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The synaptic responses induced in motoneurones by the stimulations of the dorsal root (DR), single afferent fibres and reticular formation (RF) were intracellularly recorded in the isolated frog spinal cord. It was shown that argiopine (the selective blocker of glutamate receptors of non-NMDA type) in concentrations ranging from 3.10(-7) to 1.10(-5) M effectively suppressed the di- and polysynaptic, but not the monosynaptic components of EPSP's induced by DR stimulation. The initial reaction to argiopine consisted of the increase of this monosynaptic component of EPSP. In the same concentrations range, argiopine reduced both mono- and polysynaptic EPSP, evoked by RF stimulation. 2-amino-phosphonovaleric acid (1.10(-4) M) did not affect, whereas the kinurenate (1--2.10(-3) M) completely blocked the amplitude of all kinds of synaptic responses. The various effects of argiopine on the responses induced by microstimulation of presynaptic nerve terminals were observed. The data obtained speak in favour of heterogeneity of monosynaptic excitatory inputs in the motoneurones of frog spinal cord. Being the glutamatergic by nature, the inputs differ in the properties of postsynaptic receptors. All of these receptors concerning to non NMDA-type can be divided to argiopine-sensitive and argiopine-resistant. The first seem to be involved in the monosynaptic connections of RF and the second--in those of primary afferents with motoneurones.  相似文献   
Biochemistry (Moscow) - Tumor emergence and progression is complicated by the dual role of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Low concentrations of ROS are essential for many intracellular metabolic...  相似文献   
A study was made of the in vitro interactions of virions and the coat protein (CP) of the potato virus X (PVX) with microtubules (MT). Both virions and CP cosedimented with taxol-stabilized MT. In the presence of PVX CP, tubulin polymerized to produce structures resistant to chilling. Electron microscopy revealed the aberrant character of the resulting tubulin polymers (protofilaments and their sheets), which differed from MT assembled in the presence of cell MAP2. In contrast, PVX virions induced the assembly of morphologically normal MT sensitive to chilling. Virions were shown to compete with MAP2 for MT binding, suggesting an overlap for the MT sites interacting with MAP2 and with PVX virions. It was assumed that PVX virions interact with MT in vivo and that, consequently, cytoskeleton elements participate in intracellular compartmentalization of the PVX genome.  相似文献   
alpha-Hemoglobin fragments alpha-(133-141), alpha-(134-141), alpha-(135-141), alpha-(137-141), alpha-(134-140), alpha-(133-138), alpha-(134-140) and alpha-(137-138) stimulate L929 tumor cell proliferation, alpha-(134-141) being the most active. alpha-(134-141) stimulates proliferation of M3 melanoma cells, murine embryonic fibroblasts, primary cultures of red bone marrow and spleen cells. In L929 cells the effect of alpha-(134-141) is cell density independent; in M3 cells alpha-(137-141) and alpha-(134-141) are most active at density 10,000 cells/well (96 well plate) independently on FBS content.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress has been implicated in the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions. Significant increase of reactive oxygen species production by vascular cells can lead to progression of atherosclerotic lesions and development of unstable plaques due to triggering the apoptosis of endothelial and smooth muscle cells, expression of matrix metalloproteases and inflammatory cytokines. Cytolysis NAD(P)H-dependent oxidases appeared to be involved in reactive oxygen species production in the vascular network. Understanding of functions and regulation of individual NAD(P)H oxidases in atherosclerotic lesions can facilitate the development of novel therapeutic strategy for treating atherosclerosis. This review summarizes current data regarding expression, regulation and pathophysiological significance of these enzymes during development and progression of human atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   
In human milk we previously found catalytic antibodies (abzymes) catalyzing hydrolysis of DNA, RNA, NMP, NDP, and NTP and also phosphorylation of proteins and lipids. In the present study we have analyzed nuclease activities of antibodies in blood of women during pregnancy and lactation. Blood of healthy male and female volunteers lacked catalytically active antibodies, whereas antibodies from blood of pregnant women hydrolyzed DNA and RNA and their relative activity varied over a wide range. Relative blood abzyme activities significantly increased after delivery and at the beginning of lactation. The highest abzyme activity was observed in blood of parturient women. Although the dynamics of changes in antibody DNase activity during pregnancy was rather individual for each woman, there was a common trend in the increase in antibody activity in the first and/or third trimester of the pregnancy. The DNase activity of IgG and IgM from blood of healthy pregnant women was 4-5 times less than that from pregnant women with pronounced autoimmune thyroiditis.  相似文献   
