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I argue that the facts of a 'genealogical ethics' are built up over time as local moralities of information disclosure and non-disclosure. In the context of predictive genetic testing technologies, family members must discriminate between genetic information that they think is 'good' to know or make known, and knowledge that they think is 'bad' to tell and share with others. But attempts to deal with the kinship implications of genetic foreknowledge frequently entail unresolved processes of moral decision-making, both within and across the generations. Seen as embodied experiences of moral reckoning, these genealogical knowledge dilemmas also implicate a myriad of interests and divergent claims beyond the life of any one person. This article considers why a specifically anthropological formulation of 'genealogical ethics' challenges the conceptual premiss of individual autonomy underpinning the 'right to know' debates of mainstream Western bioethics.  相似文献   
Abstract Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) consume a broad spectrum of liquid food sources including nectar and honeydew, which play a key role in their diet especially in tropical forests. This study compares carbohydrates and amino acids from a representative spectrum of liquid sources used by ants in the canopy and understorey of a tropical rainforest in northern Queensland, Australia. Eighteen floral nectars, 16 extrafloral nectars, two wound sap and four homopteran honeydew sources were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Wounds comprised flower abscission scars on Normanbya normanbyi L. H. Bailey and bitemarks on Cardwellia sublimis F. Muell. where ants were actively involved in wounding. Discriminant analysis was performed to model differences between food sources in sugar and amino acid concentration and composition. All characteristics varied significantly among plant species. Honeydew contained a broader spectrum of sugars (including melezitose, raffinose, melibiose, lactose and maltose) than nectar (sucrose, glucose, fructose), but certain extrafloral nectars had similar amino acid profiles and, like honeydew sources, were often monopolized by ants. Most common amino acids across the sources were proline, alanine and threonine among 17 α‐amino acids identified. Interspecific variability concealed characteristic differences in sugar and amino acid parameters between nectar, honeydew and wound sap across all plants, but these types differed significantly when found on the same plant. Among all sources studied, only a few flower nectars were naturally not consumed by ants and they were significantly less attended than sugar controls in feeding trials. These nectars did not differ in sugars and amino acids from ant‐attended flower nectars, suggesting the activity of repellents. Apart from these exceptions, variability in amino acids and carbohydrates is proposed to play a key role in ant preferences and nutrition.  相似文献   
1. Human use of land and water resources modifies many streamflow characteristics, which can have significant ecological consequences. Streamflow and invertebrate data collected at 111 sites in the western U.S.A. were analysed to identify streamflow characteristics (magnitude, frequency, duration, timing and variation) that are probably to limit characteristics of benthic invertebrate assemblages (abundance, richness, diversity and evenness, functional feeding groups and individual taxa) and, thus, would be important for freshwater conservation and restoration. Our analysis investigated multiple metrics for each biological and hydrological characteristic, but focuses on 14 invertebrate metrics and 13 streamflow metrics representing the key associations between streamflow and invertebrates. 2. Streamflow is only one of many environmental and biotic factors that influence the characteristics of invertebrate assemblages. Although the central tendency of invertebrate assemblage characteristics may not respond to any one factor across a large region like the western U.S.A., we postulate that streamflow may limit some invertebrates. To assess streamflow characteristics as limiting factors on invertebrate assemblages, we developed a nonparametric screening procedure to identify upper (ceilings) or lower (floors) limits on invertebrate metrics associated with streamflow metrics. Ceilings and floors for selected metrics were then quantified using quantile regression. 3. Invertebrate assemblages had limits associated with all streamflow characteristics that we analysed. Metrics of streamflow variation at daily to inter‐annual scales were among the most common characteristics associated with limits on invertebrate assemblages. Baseflow recession, daily variation and monthly variation, in streamflow were associated with the largest number of invertebrate metrics. Since changes in streamflow variation are often a consequence of hydrologic alteration, they may serve as useful indicators of ecologically significant changes in streamflow and as benchmarks for managing streamflow for ecological objectives. 