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xynB is one of at least four genes from the cellulolytic rumen anaerobe Ruminococcus flavefaciens 17 that encode xylanase activity. The xynB gene is predicted to encode a 781-amino acid product starting with a signal peptide, followed by an amino-terminal xylanase domain which is identical at 89% and 78% of residues, respectively, to the amino-terminal xylanase domains of the bifunctional XynD and XynA enzymes from the same organism. Two separate regions within the carboxy-terminal 537 amino acids of XynB also show close similarities with domain B of XynD. These regions show no significant homology with cellulose- or xylan-binding domains from other species, or with any other sequences, and their functions are unknown. In addition a 30 to 32-residue threonine-rich region is present in both XynD and XynB. Codon usage shows a consistent pattern of bias in the three xylanase genes from R. flavefaciens that have been sequenced.  相似文献   
DNA-binding properties of an adenovirus 289R E1A protein.   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
An adenovirus 2 289 amino acid (289R) E1A protein purified from Escherichia coli has been shown to interact with DNA by two independent methods. UV-crosslinking of complexes containing unmodified, uniformly 32P-labelled DNA and purified E1A protein induced efficient labelling of the protein with covalently attached oligonucleotides, indicating that the E1A protein itself contacts DNA. Discrete nucleoprotein species were also observed when E1A protein--DNA complexes were analysed by gel electrophoresis. Although the 289R E1A protein exhibited no significant binding to single-stranded DNA or to RNA, no evidence for its sequence-specific binding to double-stranded DNA was obtained with either assay. Identification of the sites of covalent attachment of 32P-labelled oligonucleotides by partial proteolysis of the crosslinked E1A protein indicated that the interaction of this protein with DNA is mediated via domain(s) in the C-terminal half of the protein. Such previously unrecognized DNA-binding activity is likely to contribute to the regulatory activities of this important adenoviral protein.  相似文献   
Tetracycline resistance was transferred at frequencies between 10(-7) and 10(-6) per recipient cell in anaerobic matings between two strains of the strictly anaerobic rumen bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola. The donor strain, 223/M2/7, was a multiple-plasmid-bearing tetracycline-resistant strain from the ovine rumen, and the recipient, F101, was a rifampin-resistant mutant of B14, a bovine strain belonging to B. ruminicola subsp. brevis. Resistance transfer could occur in the presence of DNase, but not in dummy mating mixtures in which filtrate from a donor culture replaced donor cells. Acquisition of tetracycline resistance by the recipient was accompanied by the appearance of a 19.5-kilobase pair plasmid (designated pRRI4) which was homologous with a plasmid of similar size and restriction pattern present in the donor strain. A transconjugant (F115) carrying pRRI4 was also able to act as a donor of tetracycline resistance and plasmid DNA in matings with another recipient. Derivatives of F115 that had spontaneously lost tetracycline resistance lacked detectable plasmid DNA. It is concluded that pRRI4 mediated the transfer of tetracycline resistance. Transfer of resistance was not detectably enhanced by pregrowth of the donor in medium containing tetracycline. Transfer of tetracycline resistance was not detected from 223/M2/7 to a strain, 23 belonging to B. ruminicola subsp. ruminicola.  相似文献   
A new gene, designated scaC and encoding a protein carrying a single cohesin, was identified in the cellulolytic rumen anaerobe Ruminococcus flavefaciens 17 as part of a gene cluster that also codes for the cellulosome structural components ScaA and ScaB. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the sequence of the ScaC cohesin is distinct from the sequences of other cohesins, including the sequences of R. flavefaciens ScaA and ScaB. The scaC gene product also includes at its C terminus a dockerin module that closely resembles those found in R. flavefaciens enzymes that bind to the cohesins of the primary ScaA scaffoldin. The putative cohesin domain and the C-terminal dockerin module were cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli as His(6)-tagged products (ScaC-Coh and ScaC-Doc, respectively). Affinity probing of protein extracts of R. flavefaciens 17 separated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional gels with recombinant cohesins from ScaC and ScaA revealed that two distinct subsets of native proteins interact with ScaC-Coh and ScaA-Coh. Furthermore, ScaC-Coh failed to interact with the recombinant dockerin module from the enzyme EndB that is recognized by ScaA cohesins. On the other hand, ScaC-Doc was shown to interact specifically with the recombinant cohesin domain from ScaA, and the ScaA-Coh probe was shown to interact with a native 29-kDa protein spot identified as ScaC by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. These results suggest that ScaC plays the role of an adaptor scaffoldin that is bound to ScaA via the ScaC dockerin module, which, via the distinctive ScaC cohesin, expands the range of proteins that can bind to the ScaA-based enzyme complex.  相似文献   
Fleximers, a novel type of flexible nucleoside that have garnered attention due to their unprecedented activity against human coronaviruses, have now exhibited highly promising levels of activity against filoviruses. The Flex-nucleoside was the most potent against recombinant Ebola virus in Huh7 cells with an EC50 = 2 μM, while the McGuigan prodrug was most active against Sudan virus-infected HeLa cells with an EC50 of 7 μM.  相似文献   
