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T. Kaiser  G. Alberti 《Protoplasma》1991,163(1):19-33
Summary Neocarus texanus, a primitive mite, bears two pairs of eyes, which are principally similar in ultrastructure. Each eye is covered externally by a cuticular cornea. It is underlain by flat sheath cells which send extensive processes into the retina. The retina is composed of distal and proximal cells. The 20 distal cells of the anterior eye are inversely orientated and form 10 disc-like rhabdoms. They represent typical retinula cells. Each rhabdom encloses the dendritic process of a neuron, the perikaryon of which is located outside the retina (proximal cells). The significance of this cell is not known. The retina is underlain by a crystalline tapetum. In the posterior eye 14 retinula cells form 7 rhabdoms in an arrangement similar to the anterior eye. The eyes of one side of the body are located within a capsule of pigment cells. Together the axons of the distal and proximal cells form the two optic nerves, one on each side of the body. The optic nerves leave the eyes anteriorly and terminate in two optic neuropils located in the brain.From structural evidence it is concluded, that the resolution of the eyes must be rather low.The peculiar proximal cells have not been observed previously in Acari. They probably resemble at best the eccentric cells and arhabdomeric cells of xiphosurans, scorpions, whip-scorpions and opilionids. Also, inverse retinae and tapeta of the present type have not been found in Acari until now, but are present in other Arachnida. Thus the eyes ofNeocarus texanus evidently represent a unique type within the Acari.  相似文献   
Recently attempts have been made to establish the presence and to determine the metabolic versatility of microorganisms in the terrestrial deep subsurface at the Savannah River Plant, Aiken, SC, USA. Sediment samples obtained at 20 different depths of up to 526 m were examined to determine carbon mineralization under aerobic, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. The evolution of14CO2 from radiolabelled glucose was observed under aerobic conditions in all sediments, whereas pyridine was transformed in 50% of the 20 sediments and indole was metabolized in 85% of the sediments. Glucose mineralization in certain sediments was comparable to that in the surface environment. Sulfate was reduced in only five sediments, and two were carbon limited. Methane production was detected in ten sediments amended with formate only after long-term incubations. The transformation of indole and pyridine was only rarely observed under sulfate-reducing conditions and was never detected in methanogenic incubations. This study provides information concerning the metabolic capability of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in the deep subsurface and may prove useful in determining the feasibility of microbial decontamination of such environments.  相似文献   
The generation of monoclonal antibodies to synthetic peptides of the glucocorticoid receptor is described. Two antibodies to sequences from the DNA binding region are IgMs. Two other antibodies to sequences in the steroid binding region and the C-terminus belong to the IgG class. The specificity of the IgG binding to the receptor in an ELISA assay is demonstrated by competition with the relevant peptides. Both IgGs are able to recognize the receptor in Western blots, but do not form stable complexes in sucrose gradients. Steroid binding to the receptor is not influenced by preincubation with antibodies. This indicates that denaturation or distortion of the receptor is necessary for the accessibility of these antibodies to their epitopes. Both antibodies can be used to stain the glucocorticoid receptor in neoplastic cells of patients suffering from chronic lymphatic leukemia.  相似文献   
Summary A new human neuroblastoma cell line (LS) that originated from an abdominal tumor of a 16-month-old girl is presented; it was classified, according to Evans, as being stage III. Morphological (dense-core particles) and biochemical characteristics (dopamine--hydroxylase, acetylcholinesterase, neuron-specific-enolase) confirmed the diagnosis. In addition to a slightly variable modal chromosome number of 48 or 49 (because of marker-chromosomes and autosomal trisomies), cytogenetic analysis revealed two constantly appearing chromosomes with homogeneously stained regions (HSR's). The karyo-type remained constant over 50 passages in vitro [49,XX, –12,+der5, + 17,+mar1,+mar2]. Double minutes were a rare phenomenon and appeared only in a few metaphases. In situ hybridization showed that some of the HSR's consisted of amplified N-myc copies. The distribution of the N-myc copies according to in situ hybridization signals along the HSR's was compared with the data of Southern and Northern blotting analyses.  相似文献   