4. Relative abundance of Plecoptera, richness of non‐insect taxa and relative abundance of intolerant taxa were associated with multiple streamflow metrics. Metrics of sensitive taxa (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera), and intolerant taxa generally had ceilings associated with flow metrics while metrics of tolerant taxa, non‐insects, dominance and chironomids generally had floors. Broader characteristics of invertebrate assemblages such as abundance and richness had fewer limits, but these limits were nonetheless associated with a broad range of streamflow characteristics.  相似文献   
Abstract Junipers are main components of semiarid forests in Central Asia. Conservation of these plant genetic resources should be based on an understanding of factors that have shaped species‐level genetic variation. We used Juniperus seravschanica Kom. as a model species to investigate patterns and processes that may be associated with these factors. Novel plastid DNA markers (two minisatellites, one transversion, one indel) were identified and applied to investigate haplotype diversity and population structure in Kyrgyzstan. In total, 540 individuals from 15 populations were analyzed and 11 haplotypes detected. Strong divergence between populations from northern and southern Kyrgyzstan was evident from the haplotype distribution. Gene diversity within populations ranged from 0.083 to 0.765, and was on average higher in southern (0.687) than in northern populations (0.540). A similar pattern was detected in allelic richness. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 11.9% of the total genetic variation was due to differences among regions, 1.5% among populations, and 86.6% within populations. NST was not significantly different from GST (0.125), suggesting no evidence of a phylogeographic pattern. A Mantel test detected a weak but significant isolation‐by‐distance pattern for the whole dataset and southern populations separately. These results suggest that the north of Kyrgyzstan was relatively recently colonized by migrants from southern populations, probably associated with favorable conditions during the early Holocene. The humid Fergana Valley and Fergana Range are probable ecological barriers to gene flow between northern and southern populations.  相似文献   
Desertification in the Sahel: a reinterpretation of a reinterpretation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In semiarid regions the ratio of annual net primary production to precipitation, rain-use efficiency (RUE), has been used as an index of desertification. In a recent publication ( Hein & de Ridder, 2006 ) it was proposed that an incorrect understanding of the relationship between RUE and rainfall has led to a misinterpretation of the satellite record of desertification in the African Sahel. Here, we examine this suggestion and show that, contrary to Hein and de Ridder's statement, satellite studies of Sahelian RUE have reported increases, decreases, and constant values since 1981. Furthermore, we find that data do not support their proposal that RUE increases with rainfall, even in nondegraded areas. Hence we reject their corollary, that constant RUE is prima facie evidence of desertification. The fundamental difficulty with the use of RUE for detection of desertification remains, that is the difficulty of estimation of the RUE for nondegraded land at a regional scale.  相似文献   
The river‐weed family Podostemaceae (c. 300 species in c. 54 genera) shows a number of morphological innovations to be adapted to its unusual aquatic habitat, and its unique or rare bauplan features have been reflected in the traditional (i.e. non‐molecular) classification recognizing numerous monotypic or oligospecific genera. The infrasubfamilial relationships of many genera remained unclear. The present study used molecular phylogenetic analysis of matK sequences for 657 samples (c. 132 species/c. 43 genera). The family was traditionally divided into three subfamilies (Podostemoideae, Tristichoideae and Weddellinoideae). American Podostemoideae were shown to be polyphyletic and divided into four clades, i.e. Ceratolacis, Diamantina, Podostemum and all other genera. Among the podostemoid clades, Diamantina was the first branching clade and a clade comprising Mourera and the Apinagia subclade was then sister to the remainder of the New World and Old World Podostemoideae with low statistic supports. The Old World Podostemoideae comprised four monophyletic clades, i.e. two African clades, one Madagascan clade and one Asian clade, although the relationships among these clades and American Ceratolacis and Podostemum were poorly resolved. African Podostemoideae were polyphyletic, with Saxicolella pro parte being weakly supported as sister to the remaining Old World Podostemoideae plus Ceratolacis and Podostemum. In contrast to the American and African clades, monophyly of four Asian subclades was well supported. Plants of Tristicha (Tristichoideae) and of Weddellina (Weddellinoideae), which are currently treated as monospecific, had great matK differentiation equivalent to at least interspecific variation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 461–492.  相似文献   
