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焦端贵 《蛇志》1991,3(3):6-7
本文首次报道了五步蛇身体主要部位的数量性状与其排毒量的关系。其中我们发现与排毒量有关的部位是头积、体粗、体重、佛指长。  相似文献   
抑菌生的研究总结报告   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文报告一种由枯草杆菌制成的生态制剂,并命名为抑菌生(Subtilobiogen)。该制剂对创、烧伤感染有治疗作用。经过安全试验、急性毒性试验、Ames试验和微核试验证明,该制剂是一种无害、无毒和有致突变作用的活菌制剂。抑菌生有膏剂、乳剂及粉剂3种剂型。抑菌生在试管和体内对金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌和大肠杆菌均具有抑菌作用。临床观察证明,将抑菌生喷洒在创面上,对浅Ⅱ°度、深Ⅱ°度及混合型烧伤感染均具有明显疗效。实验组(181例)与对照组(174例)相比较,在统计学上具有显著性差异。抑菌生的作用机制,经过初步试验证明,与营养争夺和占位性保护有关,因为枯草杆菌的生长速度超过金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌和大肠杆菌的生长速度。  相似文献   
The conformation of single-stranded nucleic acids tDNA versus tRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conformational analyses using the single-strand-specific nuclease from mung bean and restriction endonucleases have been performed on a series of DNA fragments related to the sequence of the yeast initiator tRNA(Met). Mung bean nuclease cleaves DNA fragments exclusively in some, but not all, single-stranded regions as predicted by RNA secondary structural rules. Comparison of cleavage patterns of yeast initiator tRNA(Met), tDNA(Met) (a DNA oligomer having the sequence of tRNA(Met] and the anti-tDNA(Met) (the complement of tDNA(Met] suggests that the conformation of the three molecules is very similar. Furthermore, both tDNA and anti-tDNA are cleaved by HhaI and CfoI restriction endonucleases at two GCG/C sites which would be in double-stranded regions (the acceptor and dihydrouridine stem), if the two molecules adopt the tRNA cloverleaf structure. On the other hand, minor cleavage products show that the core region, i.e. the extra loop area, is slightly more exposed in tDNA and in anti-tDNA than in tRNA. Therefore, we submit that the global conformation of nucleic acids is primarily dictated by the interaction of purine and pyrimidine bases with atoms and functional groups common to both RNA and DNA. In this view the 2'-hydroxyl group, in tRNA at least, is an auxiliary structural feature whose role is limited to fostering local interactions, which increase the stability of a given conformation.  相似文献   
Cloning and sequencing of a human pancreatic tumor mucin cDNA   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A monospecific polyclonal antiserum against deglycosylated human pancreatic tumor mucin was used to select human pancreatic mucin cDNA clones from a lambda gt11 cDNA expression library developed from a human pancreatic tumor cell line. The full-length 4.4-kilobase mucin cDNA sequence included a 72-base pair 5'-untranslated region and a 307-base pair 3'-untranslated region. The predicted amino acid sequence for this cDNA revealed a protein of 122,071 daltons containing 1,255 amino acid residues of which greater than 60% were serine, threonine, proline, alanine, and glycine. Approximately two-thirds of the protein sequence consisted of identical 20-amino acid tandem repeats which were flanked by degenerate tandem repeats and nontandem repeat sequences on both the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal ends. The amino acid sequence also contained five putative N-linked glycosylation sites, a putative signal sequence and transmembrane domain, and numerous serine and threonine residues (potential O-linked glycosylation sites) outside and within the tandem repeat position. The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of the pancreatic mucin sequence was over 99% homologous with a mucin cDNA sequence derived from breast tumor mucin, even though the native forms of these molecules are quite distinct in size and degree of glycosylation.  相似文献   
