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A detailed procedure is described for the synthesis of helichrome, which is the first successful example of polypeptide-based artificial hemeprotein. The segment synthesis-condensation approach used for the assembly of small proteins has proven to be extremely useful for protein mimetics as well. The final deprotection was performed using the TMSOTf-thioanisole method instead of the less-convenient hydrogen fluoride method. The unfolding transition of the alpha-helical conformation of helichrome induced by guanidine hydrochloride was studied to understand the stability and dynamics of the folded structure. The resulting parameters (C0.5 = 5.2 M and delta GH2O = -4.4 kcal mol-1) characterizing helichrome denaturation were comparable to that of native globular proteins.  相似文献   
Oocyte nuclei of the dipteran insect Heteropeza pygmaea display swift pulsating movements during in vitro follicle formation in the ovaries. Low doses of cytochalasin B (CB) completely inhibit the nuclear movements within a few minutes and cause the nuclei to assume spherical shapes. If the drug is removed, nuclear pulsation is resumed within 5–10 min. Phalloidin and colchicine do not affect the nuclear movements. Actin is shown by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to be present in considerable amounts all over the cytoplasm of the oocytes. It is concluded that microfilaments are responsible for pulsation of the oocyte nuclei, whereas microtubules are not involved.  相似文献   
A first approach to discover new antimalarials has been recently performed in a combined approach with data from GlaxoSmithKline Tres Cantos Antimalarial Set, Novartis-GNF Malaria Box Data set and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. These data are assembled in the Malaria Box. In a first phenotypic forward chemical genetic approach, 400 chemicals were employed to eradicate the parasite in the erythrocytic stages. The advantage of phenotypic screens for the identification of novel chemotypes is that no a priori assumptions are made concerning a fixed target and that active compounds inherently have cellular bioavailability. In a first screen 40 mostly heterocyclic, highly active compounds (in nmol range of growth inhibition) were identified with EC50 values ≤2 μM against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains and a therapeutic window ≥10 against two mammalian cell lines. 78 % of the compounds had no violations with the Lipinski Rule of 5 and only 1 % of the compounds showed cytotoxicity when applied at concentrations of 10 μM. This pre-selective step of parasitic eradication will be used further for a test of the Malaria Box with a potential in iron chelating capacity to inhibit deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH) from P. falciparum and vivax. DOHH, a metalloprotein which consists of ferrous iron and catalyzes the second step of the posttranslational modification at a specific lysine in eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (EIF-5A) to hypusine. Hypusine is a novel, non-proteinogenic amino acid, which is essential in eukaryotes and for parasitic proliferation. DOHH seems to be a “druggable” target, since it has only 26 % amino acid identity to its human orthologue. For a High-throughput Screening (HTS) of DOOH inhibitors, rapid and robust analytical tools are a prerequisite. A proteomic platform for the detection of hypusine metabolites is currently established. Ultra performance Liquid Chromatography enables the detection of hypusine metabolites with retention times of 7.4 min for deoxyhypusine and 7.3 min for hypusine. Alternatively, the analytes can be detected by their masses with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry or one-dimensional chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Moreover, the identified hits will be tracked further to test their efficacy in novel “in vitro assays”. Subsequently in vivo inhibition in a humanized mouse model will be tested.  相似文献   
The protein ubiquitin is an important post-translational modifier that regulates a wide variety of biological processes. In cells, ubiquitin is apportioned among distinct pools, which include a variety of free and conjugated species. Although maintenance of a dynamic and complex equilibrium among ubiquitin pools is crucial for cell survival, the tools necessary to quantify each cellular ubiquitin pool have been limited. We have developed a quantitative mass spectrometry approach to measure cellular concentrations of ubiquitin species using isotope-labeled protein standards and applied it to characterize ubiquitin pools in cells and tissues. Our method is convenient, adaptable and should be a valuable tool to facilitate our understanding of this important signaling molecule.  相似文献   
