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Tundra ecosystems are widely recognized as precious areas and globally important carbon (C) sinks, yet our understanding of potential threats to these habitats and their large soil C store is limited. Land‐use changes and conservation measures in temperate regions have led to a dramatic expansion of arctic‐breeding geese, making them important herbivores of high‐latitude systems. In field experiments conducted in high‐Arctic Spitsbergen, Svalbard, we demonstrate that a brief period of early season belowground foraging by pink‐footed geese is sufficient to strongly reduce C sink strength and soil C stocks of arctic tundra. Mechanisms are suggested whereby vegetation disruption due to repeated use of grubbed areas opens the soil organic layer to erosion and will thus lead to progressive C loss. Our study shows, for the first time, that increases in goose abundance through land‐use change and conservation measures in temperate climes can dramatically affect the C balance of arctic tundra.  相似文献   
Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, based on enriched genomic libraries. In order to assess allelic variability, the microsatellite loci were analysed in a collection of 34 isolates sampled from across Switzerland. The number of detected alleles in 14 loci ranged from two to eight and expected heterozygosity from 0.265 to 0.808. Because of the high expected heterozygosity, the 14 microsatellite loci are very useful for ecological studies and analysis of population diversity, and to identifying, monitoring, and tracking M. anisopliae strains applied as biological control agents.  相似文献   
Scaling of respiration from the leaf to the canopy level currently depends on identification of physiological parameters that are tightly linked to respiration and that can readily be determined. Several recent studies have helped provide guides to predicting whole canopy respiration on the basis of foliar nitrogen (N). This approach is potentially powerful owing to the well‐described patterns of allocation of N that follow interception of radiation. In the present study, we investigated the sensitivity of the N–respiration correlation to environmental and developmental factors, in order to evaluate its usage for attempts to scale respiration to the organism and ecosystem level. We studied fully expanded, 1 and 2‐year‐old, and current‐year needles from canopies of Pinus radiata that had been treated (unthinned, thinned and thinned+fertilized treatments) in ways likely to induce a wide range of growth and respiratory responses. We examined respiration in detail during the growth period in spring and again at the end of summer, using calorespirometric methods (combined measurements of CO2 and heat rates) to determine the respiration rates , instantaneous enthalpic growth rates (RSGΔHB, a measure of the conservation of electrons in anabolic products) and the enthalpy conversion efficiency (ηH) of needles differing in age. A general linear model revealed that was positively correlated with needle N, but this correlation was strongly dependent on the season and the needle age – indicating an important physiological difference between expanding young needles and fully expanded old needles. Furthermore, the strength of the correlation between needle N and respiration was comparatively weak for the current year, expanding foliage, indicating that factors other than foliage N significantly influenced the respiration of young needles. The analysis of instantaneous growth rates revealed two general processes. Older, nonexpanding foliage showed considerable rates of enthalpic growth (increases in enthalpy) that was mainly caused by the increment of lignin during secondary growth. Secondly, canopy development appeared dynamic and to be optimized according to environmental drivers and constraints – such as light and water availability. In late spring, needle extension slowed in the upper, but not the lower canopy, because the upper canopy appeared to be affected first by the onset of drought stress in late spring. Growth rates were reduced in the upper canopy despite greater rates of respiration, indicating higher demand of ATP for the maintenance of protein and for export of sugars. Consequently, the enthalpy conversion efficiency and enthalpic N productivity (enthalpic growth per unit N) were comparatively poor indicating advanced development of needles in the upper canopy. We suggest that the growth and maintenance paradigm of respiration is, at best, only moderately useful when applied to whole trees, and is not valid at the cellular level or that of the plant organ. A different concept, namely that of respiratory efficiency, seems a more suitable way to represent respiration in carbon (C) balance models and should help provide a better mechanistic understanding of how respiration affects the C conversion efficiency of plants, and ultimately the net primary productivity of ecosystems.  相似文献   