【目的】研究两种饲粮对环江香猪结肠内容物菌群结构及其代谢物的影响。【方法】选用33.5±8.1 kg的环江香猪10头,随机分为两组,每组5头猪,单栏饲养,分别饲喂高营养水平饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为13.11%,消化能为14.73 MJ/kg)和低营养水平饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为9.77%,消化能为12.24 MJ/kg)。饲喂75 d后屠宰,每组选3头猪采集结肠内容物提取细菌总DNA,PCR扩增获得16S r RNA基因V4标签片段,用于Mi Seq高通量测序,基于QIIME平台比较结肠内容物菌群结构多样性;每组取5头猪的结肠内容物,利用气相色谱和液相色谱分析其中短链脂肪酸、氨氮、生物胺、吲哚和粪臭素的含量。【结果】硬壁菌门、拟杆菌门、螺旋体门和软壁菌门细菌为环江香猪结肠内容物中的优势菌门;饲粮组成不影响环江香猪结肠内容物菌群结构的多样性,高营养水平饲粮组结肠内容物中广古细菌含量显著低于、瘤胃球菌属和假丁酸弧菌属细菌含量显著高于低营养水平饲粮组;高营养水平饲粮组环江香猪结肠内容物中乙酸和丙酸含量显著低于、氨氮和尸胺含量显著高于低营养水平饲粮组。【结论】硬壁菌门、拟杆菌门、螺旋体门和软壁菌门细菌为环江香猪结肠内容物中的优势菌门,短期饲喂高营养水平饲粮可改变环江香猪结肠中的部分微生物含量及其代谢特性。  相似文献   
为研究青藏高原草地承载力的空间演变特征并对其进行预警,以已有的青藏高原净初级生产力数据为基础,核算了该地区的草地理论载畜量及演变趋势,并结合县域实际存栏量,划定了草地承载力的预警等级。结果表明:(1)青藏高原草地承载力整体呈东高西低的格局,其中高寒草原和高寒草甸是该地区草地承载力的主要组成部分;(2)2000-2015年,青藏高原理论载畜量由8614.89万羊单位增至9451.53万羊单位;(3)青藏高原整体处于超载状态,2000-2010年超载状况加剧,至2015年超载状况稍有缓解,草畜平衡指数由67.88%增至79.90%,再降至67.91%。目前亟需优先控制72个红色预警县(超载状态正在加剧)的牲畜存栏量,避免超载状况进一步恶化。未来需要通过控制牲畜存栏量、调整畜牧区发展布局和提高草地生产力等多项措施的结合来改善青藏高原地区的草地承载状况,维持草地生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   
A major cause of proteinuria in lupus nephritis (LN) is podocyte injury, and determining potential therapeutic targets to prevent podocyte injury is important from a clinical perspective in the treatment of LN. CD36 is involved in podocyte injury in several glomerulopathies and was reported to be a vital candidate gene in LN. Here, we determined the role of CD36 in the podocyte injury of LN and the underlying mechanisms. We observed that CD36 and NLRP3 (NLR family pyrin domain containing 3) were upregulated in the podocytes of lupus nephritis patients and MRL/lpr mice with renal impairment. In vitro, CD36, NLRP3 inflammasome, and autophagy were elevated accompanied with increased podocyte injury stimulated by IgG extracted from lupus nephritis patients compared that from healthy donors. Knocking out CD36 with the CRISPR/cas9 system decreased the NLRP3 inflammasome levels, increased the autophagy levels and alleviated podocyte injury. By enhancing autophagy, NLRP3 inflammasome was decreased and podocyte injury was alleviated. These results demonstrated that, in lupus nephritis, CD36 promoted podocyte injury by activating NLRP3 inflammasome and inhibiting autophagy by enhancing which could decrease NLRP3 inflammasome and alleviate podocyte injury.Subject terms: Mechanisms of disease, Inflammasome, Lupus nephritis, Autophagy  相似文献   
利用食草动物来管理自然保护地的植被平衡具有很大的应用潜力,一方面可提升动物的生态价值,另一方面通过控制取食规模,改变植被的生物多样性,达到对自然保护地生态平衡管理的目的。基于此于2021年6月5日引入4头麋鹿(2雄2雌),对野鸭湖自然保护区的“芦苇优势群落”采取保护性的生物控制研究,从项目的实施来看:1)单纯收割不能控制芦苇的生长扩张;对芦苇区系植物多样性的影响有限,未改变芦苇区系结构;2)麋鹿引入该区域后,通过取食、游泳、躺卧和踩踏等活动有效控制了芦苇和香蒲的过度扩张;1年后芦苇和香蒲面积下降了21.96%,为三棱水葱、水蓼等提供了生长空间,逐渐形成了仍以芦苇和香蒲为主且更多样的湿地环境;3)增加滩涂和开阔水面等景观,使多样性指数进一步提升,未改变周边区系湿地生态结构;4)麋鹿迁入可降低野鸭湖“脆弱物种”芦苇区系的丰富度,由引入前的(r=3.67)下降到引入后的(r=1.97);麋鹿迁入提升了野鸭湖植被区系物种多样性,芦苇区系的多样性指数由引进前的(r=0.90)上升到引进后的(r=2.11);麋鹿引入的第一年结果显示,整个引入区域的植被多样性指数由r=0.51上升到r=0.91。麋...  相似文献   
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