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Abstract: We used a 60-yr forest simulation of the Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee, USA, to model the effects of timber harvest and natural disturbance upon habitat availability for 6 songbird species: Acadian flycatcher (Epidonax virescens), blue-headed vireo (Vireo solitarius), chestnut-sided warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica), tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor), yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus), and yellow-throated warbler (Dendroica dominica). Forest simulations, based on expected harvest intensities and historic levels of natural disturbance, were used to update a stand inventory database at 10-yr intervals between 1993 and 2053. Habitat models for the 6 bird species were applied to the updated stand inventory and available habitat quantified for each decade. Late-successional species showed substantial increases in habitat availability over the 60-yr period at most harvest intensities, whereas habitat for early-successional species was stable or declined at most harvest intensities. Acadian flycatcher, yellow-throated warbler, and blue-headed vireo habitat increased by 200%, 213%, and 40%, respectively, whereas tufted titmouse habitat remained relatively constant at expected harvest levels. Chestnut-sided warbler habitat was stable at expected harvest levels but declined at lower harvest intensities, and yellow-billed cuckoo habitat declined by 37% at expected harvest levels. Natural disturbance had little effect on habitat availability for any bird species compared to the effects of timber harvests and increasing forest age. Our models suggest that anthropogenic disturbance, and lack thereof, can play a definitive role determining habitat availability and population viability for forest songbirds.  相似文献   
Reproduction often comes at a cost of a reduction in body functions. In order to enhance their reproductive output, some insect species degenerate their thoracic muscles, typically resulting in reduced flight ability. From a life‐history trade‐off perspective, we expect the importance of body resource utilization to be amplified both with increased reproductive expenditure and with increased resource limitation. In this study, we measured age‐related changes in thorax weight, as a measure of flight muscle size, during a major part of the adult lifespan in males and females of the scorpionfly Panorpa vulgaris. The aim of the study was twofold: first to investigate whether scorpionflies have the potential to degenerate their flight muscles; second, and more importantly, to determine whether the magnitude of flight muscle degeneration is a plastic response in relation to resource availability, and if it differs between the sexes. The results clearly demonstrate that food availability does influence investment in flight muscle development. The build‐up of the thoracic muscles was strongly influenced by nutrient availability. Furthermore, the age‐related decrease in thorax weight was significantly different for males and females. Only females showed a strong age‐dependent decrease in thorax weight, indicative of muscle degeneration, yet no difference between food treatments was detected. For males, there was no significant directional change in thorax weight. Nevertheless, with increasing age, the difference in thorax weight between food treatments increased significantly. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 199–207.  相似文献   
The effect of stand age on soil respiration and its components was studied in a first rotation Sitka spruce chronosequence composed of 10‐, 15‐, 31‐, and 47‐year‐old stands established on wet mineral gley in central Ireland. For each stand age, three forest stands with similar characteristics of soil type and site preparation were used. There were no significant differences in total soil respiration among sites of the same age, except for the case of a 15‐year‐old stand that had lower soil respiration rates due to its higher productivity. Soil respiration initially decreased with stand age, but levelled out in the older stands. The youngest stands had significantly higher respiration rates than more mature sites. Annual soil respiration rates were modelled by means of temperature‐derived functions. The average Q 10 value obtained treating all the stands together was 3.8. Annual soil respiration rates were 991, 686, 556, and 564 g C m?2 for the 10‐, 15‐, 31‐, and 47‐year‐old stands, respectively. We used the trenching approach to separate soil respiration components. Heterotrophic respiration paralleled soil organic carbon dynamics over the chronosequence, decreasing with stand age to slightly increase in the oldest stand as a result of accumulated aboveground litter and root inputs. Root respiration showed a decreasing trend with stand age, which was explained by a decrease in fine root biomass over the chronosequence, but not by nitrogen concentration of fine roots. The decrease in the relative contribution of autotrophic respiration to total soil CO2 efflux from 59.3% in the youngest stand to 49.7% in the oldest stand was explained by the higher activity of the root system in younger stands. Our results show that stand age should be considered if simple temperature‐based models to predict annual soil respiration in afforestation sites are to be used.  相似文献   
