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Cryptic species are increasingly being recognized in many organisms. In Brachionus rotifers, many morphologically similar yet genetically distinct species/biotypes have been described. A number of Brachionus cryptic species have been recognized among hatchery strains. In this study, we present a simple, one-step genetic method to detect the presence of those Brachionus sp. rotifers that have been found in hatcheries. With the proposed technique, each of the B. plicatilis sensu stricto, B. ibericus, Brachionus sp. Nevada, Brachionus sp. Austria, Brachionus sp. Manjavacas, and Brachionus sp. Cayman species and/or biotypes can be identified with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Based on 233 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences, we reviewed all the available cryptic Brachionus sp. genetic polymorphisms, and we designed six nested primers. With these primers, a specific amplicon of distinct size is produced for every one of the involved species/biotypes. Two highly sensitive protocols were developed for using the primers. Many of the primers can be combined in the same PCR. The proposed method has been found to be an effective and practical tool to investigate the presence of the above six cryptic species/biotypes in both individual and communal (bulk) rotifer deoxyribonucleic acid extractions from hatcheries. With this technique, hatchery managers could easily determine their rotifer composition at the level of cryptic species and monitor their cultures more efficiently. Kalliopi Vasileiadou and Spiros Papakostas contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Chlorobium tepidum is a Gram-negative bacterium of the green sulfur phylum (Chlorobia). Chlorobia are obligate anaerobic photolithoautotrophs that are widely distributed in aquatic environments where anoxic layers containing reduced sulfur compounds are exposed to light. The envelope of C. tepidum is a complex organelle composed of the outer membrane, the periplasm–peptidoglycan layer, and the cytoplasmic membrane. In addition to the outer and plasma membranes, C. tepidum contains chlorosomes attached to the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Each cellular compartment has a unique set of proteins, called sub-proteome. An important aim of proteome analysis is to study the level of the expressed genes and their response to environmental changes. Membrane protein studies are of primary importance to understand how nutrients are transported inside the cell, how toxic molecules are exported, and the mechanisms of photosynthesis and energy metabolism.  相似文献   
Several cyclic processes take place within a single organism. For example, the cell cycle is coordinated with the 24 h diurnal rhythm in animals and plants, and with the 40 min ultradian rhythm in budding yeast. To examine the evolution of periodic gene expression during these processes, we performed the first systematic comparison in three organisms (Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by using public microarray data. We observed that although diurnal‐regulated and ultradian‐regulated genes are not generally cell‐cycle‐regulated, they tend to have cell‐cycle‐regulated paralogues. Thus, diverged temporal expression of paralogues seems to facilitate cellular orchestration under different periodic stimuli. Lineage‐specific functional repertoires of periodic‐associated paralogues imply that this mode of regulation might have evolved independently in several organisms.  相似文献   
Among the products of enteroendocrine cells are the incretins glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1, secreted by L cells) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP, secreted by K cells). These are key modulators of insulin secretion, glucose homeostasis, and gastric emptying. Because of the rapid early rise of GLP-1 in plasma after oral glucose, we wished to definitively establish the absence or presence of L cells, as well as the relative distribution of the incretin cell types in human duodenum. We confirmed the presence of proglucagon and pro-GIP genes, their products, and glucosensory molecules by tissue immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR of laser-captured, single duodenal cells. We also assayed plasma glucose, incretin, and insulin levels in subjects with normal glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes for 120 min after they ingested 75 g of glucose. Subjects with normal glucose tolerance (n=14) had as many L cells (15+/-1), expressed per 1,000 gut epithelial cells, as K cells (13+/-1), with some containing both hormones (L/K cells, 5+/-1). In type 2 diabetes, the number of L and L/K cells was increased (26+/-2; P<0.001 and 9+/-1; P < 0.001, respectively). Both L and K cells contained glucokinase and glucose transporter-1, -2, and -3. Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic subjects had increased plasma GLP-1 levels between 20 and 80 min, concurrently with rising plasma insulin levels. Significant coexpression of the main incretin peptides occurs in human duodenum. L and K cells are present in equal numbers. New onset type 2 diabetes is associated with a shift to the L phenotype.