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2 368株自动培养临床分离菌细菌谱分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解本地区血(体)液中临床感染细菌的分布情况。方法:采用Mini VITAL全自动荧光血培养仪和VITEK32自动细菌鉴定仪对我院1999年1月~2002年12月临床送检的8362人份16395瓶血(体)液标本的培养结果作回顾性分析。结果:16395瓶临床血(体)液标本需氧和厌氧培养,3894瓶细菌培养阳性,总阳性率23.8%(血液23.2%,体液28.6%),专性厌氧菌占除甲型副伤寒沙门菌外的其他感染菌的3.7%;共检出各种感染菌41属96种2368株,革兰阴性杆菌:革兰阳性球菌:酵母样真菌=86.0:11.8:0.6;有77.3%的兼性厌氧菌同时在需氧和厌氧环境都生长,10.3%和12.4%只在需氧或厌氧培养中生长。结论:除传染病因素外,血(体)液中的感染菌群组成以革兰阳性球菌为主;同时做血(体液)标本的需氧和厌氧培养,可以提高细菌培养阳性率。  相似文献   
以安徽菜子湖区不同退耕年限(3、5、9和11年)湿地为研究对象,以相邻油菜地和原始湿地为对照(共6个样地),研究退耕还湖后湿地土壤对磷的吸附解吸特性变化.结果表明: 退耕湿地土壤对磷的等温吸附曲线与Langmuir和Freundlich吸附方程拟合程度均达极显著水平(P<0.01);6个样地土壤对磷的最大吸附量(Xm)、吸附常数(K)和最大缓冲容量(MBC)范围分别为478~1074 mg·kg-1、0.14~0.61和68.6~661.5 mg·kg-1,且退耕湿地的这些参数均随着退耕年限的延长而升高,但未达到原始湿地水平;6个样地土壤磷的平均解吸率为6.2%~14.6%,且退耕湿地土壤磷解吸率随着退耕年限的延长呈先增高后降低的趋势,但均显著高于原始湿地.表明随着退耕年限的增加,湿地土壤对外源磷的固持能力不断增强,而土壤有机质和粘粒含量是影响湿地土壤对外源磷固持能力的重要因子.  相似文献   
二倍体和三倍体太平洋牡蛎鳃扫描电镜的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜技术对二倍体和三倍体太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)鳃的表面结构进行了观察和比较。结果显示:三倍体牡蛎鳃丝的宽度、鳃丝间的距离较二倍体大;鳃丝的微细结构比二倍体更致密;鳃丝间通过丝问连接形成的孔洞大于二倍体。这些不同表明二倍体和三倍体呼吸及摄食可能存在差异。  相似文献   
甲状旁腺素(PTH)在体内最为重要的作用就是调节钙、磷代谢,近年来的研究证明,PTH在骨的代谢过程中也有着极其重要的作用.目前,PTH及其片段已成为重要的骨形成促进剂,尤其是PTH1-34已由美国礼来(lilly)公司开发为治疗骨质疏松症的药物特立帕肽(teriparatide),它是目前临床应用效果最好的的促进骨合成代谢的药物.本文就PTH的结构、作用机制及其对骨的作用和特里帕肽的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   
In China, evergreen broad leaved forests (EBLFs) is one of the most important vegetation types which was widly distributed in subtropical area, and it plays a very important role in the global biological diversity and natural environment conservation also. In order to reveal species diversity and altitudinal gradient patterns of evergreen broad leaved forest in Meihuashan National Natural Reserve, Fujian Province. Five altitude transects were set up at a vertical interval of 200m between 375m and 1300m above sea level in the EBLFs distribution areas, and twenty four quadrats(14400m2) had been surveyed. Species richness(S), species richness index (dGl), Simpson index (D), Shannon Wiener index (H′), Pielou evenness index (J) had been used for analysis of species diversity and altitudinal gradient pattern of EBLFs. The average value of S, dGl, H′,J and D were 64.42, 10.75, 5.75, 3.50, 0.58 respectively. The difference of community species diversity index(S, dGl, D, H′, and J) was extremely significant between transects, and the altitudinal gradient patterns of species diversity presented the unimodal variable trend, with a peak in the mid altitude(700m-900m). The species richness and Shannon Wiener index of different layer were ranked as shrub layer (include young tree and the plants between layers)>arbor layer>herb layer. The species richness of tree and shrub layer, and Shannon Wiener index of tree layer were significantly different between at transects, and trends of altitude gradient was similar to community. The Shannon Wiener index of shrub layer and herb layer, and the species richness of herb layer did not change significantly along elevation gradient. Therefore, plant species diversity distribution pattern presented a unimodal variable trend along an elevation gradient, and supported “mid domain model” in EBLFs of Meihuashan National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   
合成生物学的目标包括“通过合成来理解生命”以及用现代工程学方法设计合成复杂生物系统.其工程学目标的实现依赖于可集成、可调控、可重用、功能多样的蛋白质、RNA、DNA等基本分子元件.以分子机制为基础,合理设计与实验室进化相结合,改造和创建生物分子的相互作用特异性、调控方式、定量活性等,是实现生物系统人工调控与编程的重要策略,同时为自下而上设计合成日益复杂的人工生物系统奠定基础.  相似文献   
The eucaryotic expression plasmids were constructed to express the complete (HCc191) or the truncated (HCc69 and HCc40) HCV core genes, solely or fused with the HBV core gene (HBc144). These constructions were transiently expressed in COS cells under the control of the CMV promoter. The antigenicity of HBc and HCc could be detected in the expression products by ELISA and Western blot. The mice immunized with these expression plasmids efficiently produced the anti-HCc antibodies, and also anti-HBc antibodies when the plasmids contained the fusion genes. In addition, the antibodies induced by the fusion genes were more persistent than those induced by the non-fusion HCV core genes. These indicate that the fusion of HCc genes to HBc gene is in favor of the immunogenicity of HCc, while the immunogenicity of HBc is not affected.  相似文献   
细胞色素P450酶催化反应动力学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞色素P450是内质网膜上混合功能氧化酶系统的末端氧化酶,在生物体内分布广泛,主要催化机体内源和外源性物质在体内的氧化反应.细胞色素P450种类的多样性、催化反应类型的多样性以及底物的广谱性使其成为自然界最具催化作用的生物催化剂.在临床药物的生物学转化中,它参与大部分药物的生物氧化,因此具有重要的生物学意义.本文主要对细胞色素P450的催化反应机理,尤其是细胞色素P45催化下乙醇氧化的反应机理,及其在药代动力学方面的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   
蓝藻分子遗传学又十年   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
蓝藻是一类进行产氧光合作用的原核生物,又称蓝细菌,广泛分布于地球上各种类型的水环境和一些陆生环境,是海洋和内陆水体中最重要的原初生产者.蓝藻分子遗传学在上个世纪八十年代奠定基础,在许多方面借鉴其他类群微生物分子遗传学业已发展的技术和方法,取得了诸多成绩1,但总体上处于开拓阶段.这一时期的研究方法一般是建立基因转移系统,筛选突变株,单个或少数几个基因的克隆和表达分析等.进入九十年代后随着被鉴别基因数量的增加和更有效的研究方法的引入,蓝藻生物学已经能够着眼于整个基因调控途径或调控网络的解析.    相似文献   
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