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Opitz G/BBB syndrome is a malformation syndrome of the ventral midline mainly characterized by hypertelorism, swallowing difficulties, hypospadias and developmental delay. SSCP analysis and genomic sequencing of the MID1 open reading frame have identified mutations in 80% of the families with X-linked inheritance. However, in many patients the underlying genetic defect remains undetected by these techniques. Using RNA diagnostics we have now identified a duplication of the MID1 first exon in a patient with X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome. This duplication introduces a premature termination codon. In addition, we could significantly lower the threshold for mutation detection on the DNA level by combining SSCP analysis with DHPLC technology.  相似文献   
Recently, we showed that truncation of the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5/STK9) gene caused mental retardation and severe neurological symptoms in two female patients. Here, we report that de novo missense mutations in CDKL5 are associated with a severe phenotype of early-onset infantile spasms and clinical features that overlap those of other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Rett syndrome and Angelman syndrome. The mutations are located within the protein kinase domain and affect highly conserved amino acids; this strongly suggests that impaired CDKL5 catalytic activity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of this neurodevelopmental disorder. In view of the overlapping phenotypic spectrum of CDKL5 and MECP2 mutations, it is tempting to speculate that these two genes play a role in a common pathogenic process.  相似文献   
The biomechanical properties of the lumbar spine have long been studied. However, despite its enormous importance, basic functional and morphological properties have been not well understood and require further experimental analysis since data concerning the spatial instantaneous segmental motions are hardly available. This study describes the theoretical background and the technical properties of an innovative method for tracking the instantaneous 3D motion of human spinal segments in vitro at high spatial resolution. This new acquisition system allows to scrutinise closely the location and alignment of the segmental instantaneous helical axis (IHA) and the respective screw pitch as functions of the absolute rotational angle. The required precision of the measuring device was attained (a) by six highly resolving linear inductive displacement sensors in a special spatially configuration (3-2-1), (b) by a method to apply torque and force independently of each other without counteraction, and (c) by suppression of vibrations. The validity and reliability of the experimental set-up and the numerical method of data analysis were tested by subjects of known mechanical properties. In vitro experiments with a human lumbar segment (L3/L4, autopsy material) demonstrated that (a) the IHA migrated during axial rotation from one segmental articulatio zygapophysialis to the other joint, (b) the IHA tilted medial-laterally, and (c) the pitch of the screw altered linearly as a function of the rotational angle. This phenomenon is traced back to the guidance of the articluationes zygapophysiales. The validation of the method allows to map segments of the entire vertebral column. The results can be used as benchmarks for future models of the human spine.  相似文献   
RIPK2 mediates inflammatory signaling by the bacteria‐sensing receptors NOD1 and NOD2. Kinase inhibitors targeting RIPK2 are a proposed strategy to ameliorate NOD‐mediated pathologies. Here, we reveal that RIPK2 kinase activity is dispensable for NOD2 inflammatory signaling and show that RIPK2 inhibitors function instead by antagonizing XIAP‐binding and XIAP‐mediated ubiquitination of RIPK2. We map the XIAP binding site on RIPK2 to the loop between β2 and β3 of the N‐lobe of the kinase, which is in close proximity to the ATP‐binding pocket. Through characterization of a new series of ATP pocket‐binding RIPK2 inhibitors, we identify the molecular features that determine their inhibition of both the RIPK2‐XIAP interaction, and of cellular and in vivoNOD2 signaling. Our study exemplifies how targeting of the ATP‐binding pocket in RIPK2 can be exploited to interfere with the RIPK2‐XIAP interaction for modulation of NOD signaling.  相似文献   
De novo cytogenetically balanced reciprocal non-Robertsonian translocations are rare findings in clinical cytogenetics and might be associated with an abnormal phenotype. Knowledge of the parental origin and mechanisms of formation is still limited. By microdissection of the derivative chromosomes and their normal homologs from metaphases followed by microsatellite-mediated marker analysis we identified 7 cases of paternal and 3 cases of maternal origin in a cohort of 10 patients with de novo cytogenetically balanced reciprocal non-Robertsonian translocations. Neither in the maternal nor in the paternal group of our study parental age seems to be increased. Together with the data from the literature our results confirm that the majority of de novo cytogenetically balanced reciprocal translocations are of paternal origin, but the preponderance does not appear to be as distinct as previously thought and the paternal age does not seem to be necessarily a major contributing factor.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The parathyroid hormone (PTH)-family consists of a group of structurally related factors that regulate calcium and bone homeostasis and are also involved in development of organs such as the heart, mammary gland and immune system. They interact with specific members of family 2 B1 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), which have been characterised in teleosts and mammals. Two PTH/PTHrP receptors, PTH1R and PTH2R exist in mammals and in teleost fish a further receptor PTH3R has also been identified. Recently in chicken, PTHfamily members involved in calcium transport were characterized and specific PTHRs are suggested to exist although they have not yet been isolated or functionally characterized. The aim of this study is to further explore the evolution and function of the vertebrate PTH/PTHrP system through the isolation, phylogenetic analysis and functional characterization of the chicken receptors. RESULTS: Two PTHRs were isolated in chicken and sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis indicate that the chicken receptors correspond to PTH1R and PTH3R, which emerged prior to the teleost/tetrapod divergence since they are present in cartilaginous fish. The vertebrate PTH2R receptor and its ligand TIP39 have been lost from bird genomes. Chicken PTH1R and PTH3R have a divergent and widespread tissue expression and are also evident in very early embryonic stages of development. Receptor stimulation studies using HEK293 cells stably expressing the chicken PTH1R and PTH3R and monitoring cAMP production revealed they are activated by chicken 1-34 N-terminal PTH-family peptides in a dose dependent manner. PTH-L and PTHrP were the most effective peptides in activating PTH1R (EC50 = 7.7 nM and EC50 = 22.7 nM, respectively). In contrast, PTH-L (100 nM) produced a small cAMP accumulation on activation of PTH3R but PTHrP and PTH (EC50 = 2.5 nM and EC50 = 22.1 nM, respectively) readily activated the receptor. PTHrP also stimulated intracellular Ca2+ accumulation on activation of PTH1R but not PTH3R. CONCLUSION: Two PTHR homologues of the vertebrate PTH1R and PTH3R were isolated and functionally characterized in chicken. Their distinct pattern of expression during embryo development and in adult tissues, together with their ligand preference, suggests that they have acquired specific functions, which have contributed to their maintenance in the genome. PTH2R and its activating ligand, TIP39, are absent from bird genomes. Nonetheless identification of putative PTH2R and TIP39 in the genome of an ancient agnathan, lamprey, suggests the PTH/PTHrP ligand and receptor family was already present in an early basal paraphyletic group of vertebrates and during the vertebrate radiation diverged via gene/genome duplication and deletion events. Knowledge of the role PTH/PTHrP system in early vertebrates will help to establish evolution of function.  相似文献   
Due to a growing world population and increasing welfare, energy demand worldwide is increasing. To meet the increasing energy demand in a sustainable way, new technologies are needed. The Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC) is a technology that could produce sustainable bio-electricity and help meeting the increasing energy demand. Power output of the P-MFC, however, needs to be increased to make it attractive as a renewable and sustainable energy source. To increase power output of the P-MFC internal resistances need to be reduced. With a flat-plate P-MFC design we tried to minimize internal resistances compared to the previously used tubular P-MFC design. With the flat-plate design current and power density per geometric planting area were increased (from 0.15 A/m2 to 1.6 A/m2 and from 0.22 W/m2 to and 0.44 W/m2)as were current and power output per volume (from 7.5 A/m3 to 122 A/m3 and from 1.3 W/m3 to 5.8 W/m3). Internal resistances times volume were decreased, even though internal resistances times membrane surface area were not. Since the membrane in the flat-plate design is placed vertically, membrane surface area per geometric planting area is increased, which allows for lower internal resistances times volume while not decreasing internal resistances times membrane surface area. Anode was split into three different sections on different depths of the system, allowing to calculate internal resistances on different depths. Most electricity was produced where internal resistances were lowest and where most roots were present; in the top section of the system. By measuring electricity production on different depths in the system, electricity production could be linked to root growth. This link offers opportunities for material-reduction in new designs. Concurrent reduction in material use and increase in power output brings the P-MFC a step closer to usable energy density and economic feasibility.  相似文献   


