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Assessing the relative role of evolutionary processes on genetic diversity is critical for understanding species response to climatic change. However, many processes, independent of climate, can lead to the same genetic pattern. Because effective population size and gene flow are affected directly by abundance and dispersal, population ecology has the potential to profoundly influence patterns of genetic variation over microevolutionary timescales. Here, we use aDNA data and simulations to explore the influence of population ecology and Holocene climate change on genetic diversity of the Uinta ground squirrel (Spermophilus armatus). We examined phylochronology from three modern and two ancient populations spanning the climate transitions of the last 3000 years. Population genetic analyses based on summary statistics suggest that changes in genetic diversity and structure coincided with the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), c. 1000 years ago. Serial coalescent simulations allowed us to move beyond correlation with climate to statistically compare the likelihoods of alternative population histories given the observed data. The data best fit source–sink models that include large, mid‐elevation populations that exchange many migrants and small populations at the elevational extremes. While the MWP is likely to have reduced genetic diversity, our model‐testing approach revealed that MWP‐driven changes in genetic structure were not better supported for the range of models explored. Our results point to the importance of species ecology in understanding responses to climate, and showcase the use of ancient genetic data and simulation‐based inference for unraveling the relative roles of microevolutionary processes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Eight species of the Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera: Ensifera) including two newly recorded Nippancistroger testaceus (Matsumura et Shiraki) and Anoplophilus acuticercus Karny are recognized in Korean fauna. Paratachycines (Hemitachycines) uenoi (Yamasaki) is proposed for junior synonym of Paratachycines (Hemitachycines) baldyrevi (Uvarov). The keys to species, characteristic figures and diagnoses for the newly recorded species are presented.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Five species of the tribe Copiphorini (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae) including a newly recorded species Xestaphrys javanicus Redtenbacher are recognized in Korean fauna. The key to species, characteristic figures, and diagnosis for the newly recorded species are presented.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A new insect pathogenic fungi, Paecilomyces licacinus HY-4 that was isolated from soil sample, showed biological activity to Chestnut Brown Chafer, pest of golf course. The culture condition for the fungi P. lilacinus HY-4 was optimized through statistical approach for the mass production. According th the bioassay on the pest, the insecticidal activity reached up to 30%, and positive factor for the production of the fungi was zeolite with 97.5% of significance.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. During the summer of 1987 we conducted an acidification experiment using large enclosure at Emerald Lake, a dilute, high-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. The experiment was designed to examine the effects of acidification on the zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages of Sierran lakes.
2. Treatments consisted of a control (pH 6.3) and pH levels of 5.8, 5.4, 5.3, 5.0 and 4.7; each treatment was run in triplicate. The experiment lasted 35 days.
3. The zooplankton assemblage was sensitive to acidification. Daphnia rosea Sars emend. Richard and Diaptomns signicauda Lilljeborg decreased in abundance below pH 5.5–5.8, and virtually disappeared below pH 5.0. Bosmina longirostris (Müller) and Keratella taurocephala Ahlstrom became more abundant with decreasing pH. although B. longirostris was rare in the pH 4.7 treatment. These species might serve as reliable indicators of early acidification in lakes such as Emerald Lake.
4. The elimination of D. rosea in acidified treatments probably allowed the more acid-tolerant taxa to increase in abundance because interspecific competition was reduced. Even slight acidification can therefore alter the structure of the zooplankton assemblage.
