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Summary The unusual amino acid hypusine [N -(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine] is a unique component of one cellular protein, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A, old terminology, eIF-4D). It is formed posttranslationally and exclusively in this protein in two consecutive enzymatic reactions, (i) modification of a single lysine residue of the eIF-5A precursor protein by the transfer of the 4-aminobutyl moiety of the polyamine spermidine to its-amino group to form the intermediate, deoxyhypusine [N -(4-aminobutyl)lysine] and (ii) subsequent hydroxylation of this intermediate to form hypusine. The amino acid sequences surrounding the hypusine residue are strictly conserved in all eukaryotic species examined, suggesting the fundamental importance of this amino acid throughout evolution. Hypusine is required for the activity of eIF-5Ain vitro. There is strong evidence that hypusine and eIF-5A are vital for eukaryotic cell proliferation. Inactivation of both of the eIF-5A genes is lethal in yeast and the hypusine modification appears to be a requirement for yeast survival (Schnier et al., 1991 [Mol Cell Biol 11: 3105–3114]; Wöhl et al., 1993 [Mol Gen Genet 241: 305–311]). Furthermore, inhibitors of either of the hypusine biosynthetic enzymes, deoxyhypusine synthase or deoxyhypusine hydroxylase, exert strong anti-proliferative effects in mammalian cells, including many human cancer cell lines. These inhibitors hold potential as a new class of anticancer agents, targeting one specific eukaryotic cellular reaction, hypusine biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Summary Double fluorescent labeling, with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled F(ab)2 specific for the heavy chain and R-phycoerythrin (R-PE)-labeled F(ab)2 specific for the light chain, was demonstrated as a convenient means for the accurate evaluation of a heterogeneous non-antibody-producing population. Furthermore, it could be used for monitoring the changes in each immunoglobulin (Ig) chain content of the cells during the batch culture, which will facilitate the study on antibody synthesis, assembly and secretion.  相似文献   
Neutrophil influx into tissues occurs in many diverse diseases and can be associated with both beneficial and injurious effects. We hypothesize that the stimulus for certain neutrophilic inflammatory responses can be reduced to a series of competing reactions for iron, with either a labile or reactive coordination site available, between host chelators and chelators not indigenous to that specific living system. The iron focuses the transport of host phagocytic cells through a metal catalyzed generation of oxidant sensitive mediators including cytokines and eicosanoids. Many of these products are chemotactic for neutrophils. We also postulate that the iron increases the activity of the phagocyte associated NADPH oxidoreductase in the neutrophil. The function of this enzyme is likely to be the generation of superoxide in the hostÕs attempt to chemically reduce and dislodge the iron from its chelate complex. After the reoxidation of Fe in an aerobic environment, Fe will be coordinated by host lactoferrin released by the neutrophil. When complexed by this glycoprotein, the metal does not readily undergo oxidation/reduction and is safely transported to the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system where it is stored in ferritin. Finally, we propose that the neutrophil will attempt to destroy the chelator not indigenous to the host by releasing granular contents other than lactoferrin. Inability to eliminate the chelator allows this sequence to repeat itself, which can lead to tissue injury. Such persistence of a metal chelate in the host may be associated with biomineralization, fibrosis, and cancer.  相似文献   
Callus cultures and cell suspension cultures derived from Ginkgo biloba L. leaves produced ginkgolidc B. In cell suspension cultures, the production reached a maximum by the 13th day of subculture and followed by a sharp decrease. The medium of Murashige and Skoog induced the highest ginkgolide B content in cultures while the medium of Schenk and Hildebrandt promoted cell growth. For the maximal production of ginkgolide B, cells were cultured in Murashige and Skoog medium modified to contain 1.0 mg/l of -naphthaleneacetic acid, 0.1 mg/1 of kinetin, 30 g/1 sucrose and 1.25 mM potassium phosphate with a molar ratio of ammonium to nitrate ions of 1 3.Abbreviations B5 Gamborg et al (1968) medium - GKB Ginkgolide B - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic aicd - SH Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) medium  相似文献   
Summary We have investigated the pacemaker properties of aggregates of cells dissociated from the atria and ventricles of 10 to 14-day-old chick embryonic hearts using a two-microelectrode current and voltage-clamp technique. These preparations usually beat spontaneously and rhythmically in tissue culture medium containing 1.3mm potassium with a beat rate typically in the range of 15–60 beats per minute. The beat rate results show considerable variability, which precludes any statistically significant comparison between the spontaneous activity of atrial and ventricular cell preparations at 10–14 days of development. However, the shapes of pacemaker voltage changes do exhibit differences characteristic of cell type. Spontaneous atrial preparations rapidly depolarize from maximum diastolic potential (–90 mV) to a plateau range of pacemaker potentials (–80 to –75 mV). The membrane subsequently depolarizes more gradually until threshold (–65 mV) is reached. In contrast, spontaneously beating ventricular cell preparations