Changes in the carotenoid content in gonads of two sea urchins species were investigated during maturation. The content of echinenones and carotenes, the two major carotenoid fractions in gonads, is highest for Strongylocentrotus intermedius at the spawning gametogenic stage of gonad maturation for both sexes. For S. nudus, the content of these pigments is highest at stages of active gametogenesis and spawning for males and at the growth stage for females. A comparison of the carotenoid content dynamics during maturation of gonads for males, females and animals at the resting (sexual inactivity) stage was also carried out.  相似文献   
Twenty-four Triticum eastivum x T. timopheevii hybrid lines developed on the basis of five varieties of common wheat and resistant to leaf rust were analyzed by the use of microsatellite markers specific for hexaploid common wheat T. aestivum. Investigation of intervarietal polymorphism of the markers showed that the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 4, depending on the marker (2.5 on average). In T. timopheevii, amplification fragments are produced by 80, 55, and 30% of primers specific to the A, B, and D common wheat genomes, respectively. Microsatellite analysis revealed two major areas of introgression of the T. timopheevii genome: chromosomes of homoeological groups 2 and 5. Translocations were detected in the 2A and 2B chromosomes simultaneously in 11 lines of 24. The length of the translocated fragment in the 2B chromosome was virtually identical in all hybrid lines and did not depend on the parental wheat variety. In 15 lines developed on the basis of the Saratovskaya 29, Irtyshanka, and Tselinnaya 20, changes occurred in the telomeric region of the long arm of the 5A chromosome. Analysis with markers specific to the D genome suggested that introgressions of the T. timopheevii genome occurred in chromosomes of the D genome. However, the location of these markers on T. timopheevii chromosomes is unknown. Our data suggest that the genes for leaf-rust resistance transferred from T. timopheevii to T. aestivum are located chromosomes of homoeological group 2.  相似文献   
During the 2003–2005 hunting seasons, a total of 120 Cervidae, including 39 red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and 81 fallow deer (Dama dama), were examined for subcutaneous myiasis. Animals were shot from January to June in southern Spain. Specific antibodies against Hypodermatinae (Diptera: Oestridae) were detected by indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) using a crude larval extract (CLE) and a purified antigen [hypodermin C (HC)] obtained from first instars of Hypoderma lineatum (De Villers) (Diptera: Oestridae). Hypoderma actaeon Brauer was the only species detected in this study, which represents the first confirmation of this species in fallow deer from Spain. The overall prevalence of animals presenting subcutaneous larvae (14.2%) was considerably lower than the prevalences determined by iELISA with CLE (43.3%) and HC (40.0%). Red deer showed a higher prevalence of Hypoderma than fallow deer. The concordance between larval examination during the hunting season and iELISA using both antigens was low, whereas the concordance between the CLE and HC ELISAs was good. Larval antigens obtained from H. lineatum constitute a good tool for the diagnosis of H. actaeon in Cervidae, especially when the hunting season does not coincide with the maximum presence of larvae on the back.  相似文献   
Strong RNA silencing was induced in plants transformed with an amplicon consisting of full-length cDNA of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP), as shown by low levels of PLRV-GFP accumulation, lack of symptoms and accumulation of amplicon-specific short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Inoculation of these plants with various viruses known to encode silencing suppressor proteins induced a striking synergistic effect leading to the enhanced accumulation of PLRV-GFP, suggesting that it had escaped from silencing. However, PLRV-GFP escape also occurred following inoculation with viruses that do not encode known silencing suppressors and treatment of silenced plants with biotic or abiotic stress agents. We propose that viruses can evade host RNA-silencing defences by a previously unrecognized mechanism that may be associated with a host response to some types of abiotic stress such as heat shock.  相似文献   
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