Experiments carried out under the conditions adopted showed the strong affinity of aminopyridazine derivatives for the eicosanoids TXA2 and PGI2. But this affinity depended on the chemical structure of the molecule: a small change in the radical grafted onto the pyridazine ring could completely modify the pharmacological activity of the molecule. Consequently it should be possible to control the properties of pyridazine derivatives according to pharmacological needs. Thus: --pyridazin-3-one derivatives were mainly active on TXA2 biosynthesis: 2-aminoalkyl 5-arylidene 6-methyl (4H) pyridazin-3-ones inhibited the TXA2-synthesizing activity of cardiac tissue whereas 3-amino 4,6-diaryl pyridazin-3-ones were specific inhibitors of the TXA2 synthetase in vitro, but these effects were weak. --pyridazine derivatives were devoid of any effect on the TXA2-synthesizing activity of cardiac tissue: they acted on either TXA2 synthetase or PGI2 synthetase according to the radicals grafted onto the pyridazine ring. --none of the compounds under study was active on the PGI2-synthesizing activity of cardiac tissue.  相似文献   
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Recent analyses of the Canadian fluoroscopy cohort study reported significantly increased radiation risks of mortality from ischemic heart diseases (IHD)...  相似文献   
The main physiological function of adipose-derived stromal/progenitor cells (ASC) is to differentiate into adipocytes. ASC are most likely localized at perivascular sites in adipose tissues and retain the capacity to differentiate into multiple cell types. Although cell surface markers for ASC have been described, there is no complete consensus on the antigen expression pattern that will precisely define these cells. DLK1(PREF1) is an established marker for mouse adipocyte progenitors which inhibits adipogenesis. This suggests that DLK1(PREF1) could be a useful marker to characterize human ASC. The DLK1(PREF1) status of human ASC is however unknown. In the present study we isolated ASC from the heterogeneous stromal vascular fraction of subcutaneous abdominal fat pats of adult women. These cells were selected by their plastic adherence and expanded to passage 5. The ASC were characterized as relatively homogenous cell population with the capacity to differentiate in vitro into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts and the immunophenotype CD105?/CD90?/CD34?/CD31?/FABP4?. The ASC were positive for DLK1(PREF1) which was well expressed in proliferating and density arrested cells but downregulated in the course of adipogenic differentiation. To investigate whether DLK1(PREF1) plays a role in the regulation of adipogenesis in these cells RNAi-mediated knockdown experiments were conducted. Knockdown of DLK1(PREF1) in differentiating ASC resulted in a significant increase of the expression of the adipogenic key regulator PPARγ2 and of the terminal adipogenic differentiation marker FABP4. We conclude that DLK1(PREF1) is well expressed in human ASC and acts as a negative regulator of adipogenesis. Moreover, DLK1(PREF1) could be a functional marker contributing to the characterization of human ASC.  相似文献   
In recent years nitric oxide (NO) has been recognized as an important signal molecule in plants. Both, reductive and oxidative pathways and different subcellular compartments appear involved in NO production. The reductive pathway uses nitrite as substrate, which is exclusively generated by cytosolic nitrate reductase (NR) and can be converted to NO by the same enzyme. The mitochondrial electron transport chain is another site for nitrite to NO reduction, operating specifically when the normal electron acceptor, O2, is low or absent. Under these conditions, the mitochondrial NO production contributes to hypoxic survival by maintaining a minimal ATP formation. In contrast, excessive NO production and concomitant nitrosative stress may be prevented by the operation of NO-scavenging mechanisms in mitochondria and cytosol. During pathogen attacks, mitochondrial NO serves as a nitrosylating agent promoting cell death; whereas in symbiotic interactions as in root nodules, the turnover of mitochondrial NO helps in improving the energy status similarly as under hypoxia/anoxia. The contribution of NO turnover during pathogen defense, symbiosis and hypoxic stress is discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Flightless, diurnal tenebrionid beetles are commonly found in deserts. They possess a curious morphological adaptation, the subelytral cavity (an air space beneath the fused elytra) the function of which is not completely understood. In the tenebrionid beetle Eleodes obscura, we measured abdominal movements within the subelytral cavity, and the activity of the pygidial cleft (which seals or unseals the subelytral cavity), simultaneously with total CO2 release rate and water loss rate. First, we found that E. obscura has the lowest cuticular permeability measured in flow-through respirometry in an insect (0.90 microg H2O cm(-2) Torr(-1) h(-1)). Second, it does not exhibit a discontinuous gas exchange cycle. Third, we describe the temporal coupling between gas exchange, water loss, subelytral space volume, and the capacity of the subelytral space to exchange gases with its surroundings as indicated by pygidial cleft state. Fourth, we suggest possible mechanisms that may reduce respiratory water loss rates in E. obscura. Finally, we suggest that E. obscura cannot exchange respiratory gases discontinuously because of a morphological constraint (small tracheal or spiracular conductance). This "conductance constraint hypothesis" may help to explain the otherwise puzzling phylogenetic patterns of continuous vs. discontinuous gas exchange observed in tracheate arthropods.  相似文献   
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