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of the ThinPrep Processor (Cytyc Corporation, Boxborough, Massachusetts, U.S.A) in fine needle aspiration (FNA) of thyroid gland lesions. STUDY DESIGN: This study included 459 thyroid FNA specimens obtained from patients who came to our endocrinology department with various thyroid disorders over 3 years. The cytologic material was prepared using both the conventional and ThinPrep method in the first 2 years (285 cases), while in the last one only the ThinPrep method was used (1 74 cases). The smears were stained using a modified Papanicolaou procedure and May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain. Immunocytochemistry was performed on thin-layer slides using specific monoclonal antibodies when needed. Thin-layer and direct smear diagnoses were compared with the final cytologic or histologic diagnoses, when available. RESULTS: Our cases included 279 adenomatoid nodules, 15 cases of Hashimoto thyroiditis, 45 follicular neoplasms, 14 Hürthle cell tumors, 58 papillary carcinomas and 1 5 anaplastic carcinomas. Thin-layer preparations showed a trend toward a lower proportion of inadequate specimens and a lower false negative rate. Cytomorphologic features showed some differences between the 2 methods. Colloid was less frequently observed on ThinPrep slides, while nuclear detail and micronucleoli were more easily detected with this technique. Moreover, ThinPrep appeared to be the appropriate method for the use of ancillary techniques in suspicious cases. CONCLUSION: Thin-layer cytology improves the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid FNA and offers the possibility of performing new techniques, such as immunocytochemistry, on the same sample in order to detect malignancy as well as the type and origin of thyroid gland neoplasms.  相似文献   
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel found in muscles and neurons. Muscle AChR, formed by five homologous subunits (alpha2 beta gamma delta or alpha2 beta gamma epsilon), is the major antigen in the autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis (MG), in which pathogenic autoantibodies bind to, and inactivate, the AChR. The extracellular domain (ECD) of the human muscle alpha subunit has been heterologously expressed and extensively studied. Our aim was to obtain satisfactory amounts of the ECDs of the non-alpha subunits of human muscle AChR for use as starting material for the determination of the 3D structure of the receptor ECDs and for the characterization of the specificities of antibodies in sera from patients with MG. We expressed the N-terminal ECDs of the beta (amino acids 1-221; beta1-221), gamma (amino acids 1-218; gamma1-218), and epsilon (amino acids 1-219; epsilon1-219) subunits of human muscle AChR in the yeast, Pichia pastoris. beta1-221 was expressed at approximately 2 mg.L(-1) culture, whereas gamma1-218 and epsilon1-219 were expressed at 0.3-0.8 mg.L(-1) culture. All three recombinant polypeptides were glycosylated and soluble; beta1-221 was mainly in an apparently dimeric form, whereas gamma1-218 and epsilon1-219 formed soluble oligomers. CD studies of beta1-221 suggested that it has considerable beta-sheet secondary structure with a proportion of alpha-helix. Conformation-dependent mAbs against the ECDs of the beta or gamma subunits specifically recognized beta1-221 or gamma1-218, respectively, and polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised against purified beta1-221 bound to (125)I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin-labeled human AChR. Moreover, immobilization of each ECD on Sepharose beads and incubation of the ECD-Sepharose matrices with MG sera caused a significant reduction in the concentrations of autoantibodies in the sera, showing specific binding to the recombinant ECDs. These results suggest that the expressed proteins present some near-native conformational features and are thus suitable for our purposes.  相似文献   
Synapsis of homologous chromosomes is a key meiotic event, mediated by a large proteinaceous structure termed the synaptonemal complex. Here, we describe a role in meiosis for the murine death-inducer obliterator (Dido) gene. The Dido gene codes for three proteins that recognize trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4 through their amino-terminal plant homeodomain domain. DIDO3, the largest of the three isoforms, localizes to the central region of the synaptonemal complex in germ cells. DIDO3 follows the distribution of the central region protein SYCP1 in Sycp3−/− spermatocytes, which lack the axial elements of the synaptonemal complex. This indicates that synapsis is a requirement for DIDO3 incorporation. Interestingly, DIDO3 is missing from the synaptonemal complex in Atm mutant spermatocytes, which form synapses but show persistent trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 4. In order to further address a role of epigenetic modifications in DIDO3 localization, we made a mutant of the Dido gene that produces a truncated DIDO3 protein. This truncated protein, which lacks the histone-binding domain, is incorporated in the synaptonemal complex irrespective of histone trimethylation status. DIDO3 protein truncation in Dido mutant mice causes mild meiotic defects, visible as gaps in the synaptonemal complex, but allows for normal meiotic progression. Our results indicate that histone H3 lysine 4 demethylation modulates DIDO3 localization in meiosis and suggest epigenetic regulation of the synaptonemal complex.  相似文献   