1. Information on the guild structure of foliage‐associated tropical insects is scarce, especially as caterpillars are mostly considered only as herbivores feeding on living leaves. However, many caterpillar species display alternative trophic associations, feeding on dead or withered leaves or epiphylls (‘non‐herbivores’). 2. To determine the contribution of these non‐herbivores, caterpillar communities associated with Chusquea Kunth (Poaceae) in the Andes of southern Ecuador were investigated. Caterpillars were collected at two elevation levels (montane rainforest ~2000 m and elfin forest at ~3000 m a.s.l.) and assigned to three feeding guilds (strict herbivores, non‐herbivores, and switchers) based on feeding trials. Foliage quality and leaf area were recorded to test for their influence on guild composition and caterpillar density. 3. Three hundred and eighty‐nine individuals belonging to 175 Lepidoptera species associated with Chusquea bamboos were found. The species richness of caterpillars was similarly high at both elevation levels but varied between feeding guilds. Approximately half (46.5%) displayed an alternative feeding association, i.e. were non‐herbivores (31.1%) or switchers (15.4%). 4. Caterpillar density was nearly two‐fold higher in the elfin forest, but only strict herbivores and switchers increased significantly with elevation. Leaf area positively influenced the density of strict herbivores and switchers; foliage quality only affected strict herbivores. The density of non‐herbivores did not differ significantly between the forest types and was not related to leaf area or foliage quality. 5. The present study underpins that non‐herbivores make up a considerable fraction of caterpillar communities in tropical mountain ecosystems and demonstrates that elevation, foliage quality and available plant biomass further shape feeding guild composition.  相似文献   
KONRAD HALUPKA 《Ibis》1998,140(1):144-149
Models of the evolution of parent-offspring communication and of brood size assume that the noisy begging by the young is costly in terms of predation. The present study was designed to investigate cause-and-effect relations between the behaviour of the offspring and adult Meadow Pipits Anthus pratensis and the risk of nest predation. Harriers ( Circus spp.), which can use auditory signals, were the main predators in the study area. I found that the intensity of vocal begging by broods did not influence their survival, despite the fact that the proportion of time that parents sacrificed to nest guarding declined with increased begging and some broods readily begged if a stimulus resembling the approaching parent was produced. The lack of fitness penalties for noisy broods was attributed to the following factors: (1) the open habitat was easy to scan, and parents silenced the young before feeding them if a predator was close (this adaptation was demonstrated in an experiment) and (2) parent birds could not deter harriers searching for prey, and therefore nest guarding did not influence the probability of nest detection. Pitfalls in the interpretation of relations between the vocal begging and the vulnerability to nest predation are discussed.  相似文献   
ASR1 is a plant‐specific, highly charged, low molecular weight polypeptide. Purified ASR1 was shown to posses sequence specific Zn2+‐dependent DNA binding activity (Kalifa et al. Biochemical Journal 381, 373–378, 2004). Steady‐state levels of tomato Asr1 mRNA and protein are transiently increased following exposure of plants to polyethylene glycol, NaCl or abscisic acid. The biological role of ASR1 could not be deduced from sequence analyses or sequence homologies. Tobacco plants over‐expressing tomato ASR1 have a decreased rate of water loss and improved salt tolerance. Upon exposure to salt, ASR1‐over‐expressing plants accumulate less Na+ and proline than wild‐type plants, and also results in increased steady‐state levels of other gene products under non‐stressed plant growth conditions. Therefore, ASR1 is probably involved in the regulation of water‐ or salt‐stress‐modulated gene expression.  相似文献   
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