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Gene transfer systems for Gordonia polyisoprenivorans strains VH2 and Y2K based on electroporation and conjugation, respectively, were established. Several parameters were optimized, resulting in transformation efficiencies of >4 × 105 CFU/μg of plasmid DNA. In contrast to most previously described electroporation protocols, the highest efficiencies were obtained by applying a heat shock after the intrinsic electroporation. Under these conditions, transfer and autonomous replication of plasmid pNC9503 was also demonstrated to proceed in G. alkanivorans DSM44187, G. nitida DSM44499T, G. rubropertincta DSM43197T, G. rubropertincta DSM46038, and G. terrae DSM43249T. Conjugational plasmid DNA transfer to G. polyisoprenivorans resulted in transfer frequencies of up to 5 × 10−6 of the recipient cells. Recombinant strains capable of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from alkanes were constructed.  相似文献   
The Clp protease complex in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is unusual in its composition, functional importance and activation mechanism. Whilst most bacterial species contain a single ClpP protein that is dispensable for normal growth, mycobacteria have two ClpPs, ClpP1 and ClpP2, which are essential for viability and together form the ClpP1P2 tetradecamer. Acyldepsipeptide antibiotics of the ADEP class inhibit the growth of Gram‐positive firmicutes by activating ClpP and causing unregulated protein degradation. Here we show that, in contrast, mycobacteria are killed by ADEP through inhibition of ClpP function. Although ADEPs can stimulate purified M. tuberculosis ClpP1P2 to degrade larger peptides and unstructured proteins, this effect is weaker than for ClpP from other bacteria and depends on the presence of an additional activating factor (e.g. the dipeptide benzyloxycarbonyl‐leucyl‐leucine in vitro) to form the active ClpP1P2 tetradecamer. The cell division protein FtsZ, which is a particularly sensitive target for ADEP‐activated ClpP in firmicutes, is not degraded in mycobacteria. Depletion of the ClpP1P2 level in a conditional Mycobacterium bovis BCG mutant enhanced killing by ADEP unlike in other bacteria. In summary, ADEPs kill mycobacteria by preventing interaction of ClpP1P2 with the regulatory ATPases, ClpX or ClpC1, thus inhibiting essential ATP‐dependent protein degradation.  相似文献   


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) belong to a family of endocrine factors that share a highly conserved N-terminal region (amino acids 1-34) and play key roles in calcium homeostasis, bone formation and skeletal development. Recently, PTH-like peptide (PTH-L) was identified in teleost fish raising questions about the evolution of these proteins. Although PTH and PTHrP have been intensively studied in mammals their function in other vertebrates is poorly documented. Amphibians and birds occupy unique phylogenetic positions, the former at the transition of aquatic to terrestrial life and the latter at the transition to homeothermy. Moreover, both organisms have characteristics indicative of a complex system in calcium regulation. This study investigated PTH family evolution in vertebrates with special emphasis on Xenopus and chicken.  相似文献   
Analysis of linkage intervals from 125 unrelated families with nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation (NS-XLMR) has revealed that the respective gene defects are conspicuously clustered in defined regions of the human X-chromosome, with approximately 30% of all mutations being located on the proximal Xp. In 83% of these families, underlying gene defects are not yet known. Our observations should speed up the search for mutations that are still missing and pave the way for the molecular diagnosis of this common disorder.  相似文献   
A novel mutant of the marine oil-degrading bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2, containing a mini-Tn5 transposon disrupting a "tesB-like" acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) thioesterase gene, was found to hyperproduce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), resulting in the extracellular deposition of this biotechnologically important polymer when grown on alkanes. The tesB-like gene encodes a distinct novel enzyme activity, which acts exclusively on hydroxylated acyl-CoAs and thus represents a hydroxyacyl-CoA-specific thioesterase. Inactivation of this enzyme results in the rechanneling of CoA-activated hydroxylated fatty acids, the cellular intermediates of alkane degradation, towards PHA production. These findings may open up new avenues for the development of simplified biotechnological processes for the production of PHA as a raw material for the production of bioplastics.  相似文献   
We report on three unrelated mentally disabled patients, each carrying a de novo balanced translocation that truncates the autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) gene at 7q11.2. One of our patients shows relatively mild mental retardation; the other two display more profound disorders. One patient is also physically disabled, exhibiting urogenital and limb malformations in addition to severe mental retardation. The function of AUTS2 is presently unknown, but it has been shown to be disrupted in monozygotic twins with autism and mental retardation, both carrying a translocation t(7;20)(q11.2;p11.2) (de la Barra et al. in Rev Chil Pediatr 57:549–554, 1986; Sultana et al. in Genomics 80:129–134, 2002). Given the overlap of this autism/mental retardation (MR) phenotype and the MR-associated disorders in our patients, together with the fact that mapping of the additional autosomal breakpoints involved did not disclose obvious candidate disease genes, we ascertain with this study that AUTS2 mutations are clearly linked to autosomal dominant mental retardation.  相似文献   
