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As an extension of previous studies, we reexamined the developmental change in trophic activity of chicken serum on chicken myogenic cells in vitro and attempted to elucidate it on the basis of possible changes in serum transferrin (Tf), the myotrophic activity of which depends both on its concentration and on the level of its iron-saturation. The myotrophic activity was found to be low until the second week in ovo , then to increase rather abruptly to a plateau at about the time of hatching, and then to decrease to the adult level. Determination of the concentration and level of iron-saturation of serum Tf suggested that the change in myotrophic activity was mainly caused by these two parameters, though another factor(s) may also be involved.  相似文献   
SELECTIVE removal from non-immune lymphoid cell populations, of lymphocytes involved ultimately in production of antibody against haptenic determinants, has been demonstrated1,2 using the particular haptenic group coupled to an inert substrate. In a series of preliminary experiments, we have used monolayer cultures of fibroblast cells to remove lymphocytes, from a population of non-immune lymph node cells, capable of reacting against cellular antigens represented in the monolayer culture. Our test system in these experiments is the in vitro graft reaction model of Ginsburg3 as modified by Berke et al.4.  相似文献   
By growing Chlorella protothecoides under certain nutritionaland light conditions the following three different types ofalgal cells were obtained: (i) normal "green" cells grown ina medium rich in a nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucoseunder illumination, (ii) "etiolated" cells cultivated in thesame medium in darkness, and (iii) "glucose-bleached" cellsgrown, in the light or in darkness, in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in the nitrogen source. The "glucose-bleached" cellscontain profoundly degenerated plastids, and the "etiolated"cells have only partially organized plastids. From these algalcells RNA was extracted by the cold phenol method, and fractionatedby MAK column chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation,making use of 32P-labelled E. coli RNA as the internal marker.It was found that in comparison with the green cells that arerich in chloroplast ribosomal RNA as well as in nonchloroplastic("cytoplasmic") ribosomal RNA, the etiolated cells possess acomparable amount of "cytoplasmic" rRNA but a significantlylesser amount of chloroplast rRNA. Both types of rRNA existat extremely low levels in the glucose-bleached cells. During the process of bleaching (chloroplast degeneration) ofthe green cells induced by the addition of a high concentrationof glucose, marked changes were observed in the patterns offractionation of RNA as followed by the above procedures. Itwas disclosed that the chloroplast rRNA is rapidly degradedduring an early phase of the bleaching process, while the quantityof "cytoplasmic" rRNA remained almost unaltered. 1Part of this work was reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, in November 1965, and at the Symposium on Biogenesisof Subcellular Particles, the 7th Internatl. Congress of Biochemistry,Tokyo, 1967. 2Present address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universityof Hokkaido, Sapporo.  相似文献   
Mangrove tree species form ecologically and economically important forests along the tropical and subtropical coastlines of the world. Although low intrapopulation genetic diversity and high interpopulation genetic differentiation have been detected in most mangrove tree species, no direct investigation of pollen and propagule dispersal through paternity and/or parentage analysis and spatial genetic structure within populations has been conducted. We surveyed the mating system, pollen and propagule dispersal, and spatial genetic structure in a natural population of Kandelia candel, one of the typical viviparous mangrove tree species, using nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers. High diversity and outcrossing rates were observed. Paternity and parentage analysis and modelling estimations revealed the presence of an extremely short-distance component of pollen and propagule dispersal (pollen: 15.2 ± 14.9 m (SD) by paternity analysis and 34.4 m by modelling; propagule: 9.4 ± 13.8 m (SD) by parentage analysis, and 18.6 m by modelling). Genetic structure was significant at short distances, and a clumped distribution of chloroplast microsatellite genotypes was seen in K. candel adults. We conclude that the K. candel population was initiated by limited propagule founders from outside by long-distance dispersal followed by limited propagule dispersal from the founders, resulting in a half-sib family structure.  相似文献   
The Drosophila auraria species complex, especially from the Ryukyu archipelago and Taiwan, was reviewed. A new species, D. neoasahinai Watada and Kondo, sp. nov., was described from Okinawa‐jima and surrounding islands. Two synonymies were proposed on the basis of the present and previous morphological comparisons and cross experiments: (i) D. yuwanensis Kim and Okada, 1988 as a junior synonym of D. asahinai Okada, 1964; and (ii) D. quadraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972 as a junior synonym of D. triauraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972. A laboratory stock (no. 14020–0011.01) maintained in the Drosophila Species Stock Center at the University of California, San Diego and so far designated as D. rufa Kikkawa and Peng, 1938 was identified as D. tani Cheng and Okada, 1985, based on morphology.  相似文献   
1. Generalist koinobiont parasitoids often exhibit high flexibility in their development; their larvae shorten or prolong the developmental period depending on the host quality at parasitisation. However, flexibility of the growth rate of parasitoid larvae has rarely been investigated so far. 2. This study investigated how the koinobiont parasitoid wasps Asobara japonica and Leptopilina ryukyuensis regulate their larval growth when they parasitise host Drosophila larvae with varying larval periods. 3. In both parasitoid species, the preimaginal period was longer when they parasitised 1‐day‐old larvae of Drosophila rufa than when they parasitised older larvae of D. rufa or when they parasitised larvae of Drosophila simulans, a species with a shorter larval period than D. rufa. After host pupariation, A. japonica accelerated its growth, thereby showing a biphasic growth curve. On the other hand, L. ryukyuensis did not accelerate its growth after host pupariation. 4. Growth retardation of parasitoid larvae in 1‐day‐old D. rufa larvae would contribute to avoiding excess growth before host pupariation, because the excess growth of parasitoid larvae would have negative effects on host growth. The growth rate acceleration of A. japonica after host pupariation suggests that they enhance resource utilisation in a host that has reached maximum body mass. It remains uncertain as to why L. ryukuensis does not show clear accelerated growth after host pupariation. Nonetheless, these results suggest that parasitoid larvae have the ability to detect the developmental stage of hosts in a species‐specific manner.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationship of Eurasian species of the Drosophila obscura species group remains ambiguous in spite of intensive analyses based on morphology, allozymes and DNA sequences. The present analysis based on sequence data for cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh) suggests that the phylogenetic position of D. alpina is also ambiguous. These ambiguities have been considered to be attributable to rapid phyletic radiation in this group at an early stage of its evolution. Overwintering strategies are diversified among these species: D. alpina and D. subsihestris pass the winter in pupal diapause, D. bifasciata and D. obscura in reproductive diapause, and D. subobscura and D. guanche without entering diapause. This diversity may also suggest rapid radiation at an early phase of adaptations to temperate climates. On the other hand, adult tolerance of cold was closely related to overwintering strategy and distribution: D. obscura and D. bifasciata with reproductive diapause were very tolerant; D. alpina and D. subsilvestris which pass the winter in pupal diapause were less tolerant; D. subobscura having no diapause was moderately tolerant and D. guanche occurring in the Canary Islands was rather susceptible. Tolerance of high temperature at the preimaginal stages seemed to be also associated with overwintering strategy; i.e. lower in the species with pupal diapause than in those with reproductive diapause or without diapause mechanism.  相似文献   
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