The basal anomodont Suminia getmanovi Ivakhnenko, 1994 from the late Palaeozoic of Russia is highly specialized in its masticatory apparatus, and has been suggested to represent the earliest arboreal tetrapod in the fossil record. Its postcranial anatomy is described in detail for the first time, revealing a large number of autapomorphies for this small herbivore. These include a reduced number of presacral and therein dorsal vertebrae, an elongate neck, a long and possibly prehensile tail, a procoracoid with a notch at its ventromedial margin rather than a foramen, an iliac blade with a robust ridge at its anteromedial edge, a pubis with a puboischiadic fenestra and separate pubic foramen, and elongate limbs. Additional autapomorphic characters are displayed in the autopodium, which comprises about 40% of the entire limb length. These features include an enlarged, phalangiform distal carpal 1 and tarsal 1, a short and robust first metacarpal, a crescent‐shaped distal tarsal 4, and elongate penultimate phalangeal elements. The phylogenetic relationships of basal anomodonts are revisited using an expanded data set, with the addition of key taxa and several postcranial characters. Unlike dicynodonts, Suminia retained the plesiomorphic phalangeal formula for amniotes of 2‐3‐4‐5‐3 (manus) and 2‐3‐4‐5‐4 (pes). This pattern is achieved by the retention of disc‐like phalangeal elements between the proximal and penultimate phalanges in digits III, IV (manus and pes), and V (pes only). In light of the new material, Suminia can be recognized as the most complete basal anomodont, offering new insights into the early evolution of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 661–698.  相似文献   
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration through human amnion membrane   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A new in vitro model has been developed for studying migration of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) through living native cellular and matrix barriers. Human amnion membrane consists of a single layer of epithelium bound to a continuous basement membrane interfacing an avascular collagenous stroma. Living amnion was placed in plastic chambers with separate compartments on each side of the membrane. PMN were introduced on the epithelial side of the amnion, and a Millipore filter (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.) was placed against the stromal side. In response to N-formylmethionyl-leucyl- phenylanlanine (FMLP) chemoattractant, PMN penetrated the full thickness of the amnion and were collected and counted on the filter. The rate of PMN traversal of the amnion was dependent on the concentration of FMLP (optimal at 10(-8)M) as well as the slope of the FMLP gradient across the amnion. The route of PMN migration was studied by transmission electron microscopy. PMN first attached to the epithelial surface, then infiltrated between intercellular junctions. PMN migrated around or through tight junction and hemidesmosome attachments. The PMN then penetrated the basement membrane and migrated through the dense collagenous stroma. The present amnion migration system has characteristics of the in vivo inflammatory state not described in any previous method for monitoring PMN migration in vitro. Prior methods have not used native epithelium, whole basement membrane, or collagenous stroma. PMN penetration of these barriers occurs in the normal inflammatory response and probably involves biochemical mechanisms not required for simple migration through the pores of an artificial filter. The amnion system can be useful for future biochemical and morphological studies of PMN penetration of these barriers and possible repair processes that may follow.  相似文献   
  • 1 Tilapia tholloni (Substratbrüter), T. nilotica (weiblicher Maulbrüter) und T. heudeloti macrocephala (männlicher Maulbrüter) wurden künstlich erbrütet und ihre angeborenen Kontaktreaktionen in standardisierten Attrappenversuchen untersucht.
  • 2 Das Kontaktverhalten muß während einer kritischen Phase (bei T. nilotica unter den angegebenen Versuchsbedingungen bis ungefähr zum 21. Tag nach dem Ablaichen) aktiviert werden, wenn es längere Zeit andauern soll (= Reaktionsphase). Die Reaktionsphase kann bei T. nilotica mehrere Wochen dauern. In ihr nimmt die Reaktionsstärke (Anzahl und Dauer der Kontakte) zunächst rasch zu, erreicht ein Maximum und nimmt dann allmählich wieder ab. Anstieg, Maximum und Abnahme sind an bestimmte Entwicklungsabschnitte gebunden, weitgehend unabhängig davon, ob die Tiere zuvor schon Kontaktverhalten geäußert haben oder nicht. Die Kontaktreaktionen unterscheiden sich u. a. durch die Dauer der Kontakte: tholloni = 0,7 Sek., nilotica = 86,5 Sek., heudeloti m. = 1,5 Sek. je Tag und Tier (Maximalwerte bei bestimmten, für alle Arten gleichen Versuchsbedingungen).