Interspecific hybridization in the rodent genera Peromyscus and Mus results in abnormal placentation. In the Peromyscus interspecies hybrids, abnormal allelic interaction between an X-linked locus and the imprinted paternally expressed Peg3 locus was shown to cause the placental defects. In addition, loss-of-imprinting (LOI) of Peg3 was positively correlated with increased placental size. As in extreme cases this placental dysplasia constitutes a post-zygotic barrier against interspecies hybridization, this finding was the first direct proof that imprinted genes may be important in speciation and thus in evolution. In the Mus interspecies hybrids, a strong role of an X-linked locus in placental dysplasia has also been detected. However, here we show by backcross and allele specific expression analyses that neither LOI of Peg3 nor abnormal interactions between Peg3 and an X-linked locus are involved in generating placental dysplasia in Mus hybrids, although the placental phenotypes observed in the two genera seem to be identical. In contrast to this, another dysgenesis effect common to Peromyscus and Mus hybrids, altered foetal growth, is caused at least in part by the same X-chromosomal regions in both genera. These findings first underline the strong involvement of the X-chromosome in the genetics of speciation. Secondly, they indicate that disruption of epigenetic states, such as LOI, at specific loci may be involved in hybrid dysgenesis effects in one group, but not in another. Thus, we conclude that even in closely related groups divergent molecular mechanisms may be involved in the production of phenotypically similar post-zygotic barriers against hybridization.  相似文献   
Human Mental Retardation (MR) is a common and highly heterogeneous pediatric disorder affecting around 3% of the general population; at least 215 X-linked MR (XLMR) conditions have been described, and mutations have been identified in 83 different genes, encoding proteins with a variety of function, such as chromatin remodeling, synaptic function, and intracellular trafficking. The small GTPases of the RAB family, which play an essential role in intracellular vesicular trafficking, have been shown to be involved in MR. We report here the identification of mutations in the small GTPase RAB39B gene in two male patients. One mutation in family X (D-23) introduced a stop codon seven amino acids after the start codon (c.21C > A; p.Y7X). A second mutation, in the MRX72 family, altered the 5′ splice site (c.215+1G > A) and normal splicing. Neither instance produced a protein. Mutations segregate with the disease in the families, and in some family members intellectual disabilities were associated with autism spectrum disorder, epileptic seizures, and macrocephaly. We show that RAB39B, a novel RAB GTPase of unknown function, is a neuronal-specific protein that is localized to the Golgi compartment. Its downregulation leads to an alteration in the number and morphology of neurite growth cones and a significant reduction in presynaptic buttons, suggesting that RAB39B is required for synapse formation and maintenance. Our results demonstrate developmental and functional neuronal alteration as a consequence of downregulation of RAB39B and emphasize the critical role of vesicular trafficking in the development of neurons and human intellectual abilities.  相似文献   
Triacylglycerol granules synthesized and accumulated by Rhodococcus opacus and Rhodococcus ruber were isolated by glycerol density gradient centrifugation. Whereas only one type of granule could be isolated from R. opacus, two types of granules with different specific densities were isolated from R. ruber. Both types of R. ruber granules showed a similar content of triacylglycerols and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate- co-3-hydroxyvalerate), but the protein profiles of both types were significantly different. The granules with the lower specific density were colorless; the granules with the higher specific density had a deep orange pigmentation. Solubilization studies revealed three different groups of granule-associated proteins: (1) unspecifically bound proteins, (2) relatively weakly associated proteins, and (3) proteins that resisted solubilization by treatment with 2 M NaCl, 2% (w/v) Triton X-114, 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride, up to 8% (w/v) SDS, and proteolytic digestion. The strong association of proteins of the last group suggested that these may play a specific role in the synthesis or mobilization of storage lipids or in the structure of the granules. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the most tightly bound proteins were obtained. Proteins of low molecular weight with striking sequence similarity to the ribosomal protein L7 from various actinomycetes were always copurified with the granules.  相似文献   
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