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Jatropha tanjorensis , an interspecific hybrid between Jatropha curcas and Jatropha gossypifolia , is reported to be a sterile hybrid, which has drastically limited its natural propagation. To determine the probability of existing sterility, floral biology was carried out in 30 trees of six accessions during 2007–2008. The results were explored in terms of morphological and anatomical details of floral abnormality. Although unisex flowers are a characteristic feature of the genus, unusual bisexual flowers with pseudostamens or staminodes were also present. Petalody of the stamen was frequently observed in most of the floral samples. Anther lobes were flat, cordate, fibrous, and some had one or more callus-like structures and contained a few sterile pollen grains. In polypistillody, pistils were irregular in shape and position or were fused with the staminodes. Frequently occurring forms of these floral abnormalities as well as unusual hermaphrodity were highly responsible for the sterility of J. tanjorensis .  相似文献   
Three explorations were undertaken in South East Coastal zone of India covering parts of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Orissa states to collect Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm during March–June 2007. A total of 123 accessions were collected and seed data recorded were analyzed for morphometric traits viz., seed length, seed width, seed thickness, 100‐seed weight and oil content. Variation in the collected germplasm was analyzed using anova , simple measures of variation and D2 statistics. Significant genetic variability between seed traits and oil content and association among the seed traits was recorded. Phenotypic variance was higher than genotypic variance for all the characters indicating dominant role of environment. High heritability (broad sense) for 100‐seed weight (97.6%) and oil content (86.7%) indicated the reliability of these characters as selection criteria for plus trees. Genetic gain was maximum for 100‐seed weight (62.6%) followed by oil content (30.5%). D2 analysis grouped the accessions into 12 clusters. Cluster XII and cluster IX were the most diverse based on the intercluster distance. Based on the observed diversity, Chittoor, Srikakulam and Adilabad districts of AP are most suitable for collecting diverse germplasm lines and also for in situ conservation.  相似文献   
松油和桂皮油由于具有芳香性气味, 因而成为良好的成虫驱避剂, 但是关于它们对蚊虫的杀幼虫作用研究不多。为揭示市售的长叶松Pinus longifolia油和锡兰肉桂Cinnamomum zeylanicum油对来源于印度德里的埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti 4龄幼虫的毒杀潜力, 我们进行了室内研究, 以幼虫死亡率及行为改变和形态改变等指标评估其杀幼虫潜力。结果表明: 两种油对埃及伊蚊4龄幼虫均具有毒杀作用, 且松油的灭幼效果优于桂皮油。松油的LC50和LC70 值分别为0.33093 mg/L 和0.54476 mg/L, 而桂皮油的LC50和LC70 值分别为0.63159 mg/L和0.77736。进一步观察发现, LC90剂量下桂皮油的杀幼虫潜力强于松油, 其LC90为1.11879 mg/L, 而松油的LC90为 1.04915 mg/L。在处理的幼虫中观察到行为改变, 如兴奋、 坐立不安、 颤抖、 痉挛然后瘫痪, 说明这两种油可能对其神经肌肉系统产生了影响。显微观察处理幼虫的形态改变发现, 与对照相比, 大多数器官的外观正常, 只是肛鳃略为内收缩而引起结构畸形, 提示肛腮可能是这两种油的作用位点, 腮的功能异常引起了幼虫死亡。这两种油品可开发用作防治蚊虫的新型杀幼虫药剂。  相似文献   
A set of morphological traits and SSR markers were used to determine the genetic relationship among 12 elite thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines developed at three different research institutions of India. Agro-morphological data recorded on 20 morphological traits revealed a wide base of genetic variation and a set of four morphological traits could distinguish most of the TGMS lines. Analysis with 30 SSR markers (20 EST-SSRs and 10 genomic SSRs) revealed 27 markers to be polymorphic, amplifying a total of 83 alleles. Each SSR marker amplified 2-6 alleles with an average of 2.76 alleles per marker and a PIC value varying from 0.54 to 0.96. Cluster analysis based on SSR and morphological data clearly differentiated the lines according to their source of origin. Correlation analysis between morphological and molecular data revealed a very poor association (r = 0.06), which could be attributed to selection pressure, genetic drift, sampling error and unknown relationship among related lines. The SSR markers discriminated the genotypes distinctly and quantified the genetic diversity precisely among the TGMS lines. Data on the yield per plant indicated that the genotypes grouping under a similar cluster showed same heterotic behaviour as compared to the genotypes from different clusters when crossed to similar pollinators.  相似文献   
Collagenous spherulosis is a rare incidental finding seen in association with benign breast lesions. Cytological findings in three cases of collagenous spherulosis diagnosed on fine needle aspiration are presented. The presence of hyaline pink globules surrounded by benign myoepithelial cells in Giemsa stained smears was a diagnostic feature. Associated lesions were atypical papillary hyperplasia (2) and fibroadenoma (1). Adenoid cystic carcinoma was the close differential diagnosis on cytology. Awareness of this entity is important to avoid a false positive diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   
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