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西番莲Passiflora edulis是热带亚热带重要水果之一。病毒病害能造成西番莲叶片花叶、褪绿,果实畸形、木质化以及植株矮化,严重危害西番莲种植、制约增产。花叶病是危害西番莲的主要病毒病之一,引起西番莲花叶病的主要病毒有:黄瓜花叶病毒属Cucumovirus病毒、马铃薯Y病毒属Potyvirus病毒、双生病毒属Geminivirus病毒等。本文综述了西番莲花叶病分布及症状特征,病毒生物学特性、传播途径以及检测技术,为研究其发病机制提供参考,同时提出西番莲花叶病害综合防治方法。  相似文献   
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)新品种"小偃81",是由抗病虫害小麦品种"小偃54"和高产小麦品种"8602"杂交筛选出的具有优良特性的后代.作者运用多种实验手段,研究了新品种茎秆组织结构以及木质素含量和分布的变化规律.结果表明:与母本"小偃54"和父本"8602"相比,"小偃81"的茎秆直径变小、横切面上维管束数目减少,而茎秆直径与壁厚比、横切面上机械组织比例却显著增大,单位面积上维管束数目增多.Klason法测定木质素结果显示:"小偃81"茎秆中木质素含量高于"小偃54"和"8602".经Maule和Wiesner的木质素显色反应,"小偃81"茎秆横切面染色明显加深.用H2O2/Hac弃除酚酸以后,新品种小麦的木质素自发荧光明显强于亲本.FTIR分析结果表明:"小偃8l"中所含的紫丁香基、愈创木酚基等木质素特征基团的吸收峰值也显著高于亲本.由此推断,新品种"小偃8l"的茎秆具有优良的组织结构和化学组成.  相似文献   
壳寡糖的免疫调节效应及其机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
壳寡糖是壳聚糖的降解产物,具有多种生物学功能.从临床和大量的试验中,人们发现壳寡糖对免疫系统存在着多元、多效性调节作用.根据近年来壳寡糖的免疫调节研究进展,本文就其对各种免疫器官、免疫细胞、细胞因子的调节作用及其机制进行综述.  相似文献   
假根羽藻主要捕光叶绿素a/b-蛋白复合体的特性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用阴离子交换和凝胶过滤层析技术,从假根羽藻(Bryopsis corticulans Setch. )类囊体膜中直接分离、纯化获得了主要叶绿素a/b-蛋白复合体(LHCⅡ)。经蔗糖密度梯度超速离心获得了该色素蛋白复合体的单体和三聚体。反相液相色谱的色素分析结果显示,假根羽藻LHCⅡ的色素组成含有叶绿素a、叶绿素b、新黄质、紫黄质和管藻素等。其单体的电子跃迁能谱与三聚体的相似。园二色光谱分析显示,在LHCⅡ脱辅基蛋白质上分别存在着很强的叶绿素a偶极子之间和叶绿素b偶极子之间的分子内相互作用,然而这些偶极子之间的分子间的相互作用在三聚体中得到明显增强。在能量传递方面,LHCⅡ单体有着与三聚体相似的从叶绿素b到叶绿素a以及从管藻素到叶绿素a的高效传能能力。实验结果表明,假根羽藻中LHCⅡ单体具有像三聚体那样可以高效发挥吸能和传能生理功能的色素组成形式。因此,这些单体可能是假根羽藻类囊体膜上具有功能作用的LHCⅡ的结构形式。  相似文献   
畜禽疫苗佐剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜禽用疫苗主要是亚单位疫苗、减毒或灭活细菌/病毒疫苗,为了使疫苗对动物能达到长效持久的保护,必须使用有效的佐剂.根据不同的作用方式,目前可将佐剂主要分为2大类:疫苗传递系统的佐剂、免疫刺激作用佐剂.本探讨了近年来畜禽用疫苗佐剂的功能及其发展趋势,概述了其应用研究的进展.  相似文献   
Some species and culltivars of Clematis L.were introduced and cultivated.They were divided into three groups according to the different flower branch growth position.Seed propagation on Cl.ranunculoides showed the vernalized seeds sowed in soil had the best germination rate up to 71 percent.  相似文献   
An enlargement of the peduncle and rachis of the terminal racemeand the petiole of the uppermost mainstem leaf was observedin soybean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] treated with thecytokinin, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Histological studies wereperformed to determine the timing and extent of anatomical changesaccompanying BAP treatment. Swelling of treated ‘Tracy-M’peduncles, rachises, and petioles was observed within 4–6d after treatment initiation. A significant increase in totalcross-sectional tissue area was observed at lower and intermediateinternodes of treated rachises after 11 d. Rachis enlargementwas due to increases in both cell size and cell number, particularlyof the vascular tissue. In treated petioles of IX93-100, procambialcells of vascular bundles were the first to respond to the BAPtreatment. These cells differentiated into a vascular cambiumwhich formed secondary xylem and phloem. Soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., anatomy, rachis, BAP.  相似文献   
大脑性别差异一直是神经科学领域中的一个热门话题.以前的性别差异研究往往关注与高级认知相关的脑区结构和功能差异,而对低级感知觉系统中的性别差异没有足够的重视.近年来,越来越多的研究结果表明,男性和女性在视知觉功能上也存在着明显的差异.本文首先回顾和梳理了视觉系统中存在性别差异的行为学和神经生物学证据,然后对视觉系统中性别...  相似文献   
This study examined the contributions of stimulus fat content and flavor volatiles to the perception of fat in a milk model system. The model system was formulated by adding bland vegetable oil (0%, 5%, or 10% w/v) and natural cream flavor (0%, 0.5% or 1% w/v) to a skim milk base. Panelists judged pairs of samples for similarity on the basis of three attributes (fat content, mouthcoating and thickness) and the results were analyzed using a multidimensional scaling procedure. Two-dimensional solutions best represented the data. The stimulus spaces for fat content and mouthcoating were visually similar to each other and provided reasonable separation of the samples. Instrumental measures helped to define the underlying dimensions of the stimulus space for fat content. Dimension 1 related to texture and included the contributions of viscosity, and fat particle size and number distribution; dimension 2 related to flavor perception. The sample with a moderate fat content (5%) and the highest concentration of added cream flavor (1%) was perceived to be similar to the 10% fat samples with added flavor. Thus, the added flavor provided the sensation of higher fat content. These data suggest that flavor plays an important role in the preception of fat in dairy foods. A psychophysical model of fat perception in dairy foods is proposed which includes the contribution of viscosity, fat particle size and number distribution, and volatile flavor perceptions.  相似文献   
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