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Neurotrophins and their Trk and p75NTR receptors play an important role in the nervous system. To date, neurotrophins, Trk and p75NTR have only been found concomitantly in deuterostomes. In protostomes, homologues to either neurotrophin, Trk or p75NTR are reported but their phylogenetic relationship to deuterostome neurotrophin signaling components is unclear. Drosophila has neurotrophin homologues called Spätzles (Spz), some of which were recently renamed neurotrophins, but direct proof that these are deuterostome neurotrophin orthologues is lacking. Trks belong to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family and among RTKs, Trks and RORs are closest related. Flies lack Trks but have ROR and ROR-related proteins called NRKs playing a neurotrophic role. Mollusks have so far the most similar proteins to Trks (Lymnaea Trk and Aplysia Trkl) but the exact phylogenetic relationship of mollusk Trks to each other and to vertebrate Trks is unknown. p75NTR belongs to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. The divergence of the TNFR families in vertebrates has been suggested to parallel the emergence of the adaptive immune system. Only one TNFR representative, the Drosophila Wengen, has been found in protostomes. To clarify the evolution of neurotrophin signaling components in bilateria, this work analyzes the genome of the crustacean Daphnia pulex as well as new genetic data from protostomes.


The Daphnia genome encodes a neurotrophin, p75NTR and Trk orthologue together with Trkl, ROR, and NRK-RTKs. Drosophila Spz1, 2, 3, 5, 6 orthologues as well as two new groups of Spz proteins (Spz7 and 8) are also found in the Daphnia genome. Searching genbank and the genomes of Capitella, Helobdella and Lottia reveals neurotrophin signaling components in other protostomes.


It appears that a neurotrophin, Trk and p75NTR existed at the protostome/deuterostome split. In protostomes, a "neurotrophin superfamily" includes Spzs and neurotrophins which respectively form two paralogous families. Trks and Trkl proteins also form closely related paralogous families within the protostomian RTKs, whereby Trkls are absent in deuterostomes. The finding of p75NTR in several protostomes suggests that death domain TNFR superfamily proteins appeared early in evolution.  相似文献   
Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) is an alternative sample extraction procedure for fumonisins in corn and corn products. ASE gave results comparable to that of a draft CEN method, but required less extraction time. Furthermore, ASE gave significantly higher quantitative values than another method reported for extraction of fumonisins (Trucksess et al., 1995).  相似文献   
Molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MIM 252150) is a rare progressive neurodegenerative disorder with about 100 cases reported worldwide. We have identified a male with molybdenum cofactor deficiency and analyzed the molybdenum cofactor synthesis (MOCS)1 gene, MOCS2 gene, MOCS3 gene and GEPH gene. We homozygously identified the CGA insertion after A666 of the MOCS1 gene which produces arginine insertion at codon 222 of MOCS1A. The parents, his brother and his sister who did not have any symptoms were heterozygous for the same mutation. This region was highly conserved in various species. The N-terminal part of MOCS1 a protein is suggested to form the central core of the protein and be composed of an incomplete [(alpha/beta)6] triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel with a lateral opening that is covered by the C-terminal part of the protein. The insertion is located in the loop connecting the fifth beta strand to the sixth alpha helices of the TIM barrel structure. This arginine insertion would induce the conformation change and the lack of the activity.  相似文献   
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