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在浙江天童山国家森林公园,研究了鼠类在常绿阔叶林、马尾松林和灌丛几种生境内对栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)种子的捕食和扩散的影响.结果表明,社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)和针毛鼠(N.fulvescens)是栲树种子的主要捕食者.种子在刚布下后的几天内消失的最快,随后其日消失率便逐渐降低,在不同生境中,其日消失率也有所不同,在灌丛中日消失率最高(7.54%),其次是马尾松林(7.29%),而常绿阔叶林中3条样带的日消失率较低.在损失的种子中,各种种子命运所占比例在样带中存在着差异,灌丛中失踪的种子比例最高,占97.77%,而样带2的则最低,只占8.91%.这与不同样带中的植被组成密切相关.同时,鼠类对栲树种子扩散的距离比较近,观察到的最远扩散距离为12.7 m.  相似文献   
一百余年前,人类就开始了相对系统的野生动物调查。目前已经建立了成熟的方法体系,并制定了相应的调查规范。最近几十年来,我国科研人员进行了大量的野生动物调查。但是,当前我国的野外调查规范还不够细致,调查者在调查时缺乏必要的约束,导致调查数据不规范、不可靠,很多重要信息缺失。突出问题有:样线信息不全,只有起点和终点的经纬度,没有自动记录的详细样线信息(如每秒记录一次的连续点位信息,含经纬度和时间);动物位点信息缺乏可信度指标(如距观测者的距离);调查时间不合理;调查地点的空间取样不均衡;记录的标准化不够(如每个观测点的观测时长不确定)等等。对此,我们参考国际通用的调查规范,提出了一些简单易行的调查要点,以便提高野外调查数据的质量。另外,我们提倡野外记录的无纸化,充分利用现有的手机应用软件(APP)和模型工具提高野外记录以及后期数据处理的效率。最后,我们提议建立固定的中国生物多样性监测样线体系,以便消除每年调查时空间取样的不确定性,更好地量化野生动物的时间动态,为野生动物的保护和管理提供依据。  相似文献   
采用近红外漫反射光谱技术对淫羊藿(Epimedium)的蛋白质含量进行快速且无损检测。近红外漫反射光谱经二阶导数处理、标准多元离散校正及主成分分析聚类处理后, 采用改进最小二乘法回归得到的定标模型预测效果最佳, 定标决定系数、交互验证标准差及交互验证相关系数分别为0.923、0.554和0.717。近红外光谱分析法的测定结果与用凯氏定氮法所得结果无显著差异, 两种方法测定值的相关性较高(R2=0.933 9)。重复性实验表明, 近红外光谱分析法的相对标准偏差为0.937%。该研究首次采用近红外光谱分析法测定了8种淫羊藿的蛋白质含量。该方法简便、精确, 在淫羊藿资源开发利用和药材质量控制方面具有参考意义。  相似文献   
黄瓜的性别分化与乙烯密切相关,1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)合酶是乙烯生物合成过程中的关键酶.根据ACC合酶基因家族的保守序列设计PCR引物,从8个不同性别类型(雌雄同株、强雌性和全雌性)黄瓜品种中克隆了长度为1188bp的ACC合酶基因(CS-ACS2)片段(GenBank登记号为:DQ115884~DQ115886和DQ115875~DQ115879).经测序分析,3个雌雄同株性别类型品种的序列完全相同.与之相比,5个强雌性和全雌性品种中存在8个单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)标记,SNPs标记为4个A←→G和4个T←→C之间的转换.在8个SNPs中,有1个SNP位于内含子区域,其余7个SNPs都位于外显子区域.在7个位于外显子区域的SNPs中,有3个为非编码区的SNPs,4个为cSNPs.而在4个cSNPs中,有3个导致了编码的氨基酸序列改变.研究结果表明,与雌雄同株性别类型相比,雌性系中均存在单核苷酸的变异,这提示ACC合酶基因CS-ACS2的单核苷酸变异可能与黄瓜雌性系的发生形成有关.另一方面,根据SNP多态性还发展了一个酶切扩增长度多态性(CAPS)标记C-MT700.利用CAPS标记C-MT700能将强雌性优良品种MT-705与其他黄瓜品种相区别,该标记在黄瓜育种生产上具有一定的应用价值.此外,研究获得的SNPs标记和CAPS标记丰富了黄瓜的分子标记种类.  相似文献   
近年来, 生物多样性监测网络的建设得到广泛重视, 全球、地区或国家生物多样性观测网不断组建。生物多样性观测的理论框架得到发展, 提出了生物多样性核心监测指标(Essential Biodiversity Variables, EBV)。鱼类多样性监测的理论框架包含于生物多样性核心监测指标之内, 在遗传、物种、生态系统等多层次进行。基于鱼类监测提出的生物完整性指数(index of biotic integrity, IBI)强调不同物种的生态功能, 可以综合反映群落结构和功能的变化, 得到广泛应用。鱼类多样性的监测方法是传统网具和现代水声学等方法的结合。监测结果的分析可以进行简单的指数比较, 也可以进行长期的趋势分析, 寻找关键节点, 探讨宏观生态格局的变化。中国内陆水体鱼类多样性监测网隶属于中国生物多样性监测与研究网络, 拟选取长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江、澜沧江、怒江、塔里木河及青海湖8大流域, 对25个重要区域和24个重点物种(类群)进行监测, 从重要区域鱼类群落结构、重点物种(类群)种群动态和个体生物学特征、遗传多样性、早期资源等不同层次, 全面监测我国内陆水体鱼类生物多样性状况。  相似文献   
Herbaceous model species, especially Arabidopsis has provided a wealth of information about the genes involved in floral induction and development of inflorescences and flowers. While the genus Populus is an important model system for the molecular biology of woody plant. These two genuses differ in many ways. This study was designed to improve understanding of flower development in poplar at a system level, as its regulatory pathway to a large extent remains poorly known, owing to the presently limited mutant pool. To address this issue, a poplar GeneChip was employed to detect genes expressed