The binding of asialoglycoproteins to their liver cell receptor results in internalization of the ligand-receptor complex. These complexes rapidly appear in intracellular compartments termed endosomes whose acidification results in ligand-receptor dissociation. Ligand and receptor subsequently segregate: ligand is transported to lysosomes and is degraded while receptor recycles to the cell surface. The proton ionophore monensin prevents acidification of endosomes and reversibly inhibits this acid-dependent dissociation of ligand from receptor. The present study determined the effect of monensin treatment of short-term cultured rat hepatocytes on cell-surface-receptor content, determined both by their binding activity and immunologically, following continuous endocytosis of asialoorosomucoid. Inclusion of 5 microM monensin in the incubation medium reduced the number of immunologically detectable cell-surface receptors by 20% in the absence of ligand. During continuous endocytosis of asialoorosomucoid, inclusion of monensin resulted in a 30-40% reduction of cell-surface receptor detectable either by ligand binding or immunologically. These results suggest that the reduced liver-cell-surface content of receptor in monensin is due to intracellular trapping of ligand-receptor complexes. The reduction of surface receptor during monensin incubation in the absence of ligand suggests that "constitutive recycling" of plasma membrane components also requires intracellular acidification.  相似文献   
The primary structure of class III alcohol dehydrogenase (dimeric with chi subunits) from human liver has been determined by peptide analyses. The protein chain is a clearly distinct type of subunit distantly related to those of both human class I and class II alcohol dehydrogenases (with alpha, beta, gamma, and pi subunits, respectively). Disregarding a few gaps, residue differences in the chi protein chain with respect to beta 1 and pi occur at 139 and 140 positions, respectively. Compared to class I, the 373-residue chi structure has an extra residue, Cys after position 60, and two missing ones, the first two residues relative to class I, although the N-terminus is acetylated like that for those enzymes. The chi subunit contains two more tryptophan residues than the class I subunits, accounting for the increased absorbance at 280 nm. There are also four additional acidic and two fewer basic side chains than in the class I beta structure, compatible with the markedly different electrophoretic mobility of the class III enzyme. Residue differences between class III and the other classes occur with nearly equal frequency in the coenzyme-binding and catalytic domains. The similarity in the number of exchanges relative to that of the enzymes of the other two classes supports conclusions that the three classes of alcohol dehydrogenase reflect stages in the development of separate enzymes with distinct functional roles. In spite of the many exchanges, the residues critical to basic functional properties are either completely unchanged--all zinc ligands and space-restricted Gly residues--or partly unchanged--residues at the coenzyme-binding pocket.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Peptide 1, Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly, is an excellent substrate for cAMP-dependent protein kinase. While the importance of both arginines for effective enzyme-substrate interactions has been shown, it has not been known whether the kinase will catalyze phosphorylation of substrates which contain other than peptide bonds. We report that analogs of peptide 1 which contain depsi linkages replacing selected amide bonds are good protein kinase substrates. Therefore, with the possible exception of the serine amide proton, no peptide 1 amide hydrogens are involved in peptide-peptide or peptide-enzyme hydrogen bonding crucial to defining the high substrate activity of this peptide. It is thus unlikely that peptide 1 is bound by the protein kinase while in an alpha-helical or a beta-turn structure. Three peptides were found to be very poor substrates for protein kinase, those containing N-methyl amino acids in place of Ser5 or Leu6 and a peptide containing Pro in place of Leu6. These peptides are poor substrates for the enzyme possibly because they are unable to adopt a conformation necessary for catalysis of phosphoryl group transfer to occur or due to steric effects in the enzymatic active site.  相似文献   
The 500-residue amino acid sequence of the subunit of mitochondrial human liver aldehyde dehydrogenase is reported. It is the first structure determined for this enzyme type from any species, and is based on peptides from treatments with trypsin, CNBr, staphylococcal Glu-specific protease, and hydroxylamine. The chain is not blocked (in contrast to that of the acetylated cytosolic enzyme form), but shows N-terminal processing heterogeneity over the first seven positions. Otherwise, no evidence for subunit microheterogeneities was obtained. The structure displays 68% positional identity with that of the corresponding cytosolic enzyme, and comparisons allow functional interpretations for several segments. A region with segments suggested to participate in coenzyme binding is the most highly conserved long segment of the entire structure (positions 194-274). Cys-302, identified in the cytosolic enzyme in relation to the disulfiram reaction, is also present in the mitochondrial enzyme. A new model of the active site appears possible and involves a hydrophobic cleft. Near-total lack of conservation of the N-terminal segments may reflect a role of the N-terminal region in signaling the transport of the mitochondrial protein chains. Non-conservation of interior regions may reflect the differences between the two enzyme forms in subunit interactions, explaining the lack of heterotetrameric molecules. The presence of some internal repeat structures is also noted as well as apparently general features of differences between cytosolic and mitochondrial enzymes.  相似文献   
Summary After a decrease and extinction due to deforestation the population has been reestablished by releasing captive-bred owls. Now about 40 territories are occupied with an average density of 0,8–1,0 territories/10 km2. Highest density: 17 territories/80 km2.  相似文献   
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