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Molecular cloning of cDNA for rat L-type pyruvate kinase and aldolase B   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Two double-stranded cDNA recombinant pBR322 plasmid libraries were constructed starting from high carbohydrate diet rat liver poly(A)+ mRNA, either fractionated by denaturing sucrose gradient centrifugation for the cloning of L-type pyruvate kinase cDNA, or nonfractionated for aldolase B. Both libraries were screened with single-stranded cDNA probes reverse transcribed from fasted or high carbohydrate diet rat liver mRNAs. mRNAs from fasted animals were also fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation and mRNAs from the fed animals were, in addition, further purified by high performance liquid gel filtration chromatography. Those clones hybridizing with the "positive" probe (from animals fed the high carbohydrate diet) and not with the "negative" one (from fasted animals) were preselected and their plasmid DNA was purified and analyzed by positive hybridization-selection. Thirty of 4500 bacteria colonies transformed by recombinant plasmids were preselected by differential screening for pyruvate kinase, and 8 of 864 colonies for aldolase B. Twenty-two recombinant plasmids for pyruvate kinase and two for aldolase B were shown to contain specific cDNA inserts by positive hybridization-selection. Plasmids DNAs of some pyruvate kinase and aldolase B clones (whose inserts ranged from 700 to 1050 bases in length) were labeled by nick translation and used as probes for Northern blot hybridization. The pyruvate kinase cDNA probes recognized mainly a 3400-base RNA species which was detected in high carbohydrate diet rat liver, but not in fasted rat liver and in tissues which do not synthesize L-type pyruvate kinase. In addition, some pyruvate kinase probes hybridized with minor RNA species of about 2000 bases in length, only observed after carbohydrate diet. For aldolase B, the recombinant plasmid DNA hybridized with a single RNA species of 1750 bases. This RNA, detected in kidney, small intestine and liver, was induced by a high carbohydrate diet and increased with liver development. The rat probe cross-hybridized with human aldolase B messenger RNA.  相似文献   
The ability on nonhematopoietic cells to proliferate in vitro without attachment to a solid surface (anchorage independence) is known to be highly correlated with their ability to form tumors in nude mice. Transformed cells in vitro frequently also show less organization of the intracellular actin-containing microfilament bundles and less cell-surface fibronectin compared to normal cells. We have examined whether the loss of the anchorage requirement for growth is related to either of these structural changes in the cellular cytoskeleton. Our approach was to select a series of subclones from a nontransformed Syrian hamster fibroblast line, NIL8, for the acquisition of either anchorage independence in vitro or tumorigenicity in nude mice. These subclones were then examined for concomitant changes in the cytoskeletal structures. We found that anchorage independence, decreased actin cable organization, and tumorigenicity in nude mice were coordinately induced in both the in vitro- and in vivo-selected subclones, whereas the loss of fibronectin was not consistently coinduced with these three markers. These results suggest that the transformation-associated decrease in actin cable organization in this type of cell enhances the ability to grow without anchorage in vitro and to form tumors in vivo.  相似文献   
The glycogen phosphorylase of Tetrahymena pyriformis complexes with glycogen as judged by its elution pattern from columns of Sepharose 6B. Complex formation does not occur with starch, amylose, or amylopectin, and neither do these polyglucans serve as primers for the enzyme. To study the association between the phosphorylase and glycogen particles in situ, Tetrahymena were grown under differing physiological conditions, phosphorylase was isolated and chromatographed on a Sepharose 6B column. Phosphorylase activity isolated from cells grown in the absence of glucose was only partially associated with glycogen, while in cells exposed to glucose for 30 min or more all the phosphorylase activity was associated with glycogen. The effects of culture age and anaerobiosis on the relative amounts of free and glycogen-bound enzyme in the cells were also studied. It was concluded from the in vivo experiments that there was no simple relation between the fraction of enzyme bound to glycogen and between cell glycogen content.  相似文献   
The juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor (IR) beta-subunit contains an unphosphorylated tyrosyl residue (Tyr960) that is essential for insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of some endogenous substrates and certain biological responses (White, M.F., Livingston, J.N., Backer, J.M., Lauris, V., Dull, T.J., Ullrich, A., and Kahn, C.R. (1988) Cell 54, 641-649). Tyrosyl residues in the juxtamembrane region of some plasma membrane receptors have been shown to be required for their internalization. In addition, a juxtamembrane tyrosine in the context of the sequence NPXY [corrected] is required for the coated pit-mediated internalization of the low density lipoprotein receptor. To examine the role of the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor during receptor-mediated endocytosis, we have studied the internalization of insulin by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing two mutant receptors: IRF960, in which Tyr960 has been substituted with phenylalanine, and IR delta 960, in which 12 amino acids (Ala954-Asp965), including the putative consensus sequence NPXY [corrected], were deleted. Although the in vivo autophosphorylation of IRF960 and IR delta 960 was similar to wild type, neither mutant could phosphorylate the endogenous substrate pp185. CHO/IRF960 cells internalized insulin normally whereas the intracellular accumulation of insulin by CHO/IR delta 960 cells was 20-30% of wild-type. However, insulin internalization in the CHO/IR delta 960 cells was consistently more rapid than that occurring in CHO cells expressing kinase-deficient receptors (CHO/IRA1018). The degradation of insulin was equally impaired in CHO/IR delta 960 and CHO/IRA1018 cells. These data show that the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor contains residues essential for insulin-stimulated internalization and suggest that the sequence NPXY [corrected] may play a general role in directing the internalization of cell surface receptors.  相似文献   
The previous demonstration that incubation of brain slices with [32P]phosphate brings about rapid tabeling of phosphatidic acid in myelin suggests that the enzyme involved should be present in this specialized membrane. DAG kinase (ATP:1,2-diacyglycerol 3-phosphotransferase, E.C. is present in rat brain homogenate at a specific activity of 2.5 nmol phosphatidic acid formed/min/mg protein, while highly purified myelin had a much lower specific activity (0.29 nmol/min/mg protein). Nevertheless, the enzyme appears to be intrinsic to this membrane since it can not be removed by washing with a variety of detergents or chelating agents, and it could not be accounted for as contamination by another subcellular fraction. Production of endogenous, membrane-associated, diacylglycerol (DAG) by PLC (phospholipase C) treatment brought about translocation from soluble to particulate fractions, including myelin. Another level of control of activity involves inactivation by phosphorylation; a 10 min incubation of brain homogenate with ATP resulted in a large decrease in DAG kinase activity in soluble, particulate and myelin fractions.  相似文献   
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