during the whole floral developmental process. Using the expressed floral genes, a systematic gene network was constructed with the aid of functional association with Arabidopsis. The results suggested that autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization, photoperiod, ethylene, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways are involved in poplar flowering. Modularity analysis revealed several pathways in common with Arabidopsis, such as autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization and photoperiod pathways. In addition, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways were implicated as additional novel pathways. Notably, a difference in vernalization between Arabidopsis and poplar was revealed. Autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization, photoperiod, ethylene, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways integrated into a systematic gene network in floral development of poplar. Compared to Arabidopsis, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways are additional in poplar, and FLC is absent in vernalization pathway in poplar. Preliminary conclusions drawn here provide a basis for both identification of key genes and elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in poplar floral development.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue hypoxia is an early phenotype in obesity, associated with macrophage infiltration and local inflammation. Here we test the hypothesis that adipocytes in culture respond to a hypoxic environment with the release of pro-inflammatory factors that stimulate macrophage migration and cause muscle insulin resistance. 3T3-L1 adipocytes cultured in a 1% O2 atmosphere responded with a classic hypoxia response by elevating protein expression of HIF-1α. This was associated with elevated mRNA expression and peptide release of cytokines TNFα, IL-6 and the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). The mRNA and protein expression of the anti-inflammatory adipokine adiponectin was reduced. Conditioned medium from hypoxia-treated adipocytes (CM-H), inhibited insulin-stimulated and raised basal cell surface levels of GLUT4myc stably expressed in C2C12 myotubes. Insulin stimulation of Akt and AS160 phosphorylation, key regulators of GLUT4myc exocytosis, was markedly impaired. CM-H also caused activation of JNK and S6K, and elevated serine phosphorylation of IRS1 in the C2C12 myotubes. These effects were implicated in reducing propagation of insulin signaling to Akt and AS160. Heat inactivation of CM-H reversed its dual effects on GLUT4myc traffic in muscle cells. Interestingly, antibody-mediated neutralization of IL-6 in CM-H lowered its effect on both the basal and insulin-stimulated cell surface GLUT4myc compared to unmodified CM-H. IL-6 may have regulated GLUT4myc traffic through its action on AMPK. Additionally, antibody-mediated neutralization of MCP-1 partly reversed the inhibition of insulin-stimulated GLUT4myc exocytosis caused by unmodified CM-H. In Transwell co-culture, hypoxia-challenged