density estimator (extrapolation) and zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and negative binomial (ZINB) count models to predict statewide abundance from spotlight counts. Population estimates for 2012 were variable, indicating that atypical weather conditions may affect spotlight counts and population estimates in some years. For 2013–2017, we predicted a mean population of 439,129 (95% CI ∼ ± 55,926), 440,360 (∼ ± 43,676), and 465,959 (∼ ± 51,242) deer across years for extrapolation, ZIP, and ZINB models, respectively. Estimates from all models were not significantly different than estimates from an existing deer population accounting model in Iowa for 2013 and 2016, and differed by <76,000 deer for all models from 2013–2017. Extrapolation and ZIP models performed similarly and differed by <2,897 deer across all years, whereas ZINB models showed inconsistencies in model convergence and precision of estimates. Our results indicate that presence-only models are capable of producing reliable and precise estimates of resource selection and abundance for deer at broad landscape scales in Iowa and provide a tool for estimating deer abundance in a spatially explicit manner. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Increased heme oxygenase (HO)-1 activity attenuates endothelial cell apoptosis and decreases superoxide anion (O2-) formation in experimental diabetes by unknown mechanisms. We examined the effect of HO-1 protein and HO activity on extracellular SOD (EC-SOD), catalase, O2-, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) levels and vascular responses to ACh in control and diabetic rats. Vascular EC-SOD and plasma catalase activities were significantly reduced in diabetic compared with nondiabetic rats (P < 0.05). Upregulation of HO-1 expression by intermittent administration of cobalt protoporphyrin, an inducer of HO-1 protein and activity, resulted in a robust increase in EC-SOD but no significant change in Cu-Zn-SOD. Administration of tin mesoporphyrin, an inhibitor of HO-1 activity, decreased EC-SOD protein. Increased HO-1 activity in diabetic rats was associated with a decrease in iNOS but increases in eNOS and plasma catalase activity. On the other hand, aortic ring segments from diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in vascular relaxation to ACh, which was reversed with cobalt protoporphyrin treatment. These data demonstrate that an increase in HO-1 protein and activity, i.e., CO and bilirubin production, in diabetic rats brings about a robust increase in EC-SOD, catalase, and eNOS with a concomitant increase in endothelial relaxation and a decrease in O2-. These observations in experimental diabetes suggest that the vascular cytoprotective mechanism of HO-1 against oxidative stress requires an increase in EC-SOD and catalase.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of endogenous opioid peptides (EOP) in the ovary and suggested their implication in local interactions within ovarian structures. Nevertheless, data pertaining to the expression of genes, coding for the opioid precursors, in ovarian cells are still rudimentary and not available for the pig. The study was undertaken to test whether genes of the opioid precursors - proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proenkephalin (PENK) and prodynorphin (PDYN) - are expressed in non-treated and gonadotropin-treated theca and granulosa cells isolated from ovarian follicles of the pig. The cells were isolated from small (days 15-16 of the estrous cycle) and large (days 19-20) porcine follicles. Dispersed cells were cultured in Eagle's medium under the water saturated atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO(2), in the presence or absence of respective gonadotropin; theca cells with LH (100 ng/ml) and granulosa cells with FSH (100 ng/ml). Following 24h-incubation, the cells were harvested and the total RNA was isolated. The expression of genes coding for opioid precursors was estimated by the semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique involving co-amplification of the target cDNA (POMC, PENK or PDYN) and control cDNA (beta-actin or 18S rRNA). Specificities of PCR products were confirmed by Southern analysis and sequencing. In theca cells the expression of opioid precursors appeared to be gonadotropin-dependent except for PENK in the cells isolated from large follicles. In turn, granulosa cells exhibited the expression of POMC and PENK genes independently on treatment with FSH. This gonadotropin induced the expression of PDYN gene in granulosa cells isolated from small and large follicles and significantly increased POMC mRNA content in the cells from the large ones. The present studies indicate that porcine follicular cells (especially granulosa cells) may produce opioid peptides and that gonadotropins may modulate gene expression of their precursors in these cells. Moreover, our results support a participation of opioid peptides in the local regulations within ovarian follicle.  相似文献   


Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has become an important experimental tool for exploring the brain''s functional anatomy. As TMS interferes with neural activity, the hypothetical function of the stimulated area can thus be tested. One unresolved methodological issue in TMS experiments is the question of how to adequately calibrate stimulation intensities. The motor threshold (MT) is often taken as a reference for individually adapted stimulation intensities in TMS experiments, even if they do not involve the motor system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether it is reasonable to adjust stimulation intensities in each subject to the individual MT if prefrontal regions are stimulated prior to the performance of a cognitive paradigm.

Methods and Findings

Repetitive TMS (rTMS) was applied prior to a working memory task, either at the ‘fixed’ intensity of 40% maximum stimulator output (MSO), or individually adapted at 90% of the subject''s MT. Stimulation was applied to a target region in the left posterior middle frontal gyrus (pMFG), as indicated by a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) localizer acquired beforehand, or to a control site (vertex). Results show that MT predicted the effect size after stimulating subjects with the fixed intensity (i.e., subjects with a low MT showed a greater behavioral effect). Nevertheless, the individual adaptation of intensities did not lead to stable effects.


Therefore, we suggest assessing MT and account for it as a measure for general cortical TMS susceptibility, even if TMS is applied outside the motor domain.  相似文献   
Histological methods suitable for use in autoradiographic technics are described. An investigation has been carried out on the amount of activity lost from rat and human tissues during fixation and dehydration. Losses in the processing fluids varied from 25% to 90% of the initial activity for radioactive phosphorus and 4% to 20% for radioactive iodine in various fixatives.

The care necessary in handling sections if distribution of total activity is being studied is emphasized and floating on absolute alcohol is suggested as an alternative to warm mercury. Various procedures for staining sections before application of photographic emulsion and after developing are discussed. Ehrlich's hematoxylin applied regressively has given good results and eosin has been used successfully as a counterstain. Orth's lithium carmine is resistant to photographic developer and also Feulgen's stain counterstained with fast green can be used before covering the slides with photographic emulsion.  相似文献   
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