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Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus are threatened across much of their range and their conservation requires appropriate habitat management. The locations of 148 Hen Harrier nests found in the Republic of Ireland during national breeding surveys in 2000 and 2005 were used to assess nest-site selection. The distribution of these nests was compared to distributions of randomly located points to investigate selection at the scale of the nest-site and landscape. The main nesting habitats selected were pre-thicket stage of first and, particularly, second rotation plantations, mostly of exotic conifers. There was no evidence that the area of post-closure plantations negatively affected Hen Harrier nest distribution. There was a positive correlation across study areas between changes in numbers of Hen Harrier nests between 2000 and 2005 and changes in the area of pre-thicket second rotation plantations over the same period. The overall effect of plantation forests on breeding Hen Harriers in Ireland therefore appears to be positive. However, this study did not consider the effects of plantation habitats on breeding success. Improved grassland was strongly avoided as a nesting habitat. Furthermore, after controlling for the influence of nesting habitat on nest location, landscapes with a high percentage cover of improved grassland were also avoided. Further agricultural intensification of grassland in areas where Hen Harriers breed is likely to have a negative impact on this species. These results are required for the development of management strategies for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   
Soil has been identified as a possible carbon (C) sink to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, several recent studies have suggested that the potential of soil to sequester C is limited and that soil may become saturated with C under increasing CO2 levels. To test this concept of soil C saturation, we studied a gley and organic soil at a grassland site near a natural CO2 spring. Total and aggregate‐associated soil organic C (SOC) concentration showed a significant increase with atmospheric CO2 concentration. An asymptotic function showed a better fit of SOC and aggregation with CO2 level than a linear model. There was a shift in allocation of total C from smaller size fractions to the largest aggregate fraction with increasing CO2 concentration. Litter inputs appeared to be positively related to CO2 concentration. Based on modeled function parameters and the observed shift in the allocation of the soil C from small to large aggregate‐size classes, we postulate that there is a hierarchy in C saturation across different SOC pools. We conclude that the asymptotic response of SOC concentration at higher CO2 levels indicates saturation of soil C pools, likely because of a limit to physical protection of SOC.  相似文献   
Differential responses of UK upland plants to nitrogen deposition   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Native upland species, Nardus stricta , Eriophorum vaginatum , Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea were given 3 or 60 kg N ha−1 yr−1, over 2 yr, applied as a mist (NH4NO3). The high N treatment increased above-ground biomass in all four species, but only significantly in E. cinerea , E. vaginatum and N. stricta . Biomass increases in E. vaginatum and N. stricta resulted from enhanced tiller production rather than shoot elongation. Root growth increased in N. stricta , so that root:shoot ratio in this species was unchanged by N. Root growth in E. vaginatum , E. cinerea and V. vitis-idaea did not respond to N and their root:shoot ratios decreased. Tissue N concentrations increased in both shoots and roots of all species in response to N. The accumulated foliar N did not increase the proportion of N allocated to Rubisco and the photosynthetic capacities of N. stricta , E. vaginatum and V. vitis-idaea were unchanged. Thus growth responses to N were due to altered allocation rather than increased rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area. The high N treatment increased flower production significantly in E. cinerea but not in the other species. Although in this experiment dwarf shrubs were more responsive than graminoids to N, in the field at current N inputs the enhanced tillering of the graminoids may be more competitively advantageous, especially where gaps develop in the canopy. Thus increasing N deposition may lead to increased grassiness of upland heath, and in particular, a spread of N. stricta .  相似文献   
1. Dispersal and host detection are behaviours promoting the spread of invading populations in a landscape matrix. In fragmented landscapes, the spatial arrangement of habitat structure affects the dispersal success of organisms. 2. The aim of the present study was to determine the long distance dispersal capabilities of two non‐native pine bark beetles (Hylurgus ligniperda and Hylastes ater) in a modified and fragmented landscape with non‐native pine trees. The role of pine density in relation to the abundance of dispersing beetles was also investigated. 3. This study took place in the Southern Alps, New Zealand. A network of insect panel traps was installed in remote valleys at known distances from pine resources (plantations or windbreaks). Beetle abundance was compared with spatially weighted estimates of nearby pine plantations and pine windbreaks. 4. Both beetles were found ≥25 km from the nearest host patch, indicating strong dispersal and host detection capabilities. Small pine patches appear to serve as stepping stones, promoting spread through the landscape. Hylurgus ligniperda (F.) abundance had a strong inverse association with pine plantations and windbreaks, whereas H. ater abundance was not correlated with distance to pine plantations but positively correlated with distance to pine windbreaks, probably reflecting differences in biology and niche preferences. Host availability and dispersed beetle abundance are the proposed limiting factors impeding the spread of these beetles. 5. These mechanistic insights into the spread and persistence of H. ater and H. ligniperda in a fragmented landscape provide ecologists and land managers with a better understanding of factors leading to successful invasion events, particularly in relation to the importance of long‐distance dispersal ability and the distribution and size of host patches.  相似文献   
