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We assessed the relative changes in airways and lung tissue with bronchoconstriction, and the changes in each during and following a deep inhalation (DI). We partitioned pulmonary resistance (RL) into airway (Raw) and tissue (Vtis) components using alveolar capsules in 10 anesthetized, paralyzed, and open-chested dogs ventilated sinusoidally with 350-ml breaths at 1 Hz. We made measurements before and during bronchoconstriction induced by vagal stimulation or inhalation of histamine or prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), each of which decreased dynamic compliance by approximately 40%. With histamine and PGF2 alpha the rise in RL was predominantly due to Vtis. With vagal stimulation there was a relatively greater increase in Raw than Vtis. At higher lung volumes, Vtis increases offset falls in Raw, producing higher RL at these volumes before and during constriction with PGF2 alpha and histamine. During constriction with vagal stimulation, the fall in Raw with inflation overrode the rise in Vtis, resulting in a lower RL at the higher compared with the lower lung volume. The changes seen after a DI in the control and constricted states were due to alterations in tissue properties, both viscous and elastic. However, the relative hysteresis of the airways and parenchyma were equal, since Raw, our index of airway size, was unchanged after a DI.  相似文献   
Summary A prospective randomized trial compared the administration of intrapleural plus intravenous Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum) versus placebo in patients with resected Stage I and Stage II non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma. Treatment consisted of 7 mg C. parvum injected into the pleural space and 7 mg C. parvum intravenously once between days 6 and 12 postoperatively and 7 mg intravenously every 3rd month during the 1st year. Intrapleural administration of 35 cc of saline served as the placebo and the flush after intrapleural C. parvum.Of the 303 patients entered into this study, 286 were evaluable, with an average follow-up time of 3.5 years. More complications, especially fever, were observed in patients receiving C. parvum. A fever greater than 38 °C was observed in 9% of the patients assigned to placebo and 76% of the patients assigned to C. parvum. There was no significant difference between the treatments with respect to disease-free interval or survival.M. Kaufmann, J. Stjernswärd**, A. Zimmermann (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Bern Branch); K. Stanley**, M. Isley, M. Zelen (Frontier Science & Tech. Research Foundation, Brookline, MA, USA); C. Mouritzen, P. Paulsen, U. Henriques (Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Institute of Pathology, Kommunehospital, Aarhus, Denmark); N. Konietzko, W. Maassen, W. Hartung, W. Wierich (Ruhrland Clinic, Essen-Heidhausen, and Pathology Institute, Ruhr-University, Bochum, FRG); P. Oehl (Innere Klinik und Poliklinik Tumorforschung, Essen, FRG); J. Vogt-Moykopf, H. Toomes, W. Hofmann (Rohrbach Hospital, Clinic for Thoracic Medicine and Pathology Institute, Heidelberg, FRG); F. Krause, R. Rios, R. Spanel (Klinik Löwenstein, Löwenstein, and Pathology Institute, Ulm, FRG); J. Orel, B. Hrabar, D. Ferluga, T. Rott (University Medical Center, Thoracic Surgery and Pathology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia); H. A. Rostad, J. R. Vale, P. Lexow (Rikshospital, Oslo, Norway); S. Hagen, S. Birkeland (Ulleval Hospital, Oslo, Norway); T. Harbitz, R. Nissen-Meyer (Aker Hospital, Oslo, Norway); E. Aspevik, H. Engedal, A. Mykin (Haukeland Hospital, Bergen, Norway); V. O. Björk, L. Rodriguez, K. Böök, J. Willems (Karolinska Sjukhuset, Thoracic Surgical Clinic and Pathology Department, Stockholm, Sweden); E. Grädel, J. Hasse, P. Dalquen (Kantonsspital, Dept of Surgery, Div. of Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery & Pathology Institute, Basel, Switzerland); L. Eckmann, K. Hänni, K. Zimmermann (Tiefenauspital Surg. Clinic, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland); B. Nachbur, H. U. Würsten, H. Cottier, A. Zimmermann (Inselspital Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surg. and Pathology Institute, Bern, Switzerland); W. Maurer, M. Kaufmann (Bürgerspital, Surgical Department, Solothurn, Switzerland); H. Denck, E. Zwintz, St. Wuketich (Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien-Lainz, I. Chir. Dept., and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); N. Pridun, H. Hackl (Pulmonologisches Zentrum der Stadt Wien, and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); E. Moritz, W. Schlick, H. Holzner (II. Chir. University Clinic and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); K. Karrer (Institute for Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria); R. G. Crispen (ITR-Biomedical Research, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA); D. S. Freestone, R. Bomford, M. T. Scott, T. Priestman, L. Toy (The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, England)** Present address: Cancer Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Offprint requests to: K. Stanley, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Inselspital, CH-3010 Bern, SwitzerlandLudwig Lung Cancer Study Group:  相似文献   
The soluble ferredoxin from Thermus thermophilus was examined by M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopies and by reductive titrations. These studies demonstrate the presence of one 3Fe center, responsible for the characteristic g = 2.02 EPR signal in the oxidized protein, and one [4Fe-4S] center which is responsible for the rhombic EPR spectrum of the fully reduced protein. These assignments should replace those made by Ohnishi et al. (Ohnishi, T., Blum, H., Sato, S., Nakazawa, K., Hon-nami, K., and Oshima, T. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 345-348) prior to the discovery of the 3Fe clusters. The amino acid composition was determined and is discussed with reference to recent structural studies of 7Fe ferredoxins.  相似文献   
