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In this study we characterized the phosphorylation of tyrosine 311 and its role in the apoptotic function of PKCdelta in glioma cells. We found that c-Abl phosphorylated PKCdelta on tyrosine 311 in response to H2O2 and that this phosphorylation contributed to the apoptotic effect of H2O2. In contrast, Src, Lyn, and Yes were not involved in the phosphorylation of tyrosine 311 by H2O2. A phosphomimetic PKCdelta mutant, in which tyrosine 311 was mutated to glutamic acid (PKCdeltaY311E), induced a large degree of cell apoptosis. Overexpression of the PKCdeltaY311E mutant induced the phosphorylation of p38 and inhibition of p38 abolished the apoptotic effect of the PKCdelta mutant. These results suggest an important role of tyrosine 311 in the apoptotic function of PKCdelta and implicate c-Abl as the kinase that phosphorylates this tyrosine.  相似文献   
For neural crest cells to engage in migration, it is necessary that epithelial premigratory crest cells convert into mesenchyme. The mechanisms that trigger cell delamination from the dorsal neural tube remain poorly understood. We find that, in 15- to 40-somite-stage avian embryos, BMP4 mRNA is homogeneously distributed along the longitudinal extent of the dorsal neural tube, whereas its specific inhibitor noggin exists in a gradient of expression that decreases caudorostrally. This rostralward reduction in signal intensity coincides with the onset of emigration of neural crest cells. Hence, we hypothesized that an interplay between Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal tube generates graded concentrations of the latter that in turn triggers the delamination of neural crest progenitors. Consistent with this suggestion, disruption of the gradient by grafting Noggin-producing cells dorsal to the neural tube at levels opposite the segmental plate or newly formed somites, inhibited emigration of HNK-1-positive crest cells, which instead accumulated within the dorsal tube. Similar results were obtained with explanted neural tubes from the same somitic levels exposed to Noggin. Exposure to Follistatin, however, had no effect. The Noggin-dependent inhibition was overcome by concomitant treatment with BMP4, which when added alone, also accelerated cell emigration compared to untreated controls. Furthermore, the observed inhibition of neural crest emigration in vivo was preceded by a partial or total reduction in the expression of cadherin-6B and rhoB but not in the expression of slug mRNA or protein. Altogether, these results suggest that a coordinated activity of Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal neural tube triggers delamination of specified, slug-expressing neural crest cells. Thus, BMPs play multiple and discernible roles at sequential stages of neural crest ontogeny, from specification through delamination and later differentiation of specific neural crest derivatives.  相似文献   
The ribbon synapse is a specialized synaptic structure in the retinal outer plexiform layer where visual signals are transmitted from photoreceptors to the bipolar and horizontal cells. This structure is considered important in high-efficiency signal transmission; however, its role in visual signal processing is unclear. In order to understand its role in visual processing, the present study utilized Pikachurin-null mutant mice that show improper formation of the photoreceptor ribbon synapse. We examined the initial and late phases of the optokinetic responses (OKRs). The initial phase was examined by measuring the open-loop eye velocity of the OKRs to sinusoidal grating patterns of various spatial frequencies moving at various temporal frequencies for 0.5 s. The mutant mice showed significant initial OKRs with a spatiotemporal frequency tuning (spatial frequency, 0.09 ± 0.01 cycles/°; temporal frequency, 1.87 ± 0.12 Hz) that was slightly different from the wild-type mice (spatial frequency, 0.11 ± 0.01 cycles/°; temporal frequency, 1.66 ± 0.12 Hz). The late phase of the OKRs was examined by measuring the slow phase eye velocity of the optokinetic nystagmus induced by the sinusoidal gratings of various spatiotemporal frequencies moving for 30 s. We found that the optimal spatial and temporal frequencies of the mutant mice (spatial frequency, 0.11 ± 0.02 cycles/°; temporal frequency, 0.81 ± 0.24 Hz) were both lower than those in the wild-type mice (spatial frequency, 0.15 ± 0.02 cycles/°; temporal frequency, 1.93 ± 0.62 Hz). These results suggest that the ribbon synapse modulates the spatiotemporal frequency tuning of visual processing along the ON pathway by which the late phase of OKRs is mediated.  相似文献   
The first wave of myoblasts which constitutes the post-mitotic myotome stems from the medial epithelial somite. Whereas medial pioneers extend throughout the entire mediolateral myotome at cervical and limb levels, at flank regions they are complemented laterally by a population of early myoblasts emerging from the lateral epithelial somite. These myoblasts delaminate underneath the nascent dermomyotome and become post-mitotic. They are Myf5-positive but express MyoD and desmin only a day later while differentiating into fibers. Overexpression of Noggin in the lateral somite triggers their premature differentiation suggesting that lateral plate-BMP4 maintains them in an undifferentiated state. Moreover, directly accelerating their differentiation by MyoD overexpression prior to arrival of medial fibers, generates a severely mispatterned lateral myotome. This is in contrast to medial pioneers that have the capacity for self-organization. Furthermore, inhibiting differentiation of medial pioneers with dominant-negative MyoD also disrupts lateral myoblast patterning and differentiation. Thus, we propose that medial pioneers are needed for proper morphogenesis of the lateral population which is kept as undifferentiated mesenchyme by BMP4 until their arrival. In addition, medial pioneers also organize dermomyotome lip-derived fibers suggesting that they have a general role in patterning myotome development.  相似文献   