Stomatogenesis during metamorphosis of the marine loricate ciliate, Eufolliculina uhligi, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Kinetosome proliferation in the stomatogenic territory leads to the formation of an anarchic field. This separates into the left adoral and the right paroral primordia. Both primordia consist of pairs of kinetosomes. One kinetosome of a pair is associated with one transverse and two postciliary microtubules; the other has one transverse microtubule. The postciliary microtubules of the adoral kinetosomes become divergent; those of the paroral kinetosomes become convergent. The adoral kinetosomes arrange in promembranelles. Then a third row of kinetosomes is produced anteriorly to each promembranelle. This third row is short at the peristome but longer in the buccal area. The paroral kinetosomes form a stichodyad. The buccal part of the paroral primordium is resorbed during formation of the buccal cavity. Stomatogenesis ends with the development of a functioning cytostome. During this process, the postciliary microtubules of the buccal adoral membranelles elongate and become associated with cytopharyngeal vesicles. Fusion of these vesicles with the cytostome has been observed some time after the completion of the oral structures.  相似文献   
Coelenterate Neuropeptides: Structure, Action and Biosynthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evolutionary "old" nervous systems such as those of coelenteratesare peptidergic: Using various radioimmunoassays we have nowisolated 13 novel neuropeptides from sea anemones and severalothers from hydrozoan polyps and medusae. These peptides areall structurally related and contain the C-terminal sequenceArg-X-NH2 or Lys-X-NH2, where X is Ala, Asn, Ile, Phe, Pro orTrp. Three neuropeptides have a novel N-terminal L-3-phenyllactylresidue, which protects against degradation by nonspecific aminopeptidases.The neuropeptides from sea anemones are produced by differentsets of neurones and have excitatory or inhibitory actions onisolated muscle preparations, suggesting that they are neurotransmittersor neuromodulators. We have also cloned the precursor proteinfor the sea-anemone neuropeptide Antho-RFamide (<Glu-Gly-Arg-Phe-NH2).In Calliactis parasitica this precursor harbours 19 copies ofimmature Antho-RFamide (Gln-Gly-Arg-Phe-Gly) together with 7other, putative neuropeptide sequences. The precursor of Anthopleuraelegantissima contains 14 copies of Antho-RFamide and 19 other,putative neuropeptides. This shows that the biosynthetic machineryfor neuropeptides in coelenterates, the lowest animal grouphaving a nervous system, is already very efficient and similarto that of higher invertebrates, such as molluscs and insects,and vertebrates.  相似文献   
While substantial cold-season respiration has been documented in most arctic and alpine ecosystems in recent years, the significance of cold-season photosynthesis in these biomes is still believed to be small. In a mesic, subartic heath during both the cold and warm season, we measured in situ ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis with a chamber technique at ambient conditions and at artificially increased frequency of freeze–thaw (FT) cycles during fall and spring. We fitted the measured ecosystem exchange rates to respiration and photosynthesis models with R2-values ranging from 0.81 to 0.85. As expected, estimated cold-season (October, November, April and May) respiration was significant and accounted for at least 22% of the annual respiratory CO2 flux. More surprisingly, estimated photosynthesis during this period accounted for up to 19% of the annual gross CO2 uptake, suggesting that cold-season photosynthesis partly balanced the cold-season respiratory carbon losses and can be significant for the annual cycle of carbon. Still, during the full year the ecosystem was a significant net source of 120 ± 12 g C m−2 to the atmosphere. Neither respiration nor photosynthetic rates were much affected by the extra FT cycles, although the mean rate of net ecosystem loss decreased slightly, but significantly, in May. The results suggest only a small response of net carbon fluxes to increased frequency of FT cycles in this ecosystem.  相似文献   
Two new genera, Fulvoscirtes n.gen. and Acanthoscirtes n.gen. , are established within the subtribe Karniellina of Conocephalini. Fulvoscirtes is based on Xiphidion kilimandjaricum Sjöstedt, 1909 and Acanthoscirtes on Phlesirtes kevani Chopard from northern Kenya. The majority of Fulvoscirtes spp. are confined to open grasslands in the submontane zone of mountains. Fulvoscirtes contains eight species, seven of which are newly described in this paper. Three species and one subspecies occur on Mt Kilimanjaro. These are F. kilimandjaricum (Sjöstedt) constricted to the southern slopes, F. legumishera n.sp. confined to the northern side and F. sylvaticus n.sp. occurring on the western side of Kilimanjaro and on the eastern slopes of Mt Meru. Fulvoscirtes fulvus n.sp. is divided into two subspecies, F. fulvus fulvus n.ssp. found in the submontane zone of east Kilimanjaro and F. fulvus parensis n.ssp. in submontane to montane localities of the North and South Pare mountains. Fulvoscirtes fulvotaitensis n.sp. occurs in the Taita Hills of southern Kenya. Fulvoscirtes viridis n.sp. is described from savannah habitats between Mts Longido and Meru. Fulvoscirtes laticercus n.sp. is found in the Kenyan highlands, while the most southerly occurring species, Fulvoscirtes manyara n.sp. , is found on Mt Hanang and the Mbulu highlands of northwestern Tanzania. Acanthoscirtes contains three species, of which A. albostriatus n.sp. is described newly from savannah habitas of eastern Kilimanjaro. Information is given on the ecology and the acoustic behaviour of some of the species together with keys to the genera of the Karniellina and the species of Fulvoscirtes and Acanthoscirtes. The genera of Karniellina probably evolved at a time when grasslands spread in East Africa due to an increasing aridification of the climate. The earliest lineage, the genus Karniella, is adapted to more forested habitats while the majority of the genera of Karniellina prefer open grasslands. Major splits within Karniellina probably occurred with the emergence of savannah grasslands due to the ongoing fragmentation of forest habitats several millions years ago, but most species within the genera are geologically young, their radiation being boosted by climatic fluctuations of the past 1–2 Ma.  相似文献   
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