Various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) detecting certain different epitopes on myeloid cells (VIMD5, D5 D6, OKM1, Leu-M3, VIEG4, OKIa 1) have been used in combination with conventional markers (antihuman myeloid hetero-antiserum, FcIgG-receptors, C3d-receptors) to further define the phenotypic heterogeneity of myeloid leukemia. Subsequent leukemic samples from previously untreated patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (51 adults, 24 children) and from nine adult patients in the acute phase of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML-BC) were studied. It was possible to demonstrate quantitative differences in the expression of antigens on the various leukemia subtypes which could be exploited for diagnosis. Furthermore our results revealed that there is a very close correlation between the different surface phenotypes and the types morphologically assessed according to FAB-criteria.  相似文献   
Among a total of 135 tissue-reactive monoclonal antibodies previously prepared, 81 were brain-selective and were classified into neuronal and non-neuronal categories. The neuronal antibodies were again subdivided into antineurofibrillar, antiperikaryonal-neurofibrillar, and antisynapse-associated groups. On the basis of morphologic, developmental, biochemical, and pathologic criteria, the antibodies in at least two of these groups were found to detect heterogeneous antigens (called "neurotypes") rather than different antigenic determinants in single antigens. On examining the distribution in peripheral organs of staining patterns of 11 antineuronal brain-reactive antibodies, we now confirm that these antibodies are, indeed, largely brain-specific. In general, non-neuronal elements in liver, lung, heart, thymus, intestine, adrenal, and spleen remained unstained. However, most of the antibodies stained peripheral neural elements. Occasional antibodies did stain selected, non-neuronal structures. Four out of five antineurofibrillar antibodies stained nerve fibers in adrenal medulla, intestine and thymus. All of three antiperikaryonal-neurofibrillar antibodies also stained nerve fibers in the adrenal medulla, but not in other organs. Two out of three antisynapse-associated antibodies stained what appear to be nerve contacts on adrenal medullary cells, but not on any other peripheral cells examined. The non-neuronal peripheral staining patterns were restricted to selective nuclear staining exhibited by two out of five antineurofibrillar antibodies and the staining of macrophage and selected cardiac muscle nuclei by two of three antisynapse-associated antibodies. However, one antineurofibrillar antibody also stained the cytoplasm of selected liver cells. Among non-neuronally reacting antibodies, two antibodies stained nuclei of all cells except neurons in brain as well as peripheral organs. An antibody staining the ciliary epithelium of choroid plexus also stained basal bodies of ciliated bronchial epithelium. The overall data suggest that the specificity of brain-reactive antibodies is high and that their cross-reactivity with epitopes in non-nervous tissue is rare. In these cases, the antibodies seem to provide specific reagents for these additional structures as well as for their specific brain antigens.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of Legionella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four species of Legionella, L. pneumophila NCTC 11192, L. bozemanii NCTC 11368, L. micdadei NCTC 11371 and L. jordanis ATCC 33623 have been characterized by oligonucleotide cataloguing of their 16S ribosomal RNA. All four species are phylogenetically closely related, while no specific relationship could be detected with any other group of organisms investigated so far with respect to this method. At a low level of relationship legionellae are members of the broad group of purple photosynthetic bacteria and their non-phototrophic relatives, in which Legionella form an independent line of descent.  相似文献   
Auf einer Fläche von ca. 40 × 60 m eines Regenwaldes bei Manaus/Amazonas wurden über 30 Admetus pumilio untersucht, sowie Temperatur, Feuchte und Helligkeit im Biotop registriert. Man findet immer nur ein Tier in einer Höhle am Fuß großer Bäume; nahezu jedes derartige Versteck ist besetzt. Der Aktivitätsverlauf zeigt im Freiland 3 Aktivitätsschübe: der abendliche dient der Nahrungsaufnahme, der nachmitternächtliche dem Verlassen des engeren Reviers zu Partnersuche oder zum Höhlenwechsel, der morgendliche zur Rückkehr ins Versteck. Der Aktivitätsbeginn gegen 16 Uhr ist endogen, das Aktivitätsende gegen 6.30 Uhr weitgehend exogen bestimmt. Der Rückzug in die Höhle am Morgen erfolgt bei 10fach niedrigerer Helligkeit als der Auszug aus dieser am Abend. Adulte Geißelspinnen behalten über mehrere Wochen die gleiche Höhle bei; beobachtet wurde bis zu 65 Tagen. Innerhalb eines untersuchten Umkreises von 7—10 m können sie sich hervorragend orientieren — vermutlich olfaktorisch. Die Beutefanghandlung wird beschrieben und die Orientierung hierbei analysiert. Zwei mechanorezeptorische Systeme werden nach- oder nebeneinander wirksam: Trichobothrien auf den Schreitbeinen leisten die Fernorientierung und dirigieren die Annäherung an die Beute bis in den Wirkungsbereich der Tastbeine, die die Orientierung im Nahbereich übernehmen, vor allem beim Packen der Beute. Die kutikularen Haarsensillen auf den Beinen werden kurz beschrieben.  相似文献   
—The activities of four enzymes concerned with inositol lipid metabolism have been determined in homogenates of rat brains of different ages. The enzymes are CDP-diglyceride inositol phosphatidate transferase, phosphatidylinositol kinase, diphosphoinositide kinase and triphosphoinositide phosphomonoesterase. The activities of all the enzymes increased with age. Phosphatidylinositol kinase activity rose most sharply well before myelination, reaching a maximum at about 6 days of age. Diphosphoinositide kinase and triphosphoinositide phosphomonoesterase activities increased most rapidly during myelination. The increase in CDP-diglyceride inositol phosphatidate transferase showed no definite association with any period of development. It is concluded that triphosphoinositide metabolism is associated with myelin or a closely related structure.  相似文献   
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