A central theme in developmental biology is the diversification of lineages and the elucidation of underlying molecular mechanisms. This entails a thorough analysis of the fates of single cells under normal and experimental conditions. To this end, transfection methods that target single progenitors are a prerequisite. We describe here a technically straightforward method for transfecting single cells in chicken tissues in-ovo, allowing reliable lineage tracing as well as genetic manipulation. Specific tissue domains are targeted within the somite or neural tube, and DNA is injected directly into the epithelium of interest, resulting in sporadic transfection of single cells. Using reporters, clonal populations may consequently be traced for up to three days, and behavior of genetically manipulated clonal populations can be compared with that of controls. This method takes advantage of the accessibility of the chick embryo along with emerging tools for genetic manipulation. We compare and discuss its advantages over the widely-used electroporation method, and possible applications and use in additional in-vivo models are also suggested. We advocate the use of this method as a significant addition and complement for existing lineage tracing and genetic interference tools.Download video file.(53M, mov)  相似文献   
The segmental pattern of peripheral ganglia in higher vertebrates is generated by interactions between neural crest and somite cells. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains represented by its rostral and caudal halves. Most migratory pathways taken by neural crest cells in trunk regions of the axis, as well as the outgrowth of motoneuron fibers are restricted to the rostral domain of each somite. Experimental modification of the somites, achieved by constructing a mesoderm composed of multiple rostral half-somites, results in the formation of continuous and unsegmented nerves, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and sympathetic ganglia (SG). In contrast, both neurites and crest cells are absent from a mesoderm composed of multiple-caudal half somites. However, the mechanisms responsible for gangliogenesis within the rostral half of the somite, appear to be different for DRG and SG. Vertebral development from the somites is also segmental. In implants of either multiple rostral or caudal somite-halves, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The lateral vertebral arch is continuous in the presence of caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Therefore, the rostrocaudal subdivision of the sclerotome determines the segmental pattern of neural development and is also important for the proper metameric development of the vertebrae.  相似文献   
SUCLA2-related mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome is a result of mutations in the β subunit of the ADP-dependent isoform of the Krebs cycle succinyl-CoA synthase (SCS). The mechanism of tissue specificity and mtDNA depletion is elusive but complementation by the GDP-dependent isoform encoded by SUCLG2, and the association with mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK), is a plausible link.We have investigated this relationship by studying SUCLA2 deficient fibroblasts derived from patients and detected normal mtDNA content and normal NDPK activity. However, knockdown of SUCLG2 by shRNA in both patient and control fibroblasts resulted in a significant decrease in mtDNA amount, decreased NDPK and cytochrome c oxidase activities, and a marked growth impairment. This suggests that, SUCLG2, to a higher degree than SUCLA2, is crucial for mtDNA maintenance and that mitochondrial NDPK is involved. Although results pertain to a cell culture system, the findings might explain the pathomechanism and tissue specificity in mtDNA depletion caused by defective SUCLA2.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of vitamin E on the proliferation activity of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in diabetes mellitus, [3H]-thymidine incorporation was measured in cultured SMCs isolated from normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with or without vitamin E and/or allylamine. Untreated diabetic rats demonstrated significantly elevated concentrations of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides and malondialdehyde (MDA). Allylamine caused a further increase in serum MDA. Treatment with vitamin E decreased the serum concentrations of triglycerides and MDA in both allylamine-treated and -untreated diabetic rats. [3H]-Thymidine incorporation in cultured SMCs from diabetic rats was significantly increased compared with that from normal rats. SMCs from allylamine-treated diabetic rats showed an enhanced increase in thymidine incorporation compared with that from untreated diabetic rats. The increase in thymidine incorporation in SMCs from untreated and allylamine-treated diabetic rats was significantly reduced by the treatment with vitamin E. These observations suggest that vitamin E has a preventive effect on the proliferation of vascular SMCs in diabetes, and that this effect may be mediated through an enhancement of free radical scavenging.  相似文献   
—Quantitative analyses performed on the lipids of cerebral grey matter from brains of a normal child and a child with Tay-Sachs (T-S) disease were compared with such analyses on the brain of a 6-year-old, non-Jewish male with systemic GM2-gangliosidosis of a late infantile type (GM2-LI). Analysis of gangliosides showed a 3·5-fold increase of total gangliosides in the GM2-LI brain and a six-fold increase in the T-S brain, compared to normal brain. Both pathological brains had similar distribution patterns for gangliosides, with the GM2-ganglioside component constituting more than 80 per cent of the total. Lipid components in the T-S brain were below normal values except for lecithin and cholesterol, while in the GM2-LI brain there were increases in sulphatides, cerebrosides, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. Approximately twice as much ceramide trihexoside was present in the T-S brain as in the GM2-LI brain, and none could be detected in the normal brain. The clinical, pathological and biochemical data support the conclusion that this case represents a new variant of systemic late-infantile gangliosidosis in which there is an accumulation of the GM2-ganglioside like that in Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   
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