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For more than two decades, there has been continuing evidence of lipid oxidation playing a central role in atherogenesis. The oxidation hypothesis of atherogenesis has evolved to focus on specific proinflammatory oxidized phospholipids that result from the oxidation of LDL phospholipids containing arachidonic acid and that are recognized by the innate immune system in animals and humans. These oxidized phospholipids are largely generated by potent oxidants produced by the lipoxygenase and myeloperoxidase pathways. The failure of antioxidant vitamins to influence clinical outcomes may have many explanations, including the inability of vitamin E to prevent the formation of these oxidized phospholipids and other lipid oxidation products of the myeloperoxidase pathway. Preliminary data suggest that the oxidation hypothesis of atherogenesis and the reverse cholesterol transport hypothesis of atherogenesis may have a common biological basis. The levels of specific oxidized lipids in plasma and lipoproteins, the levels of antibodies to these lipids, and the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory properties of HDL may be useful markers of susceptibility to atherogenesis. Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apoA-I mimetic peptides may both promote a reduction in oxidized lipids and enhance reverse cholesterol transport and therefore may have therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
This work presents a biophysical study on the interactions of a monorhamnolipid (monoRL) produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MA01 with model phosphatidylcholine membranes. The molecular characterization of the biological activities, including the modulation of phospholipid membranes structure, of this monoRL biosurfactant is of importance for the validation of this particular Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain as a useful biosurfactant producer. The marked amphiphilic structure of monoRL is expected to result in strong interactions with the phospholipid constituents of membrane bilayers. Incorporation of monoRL into DMPC completely abolished the pretransition, and the main gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition was progressively broadened and shifted to lower temperatures, as observed by differential scanning calorimetry. Partial phase diagrams for DPPC and DSPC indicated near-ideal behavior. However, the DMPC diagram indicated fluid phase immiscibility. X-ray diffraction showed and apparent increase in d-value for DPPC containing monoRL, which might be the result of an effective increase in the bilayer thickness, or in the thickness of the hydration layer between bilayers. FTIR indicated that interaction of monoRL with the phospholipid acyl chains did not result in a large additional disordering of the acyl chain region of the fluid bilayer. Analysis of the CO stretching band of DPPC indicated an important effect of monoRL on the interfacial region of phosphatidylcholine bilayers, which might contribute to explain some of the biological activities of this glycolipid.  相似文献   
Management increases genetic diversity of honey bees via admixture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harpur BA  Minaei S  Kent CF  Zayed A 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(18):4414-4421
The process of domestication often brings about profound changes in levels of genetic variation in animals and plants. The honey bee, Apis mellifera, has been managed by humans for centuries for both honey and wax production and crop pollination. Human management and selective breeding are believed to have caused reductions in genetic diversity in honey bee populations, thereby contributing to the global declines threatening this ecologically and economically important insect. However, previous studies supporting this claim mostly relied on population genetic comparisons of European and African (or Africanized) honey bee races; such conclusions require reassessment given recent evidence demonstrating that the honey bee originated in Africa and colonized Europe via two independent expansions. We sampled honey bee workers from two managed populations in North America and Europe as well as several old-world progenitor populations in Africa, East and West Europe. Managed bees had highly introgressed genomes representing admixture between East and West European progenitor populations. We found that managed honey bees actually have higher levels of genetic diversity compared with their progenitors in East and West Europe, providing an unusual example whereby human management increases genetic diversity by promoting admixture. The relationship between genetic diversity and honey bee declines is tenuous given that managed bees have more genetic diversity than their progenitors and many viable domesticated animals.  相似文献   