5. In contrast to the zooplankton, there was no evidence that the zoobenthos in the enclosures was affected by acidification.  相似文献   
For the triangle, duo‐trio, same‐different and 2‐AFC methods, using a model system, mean d′ values for the same subjects, discriminating between the same taste stimuli, were not significantly different. This confirmed the postulated cognitive strategies used for these methods in their respective Thurstonian/signal detection models. Introduction of perceptual variance as a result of the effects of sequences of tasting within a test, forgetting stimulus perceptions and τcriterion variation resulted in the 2‐AFC eliciting a significantly higher d′ than the other three methods. Yet, after a warm‐up procedure, which not only significantly increased values of d′ for all methods but also aligned subjects' τcriteria, the same‐different test had a d′ comparable to that of the 2‐AFC, while both d′ values were significantly higher than those of the triangle and duo‐trio. This suggested that effects of memory were more important those of sequence of tasting.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cuticular resistance to water vapour diffusion is an important aspect of thermocouple psychrometry and may introduce significant error in the measurement of leaf water potential (Ψ). The effect of the citrus (Citrus mitis Blanco) leaf cuticle on water vapour movement was studied using the times required for vapour pressure equilibration during thermocouple psychrometric measurement of Ψ. Cuticular abrasion with various carborundum powders was used to reduce the diffusive resistance of both the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces, and the extent of the disruption to the leaf was investigated with light and electron microscopy. Cuticular abrasion resulted in reduced equilibration times due to decreased cuticular resistance and greater water vapour movement between the leaf and the psychrometer chamber. Equilibration times were reduced from over 5 h in the unabraded control leaves to 1 h with cuticle abrasion. This was associated with the decrease in diffusive resistance with cuticular abrasion from over 55 s cm?1 to less than 8 s cm?1 for both the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. Scanning electron micrographs of the abraded leaf tissue revealed considerable disruption of the stomatal ledge and of the guard cells, surface smoothing and displacement of waxes into the stomatal aperture, and damage to veins. Observations with the transmission electron microscope revealed frequent disruption of epidermal cell walls, and damage to both the cytoplasmic and vacuolar membranes.  相似文献   
Prey remains can provide valuable sources of information regarding causes of predation and the species composition of a predator's diet. Unfortunately, the highly degraded state of many prey samples from gastrointestinal tracts often precludes unambiguous identification. We describe a procedure by which PCR amplification of taxonomically informative microsatellite loci were used to identify species of waterfowl predated by glaucous gulls ( Larus hyperboreus ). We found that one microsatellite locus unambiguously distinguished between species of the subfamily Anserinae (whistling ducks, geese and swans) and those of the subfamily Anatidae (all other ducks). An additional locus distinguished the remains of all geese and swan species known to nest on the Yukon–Kuskokwim delta in western Alaska. The study focused on two waterfowl species which have experienced precipitous declines in population numbers: emperor geese ( Chen canagica ) and spectacled eiders ( Somateria fischeri ). No evidence of predation on spectacled eiders was observed. Twenty-six percent of all glaucous gull stomachs examined contained the remains of juvenile emperor geese.  相似文献   
Nodul{macron}ted alfalfa plants were grown hydroponically. Inorder to quantify N2 fixation and remobilization of N reservesduring regrowth the plants were pulse-chase-labelled with 15N.Starch and ethanol-soluble sugar contents were analysed to examinechanges associated with those of N compounds. Shoot removalcaused a severe decline in N2 fixation and starch reserves within6 d after cutting. The tap root was the major storage site formetabolizable carbohydrate compounds used for regrowth; initiallyits starch content decreased and after 14 d started to recoverreaching 50% of the initial value on day 24. Recovery of N2fixation followed the same pattern as shoot regrowth. Afteran initial decline during the first 10 d following shoot removal,the N2 fixation, leaf area and shoot dry weight increased sorapidly that their levels on day 24 exceeded initial values.Distribution of 15N within the plant clearly showed that a significantamount of endogenous nitrogen in the roots was used by regrowingshoots. The greatest use of N reserves (about 80% of N incrementin the regrowing shoot) occurred during the first 10 d and thencompensated for the low N2 fixation. The distribution of N derivedeither from fixation or from reserves of source organs (taproots and lateral roots) clearly showed that shoots are thestronger sink for nitrogen during regrowth. In non-defoliatedplants, the tap roots and stems were weak sinks for N from reserves.By contrast, relative distribution within the plant of N assimilatedin nodules was unaffected by defoliation treatment. Key words: Medicago sativa L., N2 fixation, N remobilization, N2 partitioning, regrowth  相似文献   
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