Rhinocerotids are particularly abundant and diversified in Neogene deposits of the Indian subcontinent, but their systematics is far from being well defined. Based on the revision of old collections and new findings from the Early Miocene of the Bugti Hills and Zinda Pir, Pakistan, ‘Aceratherium blanfordi Lydekker, 1884’ is a chimera, consisting of two dentally convergent but postcranially distinct rhinocerotid taxa: Pleuroceros blanfordi and Mesaceratherium welcommi sp. nov. Postcranial features appear to be much more diagnostic than craniodental morphology in this case. A phylogenetic analysis based on 282 morphological characters scored for 28 taxa (four outgroups and ingroup including both taxa of interest and a ‘branching group’) strengthens this statement and supports Pleuroceros and Mesaceratherium as monophyletic genera within Rhinocerotinae. Both genera are recognized for the first time outside Europe. In the Bugti Hills, P. blanfordi and M. welcommi are part of an exceptionally diversified rhinocerotid fauna, with up to nine species associated in the same locality (Kumbi 4f). This rhinocerotid assemblage confirms the earliest Miocene age (Agenian/Aquitanian) of the upper member of the Chitarwata Formation as a whole. Coeval homotaxic rhinocerotid faunas from Europe (France, Czech Republic) and East Africa (Uganda, Kenya) support broad and sustainable rhinocerotid interchanges amongst South Asia, Europe, and Africa under compatible environmental conditions throughout earliest Miocene times. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 139–194.  相似文献   
In order to provide new insights into phylogenetic relationships among the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus , 28 illustrations are provided of the pollen grains of 22 selected species studied from 11 sections of the subgenera represented in the neotropics. Special attention has been given to subgenus Conami because of its variability in pollen morphology: of eight species illustrated, the apertures are diploporate colpi in three species and pores in five species; exine ornamentation is vermiculate in two species and pilate in the other six species. The six species in the neotropical sections Pityrocladus and Microglochidion (subgenus Emblica ) are characterized by prolate grains with an increased number of colpi (4–8). Of particular interest are species in which the pollen exine is clypeate (with exine shields); clypeate pollen grains are illustrated in two species of subgenus Xylophylla and in one species of section Cyclanthera that has unique exine shields with single central pila. The pollen of the one Brazilian phylloclade-bearing species illustrated (in section Choretropsis ) has 3-colporate grains with reticulate exine, typical for subgenus Phyllanthus , and very different from the clypeate grains of the West Indian phylloclade-bearing species in section Xylophylla . This pollen evidence clearly demonstrates homoplasy in the origin of phylloclades in Phyllanthus . Pollen morphological data suggest that the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus have arisen following colonization from Africa (subgenus Kirganelia ) and Asia (subgenus Emblica ). © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 325–338.  相似文献   
Aposematism is a well known and widely used strategy for reducing predation by conspicuous signalling of unprofitability. However, the increased conspicuousness could make this strategy costly if there are no secondary defences to back the signal up. This has made the elucidation of the evolutionary mechanisms for aposematism and that of the closely‐related Batesian and Mullerian mimicry difficult. The present study aims to test whether cryptic and nondefended prey could reduce their predation risk by grouping with aposematic and defended prey. To do this, we used groups of artificial baits that were either cryptic and palatable or conspicuous and unpalatable, along with the corresponding control treatments. These were then presented in mixed and homogeneous treatment groups within a field setting and the local wild bird assemblage was allowed to select and remove baits at will. The results obtained show that undefended non‐aposematic prey can benefit by grouping with aposematic prey, with no evidence that predation rates for aposematic prey were adversely affected by this association. These results provide insights into the evolution of Batesian mimicry. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 81–89.  相似文献   
Weta are giant, flightless orthopterans that are endemic to New Zealand. Although they are known to consume fleshy fruits and disperse seeds after gut passage, which is unusual among insects, their effectiveness as seed dispersal mutualists is debated. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments on alpine scree weta (Deinacrida connectens) and mountain snowberries (Gaultheria depressa) to investigate how fruit consumption rates, the proportion of ingested seeds dispersed intact and weta movement patterns vary with weta body sizes. On average weta dispersed 252 snowberry seeds nightly and travelled at a rate of 4 m min?1. However, seed dispersal effectiveness varied over three orders of magnitude and was strongly associated with body sizes. Smaller weta consumed few snowberry seeds and acted primarily as seed predators. On the other hand, the largest weta consumed and dispersed thousands of seeds each night and appear to be capable of transporting seeds over large distances. Overall results indicate that scree weta shift from being weakly interacting seed predators to strongly interacting, effective seed dispersers as they increase in size.  相似文献   
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