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Vibrio cholerae hemolysin (HlyA) is a 65?kDa pore-forming toxin which causes lysis of target eukaryotic cells by forming heptameric channels in the plasma membrane. Deletion of the 15?kDa C-terminus β-prism carbohydrate-binding domain generates a 50?kDa truncated variant (HlyA50) with 1000-fold-reduced pore-forming activity. Previously, we showed by cryo-electron microscopy that the two toxin oligomers have central channels, but the 65?kDa toxin oligomer is a seven-fold symmetric structure with bowl-, ring-, and arm-like domains, whereas the 50?kDa oligomer is an asymmetric jar-like heptamer. In the present study, we determined three-dimensional(3D) structures of HlyA and HlyA50 in presence of erythrocyte stroma and observed that interaction of the 65?kDa toxin with the stroma induced a significant decrease in the height of the β-barrel oligomer with a change in conformation of the ring- and arm-like domains of HlyA. These features were absent in interaction of HlyA50 with stroma. We propose that this conformational transition is critical for membrane-insertion of the toxin.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that dopamine contributes significantly to the hydroxyl radical (OH)-induced striatal neurotoxicity caused by 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP) in a rat model of Huntington's disease. Dopamine (10–100 μM) or 3-NP (10–1000 μM) individually caused a significant increase in the generation of hydroxyl radical (OH) in the mitochondria, which was synergistically enhanced when the lowest dose of the neurotoxin (10 μM) and dopamine (100 μM) were present together. Similarly, systemic administration of l-DOPA (100–250 mg/kg) and a low dose of 3-NP (10 mg/kg) potentiated OH generation in the striatum, and the rats exhibited significant decrease in stride length, a direct indication of neuropathology. The pathology was also evident in striatal sections subjected to NeuN immunohistochemistry. The significant changes in stride length, the production of striatal OH and neuropathological features due to administration of a toxic dose of 3-NP (20 mg/kg) were significantly attenuated by treating the rats with tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor α-methyl-p-tyrosine prior to 3-NP administration. These results strongly implicate a major contributory role of striatal dopamine in increased generation of OH, which leads to striatal neurodegeneration and accompanied behavioral changes, in 3-NP model of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   
Assam hill goat (Capra hircus) is a prolific local goat in India. bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR1B) gene was studied as a candidate gene for the prolificacy of goats. The objective of the present study was to detect the incidence of mutation in the exonic region of BMPR1B gene of Assam hill goat. Total 90 blood samples were collected randomly from different parts of Assam and genomic DNA were extracted using phenol–chloroform method. The quantity and quality of extracted DNA was examined by spectrophotometry and gel electrophoresis, respectively. PCR amplicon showed a product of 140 bp fragment of BMPR1B gene. The purified product upon digestion with AvaII showed monomorphic banding pattern and revealed wild type alleles with AA genotype. Nucleotide sequencing showed one new mutation 773 (G→C) which is found to be unique in Assam hill goat. Construction of tree at nucleotide level generates from the present experiment lies in common cluster which differs from the other breeds of goat. The analysis of polymorphism for BMPR1B in Assam hill goat indicates that the genetic factor responsible for prolificacy or multiple kidding rates is not related to the reported mutated alleles of BMPR1B gene. Therefore, attempts to be made to detect other SNPs for BMPR1B gene or otherwise effort should be made towards other fecundity gene which might be responsible for the prolificacy of Assam hill goat.  相似文献   
We have characterized various structural and enzymatic properties of the (68K-30K)-S-1 derivative obtained by thrombic cleavage [Chaussepied, P., Mornet, D., Audemard, E., Derancourt, J., & Kassab, R. (1986) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. The far-ultraviolet CD spectra and thiol reactivity measurements indicated an unchanged overall polypeptide conformation of the enzyme whereas the CD spectra in the near-ultraviolet region suggested a local change in the environments of phenylalanine side chains; the latter finding was rationalized by considering the existence of about five of these amino acids in the vicinity of the cleavage sites. When the binding of Mg2+-ATP and Mg2+-ADP to the derivative was assessed by CD spectroscopy, distinct spectra were obtained with the two nucleotides as with native subfragment 1 (S-1), but some spectral features were unique to the nicked S-1. Stern-Volmer fluorescence quenching studies using acrylamide and the analogues 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-triphosphate and 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-diphosphate indicated that the complexes formed with the modified S-1 have a solute quencher accessibility close to that observed for the complexes with the normal S-1. However, in contrast to the parent enzyme, the thrombin-cut S-1 was unable to bind irreversibly Mg2+-ATP, nor did it form a stable Mg2+-ADP-sodium vanadate complex or achieve the entrapping of Mg2+-ADP after cross-linking of SH1 and SH2 with N,N'-p-phenylenedimaleimide. Additionally, the amplitude of the Pi burst was very low, indicating that the inactivation of the proteolyzed S-1 was linked to the suppression of the hydrolysis step in the ATPase cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) is a membrane-bound metalloenzyme that oxidizes methane to methanol in methanotrophic bacteria. The nature of the pMMO active site and the overall metal content are controversial, with spectroscopic and crystallographic data suggesting the presence of a mononuclear copper center, a dinuclear copper center, a trinuclear center, and a diiron center or combinations thereof. Most studies have focused on pMMO from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). pMMO from a second organism, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, has been purified and characterized by spectroscopic and crystallographic methods. Purified M. trichosporium OB3b pMMO contains approximately 2 copper ions per 100 kDa protomer. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic parameters indicate that type 2 Cu(II) is present as two distinct species. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data are best fit with oxygen/nitrogen ligands and reveal a Cu-Cu interaction at 2.52 A. Correspondingly, X-ray crystallography of M. trichosporium OB3b pMMO shows a dinuclear copper center, similar to that observed previously in the crystal structure of M. capsulatus (Bath) pMMO. There are, however, significant differences between the pMMO structures from the two organisms. A mononuclear copper center present in M. capsulatus (Bath) pMMO is absent in M. trichosporium OB3b pMMO, whereas a metal center occupied by zinc in the M. capsulatus (Bath) pMMO structure is occupied by copper in M. trichosporium OB3b pMMO. These findings extend previous work on pMMO from M. capsulatus (Bath) and provide new insight into the functional importance of the different metal centers.  相似文献   
Shortening and ATPase rates were measured in Ca2+-activated myofibrils from frog fast muscles in unloaded conditions at 4 degrees C. ATPase rates were determined using the phosphate-binding protein method (free phosphate) and quench flow (total phosphate). Shortening rates at near zero load (V0) were estimated by quenching reaction mixtures 50 ms to 10 s old at pH 3.5 and measuring sarcomere lengths under the optical microscope. As with the rabbit psoas myofibrils (C. Lionne, F. Travers, and T. Barman, 1996, Biophys. J. 70:887-895), the ATPase progress curves had three phases: a transient Pi burst, a fast linear phase (kF), and a deceleration to a slow phase (kS). Evidence is given that kF is the ATPase rate of shortening myofibrils. V0 is in good agreement with mechanical measurements in myofibrils and fibers. Under the same conditions and at saturation in ATP, V0 and kF are 2.4 microm half-sarcomere(-1) s(-1) and 4.6 s(-1), and their Km values are 33 and 200 microM, respectively. These parameters are higher than found with rabbit psoas myofibrils. The myofibrillar kF is higher than the fiber ATPase rates obtained previously in frog fast muscles but considerably lower than obtained in skinned fibers by the phosphate-binding protein method (Z. H. He, R. K. Chillingworth, M. Brune, J. E. T. Corrie, D. R. Trentham, M. R. Webb, and M. R. Ferenczi, 1997, J. Physiol. 50:125-148). We show that, with frog as with rabbit myofibrillar ATPase, phosphate release is the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   
In this work, an optofluidic flow analyzer, which can be used to perform malaria diagnosis at the point‐of‐care is demonstrated. The presented technique is based on quantitative optical absorption measurements carried out on a single cell level for a given population of Human Red Blood Cells (RBCs). By measuring the optical absorption of each RBC, the decrease in the Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration in the cytoplasm of the cell due to the invasion of malarial parasite is detected. Cells are assessed on a single cell basis, as they pass through a microfluidic channel. The proposed technique has been implemented with inexpensive off‐the‐shelf components like laser diode, photo‐detector and a micro‐controller. The ability of the optofluidic flow analyzer to asses about 308,049 cells within 3 minutes has been demonstrated. The presented technique is capable of detecting very low parasitemia levels with high sensitivity.


Vibrio cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) is an amphipathic 65-kDa β-pore-forming toxin with a C-terminal β-prism lectin domain. Because deletion or point mutation of the lectin domain seriously compromises hemolytic activity, it is thought that carbohydrate-dependent interactions play a critical role in membrane targeting of VCC. To delineate the contributions of the cytolysin and lectin domains in pore formation, we used wild-type VCC, 50-kDa VCC (VCC50) without the lectin domain, and mutant VCCD617A with no carbohydrate-binding activity. VCC and its two variants with no carbohydrate-binding activity moved to the erythrocyte stroma with apparent association constants on the order of 107 m−1. However, loss of the lectin domain severely reduced the efficiency of self-association of the VCC monomer with the β-barrel heptamer in the synthetic lipid bilayer from ∼83 to 27%. Notably, inactivation of the carbohydrate-binding activity by the D617A mutation marginally reduced oligomerization to ∼77%. Oligomerization of VCC50 was temperature-insensitive; by contrast, VCC self-assembly increased with increasing temperature, suggesting that the process is driven by entropy and opposed by enthalpy. Asialofetuin, the β1-galactosyl-terminated glycoprotein inhibitor of VCC-induced hemolysis, promoted oligomerization of 65-kDa VCC to a species that resembled the membrane-inserted heptamer in stoichiometry and morphology but had reduced global amphipathicity. In conclusion, we propose (i) that the β-prism lectin domain facilitated toxin assembly by producing entropy during relocation in the heptamer and (ii) that glycoconjugates inhibited VCC by promoting its assembly to a water-soluble, less amphipathic oligomer variant with reduced ability to penetrate the bilayer.  相似文献   
Three new tetraoxygenated xanthones (garcinones A, B and C), each disubstituted with C5-units, have been isolated from the chloroform extract of the fruit-hulls of Garcinia mangostana. Their structures were established by a combination of spectral interpretation and chemical correlation.  相似文献   
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