slowly hyperpolarize after maximum diastolic potential to the –100 to –95 mV range before gradually depolarizing toward threshold. Voltage-clamp analysis reveals a virtual lack of any time-dependent pacemaker current in atrial preparations. These preparations are characterized by an approximately linear background current (I bg) having a slope resistance of 100 K cm2. Ventricular preparations have a potassium ion pacemaker current with slow kinetics (I K 2), and a second time-dependent component (I x) which is activated at potentials positive to –65 mV. The background current of these preparations displays inward rectification. Computer simulations of pacemaking reveal that the initial rapid phase of pacemaker depolarization in atrial cells is determined by the membrane time constant, which is the product of membrane capacitance and the slope resistance ofI bg. The hyperpolarization after maximum diastolic potential of ventricular cells is caused byI K 2. The final slow phase of depolarization in both cell types is caused in part by the steady-state amplitude of the fast inward sodium current (I Na). This component has negative slope conductance which effectively increases the slope resistance in the vicinity of threshold compared to TTX-treated preparations. This mechanism is sufficient to produce interbeat intervals several seconds in duration, even in the absence of time-dependent pacemaker current, provided that the background current is at the appropriate level.  相似文献   
Summary capR (lon) mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 are mucoid on minimal agar because they produce large quantities of capsular polysaccharide. When such mutants are transformed to tetracycline resistance by plasmid pMC44, a hybrid plasmid that contains a 2 megadalton (Mdal) endonuclease EcoR1 fragment of E. coli K-12 DNA joined to the cloning vehicle-pSC101, capsular polysaccharide synthesis is inhibited and the transformed colonies exhibit a nonmucoid phenotype. Re-cloning of the 2 Mdal EcoR1 fragment onto plasmid pHA105, a min-colE1 plasmid, yielded plasmid pFM100 which also inhibited capsular polysaccharide synthesis in the capR mutants. A comparison of the polypeptides specified by both plasmids pFM100 and pMC44 in minicells demonstrated that seven polypeptide bands were specified by the 2 Mdal DNA, one of which was previously demonstrated to be outer membrane protein a; also known as 3b or M2 (40 kilodaltons, Kdal). Plasmid mutants no longer repressing capsular polysaccharide synthesis were either unable to specify the 40 K dal outer membrane protein a or were deficient in synthesis of 25 K dal and 14.5 K dal polypeptides specified by the 2 Mdal DNA fragment. Studies with a minicell-producing strain that also contained a capR mutation indicated that the capR gene product regulated processing of at least one normal protein, the precursor of outer membrane protein a.  相似文献   
Summary A mutant strain lacking in activity of L-cysteine desulfhydrase, a L-cysteine-decomposing enzyme, was screened after UV-treatment ofPseudomonas sp. CU6. The properties of the two strains, original and mutant, were compared on the basis of parameter values estimated from kinetic simulations of the enzymatic formation of L-cysteine from D,L-ATC. Both strains suffered from product inhibition, though inhibition was less for the mutant strain.  相似文献   
Summary The use of an Ussing chamber with well-defined mixing characteristics coupled to a mass spectrometer permits the concurrent evaluation of transepithelial current and oxidative metabolism with improved temporal resolution. The time-course of the amiloride-sensitive currentI a and the rate of suprabasal CO2 productionJ CO2 sb were observed in 10 toad urinary bladders at short-circuit and after clamping at 100 mV, serosa positive. Following perturbation of (0100mV),I a declined sharply within 1/2 min, remained near constant 15 min, and then increased slightly.J CO2 sb declined more gradually, remained near constant at 4–7 min, and then declined further. Detailed analysis revealed an early quasi-steady state with near constancy ofJ CO2 sb starting at 2.9±1.1 (sd) min and lasting 4.7 ±1.8 (sd) min, followed by relaxation to a later steady state at about 15 min. During the early quasi-steady state,I a was also nearly constant. Considering that in steady statesI a/FJ Na a , the rate of transepithelial active Na transport, during the early quasi-steady state mean values ±se ofJ Na a ,J CO2 sb and (J Na a /J CO2 sb ) were, respectively, 29.9±1.7%, 59.4 ±3.2%, and 56.4±5.7% of values at short-circuit. Corresponding values during the late steady state were 41.4±6.0%, 38.2±6.1%, and 111.3±8.6%. Thus the flow ratioJ Na a /J CO2 sb was depressed significantly during the early quasi-steady state, but returned later to the original value. The results of measurements ofI a andJ CO2 sb in three hemibladders were qualitatively similar. In terms of a phenomenological black-box treatment the findings are consistent with earlier studies indicating incomplete coupling between transport and metabolism. Further studies will be required to clarify the molecular basis for these observations.  相似文献   
Antibodies against purified (Na+ + K+)ATPase from the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias, as well as against its catalytic subunit, inhibited ouabain binding by as much as 50%. However, antibodies against the glycoprotein subunit did not inhibit ouabain binding. These data suggest that binding of antibody against the catalytic subunit to the enzyme either covers the ouabain binding site or destroys its conformation, while binding of antibody against the glycoprotein has no such effect.  相似文献   
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