The vertebrate brain plays a critical role in the regulation of sexual maturation and reproduction by integrating environmental information with developmental and endocrine status. The European eel Anguilla anguilla is an important species in which to better understand the neuroendocrine factors that control reproduction because it is an endangered species, has a complex life cycle that includes two extreme long distance migrations with both freshwater and seawater stages and because it occupies a key position within the teleost phylogeny. At present, mature eels have never been caught in the wild and little is known about most aspects of reproduction in A. anguilla. The goal of this study was to identify genes that may be involved in sexual maturation in experimentally matured eels. For this, we used microarrays to compare the gene expression profiles of sexually mature to immature males.


Using a false discovery rate of 0.05, a total of 1,497 differentially expressed genes were identified. Of this set, 991 were expressed at higher levels in brains (forebrain and midbrain) of mature males while 506 were expressed at lower levels relative to brains of immature males. The set of up-regulated genes includes genes involved in neuroendocrine processes, cell-cell signaling, neurogenesis and development. Interestingly, while genes involved in immune system function were down-regulated in the brains of mature males, changes in the expression levels of several receptors and channels were observed suggesting that some rewiring is occurring in the brain at sexual maturity.


This study shows that the brains of eels undergo major changes at the molecular level at sexual maturity that may include re-organization at the cellular level. Here, we have defined a set of genes that help to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling reproduction in eels. Some of these genes have previously described functions while many others have roles that have yet to be characterized in a reproductive context. Since most of the genes examined here have orthologs in other vertebrates, the results of this study will contribute to the body of knowledge concerning reproduction in vertebrates as well as to an improved understanding of eel biology.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-799) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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