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Two cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinases (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC have been purified to homogeneity from rat liver nuclei. While these enzymes have many similar catalytic properties (preference for acid rather than basic proteins), they differ in molecular weight and subunit composition. Protein kinase NII will utilize ATP and GTP as phosphate donors while protein kinase NI will only effectively use ATP. Both enzymes reveal an unusual activation by Fe2+.  相似文献   
The peninsula of Baja California has a complex geological history that has strongly affected the regional biota. Genealogical histories of many species have revealed congruent patterns, which suggest that the peninsula was temporarily submerged at two locations. We sequenced a total of 1953 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial genome for 42 specimens of the zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides). The resulting maternal genealogy supports the former existence of a mid-peninsular seaway and a Plio-Quaternary seaway across the Isthmus of La Paz. In addition, a genealogical break is revealed in the vicinity of Loreto. This genealogical break may have resulted from prolonged submergence of the Loreto Basin during Pliocene. The mid-peninsular seaway may have occurred as early as late Miocene, at a time significantly earlier than previously hypothesized. Comparison with other genealogies and geological evidence suggests that current models on the evolution of Baja California's fauna are temporally shallow. The deep genealogical patterns of C. draconoides also disagree with the very limited population differentiation previously reported for allozyme markers, suggesting that maternal history may not be an appropriate approximation for population differentiation.  相似文献   
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal disorder that includes continuous or recurrent intestinal pain and discomfort and altered bowel habits. The pathophysiology of IBS is incompletely understood, but it may involve an altered intestinal microbiota. The aim of the present study was to compare the composition and temporal stability of faecal microbiota of IBS patients and healthy controls by applying culture-based techniques and PCR-DGGE analysis. No difference in the prevalence or mean culturable manners of bacteroides, bifidobacteria, spore-forming bacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci or yeasts were observed between the IBS and the control groups, whereas slightly higher numbers of coliforms as well as an increased aerobe:anaerobe ratio was observed in the IBS group. PCR-DGGE revealed more temporal instability in the predominant bacterial population of IBS subjects than in controls. In 9 out of 21 IBS subjects and 5 out of 17 controls the PCR-DGGE profiles obtained from the samples of the same individual on different occasions (sampling points 0, 3 and 6 months) were clearly different. However, the instability in some of the IBS subjects could partly be explained by the antibiotic consumption during the study. The present study suggests that instability of intestinal microbiota may be involved in IBS. However, further studies are needed to associate the instability with specific IBS symptoms or with specific bacterial groups and species.  相似文献   
Molecular-dating techniques potentially enable us to estimate the time of origin of any biological lineage. Such techniques were originally premised on the assumption of a 'molecular clock'; that is, the assumption that genetic change accumulated steadily over time. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that constant rates of molecular evolution might be the exception rather than the rule. Recently, new methods have appeared that enable the incorporation of variable rates into molecular dating. Direct comparisons between these methods are difficult, because they differ in so many respects. However, the assumptions about rate change on which they rely fall into a few broad categories. Improving our understanding of molecular evolution will be an important next step towards evaluating and improving these methods.  相似文献   
The success of liver grafts is currently limited by the length of time organs are cold preserved before transplant. Novel insights to improve viability of cold-stored organs may emerge from studies with animals that naturally experience low body temperatures (T(b)) for extended periods. In this study, we tested whether livers from hibernating ground squirrels tolerate cold ischemia-warm reperfusion (cold I/R) for longer times and with better quality than livers from rats or summer squirrels. Hibernators were used when torpid (T(b) < 10 degrees C) or aroused (T(b) = 37 degrees C). Livers were stored at 4 degrees C in University of Wisconsin solution for 0-72 h and then reperfused with 37 degrees C buffer in vitro. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release after 60 min was increased 37-fold in rat livers after 72 h cold I/R but only 10-fold in summer livers and approximately three- to sixfold in torpid and aroused hibernator livers, despite twofold higher total LDH content in livers from hibernators compared with rats or summer squirrels. Reperfusion for up to 240 min had the least effect on LDH release in livers from hibernators and the greatest effect in rats. Compared with rats or summer squirrels, livers from hibernators after 72 h cold I/R showed better maintenance of mitochondrial respiration, bile production, and sinusoidal lining cell viability, as well as lower vascular resistance and Kupffer cell phagocytosis. These results demonstrate that the hibernation phenotype in ground squirrels confers superior resistance to liver cold I/R injury compared with rats and summer squirrels. Because hibernation-induced protection is not dependent on animals being in the torpid state, the mechanisms responsible for this effect may provide new strategies for liver preservation in humans.  相似文献   
The geographically constrained distribution of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in southeast Asian populations suggests that both viral and host genetics may influence disease risk. Although susceptibility loci have been mapped within the human genome, the role of viral genetics in the focal distribution of NPC remains an enigma. Here we report a molecular phylogenetic analysis of an NPC-associated viral oncogene, LMP1, in a large panel of EBV isolates from southeast Asia and from Papua New Guinea, Africa, and Australia, regions of the world where NPC is and is not endemic, respectively. This analysis revealed that LMP1 sequences show a distinct geographic structure, indicating that the southeast Asian isolates have evolved as a lineage distinct from those of Papua New Guinea, African, and Australian isolates. Furthermore, a likelihood ratio test revealed that the C termini of the LMP1 sequences of the southeast Asian lineage are under significant positive selection pressure, particularly at some sites within the C-terminal activator regions. We also present evidence that although the N terminus and transmembrane region of LMP1 have undergone recombination, the C-terminal region of the gene has evolved without any history of recombination. Based on these observations, we speculate that selection pressure may be driving the LMP1 sequences in virus isolates from southeast Asia towards a more malignant phenotype, thereby influencing the endemic distribution of NPC in this region.  相似文献   
The rhizocticines and plumbemicines are two groups of di- and tripeptid antibiotics thought to interfere with threonine or threonine-related metabolism. Z-2-amino-5-phosphono-3-pentenoic acid, the common unusual amino acid constituent of the rhizocticines and plumbemicines, was found to irreversibly inhibit Escherichia coli threonine synthase in a time-dependent reaction that followed pseudo-first order and saturation kinetics. These data provide evidence that the toxicity of the rhizocticines and plumbemicines is due to the inhibition of threonine synthase by Z-2-amino-5-phosphone-3-pentenoic acid, which is liberated by peptidases after uptake into the target cell. Additionally, methods for the purification of threonine synthase from an overproducing E. coli strain and for the enzymatic synthesis of l-homoserine phosphate are described.Abbreviations APPA Z-2-amino-5-phosphono-3-pentenoic acid - HSerP l-homoserine phosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PLP pyndoxal 5-phosphate - TS threonine synthase  相似文献   
The isolated perfused rabbit liver was used to determine how continuous hypothermic perfusion affected liver function. Rabbit livers were perfused for 0, 24, 48, and 72 hr at 5 degrees C with the UW perfusate containing hydroxyethyl starch (5 g%) dissolved in a solution containing gluconate (80 mM), adenosine (5 mM), glutathione (3 mM), phosphate (25 mM), and additives as described previously, and they were used successfully for kidney preservation. At the end of preservation the livers were perfused in an isolated circuit with a Krebs-Henseleit solution with addition of 4 g% bovine serum albumin and 10 mM glucose at 38 degrees C for 120 min. Bile was collected from the cannulated common duct. Biliary excretions of indocyanine green and liver enzymes lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase, were determined both in the cold perfusate and the normothermic perfusate. Livers were also studied after pretreatment of the donor with chlorpromazine (CPZ) and/or methylprednisolone (MP). Bile production (ml/120 min, 100 g liver) upon reperfusion produced the most interesting data and decreased from a control value of 10.3 +/- 2.6 to 9.3 +/- 1.0 (24 hr), 5.3 +/- 0.7 (48 hr), and 4.1 +/- 1.5 (72 hr). Enzyme release was not predictive of the degree of preservation-induced damage. Pretreatment of rabbits with a combination of CPZ/MP improved bile flow at 48 and 72 hr (8.3 +/- 3.0 and 7.0 +/- 1.3, P less than 0.05). Pretreatment with either drug alone also improved function after 72 hr of preservation (7.1 +/- 1.8, CPZ; 8.2 +/- 3.5, MP).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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