In this study, the microbial ecology of three naturally fermented sausages produced in northeast Italy was studied by culture-dependent and -independent methods. By plating analysis, the predominance of lactic acid bacteria populations was pointed out, as well as the importance of coagulase-negative cocci. Also in the case of one fermentation, the fecal enterocci reached significant counts, highlighting their contribution to the particular transformation process. Yeast counts were higher than the detection limit (>100 CFU/g) in only one fermented sausage. Analysis of the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) patterns and sequencing of the bands allowed profiling of the microbial populations present in the sausages during fermentation. The bacterial ecology was mainly characterized by the stable presence of Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus sakei, but Lactobacillus paracasei was also repeatedly detected. An important piece of evidence was the presence of Lactococcus garvieae, which clearly contributed in two fermentations. Several species of Staphylococcus were also detected. Regarding other bacterial groups, Bacillus sp., Ruminococcus sp., and Macrococcus caseolyticus were also identified at the beginning of the transformations. In addition, yeast species belonging to Debaryomyces hansenii, several Candida species, and Willopsis saturnus were observed in the DGGE gels. Finally, cluster analysis of the bacterial and yeast DGGE profiles highlighted the uniqueness of the fermentation processes studied.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the possibility of using Candida zemplinina, as a partner of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in mixed fermentations of must with a high sugar content, in order to reduce its acetic acid production. Thirty-five C. zemplinina strains, which were isolated from different geographic regions, were molecularly characterized, and their fermentation performances were determined. Five genetically different strains were selected for mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae. Two types of inoculation were carried out: coinoculation and sequential inoculation. A balance between the two species was generally observed for the first 6 days, after which the levels of C. zemplinina started to decrease. Relevant differences were observed concerning the consumption of sugars, the ethanol and glycerol content, and acetic acid production, depending on which strain was used and which type of inoculation was performed. Sequential inoculation led to the reduction of about half of the acetic acid content compared to the pure S. cerevisiae fermentation, but the ethanol and glycerol amounts were also low. A coinoculation with selected combinations of S. cerevisiae and C. zemplinina resulted in a decrease of ~0.3 g of acetic acid/liter, while maintaining high ethanol and glycerol levels. This study demonstrates that mixed S. cerevisiae and C. zemplinina fermentation could be applied in sweet wine fermentation to reduce the production of acetic acid, connected to the S. cerevisiae osmotic stress response.  相似文献   
Several extracellular proteins have been reported to be phosphorylated. Previous studies of our laboratory indicated that laminin-1 can be phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA). Moreover, it has been reported that protein kinase C (PKC), although known to be intracellular, can phosphorylate extracellular proteins in the case of cellular damage and/or platelet activation. In the present study we examined the possibility of laminin-1 serving as a substrate of PKC. Amino acid analysis revealed that laminin-1 is phosphorylated by this enzyme on serine residues. Self assembly, heparin binding, and cell attachment on the phosphorylated molecule were then studied. Phosphorylated laminin-1 showed an increased and more rapid self assembly than the non-phosphorylated molecule. Heparin binding and cell attachment experiments indicated enhanced heparin and cell binding capacity of the phosphorylated molecule in comparison to the non- phosphorylated control. These results indicate that laminin-1 can be phosphorylated by protein kinase C. Furthermore, phosphorylation by protein kinase C seems to alter several properties of the molecule, though, the in vivo significance of this phenomenon remains to be studied.  相似文献   
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