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Both biotic and abiotic factors play important roles in influencing ecological distributions and niche limits. Where biotic and abiotic stressors co-occur in space and time, homeostatic systems face a scenario in which stressors can compound to impose a challenge that is greater than the sum of the separate factors. We studied the homeostatic strategies of the golden snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana, a species living in temperate deciduous forests at the edge of the global distribution range for folivorous primates, to cope with the co-occurrence of cold temperatures and resource scarcity during winter. We discovered that in winter the monkeys experience a dietary energy deficit of 101 kJ mbm−1 d−1 compared with calculated needs, despite increased feeding. This is partly offset by behavioral changes (reduced locomotion and increased resting) and reducing skin temperature by an average of 3.2°C through a cutaneous vasoconstriction to decrease heat loss. However, their major strategy is ingesting surplus energy and accumulating fat reserves when food was not limiting during summer and autumn. Their 14% of body mass lost over the winter represented an energy yield of 102 kJ mbm−1 d−1, which closely matched the calculated winter energy deficit of 101 kJ mbm−1 d−1. However, the latter value assumes that all the 75.41 kJ mbm−1 d−1 of protein ingested in winter was available for energy metabolism. This is almost certainly an over-estimate, suggesting that the study population was in negative energy balance over the study period. Our study therefore suggests that despite its suit of integrated homeostatic responses, the confluence of low temperatures and resource limitation during winter places this edge-of-range primate close the threshold of what is energetically viable. It also provides a framework for quantitative models predicting the vulnerability of temperate primates to global change.  相似文献   
Guo  Kaiqiang  Cao  Yin  Li  Zan  Zhou  Xiaoxiao  Ding  Rong  Chen  Kejing  Liu  Yan  Qiu  Yingkun  Wu  Zhen  Fang  Meijuan 《Amino acids》2020,52(5):793-809
Amino Acids - Glycine plays a key role in rapidly proliferating cancer cells such as A549 cells. Targeting glycine metabolism is considered as a potential means for cancer treatment. However, the...  相似文献   
施硼和赤霉素对‘李广杏’坐果率及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以8年生盛果期的‘李广杏’植株为试材,于花蕾膨大期喷施0.1%(P1)、0.3%(P2)和0.5%(P3)硼砂和盛花初期喷施50(C1)、100(C2)和150 mg/L(C3)赤霉素,测定不同处理下李广杏的坐果率、果实品质及营养生长指标的变化,并用主成分分析不同处理的效果进行综合评价,为敦煌寒旱区‘李广杏’的栽培提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)‘李广杏’叶面积增长量在C1浓度处理下显著高于CK,不同浓度的硼处理对其均具有抑制作用,但C1、P2浓度下新稍生长量高于其他处理。(2)适宜浓度的硼和赤霉素处理可一定程度减少‘李广杏’花的败育率,从而有效提高果树的坐果率,其中硼处理以P3浓度下最优,但P3与P2处理下坐果率无显著差异,赤霉素处理以C2浓度下最优。(3)适宜浓度硼和赤霉素能够明显提高‘李广杏’果实品质,C1浓度处理下的果实糖酸比、可溶性固形物含量显著高于CK,P2处理下的果实维生素C、可滴定酸含量显著高于其他处理;适宜浓度赤霉素和硼对果实的单果重、果形指数、侧径有明显的促进作用。(4)主成分分析结果显示,各处理效果的综合得分由高到低依次为P2(1.20)>C2(0.91)>P1(0.13)>C1(-1.01)>CK(-1.68)>P3(-2.13)>C3(-7.76);果实可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、糖酸比等主成分占比较高,可作为评价‘李广杏’果实品质的重要依据。研究发现,花期喷施适宜浓度的硼和赤霉素可有效提高‘李广杏’果树的生长状况、坐果率及果实品质,且甘肃敦煌地区以花蕾膨大期喷施0.3%硼和盛花初期喷施100 mg/L赤霉素效果最佳。  相似文献   
以我国大兴安岭多年冻土区泥炭地常见的3种外生菌根木本植物(细叶沼柳Salix rosmarinifolia、白桦Betula platyphylla和柴桦B.fruticosa)和4种欧石楠菌根木本植物(笃斯越桔Vaccinium uliginosum、狭叶杜香Ledum palustre、甸杜Chamaedaphne calyculata和小叶杜鹃Rhododendron parrifolum)为研究对象,通过315天培养试验测定10和20℃叶片凋落物分解过程中的碳(C)累积矿化量和重量损失,并分析其温度敏感性。结果表明:外生菌根植物叶片凋落物的C矿化量和重量损失在10和20℃均高于欧石楠菌根植物;外生菌根植物凋落物分解过程中C矿化量的温度敏感性系数高于欧石楠菌根植物,但重量损失的温度敏感性系数低于欧石楠菌根植物;在每一培养温度下,C矿化量和重量损失均与凋落物全氮(N)和全磷(P)浓度呈正相关,与C/N和C/P呈负相关;尽管C矿化量的温度敏感性系数与凋落物初始化学组成无显著相关性,但重量损失的温度敏感性系数与凋落物全N和全P浓度呈负相关,与C/N和C/P呈正相关。本研究结果为认识和预测气候变暖及其引起的物种组成变化对北方泥炭地植物凋落物分解的影响提供理论依据。  相似文献   
以连续种植的香蕉枯萎病高发病蕉园为试验点,通过实时定量PCR和高通量测序等方法,研究了田间条件下石灰碳铵熏蒸联合生物有机肥施用对香蕉枯萎病的防治效果,以及对土壤细菌群落结构和组成的影响。结果表明: 与不熏蒸施用有机肥(OF)相比,香蕉枯萎病发病率在施用有机肥前使用石灰碳铵进行熏蒸处理(LAOF)和施用生物有机肥前使用石灰碳铵进行熏蒸处理(LABF)中分别降低了13.3%和21.7%,病原菌的拷贝数分别降低了22.4%和33.0%。与OF处理相比,石灰碳铵熏蒸联合不同肥料施用均显著降低了细菌的丰富度和多样性,形成了明显不同的群落结构,且熏蒸对群落组成的差异产生了决定性的影响。LABF的细菌丰富度和多样性均低于其他处理,群落组成也与其他处理存在明显差异。与OF处理相比,熏蒸处理(LAOF和LABF)显著增加了土壤中水恒杆菌、布鲁式菌和漯河杆菌属的相对丰度,且在LABF中的相对丰度均高于LAOF,水恒杆菌和布鲁式菌的相对丰度差异显著。在田间条件下,施用生物有机肥之前使用石灰碳铵进行熏蒸处理能够显著降低病原菌数量,改变土壤细菌群落结构,激发土壤有益微生物,从而减少香蕉枯萎病的发生。  相似文献   
Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (Lamiaceae) is an important tree species for soil and water conservation, yet the reproductive ecology of this species remains to be elucidated. To investigate the reproductive traits of V. negundo var. heterophylla, the phenology, morphological characteristics (a suite of characters was assessed: floral morphology, nectar production, pollen viability, and stigma receptivity) and mating system of this species were systematically revealed for the first time in this study. Phenological observations, morphological measurements, and nectar production analysis were conducted during anthesis. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity at different flowering stages were measured by biochemical methods. Finally, genetic analysis based on SSR markers was used to reveal the mating system; outcrossing index and pollen‐ovule ratio were also calculated to help analysis. V. negundo var. heterophylla showed several obvious characteristics of outcrossing, such as abundant and attractive flowers, secreting nectar, and emitting scent. In addition, mechanisms such as homogamy and a short anther‐stigma distance that can promote self‐fertilization were also identified in this species. The coexistence of selfing and outcrossing characteristics demonstrates a predominantly outcrossed mixed mating system (outcrossing rate, t = 95%). The scientific information provided by this study may contribute to conservation of V. negundo var. heterophylla from a reproductive perspective.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of grazing on midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus) population characteristics and survival of animals of different genders. The experiment used a randomized complete block design and was conducted in Alxa Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, in 2002 (The agricultural reclamation plots set up in 1994). From April 2006 to October 2010, midday gerbils were live‐trapped in 3 light grazing plots, 3 overgrazed plots, and 3 grazing exclusion plots. The quantity of vegetation was investigated in the two different grazing intensity areas and grazing exclusion area to determine the relationship between gerbils and plant food availability. The results suggested that there was higher gerbil density, individual body mass, and daily body mass growth rate in the grazing exclusion sites than the other sites across the whole year. Females had higher survival in grazing exclusion areas than in other treatments, but the males’ survival showed the opposite pattern. Our results indicated that grazing negatively influenced the midday gerbil population by reducing food availability. Grazing influenced the survival rates of male midday gerbils positively, but had negative effects on females. The reason for gendered differences in survival rates of midday gerbils requires further investigation.  相似文献   
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Gualou Xiebai Banxia (GLXBBX) decoction is a well-known traditional Chinese herbal formula that was first discussed in the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber by Zhang Zhongjing in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese medicine, GLXBBX is commonly prescribed to treat cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.Objective: The present study aimed to examine GLXBBX’s preventative capacity and elucidate the potential molecular mechanism of Poloxamer 407 (P407)-induced hyperlipidemia in rats.Materials and methods: Both the control and model groups received pure water, and the test group also received a GLXBBX decoction. For each administration, 3 ml of the solution was administered orally. To establish hyperlipidemia, a solution mixed with 0.25 g/kg P407 dissolved in 0.9% normal saline was injected slowly into the abdominal cavity. At the end of the study, the rats’ plasma lipid levels were calculated using an automatic biochemical analyzer to evaluate the preventative capability of the GLXBBX decoction, and the serum and liver of the rats were collected.Results: The GLXBBX decoction significantly improved P407-induced hyperlipidemia, including increased plasma triglycerides (TGs), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) elevation, and lipid accumulation. Moreover, GLXBBX decoction treatment increased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity and mRNA expression of LPL. Furthermore, GLXBBX significantly suppressed the mRNA expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1).Conclusion: GLXBBX significantly improved P407-induced hyperlipidemia, which may have been related to enhanced LPL activity, increased LPL mRNA expression, and decreased mRNA expression of SCD1.  相似文献   
Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a refractory subtype of breast cancer, 25–30% of which have dysregulation in the PI3K/AKT pathway. The present study investigated the anticancer effect of erianin on TNBC cell line and its underlying mechanism.Methods: After treatment with erianin, MTT assay was employed to determine the MDA-MB-231 and EFM-192A cell proliferation, the nucleus morphological changes were observed by DAPI staining. The cell cycle and apoptotic proportion were detected by flow cytometry. Western blot was performed to determine the cell cycle and apoptosis-related protein expression and PI3K pathways. Finally, the antiproliferative activity of erianin was further confirmed by adding or not adding PI3K agonists SC79.Results: Erianin inhibited the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 and EFM-192A cells in a dose-dependent manner, the IC50 were 70.96 and 78.58 nM, respectively. Erianin could cause cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase, and the expressions of p21 and p27 were up-regulated, while the expressions of CDK1 and Cyclin B1 were down-regulated. Erianin also induced apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway, with the up-regulation of the expression of Cyto C, PARP, Bax, active form of Caspase-3, and Caspase-9. Furthermore, p-PI3K and p-Akt expression were down-regulated by erianin. After co-incubation with SC79, the cell inhibition rate of erianin was decreased, which further confirmed that the attenuated PI3K/Akt pathway was relevant to the pro-apoptotic effect of erianin.Conclusions: Erianin can inhibit the proliferation of TNBC cells and induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, which may ascribe to the abolish the activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway.  相似文献   
The relationship between rs3746444 T>C single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in microRNA (mir)-499 and risk of gastric cancer (GC) has been widely investigated. However, the association was still unconfirmed. Here, we first recruited 490 GC patients and 1476 controls, and conducted a case-control study. And we did not find any association between rs3746444 T>C SNP polymorphism and risk of GC. Subsequently, we conducted a meta-analysis to explore the association of mir-499 rs3746444 polymorphism with GC development. Two authors searched the PubMed and EMBASE databases up to October 15, 2019 independently. Finally, nine literatures involving 12 independent studies were included. In total, 3954 GC cases and 9745 controls were recruited for meta-analysis. The results suggested that allele model, homozygote model and recessive model could increase the risk of overall GC (P = 0.002, 0.009 and 0.013, respectively). When we excluded the studies violated HWE, this association was also found in allele model (P = 0.020) and dominant model (P= 0.044). In subgroup analyses, we identified that rs3746444 SNP in mir-499 increased the risk of GC in Asians and gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma (GCA) subgroups. No significant bias of selection was found (all P>0.1). Test of sensitivity analysis indicated that our findings were stable. Additionally, we found that the power value was 0.891 in the allele model, suggesting the reliability of our findings. In summary, our analysis confirmed the association between rs3746444 and the risk of GC, especially in Asians and in patients with GCA.  相似文献   
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