adipocytes attracted RAW 264.7 macrophages, consistent with elevated release of MCP-1 from adipocytes during hypoxia. Neutralization of MCP-1 in adipocyte CM-H prevented macrophage migration towards it and partly reversed the effect of CM-H on insulin response in muscle cells. We conclude that adipose tissue hypoxia may be an important trigger of its inflammatory response observed in obesity, and the elevated chemokine MCP-1 may contribute to increased macrophage migration towards adipose tissue and subsequent decreased insulin responsiveness of glucose uptake in muscle.  相似文献   
通过野外观察并采用杂交指数(OCI)测定、花粉/胚珠比(P/O)检测、人工控制授粉等方法,对长萼兰花蕉(Orchidantha chinensis var.longisepala(D.Fang) T.L.Wu)种群的繁育系统进行了研究,采用常规石蜡切片与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了柱头与"V"形黏盘的结构与形态。结果表明,长萼兰花蕉单花花期一般为18 d,依其花部形态的变化可分为蕾期、花萼未反转期、花萼反转期、唇瓣枯萎期、花萼枯萎期5个时期;根据杂交指数值为4、P/O值为253.89 ±21.09、人工异花授粉结实率分别为45%(2014年)和75%(2015年),显示出长萼兰花蕉的繁育系统属于异交,且需要传粉者。石蜡切片观察到长萼兰花蕉黏盘区与柱头可授区之间是光滑的表皮细胞,结合人工授粉实验与分泌物含糖量测定结果表明,长萼兰花蕉的"V"形黏盘不具有可授性,其作用可能是分泌黏液附着在传粉者背部使其便于携带花粉。长萼兰花蕉整个花期环境湿冷、多雨且开花同步性较低,这些因素很可能造成其有效传粉媒介缺乏,影响了传粉成功;另一方面,长萼兰花蕉有性繁殖受到限制,其主要通过根状茎进行无性繁殖后代,所以分布范围比较狭窄。  相似文献   
Selenite is frequently used in combination with cancer chemotherapeutic agents to reduce side effects. However, the cytoprotective activity of selenite may also reduce the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs on tumor cells. This study was designed to examine the effects of selenite combined with cytotoxic agents used in clinical protocols [e.g., doxorubicine, docetaxel, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), methotrexate (MTX), mafosphamide, mitomycin C, gemcitabine, etoposide, cisplatin, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin] on the proliferation of various carcinoma cell types. The data demonstrated that selenite had no marked effects on the antiproliferative activity of docetaxel, doxorubicine, 5-FU, MTX, and mafosphamide in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Likewise, no consistent changes were observed in A549 lung cancer cell proliferation when selenite was combined with cisplatin, etoposide, gemcitabine, or mitomycin C. On the other hand, selenite potentiated the cytotoxicity of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan in HCT116 colon cancer cells by approx 1.1-fold, 2.7-fold, and 2.6-fold, respectively. In SW620 colon cancer cells, selenite induced a 1.5-fold and 4.3-fold increase of the antiproliferative activity of 5-FU and oxaliplatin, respectively. Whereas irinotecan showed no effects on SW620 cell growth, a combination with selenite resulted in 23% inhibition. Our results indicate that selenite did not reduce the antiproliferative activity of chemotherapeutic agents in vitro. In addition, selenite was able to increase the inhibitory activity of docetaxel in A549 lung cancer cells, and of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan in HCT116 and SW620 colon cancer cells implying selenite is potentially useful as an adjuvant chemotherapeutic agent.  相似文献   
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