High rates of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon have the potential to alter the storage and cycling of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) across this region. To investigate the impacts of deforestation, we quantified total aboveground biomass (TAGB), aboveground and soil pools of C and N, and soil N availability along a land-use gradient in Rondônia, Brazil, that included standing primary forest, slashed primary and secondary forest, shifting cultivation, and pasture sites. TAGB decreased substantially with increasing land use, ranging from 311 and 399 Mg ha–1 (primary forests) to 63 Mg ha–1 (pasture). Aboveground C and N pools declined in patterns and magnitudes similar to those of TAGB. Unlike aboveground pools, soil C and N concentrations and pools did not show consistent declines in response to land use. Instead, C and N concentrations were strongly related to percent clay content of soils. Concentrations of NO3-N and NH4-N generally increased in soils following slash-and-burn events along the land-use gradient and decreased with increasing land use. Increasing land use resulted in marked declines in NO3-N pools relative to NH4-N pools. Rates of net nitrification and N-mineralization were also generally higher in postfire treatments relative to prefire treatments along the land-use gradient and declined with increasing land use. Results demonstrate the linked responses of aboveground C and N pools and soil N availability to land use in the Brazilian Amazon; steady reductions in aboveground pools along the land-use gradient were accompanied by declines in inorganic soil N pools and transformation rates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We examined variation in persistence rates of waterfowl carcasses placed along a series of transects in tundra habitats in western Alaska. This study was designed to assess the effects of existing tower structures and was replicated with separate trials in winter, summer and fall as both the resident avian population and the suite of potential scavengers varied seasonally. Carcass persistence rates were uniformly low, with <50% of carcasses persisting for more than a day on average. Persistence rate varied by carcass age, carcass size, among transects and was lowest in the fall and highest in the summer. We found little support for models where persistence varied in relation to the presence of tower structures. We interpret this as evidence that scavengers were not habituated to searching for carcasses near these structures. Our data demonstrate that only a small fraction of bird carcasses are likely to persist between searches, and if not appropriately accounted for, scavenging bias could significantly influence bird mortality estimates. The variation that we documented suggests that persistence rates should not be extrapolated among tower locations or across time periods as the variation in carcass persistence will result in biased estimates of total bird strike mortality.  相似文献   
Random clones of 16S ribosomal DNA gene sequences were isolated after PCR amplification with eubacterial primers from total genomic DNA recovered from samples of the colonic lumen, colonic wall, and cecal lumen from a pig. Sequences were also obtained for cultures isolated anaerobically from the same colonic-wall sample. Phylogenetic analysis showed that many sequences were related to those of Lactobacillus or Streptococcus spp. or fell into clusters IX, XIVa, and XI of gram-positive bacteria. In addition, 59% of randomly cloned sequences showed less than 95% similarity to database entries or sequences from cultivated organisms. Cultivation bias is also suggested by the fact that the majority of isolates (54%) recovered from the colon wall by culturing were related to Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, whereas this group accounted for only one-third of the sequence variation for the same sample from random cloning. The remaining cultured isolates were mainly Selenomonas related. A higher proportion of Lactobacillus reuteri-related sequences than of Lactobacillus acidophilus- and Lactobacillus amylovorus-related sequences were present in the colonic-wall sample. Since the majority of bacterial ribosomal sequences recovered from the colon wall are less than 95% related to known organisms, the roles of many of the predominant wall-associated bacteria remain to be defined.  相似文献   
The microbial community of the human colon contains many bacteria that produce lactic acid, but lactate is normally detected only at low concentrations (<5 mM) in feces from healthy individuals. It is not clear, however, which bacteria are mainly responsible for lactate utilization in the human colon. Here, bacteria able to utilize lactate and produce butyrate were identified among isolates obtained from 10(-8) dilutions of fecal samples from five different subjects. Out of nine such strains identified, four were found to be related to Eubacterium hallii and two to Anaerostipes caccae, while the remaining three represent a new species within clostridial cluster XIVa based on their 16S rRNA sequences. Significant ability to utilize lactate was not detected in the butyrate-producing species Roseburia intestinalis, Eubacterium rectale, or Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Whereas E. hallii and A. caccae strains used both D- and L-lactate, the remaining strains used only the d form. Addition of glucose to batch cultures prevented lactate utilization until the glucose became exhausted. However, when two E. hallii strains and one A. caccae strain were grown in separate cocultures with a starch-utilizing Bifidobacterium adolescentis isolate, with starch as the carbohydrate energy source, the L-lactate produced by B. adolescentis became undetectable and butyrate was formed. Such cross-feeding may help to explain the reported butyrogenic effect of certain dietary substrates, including resistant starch. The abundance of E. hallii in particular in the colonic ecosystem suggests that these bacteria play important roles in preventing lactate accumulation.  相似文献   
The Mitochondrial Permeability Transition as a Target for Neuroprotection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mitochondria serve as checkpoints and amplifiers on cell death pathways. In the central nervous system, mitochondrial involvement seems essential for normal expression of cell death phenotypes, and interference with these pathways thus seems a reasonable approach to neuroprotection. We have been involved in examining the potential involvement of the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) as one of several possible mechanisms by which mitochondria may be drawn into these death cascades. This possibility, though still controversial, is supported by evidence that factors that may stimulate mPT induction are associated with some forms of cell death (e.g., in stroke) and are modulated by diseases of the central nervous system (e.g., Huntington's). Evidence of neuroprotection seen with compounds such as N-Met-Val cyclosporine also support this possibility.  相似文献   
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