  • 3 Von der Aufzuchttemperatur hängt es ab, in welchem Entwicklungsabschnitt die Reaktionsphase liegt. Das Reaktionsmaximum junger T. nilotica lag bei 24° C am 9., bei 29° C am Tag nach der Eiablage.
  • 4 Geblendete nilotica-Jungfische zeigten nur zu Beginn der Reaktionsphase schwaches Kontaktverhalten, normale Tiere äußerten gegenüber einer durchsichtigen Glasattrappe abgeschwächtes, nur kurze Zeit dauerndes Kontaktverhalten. Das Kontaktverhalten wird durch mechanische (Strömung) und optische Reize ausgelöter und gesteuert.
  • 5 Junge Maulbrüter aus kleinen Eiern erreichten eine längere Kontaktdauer als solche aus größeren. Nach künstlicher Reduktion der Dottermenge um 10–20%) erhöhte sich die Kontaktdauer bei jungen nilotica um 23,1%, die Zahl der Kontakte nahm gleichzeitig um 7,6% ab. Die ♀♀ der substratbrütenden T. mariae legen große Eier, die Jungen zeigten gegenüber Attrappen intensive Kontaktreaktionen. Es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob das Erreichen einer bestimmten Eigröße eine Voraussetzung für das Entstehen des Kontaktverhaltens gewesen sein könnte.
  • 6 Die Kurzkontakte junger T. tholloni werden aus ihrer Orientierungsreaktion abgeleitet und als Vorstufe des Kontaktverhaltens gedeutet.
  • 7 7. Mehrere Tilapia-Arten wurden künstlich gekreuzt. Bei Verwendung von tholloni-Sperma wiesen die Bastarde eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit auf. Aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) gingen nur ♀♀ hervor. Die Kreuzung T. heudeloti macrocephala ~ T. nilotica (männlicher ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) erbrachte fertile F1- und F2-Generationen sowie alle vier möglichen Rückkreuzungen. Bei der Vererbung des Kontaktverhaltens (gemessen an der Dauer der Kontakte) scheinen relativ wenig Erbfaktoren mitzuwirken, T. heudeloti m. erwies sich gegenüber nilotica als praevalent. Ein Teil der Bastarde aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (F1) (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) lag auf der Merkmalsskala zwischen den Ausgangsarten, der Rest verteilte sich sowohl auf den Bereich von tholloni als auch auf den Bereich von nilotica.
The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence and describe the pattern and severity of training injuries in taekwondo, and to compare pattern and severity of training injuries with competition injuries. One hundred and fifty-two active Australian amateur taekwondo athletes, aged 12 years or over, completed an online survey comprising questions on training exposure and injury history over the preceding 12 months. The main outcome measures were: overall injury incidence rate per athlete-year; training injury incidence rate per athlete-year, per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and per 1000 athlete-hours of training; injury severity; and injury proportions by anatomical region and by type of injury. Injury incidence rates were calculated with 95% confidence intervals using standard methods, while injury proportions were compared using Fisher''s exact test. The vast majority (81.5%) of taekwondo injuries in an average athlete-year occurred during training. The training injury incidence rate was estimated to be 1.6 (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9) per athlete-year, 11.8 (95% CI: 10.4, 13.4) per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and 7.0 (95% CI: 6.1, 7.9) per 1000 athlete-hours of training. Among athletes with five or fewer injuries, the severity and injury pattern of training injuries were, by and large, the same as for competition injuries. Approximately sixty percent (60.3%) of training injuries required treatment by a health professional. Considering the burden of training injuries exceeds that of competition injuries, taekwondo governing bodies and stakeholders are encouraged to devote more efforts towards the identification of risk factors for, and prevention of, training injuries in the sport of taekwondo.  相似文献   
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