Trauma during pregnancy especially occurring during car crashes leads to many foetal losses. Numerical modelling is widely used in car occupant safety issue and injury mechanisms analysis and is particularly adapted to the pregnant woman. Material modelling of the gravid uterus tissues is crucial for injury risk evaluation especially for the abruption placentae which is widely assumed as the leading cause of foetal loss. Experimental studies on placenta behaviour in tension are reported in the literature, but none in compression to the authors' knowledge. This lack of data is addressed in this study. To complement the already available experimental literature data on the placenta mechanical behaviour and characterise it in a compression loading condition, 80 indentation tests on fresh placentae are presented. Hyperelastic like mean experimental stress versus strain and corridors are exposed. The results of the experimental placenta indentations compared with the tensile literature results tend to show a quasi-symmetrical behaviour of the tissue. An inverse analysis using simple finite element models has permitted to propose parameters for an Ogden material model for the placenta which exhibits a realistic behaviour in both tension and compression.  相似文献   
The SLC26 gene family encodes anion transporters with diverse functional attributes: (a) anion exchanger, (b) anion sensor, and (c) anion conductance (likely channel). We have cloned and studied Slc26a9, a paralogue expressed mostly in lung and stomach. Immunohistochemistry shows that Slc26a9 is present at apical and intracellular membranes of lung and stomach epithelia. Using expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes and ion-sensitive microelectrodes, we discovered that Slc26a9 has a novel function not found in any other Slc26 proteins: cation coupling. Intracellular pH and voltage measurements show that Slc26a9 is a nCl-HCO3 exchanger, suggesting roles in gastric HCl secretion or pulmonary HCO3 secretion; Na+ electrodes and uptakes reveal that Slc26a9 has a cation dependence. Single-channel measurements indicate that Slc26a9 displays discrete open and closed states. These experiments show that Slc26a9 has three discrete physiological modes: nCl-HCO3 exchanger, Cl channel, and Na+-anion cotransporter. Thus, the Slc26a9 transporter channel is uniquely suited for dynamic and tissue-specific physiology or regulation in epithelial tissues. Min-Hwang Chang, Consuelo Plata, and Kambiz Zandi-Nejad have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Previously it was shown that stimulation of the P2Y12 receptor activates PKB signalling in C6 glioma cells [K. Van Kolen and H. Slegers, J. Neurochem. 89, 442.]. In the present study, the mechanisms involved in this response were further elucidated. In cells transfected with the Gbetagamma-scavenger beta-ARK1/GRK2 or Rap1GAPII, stimulation with 2MeSADP failed to enhance PKB phosphorylation demonstrating that the signalling proceeds through Gbetagamma-subunits and Rap1. Moreover, Rap1-GTP pull-down assays revealed that P2Y12 receptor stimulation induced a rapid activation of Rap1. Treatment of cells with the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM and inhibition of Src and PLD2 with PP2 or 1-butanol, respectively, abrogated P2Y12 receptor-mediated activation of Rap1 and PKB. In addition inhibition of PKCzeta decreased basal and 2MeSADP-stimulated phosphorylation of PKB indicating a role for this PKC isoform in PKB signalling. Although the increased PKB phosphorylation was abolished in the presence of the IGF-I receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG 1024, 2MeSADP did not significantly increase receptor phosphorylation. Nevertheless, phosphorylation of a 120 kDa IGF-I receptor-associated protein was observed. The latter protein was identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS as the proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) that co-operates with Src in a PLD2-dependent manner. Consistent with the signalling towards Rap1 and PKB, activation of Pyk2 was abrogated by Ca2+ chelation, inhibition of PLD2 and IGF-I receptor tyrosine kinase activity. In conclusion, the data reveal a novel type of cross-talk between P2Y12 and IGF-I receptors that proceeds through Gbetagamma-, Ca2+-and PLD2-dependent activation of the Pyk2/Src pathway resulting in GTP-loading of Rap1 required for an increased PKB phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Neurochemical Research - Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative and inherited disease and recent years have witnessed the understanding of the cellular and molecular...  相似文献   
SLC26 proteins function as anion exchangers, channels, and sensors. Previous cellular studies have shown that Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 interact with the R-region of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), (R)CFTR, via the Slc26-STAS (sulfate transporter anti-sigma) domain, resulting in mutual transport activation. We recently showed that Slc26a9 has both nCl-HCO3 exchanger and Cl channel function. In this study, we show that the purified STAS domain of Slc26a9 (a9STAS) binds purified (R)CFTR. When Slc26a9 and (R)CFTR fragments are co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes, both Slc26a9-mediated nCl-HCO3 exchange and Cl currents are almost fully inhibited. Deletion of the Slc26a9 STAS domain (a9-ΔSTAS) virtually eliminated the Cl currents with only a modest affect on nCl-HCO3 exchange activity. Co-expression of a9-ΔSTAS and the (R)CFTR fragment did not alter the residual a9-ΔSTAS function. Replacing the Slc26a9 STAS domain with the Slc26a6 STAS domain (a6-a9-a6) does not change Slc26a9 function and is no longer inhibited by (R)CFTR. These data indicate that the Slc26a9-STAS domain, like other Slc26-STAS domains, binds CFTR in the R-region. However, unlike previously reported data, this binding interaction inhibits Slc26a9 ion transport activity. These results imply that Slc26-STAS domains may all interact with (R)CFTR but that the physiological outcome is specific to differing Slc26 proteins, allowing for dynamic and acute fine tuning of ion transport for various epithelia.Slc26 genes and proteins have attracted the attention of physiologists and geneticists. Why? Slc26a1 (Sat-1) was characterized as a Na+-independent SO42− transporter (1). Given the transport characteristics of the founding member of the gene family, Slc26 proteins were assumed to be sulfate transporters. Disease phenotypes, clone characterization, and family additions demonstrate that the Slc26 proteins are anion transporters or channels (24). These proteins have varied tissue expression patterns. At one extreme, Slc26a5 in mammals is found in the hair cells of the inner ear (5), whereas Slc26a2 (DTDST) is virtually ubiquitous in epithelial tissues (2).Several Slc26 proteins are found in the epithelia of the lung, intestine, stomach, pancreas, and kidney, usually in apical membranes. Interestingly these are also tissues and membranes in which the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)5 has been found functionally or by immunohistochemistry. Ko and co-workers (68) examined the distribution of Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 in HCO3 secretory epithelia, and asked if an interaction might occur between these Slc26 proteins and CFTR. In particular, these studies indicate that in expression systems, there is a reciprocal-stimulatory interaction of the STAS (sulfate transporter anti-sigma) domains of Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 with the regulatory region (R-region) of CFTR. These investigators hypothesized that this stimulatory interaction could account for the differences in pancreatic insufficiency and sufficiency observed in cystic fibrosis patients. Nevertheless, knock-out Slc26a6 mouse studies reveal more complicated cell and tissue physiology (see “Discussion”).Slc26a9 has been reported to be a Cl-HCO3 exchanger (9, 10) or a large Cl conductance (3, 11, 12). Loriol and co-workers (12) indicated that SLC26A9 has a Cl conductance that may be stimulated by HCO3. Two other groups have indicated that the Cl conductance is not affected by the presence of HCO3 (10, 11). We have recently demonstrated that Slc26a9 functions as both an electrogenic nCl-HCO3 exchanger and a Cl channel (10). Dorwart and colleagues (11) found that WNK kinases inhibited the SLC26A9 Cl conductance but that this effect was independent of kinase activity. One group has a preliminary report indicating that WNK3 decreased Cl uptake, whereas WNK4 increased Cl uptake via Slc26a9 expressed in Xenopus oocytes (13).Slc26a9 and CFTR are also co-expressed in several tissues. Slc26a9 protein has been localized to epithelia of the stomach and lung (9, 10, 14), although mRNA is also detectable in brain, heart, kidney, small intestine, thymus, and ovary (10). The R-region of CFTR was previously shown to increase the activity of Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 by interaction with STAS domains (6, 15, 16). Because Slc26a9 displays several different modes of ion transport, we asked if the R-region of CFTR would also increase the activity of Slc26a9. Our results indicate that the R-region of CFTR does interact with the STAS domain of Slc26a9. However, in the case of Slc26a9 this apparently similar interaction results in inhibition of Slc26a9 ion transport.  相似文献   
Eight new genes, strO-stsABCDEFG, were identified by sequencing DNA in the gene cluster that encodes proteins for streptomycin production of Streptomyces griseus N2-3-11. The StsA (calculated molecular mass 43.5 kDa) and StsC (45.5 kDa) proteins – together with another gene product, StrS (39.8 kDa), encoded in another operon of the same gene cluster – show significant sequence identity and are members of a new class of pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferases that have been observed mainly in the biosynthetic pathways for secondary metabolites. The aminotransferase activity was demonstrated for the first time by identification of the overproduced and purified StsC protein as the l-glutamine:scyllo-inosose aminotransferase, which catalyzes the first amino transfer in the biosynthesis of the streptidine subunit of streptomycin. The stsC and stsA genes each hybridized specifically to distinct fragments in the genomic DNA of most actinomycetes tested that produce diaminocyclitolaminoglycosides. In contrast, only stsC, but not stsA, hybridized to the DNA of Streptomyces hygroscopicus ssp. glebosus, which produces the monoaminocyclitol antibiotic bluensomycin; this suggests that both genes are specifically used in the first and second steps of the cyclitol transamination reactions. Sequence comparison studies performed with the deduced polypeptides of the genes adjacent to stsC suggest that the enzymes encoded by some of these genes [strO (putative phosphatase gene), stsB (putative oxidoreductase gene), and stsE (putative phosphotransferase gene)] also could be involved in (di-)aminocyclitol synthesis. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   
A 27 year-old- lady was evaluated due to recurrent ventricular tachycardia. After performing echocardiography and cardiac MRI, she was found to have large pericardial cyst. Pathologic examination confirmed it as mesothelial pericardial cyst. Up to our knowledge it is the first presentation of simple pericardial cyst as ventricular a tachycardia.  相似文献   
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